GM Otha’s Mysteries Under Moonlight Campaign
Game Master
Mysteries Under Moonlight
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Greyveil - does this link work for you?
*** maps***
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
Looks like it works for me!
M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 45/45 CAC 22 /T 17/FF 17| F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +19| condition:
It did! Thanks Waki. Now what was different? And how do I grab my icon to post into the slide? I am on a Mac and seem to recall that does not work the same way???
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
I usually copy and paste the avatar from the forums to the slides, but I believe you can also save the image and then insert it using the menu on Google drive.
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
I had copied the link from my drive and re-pasted it since the url the GM sent worked for me - maybe an extra sharing parameter was different.
Human (ulfen) Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sanctified slayer) 6| AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 54/54 | F +9 R +7 W +9 | CMD 21 (22 v disarm)| Init +5 | Perc +11 (+13) | Spells (-, 5/5, 4/4) | Bane (6/6)
Something is afoot.
If I open the link at the top of the page, the slides are not editable. But if I click on the link in Waki's post, the slides are editable. It's the same slideshow but it looks different. Waki's post goes to a slideshow with a white background, the GM's link version has a black background and looks like it's being opened by Chrome, instead of by Google Docs. I'm using the latest version of Chrome on a MacBook. But I get exactly the same results using Firefox too.
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
I think if the url I provided is pasted at the top it should work for everyone. I did not compare the two links but seems there is extra permissions included in the one I had received (or my g drive translated it differently)
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Mysteries Under Moonlight
Should be resolved now; I pulled up my desktop, changed the settings, and copied the link and it was a different link from what I was getting when trying that same thing from the app on my iPad. I logged out of my Google account and tried the link and it would let me edit without having to sign in...
For those that observe it, hope y'all all had a Happy Thanksgiving...
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Thanks! and thanks again for running this for us. Looks to be a great group. :)
Mysteries Under Moonlight
No worries and sorry again for the slides snafu…
I know at least one of us would be gone/busy for the Thanksgiving weekend over here so I’ll kick off the briefing Sunday evening…
M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 45/45 CAC 22 /T 17/FF 17| F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +19| condition:
Still cannot figure out how to grab my icon and paste it over. Sorry.
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 45/45 CAC 22 /T 17/FF 17| F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +19| condition:
”Patchouli” Female CG Aphorite Fighter 1/Inquisitor 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23 T 12 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 19 | F +12, R +5, W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Speed 20ft | Sacred Word 5/5 | Active conditions: None
Abstain from voting since I'm replaying although I do not remember much of the story or content. Was using a summonning druid last time and I only remember that there's little I can do
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
It has been a LONG time since I ran this, so it’ll be interesting to see what I actually remember. XD
Male Halfling Bard Cleric 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 30/30 | Fort +3, Ref +8 (+1 vs traps), Will +5 (+2 vs fear) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +8
First time for me, so I haven't the slightest idea what we're in for!
Mysteries Under Moonlight
The Cenotaph is marginally closer than the Founder’s Flame so we’ll start there…
However, I need to ask a question to each of you first…have any of the characters you’ve ever played died permanently in any season 4 scenario, Pathfinder Society Scenario #7–03: The Bronze House Reprisal, Pathfinder Society Scenario #7– 25: Orders From the Gate, Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–01: Portent’s Peril, Society Scenario #8–22: Wrath Fleshwarped Queen, or Pathfinder Society Scenario #9–09: Beyond the Path?
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
Only one permanent death, but that was in season 10.
”Patchouli” Female CG Aphorite Fighter 1/Inquisitor 5 | HP 58/58 | AC 23 T 12 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 19 | F +12, R +5, W +7 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Speed 20ft | Sacred Word 5/5 | Active conditions: None
No character perma-death.
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Only one perma-death but in "Doom comes to Dustpawn" - Brother Grimdoc. It might have been around that time, but not a scenario on your list.
It actually made a bit of a stir at the time in the Flaxseed Lodge.
*Lament of Brother Grimdoc*
Scroll close to the top to get the full story starting with Karu the Bold Strider. But may not be what you are looking for here...
Male Halfling Bard Cleric 4 | AC: 20/14/17 | HP: 30/30 | Fort +3, Ref +8 (+1 vs traps), Will +5 (+2 vs fear) | CMB +2, CMD 15 | Init +5 | Perc +8
My only character perma-death was (somewhat ironically) in #7-24: Dead Man's Debt. So nope.
Human (ulfen) Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sanctified slayer) 6| AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 54/54 | F +9 R +7 W +9 | CMD 21 (22 v disarm)| Init +5 | Perc +11 (+13) | Spells (-, 5/5, 4/4) | Bane (6/6)
I have had one perma-death, but it was in 5-23 Cairn of Shadows. A most unfortunate series of events.
M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 45/45 CAC 22 /T 17/FF 17| F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +19| condition:
Does perma-death mean they could not be raised after? If so, then no perma-deaths. I did have a rogue get channeled to death by a group of evil priests. But he was raised.
M Nagaji Oracle6 HP 48 AC25/TC15/FF20 F+5 R+8 W+7 (+2/mind-affecting&poison) CMB+5 CMD15 Spd30ft Init+8 Perc+3 Spell Slots: 1st-8/8|2nd-6/6|3rd-4/4|Active Buffs:
Yep, if the character was raised it does not count. I've had a number of character deaths, but only the one stuck, because he was 2nd level and no one had resources to raise him.
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Mine required a full wish and we definitely did not have the resources to bring him back.
Human (ulfen) Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sanctified slayer) 6| AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 54/54 | F +9 R +7 W +9 | CMD 21 (22 v disarm)| Init +5 | Perc +11 (+13) | Spells (-, 5/5, 4/4) | Bane (6/6)
Sorry I've been afk for a few days. Family health stuff.
Back now and caught up on gameplay.
Mysteries Under Moonlight
I’m gonna work on streamlining the questioning process for the rest of the witnesses, as we seem to have stalled a little…I’ll try to get it posted soon..
However, with Christmas approaching, I expect posting to slow so we can try to pick things up after Christmas…
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Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Thanks GM - have a merry Christmas. :)
Mysteries Under Moonlight
Just submitted the streamlined witness investigation post; if you have any questions, shoot…
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas; we’ll continue a relaxed pace till after the New Year so post at your leisure…
M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 45/45 CAC 22 /T 17/FF 17| F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +19| condition:
Thanks for that. I have been busier than anticipated.
Male Tengu Ninja 5/Bloodrager 2 | HP: 45/45 | AC:18 | T: 13 | FF: 15 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +11 | Will: +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +11| Speed 40 ft. Ninja 5 (0/6 ki used) / Bloodrager 2 (0/7 rage) Destined Strike+1 (0/3) Stealth (+14) {s}
Likewise…Will post tonight