Vasaam Cathan |

Not sure but I think our rope was left back where we set up the temporary bridge? I don't think we had more than 3 coils of rope.
Seeing what Lariel has in mind Vasaam offers him a hand as he goes down in the hole....
Acrobatics aid?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Glad I got a good roll so it would help!

Mary Dawnrose |

I'm unsure how you'd assist someone's freefall.... ^^
Vasaam giving a hint on where landing mighy be easiest, Lariel gets down with a firm *thud*. He manages to stop the fishman from further bloodloss. Who is still out of it. With that 19, he gets the idea the wound was inflicted by a serrated blade, perfect for causing lingering bloodloss.
1d6 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (2) = 8
He is slightly in the negatives.
Caroline, you would have heard your seniors mention coral blades are serrated and very nasty. They are generally used only on soft targets, or for leaving hapless victims to a slow death. Though like the natural material they are made of, they break easily. (0 hardness and 5 hp, if one wanted to sunder).

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I imagined the Aid Another by, say Vasaam, holding my arm while I start the descent, so as to easier fall where you mean to.
Lariel shares his findings and immediately readies his bow looking around for any leftover threats.
Perception within lighting reason: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Coraline Sealen |

Coraline herself then goes down next, trying to figure out the best way without harming herself. She knew the chances of the creature being alive was still high, and while she hadn't ever thought she would do it, the Goddess called on all sea creatures as her own, and right now it sounded as if perhaps she had appeared to this... Well she could not find the place to hate someone who may be a follower of her own Goddess, even if she thought it strange. She also will jump down, though graceful this will not be. If everything goes right and she doesn't break anything, she will then use REBUKE DEATH on the creature, healing it for 1d4 while in the negative.
Acrobatics to jump down: 1d20 - 8 ⇒ (1) - 8 = -7

Mary Dawnrose |

1d20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 2 - 1 = 21d4 ⇒ 1
2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
Caroline ungracefully hits the ground below, but fortunately the impact is mostly absorbed by her backpack's contents, leaving her but somewhat sore at worst.
Aletha lands a bit harsher, and both ladies stand up before heading to the unconscious sahuagin.
Rebuke healing: 1d4 ⇒ 3It is staggered.
The sahuagin's vision returns. Still slumped against the rocky wall, he looks with extreme caution at the three adventurers next to him.
Having healed a bit from the channel after the crab encounter, Aletha was at 3 hp, and now is staggered after the fall.

Coraline Sealen |

Coraline will speak to the sahuagin in Aquan, the shared language both speak, despite her dislike of the creature. Some of that comes forth with her words, colored by experience and her knowledge of the language.

Mary Dawnrose |

The sahuagin responds in a way unlike the others. Calm, but slightly offended by something?
"You mean infants? Baseless lies surfacers spread to breed hostility, if that is what you have heard. We have no need for infants, just resourches and treasure."
The mention of The Lady however, brings a look of reveree on his face. As far as one could see on a fish's face, anyway.
"Yes. Such beauty for one not of our kind. When we three encountered her, the other four were not with us then, she was with landwalkers. We intended to kill and rob them, but that seemed so....meaningless, after everything. We long to hear her speak, we are convinced she must be appeased by offerings, for her to bless us with hearing her words. Such we seek these caverns for valuables.
She is at the oasis below."
The sahuagin is completely infatuated with her.
She could indeed be very beautiful, though this creature could also be under some rooted charm effect.

Vasaam Cathan |

Vasaam stays above, watching and waiting, wondering if he went down if he'd be able to climb back up.... He listens.
Aquan & Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
He thinks to himself that it sounds like a charm effect. But, he doesn't remember whether sahuagin speak common, so stays silent about it for now.

Coraline Sealen |

Mary Dawnrose |

"They were headed west short ago. I believe they have not yet run into the hunters from the colony."
You guys came from the west.

Coraline Sealen |

" Friends, I believe WE attempted to killed his friends, possibly. We need to return back to gather allies if we wish. Any suggestions?"
Coraline will give the rest of the group the gist of what was said, but some of the translation was rough as the two people had different dialects of Aquan.

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Lariel says "Well, I believe it would be best to tell him the truth. We've been searching for missing villagers and stumbled on his friends and a fight ensued due to... let's say cultural differences. Tell him we're sorry." He looks at her and says "Well, at least that's my opinion."

Vasaam Cathan |

"I agree with telling the whole story. But, if memory serves.... well, I couldn't see. But I think they started the fight with shots from their crossbows."

Vasaam Cathan |

Does he appear to be listening/understanding the discussion in common?

Coraline Sealen |

Mary Dawnrose |

Does he appear to be listening/understanding the discussion in common?
His focus has been on Caroline solely, thus far.
In general, unless they'd spend their entire lives in a colony with only their own kind, sahuagin have some level of understanding and speech of the common speech.
He makes some gutteral sound before speaking. Whatever emotion it is tied to, you couldn't quite say.
"Regrettable. Then again they were always hot headed and overeager in whatever they did.
There are many underwater tunnels, the other could be anywhere."
"For the sake of the lady's safety, respecting the dead will have to come later."

Mary Dawnrose |

The sahuagin is fit only for slow movement. But in his eagerness to show you her magnificence, he navigates you to a primitive ladder of sorts. No more than narrow natural handles, that descend you further 20 feet if you climb down.
DC 15 climb check.
"We can climb. Or swim through the tunnels, but you landwalkers would hold your breath a long while. The last path has an obstacle we too do find a hindrance. An electric eel resides in there."
Acrobatics 15 to jump across the eel's habitat.
Below, in the distance, you see a small area that has some vegetation growing. It is a small island amidst a large area of water and tiny 'islands', that stick out of the water surface.

Vasaam Cathan |

Vassam looks at the ladder and goes pale. "I didn't think we'd be spelunking. Should have bought a climbing kit, or learned how to climb...." He grabs hold, white knuckled and tries....
Climb: 1d20 ⇒ 4 Killed by falling?

Mary Dawnrose |

Falling Lariel: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
Falling Vassam: 2d3 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
Lariel's grip falters, and he plummets downwards onto his back.
Vasaam has even less luck, but oddly enough, Lariel finds the area he stands upon turn somewhat from rocky to somewhat softer ground, reducing the impact of Vassam's fall.
Moreover, with 2 out of the group already falling, another strange thing happens.
Some fireflies descend from somewhere up above, hovering each near the hand holds, illuminating them softly.
+2 to the climb checks. If you fail the climb check, impact will instead be 2d3.
Lariel is at 3/10 hp, Vassam at 1 hp.
When everyone is down, one way or another, Lariel's question is answered, if paying attention. The fireflies fly up into a small group, that make vague shapes.
Three lines vertical meet two horizontal, as if forming pillars or bars.
It transitions into a vague hovel shape.
The fireflies disperse after forming the shapes.

Mary Dawnrose |

Still staggered so not combat capable. Would need rest to get the non lethal damage back again.
Aletha, standing wobbly at the ledge, a firefly comes flying towards you, and if you let it, it will land on your head. Do you?

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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Lariel is confused by the fireflies. Eventually he says "Look, look! These shapes look like... uhm, bars? Pillars? What is this?" As the fireflies disperse, he says to the air "What are you trying to show us? Are you friendly? Who are you?" He then repeats the question in Elven. Then he asks "Does anyone know the Fey speak?"

Mary Dawnrose |

Lariel is confused by the fireflies. Eventually he says "Look, look! These shapes look like... uhm, bars? Pillars? What is this?" As the fireflies disperse, he says to the air "What are you trying to show us? Are you friendly? Who are you?" He then repeats the question in Elven. Then he asks "Does anyone know the Fey speak?"

Vasaam Cathan |

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Get rid of those bad rolls before we have a combat!
Vasaam lays flat on his back wondering how he is still alive. That was a long fall....
"Fire flies? Pillars? Bars? Oh that hurts!" He struggles back to his feet, almost ready to fall again. "Fey speak? Sorry. I studied Auran, Aquan, and Draconic."

Mary Dawnrose |

Just waiting for Aletha and Caroline to choose a route down.
The sahuagin makes it known to Caroline, before she goes down, that it won't risk falling in its current condition. He points towards the natural oasis.
"I must rest. If the Lady is presently here, her beauty be a sight, that is where she could be found, by the altar. If not, then explore or wait."

Coraline Sealen |

After a moment of checking everyone over, Coraline will call upon the Sea Goddess and heal everyone for 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5 so they can regain some stamina. She did not need them to be dying when they had to fight the none friendly baby eaters.
" Come out friend, we are only here to help. Are you trapped or are you willingly here?"

Mary Dawnrose |

What route will Caroline and Aletha take, to get down?
Acrobatics? Climbing?

Mary Dawnrose |

[dice=climb]d20+3 Aletha very carefully climbs down.
DC 15 reached with that extra +2 from the fireflies.
Aletha cautiously climbs down and joins the others, just looking up to see just Caroline and the sahuagin still up above.

Coraline Sealen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Climb: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15
Coraline tries her best to get down the area in one piece, hoping she doesn't break anything further. She mutters about needing magical rope after this, because all this climbing is not suited for such creatures as herself.

Mary Dawnrose |

The firefly that lands on Aletha's hand, sits there briefly.
To you, this firefly's light slightly bends, instead taking the faint shape of a feminine hand, that points its index finger towards the oasis. It returns to a regular glow thereafter.
As both Caroline and Lariel call out for some communication, a single moist drop falls from the slick height above onto each of their noses from above, and the slightest hint of a feminine chuckle can just be heard. Silence follows.
More tonight.

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Lariel shrivels a bit. He has no idea what is happening, but has a thought. He says "I feel there are hidden creatures making fun of us. This is bad... We're being played with. We should go." His voice trembles, betraying his fear.

Vasaam Cathan |

Vasaam feels the healing energy from Coraline, almost fully recovering the pain that he had felt. "Thank you Coraline. Now where do we go? Hopefully no more climbing, or swimming. I'm just not any good at either."
Hearing Lariel he looks around. "Hidden? Did you hear something?"

Coraline Sealen |

Coraline stands up after her graceful fall, and says " That could also be the sea. She is a fickle mistress, both a blessing and a bane. There is often a confusion of which you recieve when you pray until later."

Mary Dawnrose |

With everyone down on the ground, the patch of softened rock turns back to its original solid self.
The tiny islands you saw, are visible through the soft glow of moss growing around its edges. Almost all no larger than 10 to 15 feet at most in diameter.
While their edges are softly illuminated, the areas around them are dark.
At the 'shore' just some 20ft away, a simple raft lies dragged onto dry ground. It is large enough to hold 4 medium creatures, and has 4 oars.
You might be able to squeeze 6, but that would make rowing more difficult, those squeezed in would effectively just be taken for a ride.
Looking more to the right, lay several empty wooden crates and short lengths of rope. You can try to craft something simple for 2 people, and basic paddle-like objects. DC 14 craft check.

Aletha Verkossian |

I got my blood loss under control, but any exertion and I go unconcious. Aletha
I do feel that there is safety at the oasis though
craft: 1d20 ⇒ 14
I think these are some reasonably improvised paddles yes?

Mary Dawnrose |

@Aletha, with the healing done you don't need to worry about that.
You're at 8 hp after all.
Aletha ties the crates together, thoroughly enough for a rough small raft to be the end product, some 45 minutes later. It won't be as fast as the 4 oars raft the others are taking, but it will do the job.
1d100 ⇒ 741d3 ⇒ 1
During that time, one person has come onto the small oasis.
Should you remain quiet.
You see them kneeling in prayer, make some motions near the 'altar', that the sahuagin spoke of, and then dive back into the water, and see the general direction where they gone off to. Northeast.
When you get across...
Moss, some green, some light blue with a soft glow, surround a 8 feet wide hollowed stallagmite, a bowl with some contents standing within the hollow part. At the base of it, a basin of sorts, wherein lies clear water. A small lantern with a burning candle stands nearby, with a couple of fire flies flying about.
The basin is crafted, there are still signs of tools having been used.
This is for sure a shrine.
Kn. Local 12.
You are certain this shrine is dedicated to the local patron spirit.
The people in general are convinced that the various patron spirits are aware of the prayers of those who worship them, or of those who pay them respects. Various devotees have had their prayers answered, in some fashion or another.

Vasaam Cathan |

Perception?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Perception?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Knowledge-Religion? Nope
"Someone there. Praying? That way." Pointing in the direction they went.