Orodhen |
I'm still waffling back and forth a bit on which specific build, but the background is unchanging from here on out.
Male dwarf (Pahmet) paladin (stonelord) 2
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 (+3 to notice unusual stonework)
AC: 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +1 natural)
hp: 22 (2d10+6)
Fort: +5, Ref: +0, Will: +3; +1 trait bonus vs. divine magic., +3 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
DR 1/adamantine
Speed: 20 ft.
Melee: mwk dwarven longaxe +6 (1d12+9/×3) or
dwarven boulder helmet +5 (1d4+6) or
dwarven maulaxe +5 (1d6+6/×3) or
dwarven war-shield +5 (1d6+6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with masterwork dwarven longaxe)
Special Attacks: Stonestrike
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration -1)
At will—detect evil
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16 (20 vs. bull rush, 20 vs. trip)
Feats: Power Attack
Traits: Devotee of the Old Gods, Glory of Old
Skills: Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Climb +1, Knowledge (history) +6 (+8 on checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies), Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +1 (+3 to notice unusual stonework); Racial Modifiers lorekeeper[APG], +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages: Ancient Osiriani, Common, Dwarven, Osiriani, Undercommon
SQ: barrow warden[HA], lay on hands 1/day (1d6)
Combat Gear: potion of enlarge person, holy water;
Other Gear: mwk banded mail, dagger, dwarven boulder helmet[ARG], dwarven maulaxe, dwarven war-shield, mwk dwarven longaxe[ARG], backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (5), climber's kit, crowbar, flint and steel, iron holy symbol of Symbol of Magrim[UE], piton (5), signal whistle, silk rope (50 ft.), torch (5), waterskin, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 20 gp, 3 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Barrow Warden: +1 to attack and AC vs. undead.
Damage Reduction (1/adamantine): You have Damage Reduction against all except Adamantine attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet): You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Detect Evil (At will): You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Earth Variant Channeling (DR 1/adamantine or difficult terrain): Heal - Creatures gain a DR 1/adamantine until the end of your next turn. This DR improves by 1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. This does not allow recipients to overcome DR/adamantine with their own attacks. Harm - All squares in the area are treated as difficult terrain for 1 minute.
Lay on Hands (1d6 hit points): As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Lorekeeper: +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Power Attack: -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Stonecunning +2: +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Stonestrike +1 (2 rounds/day): Gain bonus to att/dam/CMB, ignore 4 hardness & if on earth/stone add to CMD.
Zharr's birth, which should have been a joyous affair, was besmirched by an unknown curse. For reasons only the gods know, Zharr was born with incapability of siring his own children. His parents sought the counsel of the Pahmet priests, but to no avail, none could understand what had happened. He would not be able to pass on his duty, and therefore was already a disgrace to his family name. His parents laid no blame upon him, but he could still see the sadness in their eyes when the thought crossed their minds.
Zharr's early life was otherwise quite uneventful. Calling the ancient necropolis of Erekrus home, he carried out his daily duties as best as he could. Guarding tombs is quite the boring job most days, but he took to his duty with fervour and zeal, modelling himself after his only sibling, his older brother Rekahn, whom he trained with regularly when not on duty.
A few days after his 75th nameday, his whole life would turn upside down. While at home during a period of respite, terrible news would come to greet him. His brother had been slain during duty. A grave-robber had gotten trapped in the tomb, and though duty would dictate otherwise, Rekahn sought to save the pour soul from his fate. Whether through malice, fear or some unknown compulsion, the would-be victim took this opportunity to slay him. Even worse, he grave-robber took from him most of his possessions, most notably his ceremonial family dagger.
The news hit his parents the hardest. This is where the family line ended. No longer would they be able to entrust their line with the oaths of old. His father quietly receded from everyday life until he was a husk of his former self. His mother kept the family together with a grim smile, but he suspected that behind closed doors she wasn't fairing much better.
Zharr decided to venture out, in search of something. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he sensed that something greater awaited him outside of Erekrus. Perhaps he would gain honour for his family through other deeds, or perhaps he would find a way to cure his curse. During this time, he has taken on the mantle of "Tomblade" in place of his clan name, until he is able to bring honour to his family. Regardless of the reasons, he eventually found his way to Wati. This is where his journey truly begins.
Zharr is sombre and grim, but there is still part of him that longs for happiness and friendship. While most of his kin are isolationists, he is a bit more open minded when other races are concerned (in comparison).
He can be quite blunt, but not out of malice. Rarely one to lie, he is quite to the point.
Zharr takes every task seriously, and never gives his word without the full intent to carry it out.
He spends his downtime in prayer or training, while sometimes taking the time to carve runes of repose into small stone tablets, some of which he weaves into his hair, or ready to use in ceremonies to lay the dead to rest.
Although being a Magrimite, he holds in high regards the Osirion Gods of old. His family has revered them for generations in tandem with the dwarven pantheon. Zharr also has much respect for Pharasma and her followers due to her and Magrim's friendship.
Holding to Magrim's teachings, Zharr believes in seeing grudges through to their completion, for every grudge unfulfilled is an undead waiting to happen.
His hair and beard are braided in typical dwarven fashion, with stone and gold interweaved into them.
He can usually be found in full battle regalia, armed to the teeth and covered in dark armour. His trusty longaxe is never out of reach. Magrim's holy symbol, a runic gateway, can always be found hanging from his neck.
When not in armour, his everyday clothes are quite plain and monochromatic. He isn't one to stick out in a crowd.
His torso and arms are covered in Ancient Osirian scripts detailing his family history, be it oaths, triumphs or failings.
Violant |
Finally, another Devotee of the Old Gods character!
Robert Henry
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Delmoth: Half Elf Fighter / Rogue
Dotted w/ Incomplete Character Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys / Stormborn Sorcerer
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Orodhen: Zharr Tomblade Male Dwarf Stonelord Paladin
Delmoth |
I will need assistance with maps so I'm open to suggestions as I am not the most tech savvy, so will appreciate input.
I'm partial to Google Slides. The simplest way to use it is to copy the maps from the AP's PDF into the slide, resize it to fit, and off you go. This is my finished Strange Aeons map, as an example.
It's free, you can get more than enough utility out of it, and your players won't need to make a new login for it.
I don't like using roll20 because when I tried it had a rotten mobile experience, but other people swear by it. I usually do my PbP while I'm pretending to work so I'm often looking at the map on my phone.
Violant |
Violant wrote:Yeah I didn't even know Roll20 was even usable on mobile, to be honest.You can kinda get it to work in browser if you go into landscape mode, but you don't have nearly enough screen real estate to be truly functional.
I've been on it on mobile before, but never knew it was supposed to be used on mobile.
Violant |
Updated summary!
Robert Henry
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Delmoth: Half Elf Fighter / Rogue
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Orodhen: Zharr Tomblade Male Dwarf Stonelord Paladin
AoW_GM |
AoW_GM wrote:I will need assistance with maps so I'm open to suggestions as I am not the most tech savvy, so will appreciate input.I'm partial to Google Slides. The simplest way to use it is to copy the maps from the AP's PDF into the slide, resize it to fit, and off you go. This is my finished Strange Aeons map, as an example.
It's free, you can get more than enough utility out of it, and your players won't need to make a new login for it.
I don't like using roll20 because when I tried it had a rotten mobile experience, but other people swear by it. I usually do my PbP while I'm pretending to work so I'm often looking at the map on my phone.
Thanks, I will look into Google slides. I hope it's as easy as you make it sound. :) Those things are never easy for me. Hopefully, there are some helpful Youtube videos around. LOL...
Tethys the Heartless |
Here's Delmoth's submission. Stats in the profile.
Tethys is tall, over six feet tall and made of tight corded muscle bound around a thin gangly frame. Her straight brown hair spills over her shoulders carelessly, sweat soaked from the heat. Dark black, pupiless, eyes break up her otherwise unremarkable face. In the rare time she’s not wearing her dingy breastplate, her clothes are muted grays and browns on a simple tunic and trousers.
Serious and taciturn, a symptom of her underlying insecurity. She doubts her own ability and the ability of others around her. She aims to prove herself as much as she aims to secure herself financially.
She is a native of Taldor. She followed a childhood friend into banditry, a charismatic young man with aspirations of taking from decadent nobles and redistributing to the downtrodden. While he was able to gather a band of like minded youths to him, what they had in enthusiasm they lacked in practicality. After a botched robbery half of her crew were dead and their leader missing. Tethys fled Taldor and kept on fleeing until she found herself in Osirion.
AoW_GM |
I am reviewing the submissions more in depth and I have some questions:
Violant: With 7 Str, I do not see how you are carrying all that equipment and not be heavily encumbered. The armor alone is medium encumbrance. Just curious.
Luke_Parry: You have 2 feats focused on your familiar, but I cannot tell what the familiar is.
Degwyn: Your profile does not address the questions in my initial post.
Red Heat: The profile has not been updated to reflect that you do not qualify for Eldritch Heritage.
Patate - PK |
I'd love to be considered for this. In the interest of transparency, I GMed book 1 and 2 over half a decade ago and remember pretty much nothing from the adventure.
You can find the link to my character Ali's page here.
Ali was born to an Ustilavian diplomat and an Osiriani merchant. His early childhood was filled with the duties and responsibilities expected of the son of a diplomat, and the only time that he could truly escape was by the crackling fire, listening to tales of his ancestral homeland from his grandmother. As a child constantly one the move, he found himself constantly longing for somewhere to belong.
As he grew his face would form somewhat avian features, and he sprouted a vibrant red, blue, and green plumage upon his arms and shoulders. His grandmother welcomed these signs of “nascent divinity”, sharing with Ali the myth of an ancestor’s union with a messenger for the old gods. Ali would dive deep into the old ways after this, choosing the jackal-headed Anubis as his patron god like his grandmother.
After graduation he took a position on a merchant ship, where he discovered a true sense of belonging for the first time amongst the diverse crew. He became fierce friends with them, and on a night when they were beset by pirates sprang to their aid. But as he skewered a man and watch him pass before his eyes, he was beset by a crisis of faith. How could he ever reconcile his fervour towards a god that protected the souls of the dead, and his ability to play executioner by ending their mortal life.
He hoped that his grandmother could help him come to terms with this, but it was not meant to be. She would pass a day before her made t back to port, and although his parent’s wanted a simple burial, Ali knew she needed to be interred in her native Wati. Unable to afford transport that would cover the distance quickly enough, he held his grandmother’s wooden amulet and prayed to Anubis that he would withhold guidance until her proper burial. As the amulet softly glowed, the ravages of time ceased, and Ali knew his prayer had been answered.
This is where we find him in Wati, a city familiar from the stories and yet still completely foreign to him, having just finalized the final rites for his grandmother. He hopes to find some semblance of purpose, and maybe even an answer to the moral dilemmas that haunt him…
His time on the merchant ship taught him that he can find places he belongs out in the greater world. It’s allowed him to become gregarious, boisterous, and easily excitable around trusted companions. But at his core, he’ll always be the shy introverted boy burdened with heavy responsibility.
He weighs his words with careful consideration, worried about the impact that they will have. A gentle soul, he constantly scrutinizes other’s reaction out on concern that his speech may cause harm. He may seem a little aloof to others, but once they begin to bond, they discover a warm and caring individual.
Reeling from the events of the pirate attack, insecurity has gained a hold of Ali, causing him to second guess his decisions and struggle with a newfound uncertainty with his faith and his general perception of the world he lives in.
Not one to draw attention to himself, he is often cloaked in plain toned, billowing robes in the hopes that they will hide this radiant plumage and help him blend into the background. The only discerning accessory he wears is a simple wooden jackal head around his neck, an heirloom left to him by his grandmother.
Due to the various components held deep in the recesses of his robes, a warm, rich odour seems to permeate the air around Ali.
Garuda-blooded aasimar (plumekith) swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1/warpriest of Anubis 1
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 19 (2 HD; 1d8+1d10+4)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks blessings 3/day (Protection: increased defense, Repose: gentle rest), deeds (derring-do, dodging panache, opportune parry and riposte), panache (2), sacred weapon (1d6, +0, 1 rounds/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +0)
1/day—see invisibility
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Fencing Grace, Weapon Finesse (rapier only) Weapon Focus (pilum), Weapon Focus (rapier)
Traits empathic diplomat (osirion), trap finder
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +10, Fly +5, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Fly
Languages Ancient Osiriani, Celestial, Common
SQ inspired panache
Other Gear chain shirt, mwk rapier, masterwork thieves' tools, 480 gp
Special Abilities
Blessings (3/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Fencing Grace Use Dexterity on rapier damage rolls
Inspired Panache (Ex) Gain no panache from killing blow, only from rapier crits.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Sacred Weapon (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
Violant |
I am reviewing the submissions more in depth and I have some questions:
Violant: With 7 Str, I do not see how you are carrying all that equipment and not be heavily encumbered. The armor alone is medium encumbrance. Just curious.
Luke_Parry: You have 2 feats focused on your familiar, but I cannot tell what the familiar is.
Degwyn: Your profile does not address the questions in my initial post.
Red Heat: The profile has not been updated to reflect that you do not qualify for Eldritch Heritage.
I'm going to switch around my Str and Cha scores, that way it'd only fall into medium encumbrance, along with less blackpowder.
Violant |
Character sheet updated, and here's the updated summary of all the submissions!
Robert Henry
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Orodhen: Zharr Tomblade Male Dwarf Stonelord Paladin
Delmoth: Tethys The Heartless Female Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue
Patate/Torch013: Alghasaq "Ali" Otdykh Male Aasimar Inspired Blade Swashbuckler / Warpriest
Hashna |
I am reviewing the submissions more in depth and I have some questions:
Red Heat: The profile has not been updated to reflect that you do not qualify for Eldritch Heritage.
Renovated, renewed and refurbished, chief. Swapped Eldritch Heritage for Power Attack; it's definetly the more immediately powerful choice anyway. Was planning to take it lv.3 regardless, so the two feats just take each other's place for now.
On that point, I should perhaps add that I'm very much imagining Luke as the fifth wheel to the traditional adventuring party, the guy who can do a bit of everything. A bit of melee, a bit of ranged, a bit of combat manauvers, a bit of skill monkeying. Heck, if the familiar comes on as planned, he'll do a bit of magic too. Specialization usually pays in PF, but it's what I envisage his brief solo adventuring career has led to. Don't know if this will influence your decision, GM, but now you know.
Kunala |
No problem! I saw other people doing it so I figured I would do the same!And your doing a fine job :)
Thanks, I will look into Google slides. I hope it's as easy as you make it sound. :) Those things are never easy for me. Hopefully, there are some helpful Youtube videos around. LOL...It really is fairly simple if your familiar with google docs. I'm running my first game on the boards and with a little help from one of the players I was able to feel pretty comfortable pretty quickly.
I think the interest has died down a bit and I have a qualified pool of 10 applicants to date, so I am moving the closing date of the Recruitment to Friday, October 20, 2023 @ 10:00 PM EST.
Ok, the date has been moved up a little so I should get posting.
This is Robert Henry's cavalier (archetype: Daring Champion). Violant if you could add him to that fine list your doing I would appreciate it :)
Also, AoW_GM if I don't get the opportunity to say it later, thanks for running the game, we players appreciate it. Since we are down to the wire, good luck everyone and good gaming.
Please note that I will choose the applicants by the rp story, background, personality/visual depiction/coolness of the character concept rather than choosing one character for each of the tropes (healer/arcane/frontline/skill monkey). For example, if I like 4 rogues, that is what I will pick.
I got nervous when you listed visual depiction as a point of reference, because I don't do very good with providing images. I tend to build an image in my brain and try to stick with it. Back in college I'd just draw the character out, but I don't have the computer skill to do that on a graphic design program. But if I had to produce an 'inspiring image' it probably would be of 'Ardeth Bay' from the 'Mummy' or maybe one of his Medjai ancestors. But that would be more about motive than appearance.
When I think of the Mummy's Mask AP my brain is automatically drawn to the movie 'The Mummy.' My two favorite characters being Rick and Ardeth. They both fit in this ying and yang version of hero's I like. Either the lovable rogue or the knight in shining armor. Robin Hood/Ivanhoe, Conan/John Carter, Mat Caulton/Lan Mandragoran even Doc Holiday/Wyatt Earp. You get the idea.
Because it felt like you wanted a developed character, I decided to try and revamp one of the characters I'd played before. It would be easy to take a lovable rogue from a previous failed game, and add the Foreign Opportunist trait from the AP. Basically a pre-built O'Connell-like character. Sadly, none of them felt right. So, I started from the ground up.
I'd been wanting to play a Swashbuckler, but the class didn't feel right. So, I went with the 'Cavalier' class with the archetype Daring Champion. It has a similar feel, but with the 'Order of the Lion' it really tied him to King and Country, so to speak. He's lawful good, with a penchant to play the lute, which is the instrument his mother plays.
He wants to learn if the stories he heard growing up, about his ancestors Padmavati (who was a celestial or aasimar) and a pharaoh are true, and if so, learn which Pharoh it is. His reason for being in Wati is to be in a place, around folks that will help him learn it and make enough money to afford to hire those people.
I hope this gives you a little more insight than just the 'Background' 'Appearance' and 'Personality' that are on his page. If you're interested in my 'gaming style' feel free to check the different games, I'm in. I'm mostly at my computer M-F, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm EST then check games a couple times in the evening and regularly on the weekend.
I've been GM'ing for around a year now, a couple of things I've learned. Using google docks is fairly easy especially if you use the snipping tool and having a discord channel really speeds up communication.
If you've read this far thanks :) I'm Looking forward to seeing your character selections.
Radamiel |
I am reviewing the submissions more in depth and I have some questions:
Degwyn: Your profile does not address the questions in my initial post.
Sorry if it wasn't clear. Description and brief background are in my alias for Radamiel but I've broken them out with a bit more detail below.
1. Visual description of character.
Radamiel stands at 5'8" tall with bronze skin, a bald head, light-colored eyebrows, and light blue eyes. On normal days around Wati, he's seen wearing his grey clerical vestments. When training or serving with his unit focused on the eradication of undead he dons a breastplate with the spiral comet symbol of Pharasma embossed on the chest and carries a heavy mace in one hand and a small shield, also bearing the holy symbol of Pharasma, in the other.
2. Tell me about your personality - Why do you care about tomb exploring? Why risk death at the hands of ancient traps or untold horrors buried away?
As a cleric of Pharasma, Radamiel's primary interests in tomb exploration are primarily the eradication of undead and secondarily ensuring exploration is conducted with respect for the entombed. Having heard stories about the necropolis his whole life, he's also very curious to see it himself.
Prior to the start of our story, Radamiel has served with a unit of Pharasmin clerics and warriors deployed to investigate and eliminate several skeletal infestations reported by villages around Wati.
3. Are you a native of Wati or found yourself here for other reasons?
Radamiel is a native of Wati. His mother is also a Wati native and his father retired here after having served with the Knights of Ozem and participating in some skirmishes with undead on the border of Geb. Radamiel's disdain for the undead was heavily influenced by his father's stories which was further reinforced by his religious studies in the church of Pharasma.
Violant |
Good luck to all, and a big thanks for running this! Sorry about being late on the creation of a new summary, fell asleep and even missed a session I was to GM over VTT.
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Orodhen: Zharr Tomblade Male Dwarf Stonelord Paladin
Delmoth: Tethys The Heartless Female Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue
Patate/Torch013: Alghasaq "Ali" Otdykh Male Aasimar Inspired Blade Swashbuckler / Warpriest
Robert Henry: Kunala Male Aasimar Daring Champion Cavalier
Rabscuttle |
I always leave these things until the last minute. I hope I'm not too late.
Here's my character submission and answers to questions.
Kisara Dunestrider: Half-Orc Desert Druid 2
StatisticsSTR: 14 = Base: 14
DEX: 13 = Base: 13
CON: 10 = Base: 10
INT: 10 = Base: 10
WIS: 16 = Base: 14; Racial: (+2) Half-orc
CHA: 12 = Base: 12
Fort: +3 = Base: +3; CON: +0
Ref: +1 = Base: +0; DEX: +1
Will: +7 = Base: +3; WIS: +3; Trait: (+1) Indomitable Faith
AC: 13 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+1); Armor: (+2) Masterwork Leather
Touch: 11
FF: 12
BAB: 1
CMB: 3 = BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2)
CMD: 14 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2); Dexterity: (+1)
Init: +1 = Dexterity: +1
Speed: 30ft
HP: 15
Languages: Orc, Common, Druidic
Masterwork Scimitar +4 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)
Touch +3 (Varies, x2)
Masterwork Sling +3 (1d4+2, x2)
Ranged Touch +2 (Varies, x2)
Acrobatics: 1 = +1 DEX
Appraise: 0 = +0 INT
Bluff: 1 = +1 CHA
Climb: 2 = +2 STR
Diplomacy: 1 = +1 CHA
Disguise: 1 = +1 CHA
Escape Artist: 1 = +1 DEX
Fly: 1 = +1 DEX
Handle Animal: 6 = +2 ranks; +1 CHA; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Heal: 8 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Intimidate: 3 = +1 CHA; Racial: (+2) Intimidating
Knowledge (geography): 5 = +2 ranks; +0 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (nature): 7 = +2 ranks; +0 INT; Competence: (+2) Nature Sense; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Perception: 8 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Ride: 1 = +1 DEX
Sense Motive: 3 = +3 WIS
Stealth: 1 = +1 DEX
Survival: 10 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Competence: (+2) Nature Sense; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Swim: 2 = +2 STR
Race Features
Darkvision (CRB 25): You can see in the dark up to 60ft.
Intimidating (CRB 25): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks.*
Orc Blood (CRB 25): You are a humanoid with the human and orc subtypes. You count as both human and orc for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (CRB 25): Once per day, when you are brought below 0 hit points but not killed, you can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of your next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, you immediately falls unconscious and begin dying.
Weapon Familiarity (CRB 25): You are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.*
Class Features
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the following weapons: Club; Dagger; Dart; Falchion; Greataxe; Quarterstaff; Scimitar; Scythe; Shortspear; Sickle; Sling; Spear
Nature Bond (Core 50): You are bonded to an animal companion: a Giant Beetle
Nature Sense (Core 50): You get a +2 to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.*
Spontaneous Casting (Core 49): You can channel stored spell energy into Summon Nature's Ally spells that you haven't prepared ahead of time.
Wild Empathy (Ex) (Core 50): You can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Your Wild Empathy Check is 1d20 +3.
Desert Native (Ex) (APG 99): You gain a +1 bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks in desert terrain, and you cannot be tracked in such environments.
Undead Crusader (APMM 10): You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against undead creatures.You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks*, and that skill is a class skill.*
Indomitable Faith (APG 328): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves*.
EquipmentMasterwork Leather, Masterwork Scimitar, Masterwork Sling
0th (DC 13): Create Water, Resistance, Stabilize, Guidance
1st (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Expeditious Excavation
Kisara is a tall and sinewy half-orc. Her pale green skin, weathered by countless hours beneath the unforgiving sun, tells the story of her life in the harsh desert. A cascade of coarse, dusty black hair falls freely down her back, adorned with an assortment of trinkets and bone ornaments she's gathered on her travels.
Standing at an imposing height, Kisara possesses a muscular frame that speaks of her physical prowess, and she moves with a grace that belies her rugged exterior. She has piercing green eyes, which reflect a blend of determination and fierce curiosity.
By her side, Kisara is always accompanied by Taraxa, a giant scarab beetle. Massive compared to its smaller kin, it has imposing, horned mandibles and a glossy exoskeleton that shimmers with an iridescent blend of deep emerald and obsidian.
Kisara burns with an unwavering passion to safeguard the living from the relentless encroachment of the undead. The origins of this fervor trace back to her childhood, when a horde of the undead mercilessly overran her family's desert settlement, leaving her as one of the few survivors. She was taken in by the circle of druids who managed to push back the undead, and under their guidance she gound her calling as a druid. Over the years, she has honed her druidic skills to better understand and vanquish the undead that threaten the living world.
Tomb Exploration: She believes that by venturing into the ancient crypts and necropolises of Osirion, she can not only destroy undead at the source, but also discover forgotten secrets and magical relics that can aid her in her quest.
Although not a native of Wati, her circle of druids often passes close by there as they travel throughout the desert. When she heard the news of the decree to open the city's necropolis, she knew this was the opportunity to access both the hidden knowledge and potential allies for furthering her cause. When the circle moved on, she made her farewells to her friends and elders and made her way into the city to enter the lottery.
Violant |
Here's the updated list!
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Orodhen: Zharr Tomblade Male Dwarf Stonelord Paladin
Delmoth: Tethys The Heartless Female Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue
Patate/Torch013: Alghasaq "Ali" Otdykh Male Aasimar Inspired Blade Swashbuckler / Warpriest
Robert Henry: Kunala Male Aasimar Daring Champion Cavalier
Rabscuttle: Kisara Dunestrider Female Half-Orc Desert Druid
can i not be a clutz with this for once?
AoW_GM |
Ok, I am back. Thank you all for your applications. I really appreciate the number of applicants and I am humbled by your great applications. I debated long and hard for the final selections. Unfortunately, I can't take all of you, so without further ado, the following are the selections:
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard
Delmoth: Tethys The Heartless Female Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
To those selected, please report to the Recruitment thread: Link.
Again, thanks to all who applied and happy gaming! If I need a replacement player, I will contact someone from this thread.
Rabscuttle |
Reposting properly...
Kisarra Sandstrider: Half-Orc Desert Druid 2
STR: 14 = Base: 14
DEX: 13 = Base: 13
CON: 10 = Base: 10
INT: 10 = Base: 10
WIS: 16 = Base: 14; Racial: (+2) Half-orc
CHA: 12 = Base: 12
Fort: +3 = Base: +3; CON: +0
Ref: +1 = Base: +0; DEX: +1
Will: +7 = Base: +3; WIS: +3; Trait: (+1) Indomitable Faith
AC: 13 = Base: (+10); Dexterity: (+1); Armor: (+2) Masterwork Leather
Touch: 11
FF: 12
BAB: 1
CMB: 3 = BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2)
CMD: 14 = Base: (+10); BAB: (+1); Strength: (+2); Dexterity: (+1)
Init: +1 = Dexterity: +1
Speed: 30ft
HP: 15
Languages: Orc, Common, Druidic
Masterwork Scimitar +4 (1d6+3, 18-20/x2)
Touch +3 (Varies, x2)
Masterwork Sling +3 (1d4+2, x2)
Ranged Touch +2 (Varies, x2)
Acrobatics: 1 = +1 DEX
Appraise: 0 = +0 INT
Bluff: 1 = +1 CHA
Climb: 2 = +2 STR
Diplomacy: 1 = +1 CHA
Disguise: 1 = +1 CHA
Escape Artist: 1 = +1 DEX
Fly: 1 = +1 DEX
Handle Animal: 6 = +2 ranks; +1 CHA; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Heal: 8 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Intimidate: 3 = +1 CHA; Racial: (+2) Intimidating
Knowledge (geography): 5 = +2 ranks; +0 INT; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Knowledge (nature): 7 = +2 ranks; +0 INT; Competence: (+2) Nature Sense; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Perception: 8 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Ride: 1 = +1 DEX
Sense Motive: 3 = +3 WIS
Stealth: 1 = +1 DEX
Survival: 10 = +2 ranks; +3 WIS; Competence: (+2) Nature Sense; Misc: (+3) Class Skill
Swim: 2 = +2 STR
Race Features
Darkvision (CRB 25): You can see in the dark up to 60ft.
Intimidating (CRB 25): You receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks.*
Orc Blood (CRB 25): You are a humanoid with the human and orc subtypes. You count as both human and orc for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (CRB 25): Once per day, when you are brought below 0 hit points but not killed, you can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of your next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, you immediately falls unconscious and begin dying.
Weapon Familiarity (CRB 25): You are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.*
Class Features
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with the following weapons: Club; Dagger; Dart; Falchion; Greataxe; Quarterstaff; Scimitar; Scythe; Shortspear; Sickle; Sling; Spear
Nature Bond (Core 50): You are bonded to an animal companion: a Giant Beetle
Nature Sense (Core 50): You get a +2 to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.*
Spontaneous Casting (Core 49): You can channel stored spell energy into Summon Nature's Ally spells that you haven't prepared ahead of time.
Wild Empathy (Ex) (Core 50): You can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Your Wild Empathy Check is 1d20 +3.
Desert Native (Ex) (APG 99): You gain a +1 bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks in desert terrain, and you cannot be tracked in such environments.
Undead Crusader (APMM 10): You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against undead creatures.You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks*, and that skill is a class skill.*
Indomitable Faith (APG 328): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves*.
EquipmentMasterwork Leather, Masterwork Scimitar, Masterwork Sling
0th (DC 13): Create Water, Resistance, Stabilize, Guidance
1st (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Expeditious Excavation
Kisara is a tall and sinewy half-orc. Her pale green skin, weathered by countless hours beneath the unforgiving sun, tells the story of her life in the harsh desert. A cascade of coarse, dusty black hair falls freely down her back, adorned with an assortment of trinkets and bone ornaments she's gathered on her travels.
Standing at an imposing height, Kisara possesses a muscular frame that speaks of her physical prowess, and she moves with a grace that belies her rugged exterior. She has piercing green eyes, which reflect a blend of determination and fierce curiosity.
By her side, Kisara is always accompanied by Taraxa, a giant scarab beetle. Massive compared to its smaller kin, it has imposing, horned mandibles and a glossy exoskeleton that shimmers with an iridescent blend of deep emerald and obsidian.
Kisara burns with an unwavering passion to safeguard the living from the relentless encroachment of the undead. The origins of this fervor trace back to her childhood, when a horde of the undead mercilessly overran her family's desert settlement, leaving her as one of the few survivors. She was taken in by the circle of druids who managed to push back the undead, and under their guidance she gound her calling as a druid. Over the years, she has honed her druidic skills to better understand and vanquish the undead that threaten the living world.
Tomb Exploration: She believes that by venturing into the ancient crypts and necropolises of Osirion, she can not only destroy undead at the source, but also discover forgotten secrets and magical relics that can aid her in her quest.
Although not a native of Wati, her circle of druids often passes close by there as they travel throughout the desert. When she heard the news of the decree to open the city's necropolis, she knew this was the opportunity to access both the hidden knowledge and potential allies for furthering her cause. When the circle moved on, she made her farewells to her friends and elders and made her way into the city to enter the lottery.
Violant |
I updated the character to include the background skills, and I figure I'll do the summaries yet again!
Characters Posted:
Rabscuttle: Kisarra Sandstrider, Half-orc Desert Druid
Violant: Ananet Bast, Catfolk Gunchemist 1 / Cleric of Bastet 1
Dotted w/ Ideas
Michael Lenehan: Paladin of Sarenrae
Michael Lenehan |