Rise of the Runelords

Game Master Veniir

Sandpoint overview

Battle map

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Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote:
I want whatever weapon gives me a d20 damage! (Probably just a typo)

You could get close if you get a Large (or even bigger) sized weapon of one of the bigger dice options. The closest you can get for a Medium-sized weapon is a butchering axe: 3d6.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

yes that was a typo, I woke up recently. thankfully the 1d20 rolled below an 8

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Apologies. She will then Stride the remaining distance and attempt her previous action please. Thank you for your Map indulgence. [

Actually she was in her current position so last post should be valid.

The Shaman will attempt to Aid Zel!
melee claw Aid DC 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
+2 to AC

Funnily enough, goblin 3 was fresh out of the oven, so he's still standing. Let me know what you want to do with your action, Juri.

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

In that case, change the target to Goblin 3.

Sorry, but... Do you mean with your shooty shooty or pokey pokey? Remember you'd be shooting into melee.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

oh crap Goblin 3 is still up. I take it it’s too late to change my tactic. not that the dice are gonna let me hit anything lol

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

OH! In that case still aiming at the boss Goblin! Stacking that with the penalties for one-handed wouldn't lead to anything good

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

Seeing Ano move to menace the goblin leader, Zeldrith charges to aid his friend, heedless of his own safety. "Hold on, Ano - I can help!"

Longsword Attack (Charge, Bless): 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 9
Damage (Two-Handed, Arcane Strike): 1d8 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8

CHARGE! I regret nothing!

Edit: This gorram RNG...

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]

Donimah, seeing her allies have the leader well in hand, attempts to help Arrian take down the one they left behind with still another telekinetic punch!

Telekinetic Fist: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 81d4 ⇒ 3

Running out of Telekinetic Fists here! >_<

Juriya hits the leader that takes it with an oomph, but still shoots his bow. The goblin next to the group squats to get his weapon back and attack the group, opening up his defenses.

GM only:

Boss vs Ano: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 4 = 4
Boss damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Grey vs Ano: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Boss damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3

The boss misses again, cursing the air. The other goblin would hit Ano, if he makes an attack.

So, grey gobo is at 1 hp and provokes AoO from everyone threatening him. If he takes 2 or more damage, then Ano doesn't get attacked for 3 damage. You're up!

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |

AoO on Grey:

Seeing the goblin reach for his weapon Arrian attempts to stop it!

Dagger, Bless: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 181d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

@GM: In the event that hits Arrian will take a non-provoking route to the boss and hit it. If the AoO doesn't hit Arrian will attempt to hit it again.

Arrian moves into flank with the Ano and swings at the boss gobo!

Dagger, Bless, Flank: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 251d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Possible crit:

Dagger, Bless, Flank: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 111d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Bah humbug! :(

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

The Shaman will attempt to Aid Arrian!
melee claw Aid DC 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Persephone is adjacent already.

Bah humbug!

She winks.

Damn Arrian. You're gonna be scary with a real weapon! That does indeed kill the little guy and you hit the boss. He still stands though.

Arrian in a quick motion kill the goblin retrieving his weapon and strikes the leader hard, making him dizzy.

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

Let's try this again...

Zeldrith's sword strikes home, raking a bloody line across the goblin commander's ribs as he spits an imaginative but anatomically impossible litany of Varisian profanity between his clenched teeth. "It's been so many years I forgot how hard these damned goblins are to kill!"

Longsword Attack (Bless): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24
Damage (Two-Hand, Arcane Strike): 1d8 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 1 = 10
Crit Confirm?: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 1 = 15
Crit Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8


The goblin leader is split in two by Zeldrith.

Combat over, woohoo!

The group looks around and the only battle sounds are far and very rare.

The man in pretty clothes gets up from his position and looks at the group, then to the goblins. Still shaking, he says "Tha... thank you so much! Without you, I would have... I dare not think of it."

He turns to Arrian and says "You were so... heroic! The bravery and your skill with only a... knife! It's inspiring!"

The clouds above have gathered strongly, and a distant thunder can be heard.

Aldern Foxglove

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

As if on cue, the size changing magic from Ano dissipates, and in her exhausted state falls on her rear. She sighs in relief, “Well at least this man’s alive…You all did good…” Cherry sits on her shoulder, with a comforting look.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone performs practical patience parlaying plenty of pails of purified purposeful water for the perpetual pillars of fire!
Or I could have just said she cast Create Water a lot..lol.

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 Real strong start.

Juriya goes up to the man who was saved, hoping to put on a best first impression. "It was no issue. Might I ask what your name is, good sir? Mine is Juriya Arima, for what it's worth." Juriya asks as she holds out her hand, finally not instinctively bowing. She tries to give off a calm demeanor, even if seconds earlier she was cackling maniacally.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
I like runes wrote:

The goblin leader is split in two by Zeldrith.

Combat over, woohoo!

The group looks around and the only battle sounds are far and very rare.

The man in pretty clothes gets up from his position and looks at the group, then to the goblins. Still shaking, he says "Tha... thank you so much! Without you, I would have... I dare not think of it."

He turns to Arrian and says "You were so... heroic! The bravery and your skill with only a... knife! It's inspiring!"

The clouds above have gathered strongly, and a distant thunder can be heard.

Aldern Foxglove

Blushing a bit, shuffling his feet while staring at them Arrian replies, "The credit goes in part to Cayden Cailean for inspiring me and the rest to my friends who give me courage, strength, and resolve. My name is Arrian, what's yours?"

At the sight and sound of the impending storm Arrian comments, "And this storm does not ease my mind. Perhaps an ill omen? We should get into Sandpoint and see who else needs help."

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

As the last goblin falls, Zeldrith pulls the bloodstained rag from his pocket again, cleaning his blade of the goblins' blood before sheathing it. Noticing the rest of the group making introductions to the wealthy man, he nods in greeting. "Name's Zeldrith. Glad I could help." At Arrian's words, he looks up at the gathering storm, his tail twitching as he thinks. "If it's an omen, it's pretty prakeiktas late about it. I'll take the civvie here back to the barricades at the cathedral - someone should try to find Sheriff Hemlock, see if he needs help."

Hearing the nobleman's words to Arrian, he raises his eyebrows at the half-orc's humble reply. "No need for false modesty, Arrian. I've seen some folk with greatswords do less damage than you did to those goblins. You're a skilled fighter, and I'm glad to fight alongside you."

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

As the catfolk picks herself up, she smiles softly, “Ano Clovermark. And no I’m normally not as big as I was back then. The little bird on my shoulder is Cherry.” The cardinal nods with a “Glad you seem to be unscathed.

Ano jumps at the sound of thunder. “Maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t fight goblins in a storm…we should go before that comes over the town…

I spoiled his name last post, oops.

Still smiling at Arrian and shaking, the man assumes a neater posture and says "Oh, my manners! My name is Aldern Foxglove. I'm well, still shaken up by all this, but... please, come by the Rusty Dragon Inn. It's in the southern part of the town, I'm staying there and I'll be here for a few days still. Let us talk in better circumstances, so I can thank you... properly. All of you, I mean, of course."

Seeing Persephone address the fires close to the northern gate reminds the group that a raid just happened and there are many fires around the town. However, a few heavy drops of rain hit Ano's forehead and another, Zeldrith's hand. It seems the weather itself will take care of the fires.

So, about loot: I usually don't mention anything until the players actively ask about it. But this time, since it's the first combat, I'll give y'all a break. Notable loot is a Cure Moderate Wounds potion and a masterwork horsechopper on the leader.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

Ano and Cherry looked at each other in concern. They both know that going to the Rusty Dragon immediately would be a bad idea. Fosyo hated it when Ano stayed out in the night, and with her mother being worried sick about the catfolk berserker due to the goblins, her mother would be furious if she didn’t go back home.

Then the single raindrop hit her head and her mind was made up.

Rusty Dragon, sounds like a fantastic idea. Let’s go before we get soaked.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote:

As the last goblin falls, Zeldrith pulls the bloodstained rag from his pocket again, cleaning his blade of the goblins' blood before sheathing it. Noticing the rest of the group making introductions to the wealthy man, he nods in greeting. "Name's Zeldrith. Glad I could help." At Arrian's words, he looks up at the gathering storm, his tail twitching as he thinks. "If it's an omen, it's pretty prakeiktas late about it. I'll take the civvie here back to the barricades at the cathedral - someone should try to find Sheriff Hemlock, see if he needs help."

Hearing the nobleman's words to Arrian, he raises his eyebrows at the half-orc's humble reply. "No need for false modesty, Arrian. I've seen some folk with greatswords do less damage than you did to those goblins. You're a skilled fighter, and I'm glad to fight alongside you."

Blushing more Arrian looks uncomfortable with the praise and says, "Make sure you tell Jargie all those lessons he gave me 'did the trick' as he likes to say. I think we should get back, see if there's any more fighting, and if not get out of the impending weather."

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

As another bolt of lightning strikes, and the thunder subsequently sounds, Juriya jumps and her hair stands on end. While its not as obvious, and certainly not as much of a problem to remedy as in either of her other forms, she still gives herself a pat-down out of habit to make sure the hair on her skin is no longer standing on end. "Y-yeah, let's get inside," she says.

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

As the rain begins to fall, Zeldrith looks around at the ravaged town. The ruined buildings around him have been thoroughly pillaged by the goblins, but with the rainfall, the fires that burn in their thatch are extinguished - not exactly healing, but at least enduring. At the talk of visiting the Rusty Dragon, he nods. "Sandpoint is strong - its people will endure. There'll be dead to bury tomorrow, but tonight, we should celebrate what we have, not mourn what we have lost." A corner of his mouth twitches upwards in a smile. "...I quite like the sound of that, actually - the way the words fit together, I mean. I'll have to write it down, before I forget." The young man seems unfazed by the rain dripping off the wide brim of his hat or the mud splattering his hooves as he walks, humming an old song under his breath.

Foxglove is quick to reply "Oh, please, right now, I think I will retreat to my room and... recollect myself. But how about tomorrow for breakfast? My treat?"

It does not take long for Foxglove to leave, although he is very polite in doing so. He touches the head of the dog that died protecting him and leaves.

Back at the cathedral square, most of the townsfolk seem to have gathered, although they seem to be dispersing due to the coming rain anyway. It seems that no one has energy or inclination to do the festival's night activities and it is cut short.

However, at the sight of the group, many recognize them and they are celebrated. Many townsfolk pat the group members on the back and thank them strongly. In fact, Ameiko Kaijitsu approaches the group and says "Everyone is talking about your heroics today. I think we are all very thankful. In fact... You all have one week of free stay in the Rusty Dragon, if you'll take it!"

A quick scan of the people present shows that sheriff Hemlock is also present, but he's debriefing his guard's men and women. The rain is starting to thicken, so all agree that follow-up conversations should be left for tomorrow, when all are rested and calm.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

Getting praise and thanks for helping the town lightens up Ano’s spirits. When Ameiko offers a week at the Rusty Dragon, the catfolk is practically grinning ear to ear. But before she could say anything, her mother moves in front of her and states, with barely subdued anger, “Oh what a lovely offer you made, Miss Kaijitsu, but thankfully Ano here already has a home, which she will be going to now. She and I need to have a serious talk tomorrow.” As she leaves, nearly dragging Ano with her, Fosyo shoots a dirty glare at the rest of the heroes-a disappointed one towards Arrian and Juriya, an uncertain one towards Persephone, and one that can only be described as bitter anger towards Donimah and Zeldrith.

Sorry guys, I-I’ll meet up with you all tomorrow!” Ano manages to say before having to pick up the pace, as her mother was in quite a hurry to get back home. Cherry gives everyone a confused look, but shrugs the best way a bird can shrug, before catching up.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think that the Clovermarks should be Sandpoint cannon.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A
I like runes wrote:
I think that the Clovermarks should be Sandpoint cannon.

that means the world to me, thank you!

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone curtsies to the Clovermarks, as she and Isabel continue to dance about putting out fires, completely ignoring the budding rain.

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

"Rain coming now is a sure sign from some God, given it's right after a fire. It's good to see you again, Ameiko! So glad to see that you're okay!" Juriya gives a warm, genuine smile at the knowledge that Ameiko is okay. She continues, "I don't think I'll be needing the free week though, like Ano h--- oh rather, Ano who was just here, I do have a place to stay with my parents back in town," Juriya gives a slight, ingrained bow before just opting to go for the handshake. This isn't business you crazy vixen, what are you doing?! she thinks to herself.

Heh, feels weird being celebrated. I thought others would have done a lot more to help out? she additionally adds in her own head. She turns to Arrian before adding a remark about his combat today, "Arrian, that's your skill with a knife alone? HAH! Wonder how much damage you could have done if you were prepared!"

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10

Zeldrith meets Fosyo's glare with confusion as she storms off with her daughter. Surely I haven't done anything wrong yet... right? Shrugging the glare off as a peculiarity of Ano's mother, he opens his mouth, about to say something to his friend, but thinks better of it. As Ameiko approaches with her offer, he grins, the eccentricities of the Clovermark family forgotten. "I'd be glad to, Miss Ameiko - you're very generous. I'll need a minute to get my things, though." Glancing around, he notices Garridan nearby, turning back to Ameiko and speaking so the surly Shoanti man can hear him. "The White Deer's a fine inn, and cheap, too, but I can't turn down the offer of a free week at the Rusty Dragon." There, that should bury the hatchet - if that crazy old man is willing to let bygones be bygones, that is!

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
I like runes wrote:

Foxglove is quick to reply "Oh, please, right now, I think I will retreat to my room and... recollect myself. But how about tomorrow for breakfast? My treat?"

It does not take long for Foxglove to leave, although he is very polite in doing so. He touches the head of the dog that died protecting him and leaves.

Back at the cathedral square, most of the townsfolk seem to have gathered, although they seem to be dispersing due to the coming rain anyway. It seems that no one has energy or inclination to do the festival's night activities and it is cut short.

However, at the sight of the group, many recognize them and they are celebrated. Many townsfolk pat the group members on the back and thank them strongly. In fact, Ameiko Kaijitsu approaches the group and says "Everyone is talking about your heroics today. I think we are all very thankful. In fact... You all have one week of free stay in the Rusty Dragon, if you'll take it!"

A quick scan of the people present shows that sheriff Hemlock is also present, but he's debriefing his guard's men and women. The rain is starting to thicken, so all agree that follow-up conversations should be left for tomorrow, when all are rested and calm.

Arrian tries to stay in the background to let the others receive the attention of the crowd until the mention of the free week stay.

"Ma'am if possible could the free week I would get go to my friend Zel? He's new in town and doesn't have anywhere else to stay."

Seemingly surprising himself with actually speaking out he looks like a deer in the torchlight...

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Ano Clovermark wrote:

Getting praise and thanks for helping the town lightens up Ano’s spirits. When Ameiko offers a week at the Rusty Dragon, the catfolk is practically grinning ear to ear. But before she could say anything, her mother moves in front of her and states, with barely subdued anger, “Oh what a lovely offer you made, Miss Kaijitsu, but thankfully Ano here already has a home, which she will be going to now. She and I need to have a serious talk tomorrow.” As she leaves, nearly dragging Ano with her, Fosyo shoots a dirty glare at the rest of the heroes-a disappointed one towards Arrian and Juriya, an uncertain one towards Persephone, and one that can only be described as bitter anger towards Donimah and Zeldrith.

Sorry guys, I-I’ll meet up with you all tomorrow!” Ano manages to say before having to pick up the pace, as her mother was in quite a hurry to get back home. Cherry gives everyone a confused look, but shrugs the best way a bird can shrug, before catching up.

In a rote fashion suggesting this isn't the first time he's said it Arrian replies, "Hi Mrs. Clovermark, sorry Mrs. Clovermark."

And waves to the rest of the Clovermarks with a sheepish 'Caught with his hand in the cookie jar' look on his face.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote:

Heh, feels weird being celebrated. I thought others would have done a lot more to help out? she additionally adds in her own head. She turns to Arrian before adding a remark about his combat today, "Arrian, that's your skill with a knife alone? HAH! Wonder how much damage you could have done if you were prepared!"

Shrugging his shoulders a bit uncomfortably he tells Juriya, "I can't worry about people being nervous about me carrying weapons in Sandpoint - I'm not going anywhere not fully equipped from now on!"

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote:

Zeldrith meets Fosyo's glare with confusion as she storms off with her daughter. Surely I haven't done anything wrong yet... right? Shrugging the glare off as a peculiarity of Ano's mother, he opens his mouth, about to say something to his friend, but thinks better of it.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6

Arrian completely misses anything Zel is feeling...

Female Human (Shoanti) [Transmuter 3, AC12, T12, FF10 | HP 23/23, F+3 R+3 W+3 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | Init +3, Perc. +3 | Telekinetic Fist 6/6, Acid Ray 4/4 | Hero Points 1]
I like runes wrote:

Still smiling at Arrian and shaking, the man assumes a neater posture and says "Oh, my manners! My name is Aldern Foxglove. I'm well, still shaken up by all this, but... please, come by the Rusty Dragon Inn. It's in the southern part of the town, I'm staying there and I'll be here for a few days still. Let us talk in better circumstances, so I can thank you... properly. All of you, I mean, of course."

Seeing Persephone address the fires close to the northern gate reminds the group that a raid just happened and there are many fires around the town. However, a few heavy drops of rain hit Ano's forehead and another, Zeldrith's hand. It seems the weather itself will take care of the fires.

"Donimah Southlander. It is an honor and a pleasure, Mr. Foxglove," Donimah says with a nod. "We are familiar with the Inn, we had lunch there earlier today before this...chaos began."

Zeldrith Angothane wrote:
As the rain begins to fall, Zeldrith looks around at the ravaged town. The ruined buildings around him have been thoroughly pillaged by the goblins, but with the rainfall, the fires that burn in their thatch are extinguished - not exactly healing, but at least enduring. At the talk of visiting the Rusty Dragon, he nods. [b]"Sandpoint is strong - its people will endure. There'll be dead to bury tomorrow, but tonight, we should celebrate what we have, not mourn what we have lost." A corner of his mouth twitches upwards in a smile. "...I quite like the sound of that, actually - the way the words fit together, I mean. I'll have to write it down, before I forget." The young man seems unfazed by the rain dripping off the wide brim of his hat or the mud splattering his hooves as he walks, humming an old song under his breath.

"Hmmh! You could have been a bard, Zeldrith," Donimah comments as they travel.

I like runes wrote:

Foxglove is quick to reply "Oh, please, right now, I think I will retreat to my room and... recollect myself. But how about tomorrow for breakfast? My treat?"

It does not take long for Foxglove to leave, although he is very polite in doing so. He touches the head of the dog that died protecting him and leaves.

"I will not turn down such generosity when offered," Donimah says soberly. A fancy way of saying "I'll never say no to free food!"


Back at the cathedral square, most of the townsfolk seem to have gathered, although they seem to be dispersing due to the coming rain anyway. It seems that no one has energy or inclination to do the festival's night activities and it is cut short.

However, at the sight of the group, many recognize them and they are celebrated. Many townsfolk pat the group members on the back and thank them strongly. In fact, Ameiko Kaijitsu approaches the group and says "Everyone is talking about your heroics today. I think we are all very thankful. In fact... You all have one week of free stay in the Rusty Dragon, if you'll take it!"

A quick scan of the people present shows that sheriff Hemlock is also present, but he's debriefing his guard's men and women. The rain is starting to thicken, so all agree that follow-up conversations should be left for tomorrow, when all are rested and calm.

When the group is greeted by Ameiko, Donimah gives a short bow.

"I have heard a great deal about you throughout the day, and it seems your admirers among the townsfolk did not exaggerate, Lady Kaijitsu. Donimah Southlander, of the Order of Cyphers, at your service. And allow me to offer my humble thanks for the generous offer of lodging. I'll gather my things from the White Deer and return shortly. And once the week has passed I may speak to you about renting for a longer period, as I will need a place to stay whilst I'm here in Sandpoint for the foreseeable future."

She also notices the Shoanti features of Sheriff Hemlock as she passes him, but seeing as he is busy, she only makes a polite "Kel-grish," as she passes.


Ano Clovermark wrote:

Getting praise and thanks for helping the town lightens up Ano’s spirits. When Ameiko offers a week at the Rusty Dragon, the catfolk is practically grinning ear to ear. But before she could say anything, her mother moves in front of her and states, with barely subdued anger, “Oh what a lovely offer you made, Miss Kaijitsu, but thankfully Ano here already has a home, which she will be going to now. She and I need to have a serious talk tomorrow.” As she leaves, nearly dragging Ano with her, Fosyo shoots a dirty glare at the rest of the heroes-a disappointed one towards Arrian and Juriya, an uncertain one towards Persephone, and one that can only be described as bitter anger towards Donimah and Zeldrith.

Sorry guys, I-I’ll meet up with you all tomorrow!” Ano manages to say before having to pick up the pace, as her mother was in quite a hurry to get back home. Cherry gives everyone a confused look, but shrugs the best way a bird can shrug, before catching up.

As Fosyo escorts Ano away from the group and glares at them, Donimah returns the favor with a cold and haughty look of her own. The petty but understandable anger of an overly-protective mother was of little concern, especially when Donimah knew her words to Ano had been in the right.

.Arrian wrote:
Juriya Arima wrote:

Heh, feels weird being celebrated. I thought others would have done a lot more to help out? she additionally adds in her own head. She turns to Arrian before adding a remark about his combat today, "Arrian, that's your skill with a knife alone? HAH! Wonder how much damage you could have done if you were prepared!"
Shrugging his shoulders a bit uncomfortably he tells Juriya, "I can't worry about people being nervous about me carrying weapons in Sandpoint - I'm not going anywhere not fully equipped from now on!"

"Wise," Donimah comments with a nod.

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

"I must admit," Juriya tells Arrian, "were I able to actually wield alchemy as a weapon like my dad does, I'd presumably be walking around without," she pauses as she gestures to the stowed crossbow and rapier, "these."

She sighs as she tries to explain her recent issues, "Bomb and extract production is just unnervingly difficult, though. They aren't the mundane substances, and involve a bit of magic without the spellcasting. They've always eluded me."

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Juriya Arima wrote:

"I must admit," Juriya tells Arrian, "were I able to actually wield alchemy as a weapon like my dad does, I'd presumably be walking around without," she pauses as she gestures to the stowed crossbow and rapier, "these."

She sighs as she tries to explain her recent issues, "Bomb and extract production is just unnervingly difficult, though. They aren't the mundane substances, and involve a bit of magic without the spellcasting. They've always eluded me."

"It takes time to learn how to make such items. I'm guessing your dad didn't get it right his first few attempts either. But he does make awesome fireworks!"

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3
Arrian wrote:
"Ma'am if possible could the free week I would get go to my friend Zel? He's new in town and doesn't have anywhere else to stay."

Zeldrith smiles at Arrian, shaking his head. "I really appreciate it, friend, but my parents raised me right - I'll earn my keep. My grandfather always told me that 'idle hands and idle minds make a life not worth living.' I'm sure there's some work I can do to support myself." The young man nods to Donimah as she mentions retrieving her gear from the White Deer. "Sounds like we're going in the same direction - mind if I join you?" Humming to himself like before, he sets off down the street towards the White Deer, hoping to rejoin his friends before too long.

Donimah wrote:
"Hmmh! You could have been a bard, Zeldrith."

Both his steps on the cobblestones and the song on his lips falter abruptly. After a moment, he continues on his way, his face a mask of melancholy as he sighs. "...Truth be told, I almost was. My grandfather Endru swept the floors at a wealthy tavern in Beacon's Point proper when he was young, and he picked up his love of songs and words of all sorts from the bards who performed there - as long as I knew him, there was almost never a moment when he wasn't singing or coming up with some clever word game. He and I were always close - he passed a few years ago, and the old songs he taught me are what I have left to remember him by. For a long time, I wanted to be a storyteller when I came of age, but... it's what I told you earlier about dreams and how they fall by the wayside. There's no place for a bard in Rag's End. There, people pay for sharp swords and swift arms to bear them, not songs and stories." He glances enviously at the Shoanti mage. "You're lucky - your family was able to get you into that mage order of yours. Much as I always wanted to sing songs in the common rooms of big inns or tend sheep under Desna's gaze, a mercenary's pay was the only way I could help my family put food on the table - and even then, I've more debts to my name than I'd care to admit."

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
Zeldrith Angothane wrote:
Arrian wrote:
"Ma'am if possible could the free week I would get go to my friend Zel? He's new in town and doesn't have anywhere else to stay."
Zeldrith smiles at Arrian, shaking his head. "I really appreciate it, friend, but my parents raised me right - I'll earn my keep. My grandfather always told me that 'idle hands and idle minds make a life not worth living.' I'm sure there's some work I can do to support myself." The young man nods to Donimah as she mentions retrieving her gear from the White Deer. "Sounds like we're going in the same direction - mind if I join you?"

"Sounds like what Jargie tells me between washing dishes, cleaning the floor and tables, and taking out the trash. It doesn't change the fact you don't have anywhere to live and you could use some help getting started. 'A copper saved is a copper earned!' is what Jargie always says."

Arrian grins, hoping he's convinced Zel to take the extra week - if only to guarantee Zel will be around Sandpoint a bit longer.

Donimah and Zeldrith on their way pass by Garridan. He understands and respects their decision. He mumbles something about being thankful for their help. However, his tone is more sad than angry. Taking a second look, the former mercenary and mage notice that he is standing next to a body. It is Cynthia, the woman who treated Donimah nicely when she went into the White Deer.

Arrian finds Jargie has missed most of the action, since none had gone to the harbor and he was tired to go to the would-be cathedral's consecration. He hides his happiness to find the half-orc alive and lectures him on the importance of staying safe. He still has to clean the Hagfish kitchen after all.

The night goes by calmly. The rain falls steadily but surely, heavy at first, but lighter throughout the night. The heat from the last few days is washed away along with the fires and the scare.

The day after starts in much lighter mood. After heads are counted, the killed in the attack are surprisingly few, especially in comparison to the amount of goblins that died. Many seem to have jumped off Junker's Edge to avoid being captured. In Zeldrith's experience, this was a very ineffective raid.

The group finds that the town suddenly knows all of their names, even those that have been living here with few friends and acquaintances. A simple walk around town awards any in the group with a surprise fresh loaf of bread from the Avertins or an offer to get discounts in their stores, and many pats on the back.

Arrian even finds that young girls blush and whisper to each other when he walks by. Zeldrith receives significantly less hard looks due to his ancestry. Donimah, Persephone and Juriya receive pretty flowers and Ano gets an invite to audition for a role Cyrdak's theater.

Female Catfolk Bloodrager (Urban Bloodrager) 1/Fighter 2 | HP 31/31 | AC 17 | touch 13 | ff 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +3 | Will +0 (+1 vs fear) | Init +5 | Perception +10 | Bloodrage 12/12 | Hero Points: 2 | Current Conditions: N/A

As Ano and Fosyo had their talk at dawn, it was clear that Fosyo couldn’t care less if only one person died yesterday.

Your father thought he could handle himself, look where that got him,” the elder catfolk said.

Ama, he was taken by surpri-

I’m not going to hear any excuses! You could have gotten killed, and for what? A town that only tolerates you and your antics?

That stung Ano deeply-she knew her eccentricness could be annoying to some, but surely that didn’t mean-

If I may-” Cherry tried to chirp, but one angry look from Ms. Clovermark shut him up.

Ano. I don’t ever want you putting yourself in that situation again. So, no more of these heroics. No more fighting goblins. And from now on, you’re not going to go outside of town alone. And Cherry doesn’t count. And if you are going to go out of town, you will inform me first before even considering it. Understand?

Ama, I’m not a child anymore-

Swear on it by the Oath of the Clovermark!” There was a deathly silence that hung in the air. The catfolk looked at her mother with shock and slight horror. “Would you rather I forbid you from leaving this house?

Ano sighed. She grabbed her mother’s hand, and, with ears flattened, recited the oath.

Hartzen dudan zin honekin, nire hitza beteko dudala zin egiten dut abizenak. Konfiantza beira bezalakoa baita, kontu handiz maneiatu behar da, eta ergelak bakarrik hausteko arriskua du. Ulertzen dut Clovermark-en zina hausten badut, izenez soilik Clovermark bihurtuko naizela, eta lotsa onartuko dudala gainerako egunetan.

After a brief pause, Fosyo nodded. “You know what to do to uphold the oath. Now, you can go visit your…’friends’.


Ano walked down to the Rusty Dragon slowly, her head filled with many thoughts and worries. The townsfolk thanked her as she passed, but she didn’t quite feel their praises like she did last night. Not only was her mom’s words still heavy, but with her scenting abilities she could still smell the blood and smoke-a cruel reminder that, no, she’s not in some nightmare. Cherry wanted to say something badly, but had no earthly idea what to even say in such a circumstance, even if he had no clue what the Oath of the Clovermark is.

She finally made it to the Rusty Dragon, and as she entered and saw her friends at a table, she put on the best face she could manage…

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Hey! Sorry I’m a little late, Ama needed…a little help before I headed out!” The cracked voice and slightly forced smile didn’t seem to help her lie, though hopefully they could pass it off for fatigue or something.

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

M NG Tiefling (Pitborn) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 3 HP: 23/23 | AC: 17/11/16 | CMD: 16 | F: +4; R: +3; W: +3 | Resist: cold 5, fire 5, electricity 5 | Init: +1 | Perception: -1; Darkvision 60 ft | Eldritch Pool: 4/4 | 1-Lvl: 4/4 | Hero Points: 3

Perform (Sing): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

Zeldrith is in no state to notice Ano's distress by the time the catfolk enters. After retrieving his gear from the White Deer, the young tiefling seems uncharacteristically gloomy, muttering something about "painful memories, like scars on my soul" before retiring to a dark corner with a mug.

However, the beer flows freely at the Rusty Dragon that night, bringing the mercenary out of his shell, and by the time Ano enters, he is six pints and eight and a half verses into a surprisingly good rendition of Saldus alutis avižų, an old Varisian drinking song.

As Ano enters, he breaks off his song, turning to face his friend. "Ano! Good to see you! Now that everyone's here-" He glances around, counting with a degree of difficulty to ensure that all his friends are present - even if some are missing, however, he is far too inebriated to notice. "-yes, everyone's here. Like I was saying, now that everyone's here, there should be a toast!" He stands somewhat unsteadily, planting one hoof on his chair and the other on the table as he raises his mug. "A toast, my friends! To victory! Yesterday, we were nobody, today, we're heroes, and in an hour's time, we're going to be blind, stinking drUUU!-"

This last word turns into a surprised yell as his chair tips backwards, unceremoniously depositing him on the floor. After a moment to recollect himself as much as is possible, he tips his hat to a nearby empty barstool. "I'm sorry, sir - I seem to have spilled your drink." The young man giggles drunkenly. "'Spilled your drink' - that's a good one!" At the predictably wooden reaction from the inanimate object, however, he turns to look at the barstool, nudging it with his elbow. "C'mon, lighten up!"

Female Kitsune Trickster 3 | hp 21/21 | Init +5; Perc +4 | AC16 (T13 FF13) | CMD 20 CMB +5 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will -1 (+2 v. Disease and Poison) | Evasion, Bombs (5, +4/day) | Bluff +13 | [Kitsune]

Juriya giggles at the magus visitor's antics, preferring to only down one as opposed to six pints. She gives Ano the side eye as she gives her lie, realizing by the tells on her face for what it is, or at the very least, Ano is not telling her the whole truth. Her gut, however, is telling her to not give a single thought about it and to enjoy the night. "Haha, I love a good drink now and then, but I'll stay away from getting that inebriated, for sure~" she says right as Zeldrith falls. "Pfffft-"

Given her lie involves her mother, it likely involves her family, and as a result: it's best not to ask, Juriya reasons to herself as she contemplates ordering another pint of beer. She, uncharacteristically wisely, decides against ordering another pint and just decides to eat what is left of her meal for the night.

Juriya gets through most situations with wit and charm, without much of this "common sense" nonsense. Ask her for her gut feeling and it is going to doom you seven times over. So, I put these internal reasoned-out dialogues in, to show where the Kitsune Trickster skill chicanery comes from for her. Also, love the addition of a drinking song! I'd be too worried about accuracy, but that's likely because of the research on 1800's Russia I have to do for a different character.

F Changeling Ash-Born (Varisian) Shaman (Tribe) 2 Init +1; Senses Perception +8 (+2 Dim light), Darkvision AC 12 hp 15/15 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6

Persephone is seen wandering the Town after the goblin attack. The Shaman and the Familiar both laughing, dancing and wearing various bouquets of flowers in their hair and feathers respectively.

Eventually, they both end up at the Rusty Dragon (evening or early morning) to giggle at Zel's pleasant partaking of spirits....
That is certainly one way to see them.

Male NG Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 3 | HP 25 / 28 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 15 | Fort + 7 (+ 2 vs. disease and poison), Ref + 4, Will + 7 | Init + 4 | Perception + 8 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40 ft. | Hero Points = 4 | Conditions = None| Effects = | Judgement: 1/1 | Spells: 1st Level (4/4) |
I like runes wrote:

Arrian finds Jargie has missed most of the action, since none had gone to the harbor and he was tired to go to the would-be cathedral's consecration. He hides his happiness to find the half-orc alive and lectures him on the importance of staying safe. He still has to clean the Hagfish kitchen after all.

Arrian nods quickly, "I know but I couldn't stand there and let those goblins hurt people. Don't tell anyone else but at first I was terrified. It reminded me of the raid that...you know...or the troubles the caravan had on their way here. But when I saw those goblins hurting people and dogs and then they hurt Ano and Juriya and I could only see red. Next thing I have my dagger in hand and I'm trying to kill those little creepy goblins. I didn't want to reveal it to anyone but I know the goblin language and understood the sick things they were singing about. Maybe this makes me a bad person but I didn't feel any remorse killing them. Don't worry I saved enough energy to get the kitchen and the floors cleaned up. Wow people are messy with the lobster chowder!"

I like runes wrote:

The group finds that the town suddenly knows all of their names, even those that have been living here with few friends and acquaintances. A simple walk around town awards any in the group with a surprise fresh loaf of bread from the Avertins or an offer to get discounts in their stores, and many pats on the back.

Arrian uses the convenient-because-it's-true excuse that he can't stop in since he's running errands for Jargie. Of course if any of those vendors offer a discount Arrian is sure to pass all of the coin saved to Jargie - without letting him know of the discounts.

Arrian knew business wasn't going as well as Jargie would like and they needed all the coin they could to keep the Hagfish open.

I like runes wrote:

Arrian even finds that young girls blush and whisper to each other when he walks by.

Arrian nervously looks around and wonders what the girls are talking about:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 1 = 16
And, although he's not sure, he blushes, mumbles. and then stumbles over every single uneven point in Sandpoint's streets and sidewalks...

The next morning, after finishing his chores, Arrian asks Jargie if he can see what everyone is up to today over at the Rusty Dragon. Jargie is none-too-pleased his young helper is spending time at another establishment and admonishes Arrian to only spend an hour there because they have to get ready for lunch.

Asking around about the 'gang' he finds out Zel communed with Cayden - probably too much - and may make a late appearance.
To everyone else he says, "Hello! Wow it's like we're heroes or something!"

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