Seven Dooms over Sandpoint Round-Robin [PF2e]

Game Master Aeshuura

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Hmmm. With Anthony going warpriest, I feel like the need to go divine healer has been removed. We have a bard and a magus, so thoughts on the fourth? Sorcerer? Rogue? Champ? Ranged fighter/hunter?

Grand Lodge

Having a proper Frontliner would be nice. A Champion is amazing for protection in melee. Magi and Warpriests are not particularly tanky.

Fighter is also fantastic

Grand Lodge

I love Fighter, myself, but the Champion's Reaction is really good to protect an ally in melee...

I'm playing a Fighter right now in Seasons of Ghosts, so I'll go Champion.

What deities are others selecting? I'm thinking Sarenrae and Desna, both of which are appropriate for Sandpoint.

Grand Lodge

The Sandpoint Cathedral caters to: Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae, and Shelyn. (per the Seven Dooms Players' Guide)

Are we going to do free archetype at level 2? If so, maybe I'll go fighter and take the champ archetype instead. Still thinking on it.

Grand Lodge

What does everyone else think about Free Archetype? I am partial to it myself, as I almost always archetype, even if I must burn my level 2 Class Feat for it...

On another matter, I was looking at the Player's Guide and I can make adventures using the First Adventure section. Would you all like to use that rather than Burnt Offerings? I think it might actually be easier on me too!

I am a big fan of the free archetype. I use it as a standard configuration option for all players and generally try to lobby the GM to use it in the games I play. I don't feel like it creates too much imbalance and really helps flush out additional capabilities for the player.

If we have a full group, we should move this conversation into the discussion tab and out of recruitment.

I,always run free archetype and ancestral paragons

Grand Lodge

Updated List:
Aesh - Human Laughing Shadow Magus (Lost Coast Local)
Scran - Leshy Warrior Bard (???)
Ira - Human Warpriest (Field Medic)
Shadow - ??? Champion (???)

Do we want to recruit one more?

EDIT: I am good with both Ancestral Paragon and Free Archetype. Does Ancestral Paragon kick in on lvl 3 or lvl 1?

It starts at level 1:

AoN, Ancestral Paragon wrote:
When creating an ancestry paragon character, instead of starting with one ancestry feat and gaining another at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, the character starts with two ancestry feats and gains another at every odd level thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and so on) for a total of 11 ancestry feats.

Grand Lodge

Thanks! Are you throwing your hat in the ring to join us, or are you just lurking?

Aeshuura wrote:
Anthony Slater, Human Warpriest wrote:

Here is my Warpriest submission.

Ira, who is your deity?

EDIT: I am not familiar with which deity has favored weapon of morningstar...


If you are willing to start, go ahead.

Personally, I vote for Ancestral Paragon *and* Free Archetype. It just makes us even more special.

Aeshuura wrote:
Thanks! Are you throwing your hat in the ring to join us, or are you just lurking?

Neither. Just passing by. I can’t commit to running a game so I’ll just mosey on…

Grand Lodge

ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf wrote:
Aeshuura wrote:
Thanks! Are you throwing your hat in the ring to join us, or are you just lurking?
Neither. Just passing by. I can’t commit to running a game so I’ll just mosey on…

Okay... Thank you for stopping by!

@Everyone, so do we want to proceed with 4, or do we want to recruit 1 more?

I’d like one more since one is a DMPC if possible

Grand Lodge

I agree. Well hopefully we can find a new player / GM to join in!

I would prefer 5 so we can have a party of four PCs. I would probably sit my PC out of combat while GM and have them available before/after the scenes or on the sidelines or some such. I'm not the biggest fan of running a GMPC in combat.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, depending on the situation, my DMPC will be there to build relationships, but will likely relegate him to the background during combat.

What I like to do is prompt openings for revealing of backstory or motivations through roleplaying with NPCs, and with my PC, I can do the same, that may prompt one of you to do the same to me.

Anyway, here's hoping we can get one more!

Grand Lodge

We are still recruiting a player / GM to play through Burnt Offerings, converted to 2e, and Seven Dooms over Sandpoint!

We could start with four, and the GM plays their PC as an NPC, but doesn't make any decisions for the party.

Meanwhile, we could continue recruiting for additional players.

Grand Lodge

What do the rest of you think?

I would prefer not to GM and play my character during combat, but I'm not the starting GM. So if you want to get things rolling and hopefully we can pick up another along the way, sure.

Grand Lodge

Understandable. I am fine with that, as long as we can make our way through it. I am adept at making adjustments and want you all to be willing to think outside the box and not just stick to what feat options you have as well.

Shadowlord and Ira have chimed in, I will wait for Scran to chime in as well. Does anyone have anyone that they would like invite to the game?

I have players that I can invite, but they do not GM. When you reach the point that you just want another player, let me know and I'll get someone in.

Same as Mira. Perhaps we can just recruit a player. We'll still have 4 GM's and perhaps they'll change their minds and decide to GM. If not, we still have a long time before we have to worry about it.

Dark Archive

I would be interested in joining. But I would want to be at the end of GMing. I joined a round robin DM thing and was the second person and then it died.

I would be interested in playing a Goblin Sorcerer.

Grand Lodge

Okay, Malinor, welcome! A bit of warning, Goblin is going to be tricky because we are starting with Burnt Offerings. It CAN work, but we will need to work together on how to make sure you don't get skewered in the first combat... XD

Grand Lodge

@Malinor, I am thinking if you are one of the Birdcruncher tribe of goblins, you are from the least hostile tribe that actually lives in the caves along the cliffs near Sandpoint.

Maybe you wandered into the town when you were little and made friends with one or more of the other PCs. For the first part of the game, we will be starting back 17 years prior to Seven Dooms at the beginning of Rise of the Runelords. The party is kind of going to be prodigies of the town, young (maybe 13-15), and then after Burnt Offerings, we timeskip 17 years into the future and take up adventure again when called upon in the present day with the PCs being in their early 30s.

Grand Lodge

Anthony, you are welcome to make an intro post in the Gameplay so that this shows up on your Campaigns.

Malinor, still with us?

This is the character for Malinor. If that tribe works the best then that works for me.

He was leveled up for a different game, I am working on reducing him back to first.

Grand Lodge

Snag, how are things going so far? Jump in on the Discussion and see if we can start working you in before the fireworks start...

Grand Lodge

Looks like we may have lost one player / GM. We would ideally like one more, if there is interest, please do not hesitate to chime in!

Might just be interested...haven't GM'd 2e yet...but I could probably work it out and be willing to take a turn. If that'd be ok? lol

What character roles are you looking to fill?

Grand Lodge

We seem to have lost our cleric, though healing does not need a cleric, but Religion skill would help for identifying some things and Recall Knowledge checks.

I am running the first section, converting Rise of the Runelords Burnt Offerings to 2e. We are going to do that and then jump ahead 17 years to Seven Dooms. Mira and Kusano are kid prodigies, Mangrove is a leshy / awakened tree, and Snag is a goblin that has endeared himself to the town.

We are about to delve into our first combat, but have stalled since we were waiting on the last player. If you take the tail end of the campaign, you should have enough time to kind of get comfortable with the rules by the time you need to run.

Thanks! I will give the missing player until Monday to respond to the PM, but I don't think anyone will object to adding a new player, even if our missing player jumps back in.

Ok, I can work with all that. :)
Will start looking over clerics and champions. Preference, anyone?

Grand Lodge

They both are very cool, especially with the remastered PC 2 coming out for the Champion!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Would consider adding one more player to the mix after GM Labyrinth? I could do Cleric or Champion if he wishes to do something else. Either way, I would consider an elf character who is an adult at the time of the early encounters and still and adult 17 years later.

If Cleric likely Desna and luck domain but we will see. Can have something ready by the end of the weekend if you'll have another.

Have a ton of GM experience when the wheel turns that way.

I'm thinking dwarven warpriest with much the same idea on his age as the Dr suggests for the elf. He's ONLY going to be 17 years older. GMTA?

You know what? I just found out today that we'll be doing some extensive OT at work, so rather than stress about it, I think before we get started, I'll step aside on this one. Especially knowing that the good Doctor is volunteering his services.

Have fun. Good travels!

Grand Lodge

Still no word from our wayward priest. Will let you know by tomorrow, for sure.

Sorry to hear that, GM Lab! Thank you for at least entertaining the thought.

Grand Lodge

Okay, I heard back from Anthony and it seems he is still interested, but he doesn't seem to be getting notifications.

Mira, Mangrove, Anthony, and Snag, what to you say about adding one more player / GM to the mix? I think I remember playing with DM DoctorEvil back in my 5e days... It has been a while though!

Good with me!

Grand Lodge

Mira? Scrag? Anthony?

You might want to do something to advance the story.

Grand Lodge

@Anthony, I am guessing that you don't mind then, adding Doc to the mix? Also, you still have neither answered me about your token, nor if you can access the Owlbear Rodeo map. That is largely what I was waiting on. I do not know if it is a language barrier, or some other miscommunication.

@Mira & Scrag, are you amenable to adding Doc to the mix?

In the meantime, I will move on to the dedication of the cathedral at the end of the day.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Send me a PM if you want when you guys have a made a decision. Happy to join, but not offense if you are full up as I am way late to the game.

Yes, of course, the more the merrier!

Grand Lodge

@Doc, looking good! I just want to get Snag's feelings on the matter! Still thinking cleric or champion?

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