
Spiro Hawke's page

111 posts. Alias of scranford.

Full Name

Spiro Hawke


1/2 Elf (Elvish) - Human appearance, Elvish features; XP 247


Fighter/ 1 (Archer), AC 16/17; HP 11, Spd. 30, FP 3/3| (STR)+2 |(DEX)+3 | CON+1| INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0







Special Abilities

Weapon Specialization, Empathy, Enhanced Senses, Move Silently, Find hidden doors, Magic Resistance




Common, Elf, Orc, Goblin, Gnome


Mercenary / Scout

Strength 16
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11

About Spiro Hawke

About Spiro Hawke

Character Sheet


About Spiro Hawke

Character Sheet
Spiro Hawke

1/2 Elf (Elvish - Looks human, qualities are elvish)
Fighter/ 1
XP: 0/ 2250
Fate Points: 3/3

5'8", 168 lbs. Bronze Hair, Blue eyes, Tan skin
79 years old
Neutral Good

STR: 16 * +2 Paralysis & Constriction
DEX: 18 * +3 Breath Weapon & Traps
CON: 13 +1 Disease, Energy Drain, Poison
INT: 10 0 Arcane Magic & Illusion
WIS: 14 +1 Confusion, Divine Magic, Gaze, Petrify, Polymorph
CHA: 11 +0 Death, Charm Fear

AC: 16 (17)* with shield
HD: d10
HP: 11
Speed 30

Background Skills: Farming

Languages : Common, Orc, Goblin, Elvish, Halfling

Racial Features
+1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution

Size: Medium
Enhanced Senses: Low Light, 2-mile range, +2 Hearing checks
Empathy(CHA): +2 Charisma Checks
Move Silently (DEX): Wilderness Areas 1/2 Speed - No penalty
Spot Hidden Doors(WIS): Pass within 5' WIS Check, Active search +1
Spell Resistance: +4 bonus vs. Charm & Sleep (Even if not normally allowed).
Ability Modifiers: +2 Find Traps, +2 Listen, +2 Move Silently

Class Features:
To Hit Modifier: +1
Weapon Specialization +1 Hit and Damage with (1) Weapon (Long Bow)

Proficiencies :
ARMOR: All Armor & Shields

Equipment EV - 10

Studded Leather Armor - +3 AC 20 lbs, EV 3
Medium Wooden Shield +1 AC, 6 lbs, EV 3
Elven Poniard - (+1 H) EV 1 {+4, 1d4+2}
Short Sword - 1d6 2.5 lbs. EV 2 {+3, 1d6+2}
Short Bow - 1d6 60' 2 lbs EV 3 {+4, 1d6}
Arrows (20) - 3 lbs. EV 2
(2) Elven Arrows {+5 1d6}
P: 0, G: 1, S: 54, C: 3

Brief background


Sorry I haven't worked on the background more. I've got some ideas, but really not familiar with the system has stymied me a bit. I'll put the basics here, but will develop more as we play.

* Spiro has a twin sister named Stella who was blessed by a strong Arcane bent. They were close growing up as Stella was a bit bookish, and Spiro was all muscle and bone.

* Stella is the opposite of Spiro in that she looks elven, but has Human qualities, and abilities.

* Knowing they couldn't really pay for Stella to attend a Magic Academy to pay for her studies they worked out a deal to trade Spiro's muscle and combat ability for an opportunity for Stella to study under the esteemed Gormrenn Geldzauberer.

* Spiro was bored with life on the farm anyway, so he jumped at the chance to both help his sister advance her studies, and get a little adventuring in.

* Spiro has been working with Gormrenn for a few years now and enjoys being pointed at something to do, then left to his own means to accomplish them.

* Things are Okay back at the family farm as the twins have a couple of older siblings, and several younger ones that don't have the same itch for adventuring that Stella and Spiro have.