Pruolus, The Adventurers Guild story

Game Master Chyrone

Building a career in the Yonford Adventurers Guild

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Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

In response to Coraline,


"We did not see, but heard it was near the edge to the shallow long deep. Just one ship sailed that night in the area. Any who would seek, would find only bones. If she wore anything, it would have been claimed by the gatherers. Yet you mistake, the red sails do not hunt us while we remain out of their way. None of them come down into the deep."

Kn. Geography 11:

If underwater, long deeper areas could be trenches. But the only one rumored around these parts, lie some fair number of miles off-shore from Pruolus.

In response to Vasaam,


"Her voice is dangerous. Our people are not interested in needlessly losing numbers. This the high priestess will hear."

The sahuagin make their way out of the cavern chamber.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam watches the sahuagin leave, wishing they could have gotten them to help. Being able to breath underwater made swimming much safer....

He turns back to the group. "Well, our task here was to find the missing fishermen, and bring them back home if possible. Technically we're done. We probably need to speak with the villagers, let them know that anyone coming in here needs to take care and not be caught again by the siren's song. And we can report the condition of the siren back to the guild. They might have some more experienced problem solvers that could remove the curse from the siren allowing her to release her, 'victims'. And.... We need to go back to Steve. Tell him about the success with his amulet. He's a hero for his assistance."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel finally relaxes his weapon arm and agrees nods at Vasaam. He is too stressed to add anything to it. In truth he'd be happier out of the caves where it was so dark, and the water was so treacherous.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

Sounds good, and the next time we fight I need a lot more javelins

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

" I think we should take her with us to the guild. Leaving her here may endanger her, and others by chance. At least with the guild we can prepare and seek a way to help her. IF she will agree."

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Coraline Sealen wrote:
" I think we should take her with us to the guild. Leaving her here may endanger her, and others by chance. At least with the guild we can prepare and seek a way to help her. IF she will agree."

You'll have to consider 2 things if you wish to try that. 1) A solid diplomacy to convince her to leave home for a place bustling with people. But make some compelling arguments with it, and it may be easier. 2) How to get her out of the caverns. Contrary to you and the sahuagin, she is confined to the water, and can't climb.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Am I wrong or does she have a fish-type tail instead of legs? I don't think it would be feasible to try moving her, even if she agreed to the request.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Vasaam Cathan wrote:
Am I wrong or does she have a fish-type tail instead of legs? I don't think it would be feasible to try moving her, even if she agreed to the request.

Correct, she has a fish-tail.

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

I will assume you stay practical and go by yourselves with the villagers, you can try this idea later if you want, provided you get the means.

Back at the village, people are happily reunited, and gratitude is spoken by friends and family alike, and from the four fishermen as well.
They do try to convince the others that their friend had no ill will, but there are mixed opinions in turn.

The elder approaches when those calm down. "Thank you, thank you very much for bringing them back safely. If you don't mind me asking, what had happened?"

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel scratches his arm and says "It's complicated, you see. The spirit... the caverns... well, you can talk to your friends who just came back, they'll have more details. The thing is, there are some fish people living in those caves. You should be careful."

Satisfied with his answer, Lariel smiles.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"Your spirit had rescued a young siren several years ago. Normally when a siren charms someone she can release the person from the charm verbally. Sadly she is cursed to be mute. Apparently there was an event, possibly with the sahuagin and your people. The siren sang to stop the violence, and then was unable to release them."

"We spoke with the spirit and the sahuagin. The sahuagin understand the danger better now and won't be coming back to the caves. The bridge will need to be rebuilt if you want to safely go in."

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.
Vasaam Cathan wrote:

"Your spirit had rescued a young siren several years ago. Normally when a siren charms someone she can release the person from the charm verbally. Sadly she is cursed to be mute. Apparently there was an event, possibly with the sahuagin and your people. The siren sang to stop the violence, and then was unable to release them."

"We spoke with the spirit and the sahuagin. The sahuagin understand the danger better now and won't be coming back to the caves. The bridge will need to be rebuilt if you want to safely go in."

The eyes of the man turn bigger, "She appeared to you? Rare are the times spirits manifest before us. This situation must have been dire indeed."

He looks relieved at the mention that the caverns will be safe to travel again.
"The bridge will seen to then. Would you join us in a small celebration feast? I reckon it wouldn't be as grand as the city could manage, but i am sure you could satisfy your appetite. Even if not, i will write a letter to your guild's master, to confirm the task is done."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"The situation was dire, but we prevailed. I'm sure we'd all enjoy a small celebratory feast with your people. We can return to the guild later and report the details of the case. I'm going to ask if they have any professionals available to try and remove the curse on the siren. If that could be done she'd be able to communicate freely with everyone, and there'd no longer be any risk of anyone getting charmed."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel suddenly stops thinking of sirens and curses as he remembers that he is starving. He says "Yes, yes, a feast! That would be most agreeable!"

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

The village does a good effort in a celebratory feast.
Long benches and improvised tables provide place for all to sit.

The feast consists of herbed vegetables, some jerky with sauce, flavorful bread, smoked eel, and fried fish. And unexpectedly, they have a sweet-bitter beverage made of grown berries.

Village elder: "Everyone, a toast to the group of people, who brought back our missing fisherme!"

A widespread 'hear hear' and 'thank you' follows, before the feast continues.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel has a very good time, eats and drinks much. He makes an effort to learn the local songs, but has trouble following the rhythm. He also tries to befriend one of the fishermen that got magically charmed.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam enjoys the food. He had been expecting common fare, but maybe he doesn't know exactly what that is, depending on where they are? He has to ask about the smoked eel but is pleasantly surprised with the flavor.

When the toast is called he raises his glass and responds, "And a toast to your fine village. It is always good to meet such friendly people!"

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

Forwarding us then.

Having enjoyed a good meal and drink, you retire to your guest lodging for the night. The following morning the weather is slightlu clouded, but it remains dry you trek back to the city.

The city is bustling as usual, and you make your way back to guild HQ at the Warden's Respite. Regular customers are chatting, and Margaret is tending bar.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel approaches Margaret and says "Well, you can consider our task done. But we did come in contact with a.... person... who seems to be somehow cursed. Do you know who we can come to about healing them? On our own time, I mean."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"We were able to locate and release the missing townsfolk. But.... There's still a danger that we couldn't resolve. The people are well warned so there shouldn't be an immediate danger."

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

I need to buy a proper bow, throwing things doesnt cut it. Also ouch. Aletha opines

(Handwaved method of the elder delivering confirmation of mission success)

"Indeed, a letter was dropped off just five minutes before you came in. A rescue from a cavern with sahuagin, as the town elder wrote me."

She nods after giving you a quick look over.
"Then a job well done. To skirmish with sahuagin on your first job as a team, and looking in good health coming out of it. A moment, i'll get your payment."

She steps through the door behind the bar, and returns with pouches of money.
"This was a first job, and assumingly not too great a threat when i gave it. But for a successful rescue, you deserve a little extra. Rookie jobs pay less, obviously. But the more experienced you become, the more dangerous the jobs, the more the pay, obviously. But not to worry, i will only offer you jobs i feel you can get done."

Everyone receives 175 gold. Also on the house dinner and a drink.

In response to Lariel's question about removing a curse:
"I reckon the best clerics to ask, if it is merely for removing a curse, would be either those of the goddess Asclepius, or those of the god Deveros."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Thanks. I forget, did you have a rundown on the most common gods? Lariel doesn't have Knowledge religion, but I imagine he'd know the common knowledge stuff.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel thanks Margaret and takes a light dinner and tea for the drink. As he eats, he thinks about going to Asclepius' temple. He goes over what he'll want to say a few times, but tells the others his plan and asks whether any of them would like to come with.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"I'll have to learn that spell once I gain the experience to be able to use it...."

"But for now," He holds the pouch of gold. "I think there are a couple things I need to buy. This experience taught me a few things about enemies at range...."

At the least he needs a crossbow!

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

Sorry for the long pause. Let's continue.

It is a few days later, and after whatever purchases you wanted to get with the first job still fresh in mind, fortune would have you happen upon the same spectacle. A bunch of kids doing an amateur act of acrobatics.

4d20 + 2 ⇒ (20, 16, 12, 15) + 2 = 65, and they must have practiced thoroughly, for they all perform admirably. Standing on each other's shoulders, doing careful flips and spins, diving through hoops, juggling.

"Thank you all for attending today's show of 'The amazing Sparrows'!"
The brunette ponytail spokesgirl proudly proclaims. A few people toss some coppers into an upside-down hat nearby. As the kids gather their materials, a runner stops by with you all.

"Good day sirs, misses. You have a letter from the guild master. Please see her at your earliest convenience." He nods you as a goodbye salute, and runs off into the distance towards other places.

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam tries to enjoy the entertainment, but as non-performer himself he doesn't understand the draw.... "Very good. Thank you!"

Hearing about the letter he smiles and heads to the guild master immediately.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I'd like to know how my trip to the temple went. It may not be relevant for the story, but it's relevant for my character, given he promised and all.

Lariel tries to transmit boredom from watching the presentation, but he is thoroughly impressed. As it finished, he's about to talk to the acrobats when the runner comes. Just before he says "Thank you", the boy runs off. He walks next to Vasaam and says "I hope this time, I'll be able to see the target of my arrows."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Vasaam nods. "This time I've got combat spells ready, and a crossbow. I just hope we don't have more climbing and swimming to do. And I've got my own spell for lighting the area prepared. Dancing lights makes something that looks like a floating torch head that I can move around with my mind."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel comments "Well that could come in handy! No one will oppose us now." He smiles confidently, even though he is aware that he was a bit childish. However, as a breeze flies through his hair, he feels hopeful.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

And I got a longbow. Unfortunately not composite, but its a lot better then chucking like, 2 Javelins. As well as 60 arrows!

acrobaitcs: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 - 2 = 3

Aletha attempts to do a backflip as the kids perform but spectacularly faceplants

bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

I totally planned that yesyes She says, before she hands the kid with the letter a very conspirational silver

Lariel Harp wrote:

I'd like to know how my trip to the temple went. It may not be relevant for the story, but it's relevant for my character, given he promised and all.

Lariel tries to transmit boredom from watching the presentation, but he is thoroughly impressed. As it finished, he's about to talk to the acrobats when the runner comes. Just before he says "Thank you", the boy runs off. He walks next to Vasaam and says "I hope this time, I'll be able to see the target of my arrows."


Whichever temple you seek help from, reply that they would gladly aid a victim of a curse. They ask if you can get them there, and if not, to escort the attending cleric to the cursed person.

Aletha Verkossian wrote:
I totally planned that yesyes She says, before she hands the kid with the letter a very conspirational silver

5d20 ⇒ (15, 1, 15, 20, 17) = 68, the kids snicker. "Suuuure you did."

Back at the Warden's Respite Inn, guild HQ, the place has but a few tables with patrons. Margaret Winfield motions you to come over.

"Good morning all. I take it you have slept well enough?
I have two tasks that would require attention, to choose from. Not too dangerous, but they need seeing to."

She points at two notices that hang pinned on a board.
"The first one was a call from a merchant, which came in this morning. He had been robbed in The Thickets east of the city, and his wagon taken. He's at one of the tables."

"The second is also something coming from the city. How it came to be, i can only guess. The stablemaster near the western gates, mr. Daniel Davidson, asked us to retrieve two of his horses. A horse is a horse, some would say, but these particular ones were of the best he has, and were seen running wild out of the western gate towards the Gloomwoods."

Kn. Geography 10 or Kn. Local 10:

The Gloomwoods are called that for the very particular reason of its entire feeling and atmosphere that hangs there. The trees' canopies are so thick, that they let in less than the normal amount of light. Which can get dimmer the further in one goes.

Kn. Local 15:

It is home to all manner of spooky and supernatural things.
The outer reaches close to the city are still relatively safe, an armed group can deal with most things living there.
The more inwards, the darker it can become, to even needing light sources during daytime.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

So, likely bandits in one case, and "whatever" in the other?

Probably get some saps, if we want to take robbers alive
Aletha adds

Assuming we take bandits alive, is there anyone we could hand them off too? Ransom broker? Jail? Court system?

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1


Lariel asks if one such cleric would be available immediately, so he can direct them to the siren. If not, he waits for one to appear.

Knowledge geography: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

"Thank you, madam Winfield."

He turns to the others and says "I'd rather see about the horses. Not only are noble animals in danger, but I feel more comfortable working outside. And also I've always been curious about the Gloomwoods."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

Know-Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"They both sound important. Do we need to capture the bandits? Seems to me that terminating them and recovering the wagon should cover that task. As for the horses, I think we have the lights required for exploring within the Gloomwoods. We should speak with Mister Davidson to see what sort of treats might entice the horses, and to get bridles or lead ropes. I assume they didn't run off with full tack."

Vasaam is fine with either choice.

To the question about capturing the bandits:

"The merchant hasn't requested for it. Neutralize the bandits how you see fit, and recover the stolen wagon if it is still intact. Otherwise take something back to show him it is safe to arrange a repairs."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I assume it went well with the cleric?

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

" I have little experience with horses my friends. Are they always going to be gone like this? I an interested in these woods of gloom. Perhaps the bandits can be talked to after the horses? Or, perhaps we may need the horses to pull the cart? Are both close enough to do together?"

Coraline had spent nothing from her gold really, having need of little given she was not the greatest fighter they had. She did purchase a few odds and ends though, citing the need to survive outside of water longer. She had got multiple water skins.

know(Local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Leona thinks things over given the limited information

"The Gloom woods could be troublesome, given the supernatural crap that goes on out there.
I'm more for bandit hunting, though I would be good to know which bandits did it.
As it could be a group bandits lead by someone that raised a loyal owlbear cub into an adult owlbear that he keeps as a pet."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"Either has risks. Lariel will need to track either the horses or the wagon. We can try to help but he's best trained I think."

"Whichever is chosen I doubt we could do the other. The other tracks will be too old to follow."

So Lariel wants to track the horses into the Gloomwoods, and Nausicaa would prefer to track the wagon and fight the bandits? No tie breaker? Vasaam doesn't care.

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

I suppose Aletha could break the tie.

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1

tiebreaker 1 bandits 2 forest: 1d2 ⇒ 2

Hmmm, it seems to me the mission to the gloomwood is more timecritical, something could die, and thus be unsaveable, while retrieving a wagon could plausibly be done later.

Aletha says

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

" So we save the horses first, then we rescue the cart once we have horses able to pull the cart, is that what we are thinking? Helping both people out?"

Coraline Sealen wrote:
" So we save the horses first, then we rescue the cart once we have horses able to pull the cart, is that what we are thinking? Helping both people out?"

"As the merchant told me, he had walked his way from where he was robbed, to the city. Fair to assume then, that the horses pulling his wagon are taken along with it."

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel comments "As for the wagon, if it's too broken to roll, I imagine you'll want the stuff in it. We'll just use the horses to bring those, if that's ok."

Lariel Harp wrote:
Lariel comments "As for the wagon, if it's too broken to roll, I imagine you'll want the stuff in it. We'll just use the horses to bring those, if that's ok."

Margaret nods.

"As much as is possible, if it comes to that. The rest he will have to arrange by himself."

Male Human Evoker | HP 3/7 | AC14 T13 F11 w/Mage Armor: AC17 T13 F14 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6 (Low-Light Vision) | Appraise: +3, Know(Arcana/Local): +7, Spellcraft: +7, Stealth: +7 | Active Conditions: None | Versatile Evocation: 6/6

"Great. So let's go track some horses!"

Slides Innkeeper and storyteller.

The horses rescue it is.

With the guild HQ being in the south center of the city, it takes a little to leg it over towards the western gates. Where, since it cannot be overlooked, the western stables are located nearby. Some folk are changing horses, then ride off.

The stablemaster is seen bringing fresh water to the newly arrived steeds. Other than that, there are plenty of people out and about.
A quartet of guardsmen are posted near the gate.

Female Undine Cleric 1 HP 10/10 Init +2 Darkvision Perception +8 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +5 Longspear +2 1d8+3

"We should apply smart tactics here. Let us find out what the guards know, then the stable master. Perhaps both saw different things?"

Grand Lodge

M Half-elf | 10/10 HP | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | CMD 17 | Perception +8 Ranger 1

Lariel breathes in the countryside's air. He likes the smell of the stables. nearby. He agrees with Coraline and is relaxed, only scratching the tip of his bow out of habit.

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