Against the Cult of the Reptile God

Game Master EltonJ

Adventure to find out the cause of the decay of Orlane. This adventure was designed for 4 to 7 adventurers of 1st through 3rd level. After this adventure is over, I might advertise for the Slavers' Cycle.

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Grand Lodge

I wish you could get Hackmaster 4e roo. Love that game. Wish I was more confident in playing it

Liberty's Edge

Sooo...looking for investors Elton???? :-)

Or writers?

Still looking for a Rogue?


1. Orc
2. Bard/arcanist
3. 2b) No archetypes planned
4. No splats currently expected.
5. LN alignment

A) Grew up in a forest.
B) Both adoptive elven parents alive, both orc parents dead, though orc uncle is alive. Selious and Feana Galastacia, elven parents, Thrask Whitetusk is orc uncle.
C) Two brothers, much older
D) adopted outside my race
E) adopted by elves
F) parents are nobles, soldiers is closest profession on the table.
G) Noble rank, Baron (really odd list I think).
H) Magical Gift
I) (Went with the wizard backgrounds, seemed closest to arcanist, and bard is more her noble education rather than minstrelsy) Mortal mirror
J) Liege lord

Minor failure, motivated by pressure, involving a fellow noble, resolved with regret and penance.

No specific deity, proper respects to the pantheon at appropriate times.

No experience with romance.

Personalty flaw is safety and security, but I don’t plan on taking a drawback.

My first time using the system, normally I don’t bother with such things because I don’t really need them to flesh out a character and their history.

i ran out of time however to make it neat and pretty.

If you are waiting on a rogue. I’d like to submit Tallen for your consideration.

Male, Human, Rouge (Unchained, Scout)
CG, Medium Humanoid (human) 

Initiative +8 (+4 dex, +4 feat)
Senses Perception +5 
Move 30


AC: 18, touch 15, flat footed 13 (+ 4 Dex +3 Armor, +1 Dodge)
HP: 10 (8 class, +2 con)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Short sword +4(1d8 +1/19-20) 

Dagger +4 (1d4+1 /19-20)
Sap +4 (1d6+1 /20x2)
Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3) range 60 

Dagger +4 (1d4+1 /19-20) range 10
Special Attacks: Sneak attack, Omen (1/day)

Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10 Wis 12, Cha 14 

Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15 

Feats Improved Initiative (1st level), Dodge (Bonus Human), Weapon Finesse (Bonus Class) 

Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +6, Climb +5, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (Geography) +1, Intimidate +7, Perception +5, Profession (Tanner) +5, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +5
ACP: -1 not factored in 
11 ranks/level (8 class, +1 race, +2 background)
Traits Omen (Faith), Poverty Stricken (Social)
Languages Common,

Dodge +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Favored Class Bonus 1/6 rogue talent
Finesse Training Gain weapon finesse as a bonus feat. 

Improved Initiative +4 to initiative. 

Omen +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.
Poverty Stricken +1 bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is always a class skill for you.
Sneak Attack, 1d6 When an opponent is unable to defend himself you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. 

Trapfinding +1 Add 1/2 of level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). Can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. 

Weapon Finesse Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons.

Weapons Short Sword (10gp/ 2lbs), Dagger(2gp/ 1lbs), Dagger (2gp/ 1lbs), Sap (1gp/ 2lbs), Shortbow (30gp/ 2lbs) = (37gp/ 7lbs)
Armor Leather Armor (10gp/15lbs),
Slotted Items
Wands, Rods, Etc
Carried Arrows (20) (1gp/3lbs), Belt Pouch ( .5lbs*), Backpack (2lbs*)


Backpack Bedroll (5lbs*), Blanket, (3lbs*), Rope 50’ (10lbs*), Outfit, cold weather (0/7lbs), Grappling hook(4lbs*), Torches 10 (10lbs*), Rations 5 days, (5lbs*), Mess Kit(1lbs*), Waterskin (4lbs*), Iron Pot (4lbs*), Soap (.5lbs*)
Belt Pouch Thieves tools (1lb*), Flint and steel (*), Chalk 10 (*), Caltrops (2lbs*), Mirror (.5lbs*)
*Items in Rogues Kit (50gp/37lbs)
Total(cost/lbs) 106gp/ 74lbs


Tallan was raised by his older sister and her husband on a small farm in the south western flanaess in the Sheldomar Valley. He grew tired of his sisters constant nagging, his brother-in-laws heavy handedness, and the never ending drudgery of life on the farm. So with great hope and an equal measure of naivety he ran away to find his fortune.


Tallen, Tal to his friends, is a fun loving free spirit quick of tongue and wit which often lands him in trouble. Tal is a fair hand at woodcraft as well as with a blade and a bow and is not shy about letting people know about it. He works hard at getting out of work and would rather be sitting in the shade smoking his pipe or around a camp fire with friends drinking and singing loud and off key.


Tallen is tall and lanky, standing a bit over six feet tall, with a lithe but well-muscled build. His fair skin and curly blond hair plainly mark his suloise heritage. The willowy rogue has a wry grin and a wink for his friends.

Starting gold: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 1) = 12

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Sooo...looking for investors Elton???? :-)

I'm flattered. :) But, no.

Alright, I’m back to writing a sentence or two while I wait on a delivery here and there. Will flesh things out more today. If anyone has questions, ask.

Also, if anyone wants to tie BGs together, pipe up.

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Character Submissions (Updated)
Dwarf Barbarian (Drunken brute) - Chestman Barrelhouse
Half-elf Cleric - Brenfine Loudain -> Half-orc Sorcerer - Kurazi Zaruk
Human Bloodrager(Steelblood) - Aenir Stridson
Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) - Vesica "TavernTale"
Human Paladin - Gothia Von Salais
Half-elf Druid - Sea Ranger
Half-frost Folk Barbarian - AYLA
Dwar Ranger(Trapper) - Rhona Copperhair
Orc Arcanist - Krishka
Human Rogue - Tallen Rynn

Dwarf Warpriest - Mordiheim Stonereaper

Elf Wizard - Mordred & Sting
Rabscuttle - Gnome Monk

RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Keoland, Sheldomar Valley. West of the Axe Wood.

RHMG Animator wrote:

Character Submissions (Updated)

Dwarf Barbarian (Drunken brute) - Chestman Barrelhouse
Half-elf Cleric - Brenfine Loudain -> Half-orc Sorcerer - Kurazi Zaruk
Human Bloodrager(Steelblood) - Aenir Stridson
Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) - Vesica "TavernTale"
Human Paladin - Gothia Von Salais
Half-elf Druid - Sea Ranger
Half-frost Folk Barbarian - AYLA
Dwar Ranger(Trapper) - Rhona Copperhair
Orc Arcanist - Krishka
Human Rogue - Tallen Rynn

Dwarf Warpriest - Mordiheim Stonereaper

Elf Wizard - Mordred & Sting
Rabscuttle - Gnome Monk

Wow, eleven applicants, and only seven spots!

RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Where ever the “Valley” is.

RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Thanks for putting up this map, RHMG. Does anyone would like a map showing political boundaries?

Krishka Whitetusk Galastacia wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Where ever the “Valley” is.

there are a few Valleys

Valley of the Mage
Valley of the Velverdyva (Highvale)
Eastern Abbor-Alz has a valley of ancient ruins
Clatspur Range and Crystalmist Mountains has a number of them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
EltonJ wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Thanks for putting up this map, RHMG. Does anyone would like a map showing political boundaries?

The one above is better for lower powered devices or local storage and viewing

I believe this one shows more detail, including some boundaries.
Though this one is more intensive on devices, and seemed to have issues viewing the file after downloading it.

Tallen Rynn wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Keoland, Sheldomar Valley. West of the Axe Wood.

I don't see a Sheldomar Valley on the map, though I do see a Sheldomar River

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Sheldomar Valley is the entire strip of land that makes up Bissel, Gran March, Keoland, the Uleks, and even the western marches fingering out of the Valley, Sterich, Geoff, & Yeomanry.

And for real -- the Anna Meyer map is Google Earth for Greyhawk.

RHMG Animator wrote:
Krishka Whitetusk Galastacia wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:

Where is your character from?

A map of the world.

Where ever the “Valley” is.

there are a few Valleys

Valley of the Mage
Valley of the Velverdyva (Highvale)
Eastern Abbor-Alz has a valley of ancient ruins
Clatspur Range and Crystalmist Mountains has a number of them.

Earlier the GM asked me if I was from the valley, or the wood elves.

Additional detail

1. Orc
2. Bard/arcanist
3. 2b) No archetypes planned
4. No splats currently expected.
5. LN alignment, she acts on reason and belief over emotions, and leans towards good in general but places goals first.

A) Grew up in a forest.
B) Both adoptive elven parents alive, both orc parents dead, though orc uncle is alive. Selious and Feana Galastacia, elven parents, Thrask Whitetusk is orc uncle.
C) Two brothers, much older, Feanis and Aelinor
D) adopted outside my race
E) adopted by elves
F) parents are nobles, soldiers is closest profession on the table.
G) Noble rank, Baron (really odd list I think). Chose this because it is low enough any history won’t conflict with setting lore yet high enough that Selious would command others and be able to make agreements
H) Magical Gift
I) (Went with the wizard backgrounds, seemed closest to arcanist, and bard is more her noble education rather than minstrelsy) Mortality’s Mirror, she lives with a bunch of elves that are far longer lived than orcs. That hurts a bit.
J) Liege lord, her adoptive father being one of the few that truly supported from early on, is her closest relationship by far.

Minor failure, motivated by pressure, involving a fellow noble, resolved with regret and penance. Her first trip into town on her own led to disaster as another noble that never agreed with making peace with the orcs basically sent her packing. At the time she was still very young and had not really found that balance of exercising authority while avoiding a fight. Turned into a very important lesson on that front as her task from her father outranked the noble. The task was to summon the blacksmith, but Lord Ternath was there speaking with the blacksmith about his armor and didn’t want to be interrupted.

No specific deity, proper respects to the pantheon at appropriate times.

No experience with romance.

Personalty flaw is safety and security, but I don’t plan on taking a drawback. She is an orc living with elves, many of whom think very little of orcs. And her visits to the orcs, well, safety is always a concern there. The deceptions abound in a noble’s life. Therefore, trust is quite difficult.

Vesica "Tavern Tale" wrote:

I updated Vesica's character sheet a bit more. She still needs to pick 1st-level spells; I want to see if we need a secondary healer first and, if not, I'll take cure light wounds.

Her total Encumbrance is 34 lbs. GM: Can I have her carry half the number of sling stones (5 instead of 10) and assume that her waterskin's only half full at most at any time (reducing weight from 4 lbs. to 2 lbs.)?

I finally saw this in detail. Yes you can have her carry half the number of sling stones, and her waterskin can be half full.


There's a bit of a workaround for weakling PCs: the masterwork backpack (Ultimate Equipment, p. 58), which allows you to treat your Strength score as if it were 1 point higher for encumbrance only.

The mwk backpack weighs 4 lbs. and costs 50 gp. Since my PC rolled only 60 gp to start, if she bought one she wouldn't be able to afford anything to put inside it!

Also, since it's in a sourcebook outside of what was listed, we'd need to get GM approval.

I think I have that book. Nope, I don't. Link to it on AoN or PFd20SRD so I can take a look at it.

Masterwork Backpack on Archives of Nethys: Masterwork Backpack

It doesn't really apply to Vesica as she didn't have enough gold to afford one, plus I dropped her Wisdom to 13 to pump up her Strength to 12.

Vesica "Tavern Tale" wrote:

Masterwork Backpack on Archives of Nethys: Masterwork Backpack

It doesn't really apply to Vesica as she didn't have enough gold to afford one, plus I dropped her Wisdom to 13 to pump up her Strength to 12.

Okay. Manual of Gainful Exercise would be in her future, I think.

W E Ray wrote:

The Sheldomar Valley is the entire strip of land that makes up Bissel, Gran March, Keoland, the Uleks, and even the western marches fingering out of the Valley, Sterich, Geoff, & Yeomanry.

And for real -- the Anna Meyer map is Google Earth for Greyhawk.

That helps explain why I didn't see it on the maps, Thanks Ray.

Does anyone else want to apply? This is the last call before I pick.

Updating Ayla's Background a bit more.
Also aiming to work on Ayla's 3D render (it'll be much later as the computer is converting some 3D assets to another format), if selected I'll it use in making a height reference image of the party so everyone has a common idea of who looks like what and how tall everyone really is to one another, you'd be surprised at what a few inches can do at times.

Thinking of adding an item that was sold off that was Ayla's while she was taken as a slave.

Also Anyone up for connecting their Background to Ayla, and vis versa?

Kurazi is wanderer from the Bright Lands, and lead by visions, perhaps she found you, or was guided to locate you.

She herself left behind an evil land and a terrible tribe in her journey so helping another lost soul is right up her ally

A map of the world.

Edit: just found the Bright Lands, they are near the Duchy of Urnst.

Ayla would likely be neutral to Kurazi initially.

So then how did you end up in Newbridge (it is near Hochoch in the map above, it is directly west of the Bright lands and over the first mountain range), and still be level 1?

All the mechanical choices arr made and in my sheet, save equipment, though I’m still filling out the sheet with all the derivative numbers and details.

RHMG Animator wrote:

Character Submissions (Updated)

Dwarf Barbarian (Drunken brute) - Chestman Barrelhouse
Half-elf Cleric - Brenfine Loudain -> Half-orc Sorcerer - Kurazi Zaruk
Human Bloodrager(Steelblood) - Aenir Stridson
Human Bard (Brazen Deceiver) - Vesica "TavernTale"
Human Paladin - Gothia Von Salais
Half-elf Druid - Sea Ranger
Half-frost Folk Barbarian - AYLA
Dwar Ranger(Trapper) - Rhona Copperhair
Orc Arcanist - Krishka
Human Rogue - Tallen Rynn

Dwarf Warpriest - Mordiheim Stonereaper

Elf Wizard - Mordred & Sting
Rabscuttle - Gnome Monk

The characters who will make up the party will be:

* Chestman Barrelhouse
* Gothia von Salais
* Tallen Rynn
* Krishka
* Brenfine Loudain
* Sea Ranger
* Vesica "TavernTale"

Report to the Discussion Thread.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Good gaming to the chosen.

And I have no interest in Spell Jammer

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