GM KoolKobold’s Rise of the Runelords (PF1)

Game Master KoolKobold

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F Half-Elf. Appearance. Cleric 1 (herald caller). HP 10/10. AC 17/FF 14/T13. Perception +8, init +5. Saves: F +3, R+3, W+4. Att: +3 vs AC, 1d8+1 (20/x3). CMB: +5. CMD: 14. Conditions: Reach weapon, +2 hit/CMB on AoO's.

To avoid this campaign stalling and ending before it begins, I think the rate of posting has to be higher for it to be viable (Darius and Lawrence are great at this, though). If Veera isn't responding and has been away for a month or so now, i would look for a replacement. It's much more important to maintain some sort of momentum than it is to endlessly wait for a player eho has apparently dropped out.

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 12/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

I agree with Mia's sentiment.

Female Halfling Bard (Sound Striker / Studious Librarian) 1

I'm hesitant to weigh in since I've been the cause of some considerable delay myself, so glass houses and all that. But, I agree it's best to keep going rather than waiting.

It’s been about 2 weeks since Veera last posted. I’m hesitant to call for a replacement so soon but since they haven’t responded I’m honestly wondering if I should go for a replacement. All in favor of a replacement let me know.

Also, I think maybe this is a good time to say that, should something come up that’ll keep
you ASAP for a bit, it would be recommended to say something, either here or through DMs.

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 12/12 | AC19 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

I agree

Either tonight or tomorrow I’ll open back recruitment. Thinking of allowing 3 or 4 applications, and a group vote. Is that alright?

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 12/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

Anything to get this campaign back-on-the-road!

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 12/12 | AC19 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Sure. Or ask if any of the previous applicants want to be considered?

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