TOZ's Oathbreakers Die

Game Master TriOmegaZero

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Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Elixir of Hiding really helps when you get warning from multiple combats!

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Just out of range, unless I misremembered the distance.

Turns out it can vary a great deal - is there any airflow to speak of down here?

I already know my next action, but whether or not I can do it in a surprise round will, I daresay, make a difference.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Unfortunately not. Khāṇa is just lucky the sleet runoff cleaned out the worst of the sewer runoff. :P

Also, are you using a boon for replay or should I activate one of the website replays in reporting?

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck

Hmm. What kind of Boon(s) would that be?

I do have my 1-Star DM replay; not sure how often I'd get to use that now that we're in post-Götterdämmerung territory.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

That tells me you don’t have a boon for replay. If you’ve used your GM star, then it will have to be the granted pool they generated from play history.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

I haven't kept up on my Expanded Narrative boon recently, but if you're GMing you'd be able to recharge the one star with that.

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I haven't kept up on my Expanded Narrative boon recently, but if you're GMing you'd be able to recharge the one star with that.

Hm, where does one get that from?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Assuming the download isn't broken after all this time, you can find it on this blog post.

Sovereign Court

M Nagaji Mesmerist (Vexing Daredevil) 3 | HP 22/22 | AC 17 / 12T / 15FF / CMD 15 | Fort +2 / Ref +5 / Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +7 +8
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Hskomoro realizes that Daenerija has succumbed to her wounds and needs healing to awaken, as the red scarfed assassin climbs on the dinner table to stab at Akkina!

"I told her to heal, but did ssshe lissten? Noooooooo..."

The rules say "a character can carefully administer a potion to an unconscious creature as a full-round action". Does that include the action required to draw the potion, or not? I suspect not, but it's worth asking here.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Sadly, potions are not efficient in combat. I don't believe the full round action includes the draw.

Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Hskomoro tries to effect his target, but the lingering smoke obscures his sight!

From the map, it looks like there's only part of one square between me and the target. Obscuring Mist does say creatures 5' away have concealment, but I've always read that as "creatures with at most 5' of mist between you and them have concealment". Is that not how you read it?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

This is the stink bomb discovery, which works as stinking cloud and obscures all sight. I missed that the area is double the bomb splash radius, so it’s 5x5 instead of 3x3. Daenerija and Akkina will also have to save vs nauseated, as well as anyone that enters this round.

Edit: And with that save, Red can't even make an attack this round.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Nagaji Mesmerist (Vexing Daredevil) 3 | HP 22/22 | AC 17 / 12T / 15FF / CMD 15 | Fort +2 / Ref +5 / Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +7 +8
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:

This is the stink bomb discovery, which works as stinking cloud and obscures all sight. I missed that the area is double the bomb splash radius, so it’s 5x5 instead of 3x3. Daenerija and Akkina will also have to save vs nauseated, as well as anyone that enters this round.

Edit: And with that save, Red can't even make an attack this round.

Ah. In that case, he couldn't have even targeted Red. Switch that to casting Vanish, then.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite. a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Assuming the download isn't broken after all this time, you can find it on this blog post.

Well, it's not, so that's good news.

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck

So what's with the doors over near Beryx? Did we notice them before? It wouldn't be metagaming to try rushing over there, would it?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

I have most of the freely available chronicles on my Dropbox for easy sharing too, so there's redundancy.

I believe you all noted them on the way in, so you can guess where they connect to.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
I have most of the freely available chronicles on my Dropbox for easy sharing too, so there's redundancy.

Good to know.

The Exchange

Female Vishkanya Sorcerer 3 (Draconic) hp 14/17 | AC 17/t16/ff15 Mage armor | Init +5; Spd 30 ft, CMD 13 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2, +3 vs. poison, res. fire 5 | Spells 1st lvl 3/6 day | Char.sheet

Is nauseated condition redundant with unconsciousness? Do I need to roll the save immediately despite not being conscious?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

It'll be gone after this round, so it is redundant.

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck

Is the door open? If not, what grade of action will it take to do so (assuming you'll tell me)?

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

All doors have been closed so far, it will be a move action to open if it is unlocked.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Must have been really cruel for that one guy to open the last door and see none of his fellow assassins coming to save him.

"Guys, guys, we're under attack, get out here and help me fight them off!"


Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

Which table would Plague Hunter cross over?

The Exchange

NN female Half-Orc Investigator 4
|AC 17**, T 12**, FF 16**|HP: 31/31*|F +8**, R +10*, W +12* (+2 vs death/negative energy)|Init +1, Perc +10|CMB +5 CMD 16|3/5 Inspiration, 0/7 Necroforensics, 0/1 Luck
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Must have been really cruel for that one guy to open the last door and see none of his fellow assassins coming to save him.

I missed what you're referring to here.

Anyway, very unfortunate happened over the past 4 days; I'll not share details since too many seem to have lost sight of the essential boundary between public and private life, BUT please be prepared for my reduced participation for a while; no guarantees either way, we'll see how I feel.

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

I was referring to the last fight where the guy tried to run. No one in this fight gave a damn to back him up

No worries, I think we’ll be wrapping up soon.

Liberty's Edge

m CN tiefling Hunter 5 | HP 20/45 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMD 19 | F+7 R+7 W+5 | Init +2 | Perc +10 | DV60' | Speed 30' | Longstrider
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Which table would Plague Hunter cross over?

The table on the right side of the map, between the yellow assassin and the leader. I hope the acrobatics roll was enough to get away from both AoOs.

Khāṇa Tsogtsos wrote:
Anyway, very unfortunate happened over the past 4 days; I'll not share details since too many seem to have lost sight of the essential boundary between public and private life, BUT please be prepared for my reduced participation for a while; no guarantees either way, we'll see how I feel.

Real life comes first

Sovereign Court

M Nagaji Mesmerist (Vexing Daredevil) 3 | HP 22/22 | AC 17 / 12T / 15FF / CMD 15 | Fort +2 / Ref +5 / Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +7 +8
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
The sniper manages to thread an arrow through to pierce Hskomoro, a grazing shot to the arm!

Is that including shooting through Beryx-shaped cover and into melee? I'd assume so, with a 19 on the die, but worth asking.

Also, that attack triggers Hskomoro's implanted Mesmeric Mirror (1 mirror image)

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

AC 17 versus 19+6-4 does connect. Don't expect him to get much more of a chance now that everyone is getting in there.

Beryx Zinder wrote:
Grandmaster TOZ wrote:
Which table would Plague Hunter cross over?
The table on the right side of the map, between the yellow assassin and the leader. I hope the acrobatics roll was enough to get away from both AoOs.

Anyone moving across the right table risks exposure to the poisons on it. The Reflex save avoided that however.

Liberty's Edge

m CN tiefling Hunter 5 | HP 20/45 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMD 19 | F+7 R+7 W+5 | Init +2 | Perc +10 | DV60' | Speed 30' | Longstrider

Got it. Thanks!

UPD Does Cladara has feats/abilities to make ranged attacks without provoking in close combat?

The Exchange

Female LN Human Cleric (Crusader) 4 - Init +3, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +9, AC 21/ touch 12/ ff 20; hp 31/31, F+8, R+3, W+10, Speed 20 ft. Skills Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perception +9, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8. | Wand IH: 47/50 | Buffs: antitoxin

@GM: does the stink bomb currently cover the yellow template squares on the map? (i.e. 10' radius from Beryx?)

Table Maps | Oathbreakers Die | Passing the Torch

It is a 5x5 square centered on Beryx. The cloud shape doesn't quite fit entirely.

The Exchange

Female LN Human Cleric (Crusader) 4 - Init +3, Senses: Normal Vision, Perception +9, AC 21/ touch 12/ ff 20; hp 31/31, F+8, R+3, W+10, Speed 20 ft. Skills Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perception +9, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8. | Wand IH: 47/50 | Buffs: antitoxin

Ok thanks. Just wanted to make sure as I've been using a bunch of templates from an unknown slide source the last few years (shown in Slide 2 - plse delete after you've seen it)

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