Brvheart's Skull&Shackles

Game Master brvheart

Become a pirate and plunder the Shackles and maybe one day challenge the Pirate King himself for leadership!

The Shackles

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Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

I asked that myself, his post about pulling the rope seemed premature to the plan of me getting to you with the rope since it's almost impossible for you to grab it being thrown to you while drowning and sinking.

Happy Holidays, everyone! I will be a slow poster until Thursday or so.

The usual end of year obligations, you know the drill.

Female Human Swashbuckler (Rondelero) 4 | hp 39 29/39 NL (0) | AC (gear) 19, t 15, ff 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +6 | Perc +8 | Panache 2/3 | Conditions: none

Happy Holidays, all! (I plan on being around and able to post except for Christmas Day.)

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The rope was supposed to allow three of your party to aid you on your swim check by pulling you in at double their STR check. Well, no one has stepped up to help but Emerald so I guess she will have to swim while carrying you in.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all. I will probably be around most of the time. Today is our anniversery but we have company so I don't know we will be doing anything. Tomorrow is our FTF Rise of the RuneLords so will be around beyond that.

Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)

Happy Holidays everyone! I’ll still be around to some extent, but I hope all of you have a great Holiday this year!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Merry Christmas and happy new year, and don't go ice fishing, I won't be there to pull you out when the ice breaks. Plus I already have someone to save. ;)

Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)

ooh my character’s dead isn’t she?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Laroisael wrote:
ooh my character’s dead isn’t she?

Emerald jumped in and has her with the rope 10' from the ship. She can make another swim check to help get to the ship.

Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)

once again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

You are safe, besides you have up to twice your con before drowning. Since I was swimming for the both of us at a higher dc, you were ok after I made the grapple. If I had missed my target and the grapple, this could have gone an entirely different direction.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Manny earns 100 XP for his antics entertaining the crew.
Emerald getting her stuff back earns her 200

Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)

officially on new PC, so there won't be any issues from here on out!

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17
Laroisael wrote:
officially on new PC, so there won't be any issues from here on out!

I don't understand, what did you change? I like Laroisael as she is, maybe adjusting skills next level, but weaknesses add to character, and we are just first level. If we were good at everything, its no fun. I just try to focus my skills in my niche and stay away from things I should not be doing. I can't make a fort or strength checks.

I believe they meant a new personal computer, not a character.

I recall a busted laptop message from some time back.

Female Elf Bard [Archaeologist] 3/Fighter 1 | HP 20/28 | AC 15 | touch 13 | flat 12 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perception +11 | Archaeologist's Luck (+1, 3/6)
Nutѕ wrote:

I believe they meant a new personal computer, not a character.

I recall a busted laptop message from some time back.

Yeah, meant a new computer lol. My laptop completely died on me at the very end of November and I've been stuck on mobile until today.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Congrats on the new PC!!!

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

The 'Current map' link leads to 'Dark Tower' and the map isn't of the reef

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Skull&Shackles try this one.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Happy New Year to all

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

SRD Underwater Combat

Underwater Combat:

Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when fighting in water. Water affects a creature’s attack rolls, damage, and movement. In some cases a creature’s opponents might get a bonus on attacks. The effects are summarized on Table: Combat Adjustments Underwater. They apply whenever a character is swimming, walking in chest-deep water, or walking along the bottom of a body of water.

Table: Combat Adjustments Underwater
Condition Attack/Damage Movement Off Balance?1
Slashing or Bludgeoning = half damage Piercing = full damage
Freedom of movement normal/normal normal/normal normal No
Has a swim speed –2/half normal normal move No
Successful Swim check –2/half2 normal move quarter or half3 No
Firm footing4 –2/half2 normal move half No
None of the above –2/half2 –2/half normal Yes

1 Creatures flailing about in the water (usually because they failed their Swim checks) have a hard time fighting effectively. An off-balance creature loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and opponents gain a +2 bonus on attacks against it.
2 A creature without freedom of movement effects or a swim speed makes grapple checks underwater at a –2 penalty, but deals damage normally when grappling.
3 A successful Swim check lets a creature move one-quarter its speed as a move action or one-half its speed as a full-round action.
4 Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced against a ship’s hull, or the like. A creature can only walk along the bottom if it wears or carries enough gear to weigh itself down: at least 16 pounds for Medium creatures, twice that for each size category larger than Medium, and half that for each size category smaller than Medium.

Ranged Attacks Underwater: Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land. Attacks with other ranged weapons take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for every 5 feet of water they pass through, in addition to the normal penalties for range.

Spellcasting Underwater: Casting spells while submerged can be difficult for those who cannot breathe underwater. A creature that cannot breathe water must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell underwater (this is in addition to the caster level check to successfully cast a fire spell underwater). Creatures that can breathe water are unaffected and can cast spells normally. Some spells might function differently underwater, subject to GM discretion.

Ps our gm decided to treat it normally at this time, less complicated.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

I decided that most of you could fight from the reef without penalty, otherwise Emerald is correct you would have to make swim checks and take a -2 to hit.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

It is never too early to think about who the party will chose as their captain once they get their own ship. Having a high profession (sailor) and a good Chr are essential to the job.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

We watched Damned the Defiant 1962 on Tubi tonight that shows how life is aboard ship. While in this case it was the British Navy, things were not much different, press gangs severe dicipline, etc.

Happy New Year, everyone! Wishing it's at least as good as the last one, preferably better.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Current XP as far as I can see it

xp = 50 pirate music for Laroisael
xp= 135 for fist fight with pirates
xp= 100 each for completing first days task
xp= 100 Emerald for entertaining Pirates (telling stories)
xp= 100 Capricia for entertaining Pirates (telling jokes)
xp= 135 each for Dire Rats
xp= 15 each for Bilge Spider from the first day
xp= 160 story award
xp= 167 for Owlbear
xp= 80 Grok
xp= 40 Jack Scrimshaw
xp= 200 Manny for getting his equipment back
xp= 40 Tilly Brackett
XP= 100 for surviving the Storm
xp = 40 for saving Laroisel
xp = 40 for Giffer Tibbs
xp = 40 for Jack Scrimshaw
xp = 40 for Barefoot Samms Toppin
xp= 200 Emerald for getting his equipment back
xp= 100 Manny for entertaining Pirates (his constant antics)
xp=200 each for reefclaws
xp= 200 Nuts for getting his equipment back

so 1382 for Laroisel, 1632 for Emerald, 1432 Capricia, 1632 Manny 1532 for Nuts and 1332 for Harak. There is experience for joining in on the entertainment in the evenings. Three of you can still get it.

Female Human Swashbuckler (Rondelero) 4 | hp 39 29/39 NL (0) | AC (gear) 19, t 15, ff 14 | CMD 19 | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2 | Init +6 | Perc +8 | Panache 2/3 | Conditions: none
In the Gameplay Thread, Nuts wrote:
...he thigh-fives Capricia to celebrate.

Not sure if this is a typo or pervy halfling thing. ;D

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

You are close to making level two so start working on leveling up. It will happen in a few days ship time.

Capricia the Pirate wrote:
In the Gameplay Thread, Nuts wrote:
...he thigh-fives Capricia to celebrate.
Not sure if this is a typo or pervy halfling thing. ;D

Hah, you think halflings can do regular high fives?

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Day 1 night action

Try to entice Conchobhar Shortstone in a game with us, using my feminine wiles, and Ratsberger into trying some of manny brew with me, how about strip poker guys.: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 161d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)
Benefit: A rogue with this talent may make an Acrobatics check to move through a threatened area or an opponents square as part of a charge . He may also change direction once during a charge .

Aerial Acrobatics (Ex)
Prerequisites: Rope Mastery

Benefit: A rogue with this talent gains a climb speed equal to her base speed while using a rope to climb, with all the related benefits. She only needs one hand free to climb a rope, and may perform actions while hanging from a rope which usually requires having two free hands. Finally, she may descend a rope with a speed of up to 60 ft without penalty or damage.

Contents [show]

A pirate breaks from the confines of country and king to commit her crimes upon the high seas. She holds allegiance only to her ship and its captain (if even that much is true), and lives a lawless life upon the waves, plundering ships and shorelines as suits her whim.

Sea Legs (Ex)
At 1st level, a pirate becomes adept at moving on ships, boats, and similar vessels. She gains the Sea Legs feat as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Swinging Reposition (Ex)
At 2nd level, a pirate incorporates a ship’s masts, rigging, ropes, sails, and other such structures into her combat style. Provided she is wearing light armor or no armor, when fighting in an environment where such structures exist, the rogue incorporates them into her movement, and does not have to move in a straight line when making either a charge attack or bull rush combat maneuver. Once she completes her attack or maneuver, she can reposition herself. Immediately after making the charge or bull rush, she can move 5 feet as a free action, even if the charge ends her turn. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

This ability replaces the 2nd-level rogue talent.

Unflinching (Ex)
Pirates are a salty and steadfast lot. At 3rd level, a pirate gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against fear and mind-affecting effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level.

This ability replaces trap sense.

Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the pirate archetype: black market connections, combat trick, finesse rogue, firearm training, hold breath, rope master, and strong stroke.

Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the pirate archetype: getaway master, hard to fool, and unwitting ally.

Female Resources Channel 4/4 Human Cleric HP: 36/36; Nonlethal 0; AC:16/15/11 ; Fort: 6 Ref:2 will:8 ; Init +1 ; CMD:15 ; Perception +4;

Reporting in!

Female Resources Channel 4/4 Human Cleric HP: 36/36; Nonlethal 0; AC:16/15/11 ; Fort: 6 Ref:2 will:8 ; Init +1 ; CMD:15 ; Perception +4;

So, question, level 2 it seems? Also, equipment?
I mostly just need a rapier and a holy symbol (of besmara) and whatever armor is available.

Hi! I'm Nuts.

Welcome to the madhouse.

Female Resources Channel 4/4 Human Cleric HP: 36/36; Nonlethal 0; AC:16/15/11 ; Fort: 6 Ref:2 will:8 ; Init +1 ; CMD:15 ; Perception +4;

Level up would be:

Grab some more skills including linguistic, planes, religion, swim.
Normal cleric stuff

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13


So what am I doing here? I saw people clean the bilges, but not pumping.

Or are Plugg's pets just after a tussle?

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

You posted in disussion, but I will assume you are ready. I chose Nuts for two reasons. One, your pissing on Slippery Syl Lonegan and two, your body is your weapons so you are the only one with a real chance of surviving.

Everyone, welcome Vikla Ragnardottir

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Vikla Ragnardottir wrote:

Level up would be:

Grab some more skills including linguistic, planes, religion, swim.
Normal cleric stuff

Welcome, here is the Roll20 link

You will level up to level two when everyone else does, which will be soon, very soon.

I wanted to know whether you want to give me a fatigued condition beforehand or something.

Alright. I'll try to get through this fight quickly, within reason. Jist note that I am about to hit the hay.

I'm really trying, guys. Hope you all have stuff to do in the meantime.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Nutѕ wrote:

I wanted to know whether you want to give me a fatigued condition beforehand or something.

Alright. I'll try to get through this fight quickly, within reason. Jist note that I am about to hit the hay.

I'm really trying, guys. Hope you all have stuff to do in the meantime.

No, you rested last night so the fatigue would be removed. This is the morning after. I know he didn't have the greatest sleep, but it was enough. Yeah, I know how those nights are -- only too well.

They all have their daily duties, I just posted for our new cleric! She can start getting aquainted.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Nutѕ wrote:

Hi! I'm Nuts.

Welcome to the madhouse.

Yes, apparently so!!! lol

As far as I am aware, we are level 1.

If we are not, let me know. It might be relevant here.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map
Nutѕ wrote:

As far as I am aware, we are level 1.

If we are not, let me know. It might be relevant here.

That depends on whether you win or not. You are that close to level 2.

Fair. We can do this on roll 20 to speed it up, if you want.

Gonna be awake for 30 more min or so.

It is done. Good news is, I get to look at character options now.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

To speed things up we did the little combat in Roll20. Lonegan and Jape came out rather beat up and Nuts soon after completing pumping out the bilges. This puts everyone over the top in xp. As soon as you rest, you can level up to level two. Roll hp. So do your daily chores and level for the morning.

Female Sea Elf Blood Arcanist Savant 4; AC 15 (18 w/mage armor), HP 27, Init + 3; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Atk melee +5, ranged +5. concentration +11, Skills Acro +4, Climb +1 (+9), Perc + 3, Prof (sailor) +12, SoH +4, Sp.craft +11 (+13), Swim +17

hit points: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Hit points: reroll 1's. If you don't roll better than half your die, take that, so a d6 is a 3, a d8 is a 4, etc.

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

I will take half. so 4+2=6

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