AoW_GM |
The ancient lands of Osirion are blanketed by the sands of time, and eldritch secrets and vast riches lay just beneath the sun-blistered surface. As modern Osirion opens its vaults and tombs to outsiders for the first time in centuries, many of these lost treasures and secrets are now emerging and explorers are needed to recover them! The Ruby Prince Khemet III has ordered the government of Wati and the church of Pharasma to open the city of Wati’s necropolis to exploration. This development has attracted a number of adventurers and scholars and merchants to the area. What wonders will you find?
Hello all! I was off the boards for personal reasons for the last 18 months, but I am back now, eager to run a fun PbP and since I am a fan of undead, Mummy's Mask seems like a good choice. There's a free Player's Guide on the internet which you can find to help with the story.
Character creation guidelines (Looking for 4-5 players):
2nd level (gives your character some history)
15-point buy
No evil
Skills: Per PHB
Classes: All allowed except no summoner and no psionics/occult.
Races: Core and aasimar/tiefling/catfolk allowed.
GP: 1000
HP: Max 1st level and 1/2+1 for second level
2 traits (1 campaign)
Posting: 1/day at a minimum
Looking for a character sheet and the following:
1. Visual description of character.
2. Tell me about your personality - Why do you care about tomb exploring? Why risk death at the hands of ancient traps or untold horrors buried away?
3. Are you a native of Wati or found yourself here for other reasons?
Any other questions, let me know and thanks for considering this PbP.

Robert Henry |

Curious AoW_GM, I've started Mummy's Mask a few times, but never got past first level, maybe starting at second level will change that. I don't love the idea of a 15 pt buy but I can work with it. Are you considering any Variant Campaign Rules like background skills or such? Not a deal breaker either way, just asking. More importantly, how long will you be leaving the recruitment open?
You pointed out you needed to step away from the boards for personal reason eighteen months ago. I noticed you'd also started two other campaigns over the years, one lasting three months the other four months. I understand stepping away from the boards and have done it twice myself. As I've said, I've started the AP several times. Are there any reassurances you can give to help us decide if this game may last longer than your past three?

AoW_GM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Curious AoW_GM, I've started Mummy's Mask a few times, but never got past first level, maybe starting at second level will change that. I don't love the idea of a 15 pt buy but I can work with it. Are you considering any Variant Campaign Rules like background skills or such? Not a deal breaker either way, just asking. More importantly, how long will you be leaving the recruitment open?
You pointed out you needed to step away from the boards for personal reason eighteen months ago. I noticed you'd also started two other campaigns over the years, one lasting three months the other four months. I understand stepping away from the boards and have done it twice myself. As I've said, I've started the AP several times. Are there any reassurances you can give to help us decide if this game may last longer than your past three?
Thanks for the questions.
1. Background skills are in effect.
2. Recruitment will be open until October 22nd, although I reserve the right to shorten it if I get a plethora of good applications.
3. You expressed fair concerns about my prior posting history. All I can state is that I am in a different situation now and am excited for this game and I am in it for the long haul. All I have is my word. :)

RelicBlackOUT |

Dotting - This is an AP that my playgroup had never dipped their toes into and it feels like a great opportunity to play my favorite class the Paladin. The MM Player's Guide suggest the Undead Scourge Paladin Archetype and I like the flavor. Undead Crusader seems like a shoe in fit for a Paladin, but I think the idea of taking Trap Finder for a undead hunting tomb raiding paladin is really fun. Now if we have a Rogue in the party, which we rightfully should, I would go with Undead Scourge.
I'll get something worked up.

Sahba al-Xemestra |

The answer to the trait question notwithstanding I present Sahba al-Xemestra, Black Blade/Spire defender Magus who wields a khopesh taken from a defeated opponent, that has been giving her dreams of Ancient Osirion of late, as the blade slowly awakens, remembering its past.
Appearance (weapon aside)
Black Blade (as yet unnamed)
Blending the sleek lines of her father’s elven blood, with the dusky mystery of her mother’s Keleshite human features, Sahba is quite the striking beauty. Her thick raven-black hair frames an elegant face, usually concealing the telltale points of her ears, amber eyes, and full mouth, present an overall warm and inviting presence, enhanced by the sparkle of intelligence in her direct gaze.
She moves with a dancer’s grace, seeming to instinctively avoid obstacles in her path, which, coupled with her well-toned muscle gives her almost a predator’s prowl.
Far more intelligent than most people first assume when meeting her, Sabha’s face-first, adventurous approach to life overshadows a shrewd mind that carefully assesses situations, while appearing to simply leap recklessly into danger. Eager to learn and experience the lost mysteries of the world, fascinated by secrets and puzzles, and possessing a genuine love of obscure arcane combat forms, she lives life out loud, often choosing to walk directly toward danger rather than avoid it, despite knowing better.
Her training and upbringing have instilled in her a strong protective streak, which she often displays quite impulsively, often with little regard for a high degree of risk.
Tired of the millennia-old, isolationist views of his fellow Masked Elves, and filled with an undeniable wanderlust and curiosity, Sahba’s father turned his back on his home and his people, abandoning his post as master Spire Defender, and setting sail on a series of harrowing adventures across Avistan, all the way to the Gurundi continent, where her would meet the love of his life, the adventurer Xemestra, in Katapesh.
Her parents’ pride and joy, Sahba developed into a brilliant and vivacious young woman, curious, brilliant, and a protégé at the battle arts of her father, taking to the arcane sword style with an ease that would rival most full-blooded elves. Her skill with a blade, and utter love of the mysteries of magic and lore, soon took her into the circles of academics and treasure hunters, often seeking skilled bodyguards and protectors for their expeditions, a role into which she fit wholeheartedly.
On one such expedition, she would come by her now signature weapon, when the sorceress leading the group, with whom Sahba was in the midst of a brief fling, got into a heated exchange with a group of Osiriani. True to her nature, the impulsive half-elf stepped in, not quite calming things, but rather settling matters when it all came to blows, ending with the most belligerent of the Osiriani leaving both his hand and his intricately tooled, obsidian black khopesh behind as his fellows carried him off to find a cleric.
Gifted with he father’s talent for picking up unusual weapons, it was only a little while before she was wielding the exotic blade as if born to it, almost guided by a connection to the weapon itself. Whether by coincidence, or something more, she found herself drawn more and more to jobs that took her across the northern border, eagerly exploring the deep mysteries of the land’s deserts, and oddly enough, dreaming of life in its past, and feeling the pull of the oldest nation.
Sahba loves adventure. The rush of getting herself or someone else out of a dangerous situation, the thrill of learning, discovering some obscure piece of knowledge, or finding an object or weapon that hasn't been seen by mortal eyes in centuries is irresistible.
Unbeknown to her, the dreams of Ancient Osirion she's been having of late, come from the sleeping intelligence within her khopesh, her own magic slowly awakening the long-dormant intellect, bringing fragments of memory and knowledge of a time long past. This, as much as anything else, has driven her to the city of Wati, and the almost unimaginable opportunity to explore, experience, and learn.

Solras Pirhatya |

I finished typing up this rendition of the Gunslinger: Solras. An adventurous migrant stopping by Osirion as it's the main hold of followers of her faith.
Mechanics-wise a somewhat all-around character with good AC and two campaign traits to be more embedded in the world than she otherwise would be.

Robert Henry |

3. You expressed fair concerns about my prior posting history. All I can state is that I am in a different situation now and am excited for this game and I am in it for the long haul. All I have is my word. :)
That's good enough for me, thanks for being willing to discuss it :)
Dude! long time no see!
Robert Henry
GM DavidC
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Trapper Ranger or maybe an Unchained Rogue.
Athrehon: Thinking Wizard,
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Phillip Gastone: Investigator
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfol Gunslinger
If I missed someone, or got something wrong, please let me know.
I wasn't sure what I wanted to consider, so the easiest way to decide sometimes is to look and see what everyone else is doing. I'm leaning towards a Swashbuckler just need to get a backstory I like. When I get more of the fluff and crunch done, I get something posted.

Violant |

I finished typing up this rendition of the Gunslinger: Solras. An adventurous migrant stopping by Osirion as it's the main hold of followers of her faith.
Mechanics-wise a somewhat all-around character with good AC and two campaign traits to be more embedded in the world than she otherwise would be.
Fixed the "Two campaign traits" issue, now they have the Devotee of the Old Gods trait along with Reactionary

Blackspire Thundergloom |

Submitting a Dirge Bard.
Have some GP left to spend, but the character is basically set.
1. Visual description of character.
The gnome wears extravagantly embroidered black outfits, often marked with grim symbols and designs such as skulls and spiderwebs, yet he speaks with a gentleness and warmth that belies his appearance.
Blackspire has a bushy white mustache and beard. He stands three and a half feet tall and weighs 41 lbs.
2. Tell me about your personality - Why do you care about tomb exploring? Why risk death at the hands of ancient traps or untold horrors buried away?
Gnomes don't really need things such as 'reasons', do they? Well, Blackspire staves off the Bleaching by learning and performing, and is particularly fascinated with death, valor, and hope in the face of impossible odds. He also believes he was once a hero of the Shining Crusade who, at the end of the war retired to the First World; this lingering Crusader influence explains his anti-undead zeal.
Curiosity, love of epic tales, and the knowledge that these explorations are going to happen and ancient undead are going to be released, so he may as well be there to combat such things and send them to their eternal rest.
3. Are you a native of Wati or found yourself here for other reasons?
Professor Blackspire Thundergloom (not his original name - upon reaching adulthood he threw some ominous sounding words in a bag and drew out a few) was born about sixty years ago in the Verduran Forest. A traveler and scholar, he has wandered the world as many of his kin did, seeking knowledge.

Hashna |

Another log on the fire; here's Loukas "Luke" Caradoc. Pertinent details include: being a Slayer treasure hunter; struggling terribly with this whole Osiriani language people in Osirion insist on speaking; and wondering why I spent two feats on a frog.
The toad that periodically peeks out of some pocket or another certainly doesn't help.
Of course, what some would call ‘importing’ others would call ‘stealing’. Modern Osirion being a young and vulnerable nation, freshly revived from its Qadiran occupation, is still vulnerable to preying from older, more established powers. And there are undeniably more than a few Taldan noble coffers heavy with Osirian gold.
The respectable Caradoc family has more than a few such coffers, although the value of their contents is more so historical than monetary. A fact soon to weigh heavily on their youngest heir. Their patriarch, an esteemed museum director, took on the new fashion of Osirionology with aplomb, filling both his displays and home with pharaonic ephemera. His enthusiasm was either shared or supported by colleagues, spouse and children excepting one: his youngest son, Loukas. As typical a boy who ever lived, he never showed the slightest inclination for his family’s academic avocations, instead pursuing such interests as tree climbing, very fast horses, girls and carousing, in that order. A tall, handsome youth in possession of more wit than smarts, his became a life of late-night hijinks and later mornings' regrets. A good life for any lad.
All of which screeched to a halt when his father ran afoul of the mummy’s curse. It was a popular enough story, of course, that of the sarcophagi warded by a baleful hex there to blight whoever dared disturb its occupant. Loukas – ‘Luke’ to his more lowly friends – never put much stock in such tales. Who would care enough about corpses to protect them with traps and magic? Well, the Ancient Osirians cared, and the proof was evident to see in his father, supernaturally withering from the spiteful curse of a mummy. The exact account is hardly worth telling; Luke certainly didn't care for the details. What mattered was that the Caradoc patriarch's latest acquisition - a sarcophagi containing some long dead noble or another - had afflicted him most terribly when opened, seemingly accelerating his aging. His mortal coil aged years within a day, and this was the horror his helpless family had to endure witnessing. For a week, they saw the poor man grow steadily older while feebly trying to rally the resources to cure him, to find a priest to undo the curse.
Sadly, the Osirionology had damned the man in more ways than one. For this was no affordable hobby, and the family's resources were now revealed to be dangerously drained. In fact, they owed a substantial amount to the Abadaran church. Before any other solution could be found, the proverbial sands of time ran out; Luke's father died in his bed looking nothing so much like the mummy he had so offended.
In the wake of this tragedy, the dire straits of the family became clear. And with most of his other siblings having families of their own to support, a newly galvanized Luke took it upon himself to remedy the family's debt. Some years later, this is where we find him now, a treasure hunter. Always the black sheep of the house, Luke utilizes the same predilection for ancient history as his mother and sibling to amass funds, but where they work in academia, he ransacks digs sites and tombs for antiques and relics. And he's particularly pleased with his latest target. An Osirian necropolis never before opened to explorers? It almost feels like destiny. How perfectly appropriate for the son to save the family with ill-gotten gains dug up from the very same sandbox that damned the father. Why, the long dead pharaohs practically owe him this, the miserable old bastards.
It is in other words a more spiteful Loukas Caradoc than the carefree upper-middleclass lout that was, who sets out for Wati, one hardened by a few forays into murky old tombs and murkier black market dealings. Is this animosity towards an ancient civilization that never knew him irrational? Of course it is, and Luke knows it. While no intellectual, the young man is not half as dumb as he likes to pretend; he understands that there is no justice in grave robbing. But dwelling on his own loss only makes it that much more weighty, and dammit all, if having someone to blame doesn't feel good - anyone but himself, the prodigal son who perhaps could have been there for his father. And so he does, ignoring his own better sense and seeking refuge in his old life as a rake when he can, in the simple pleasures of drink, good conversation and perhaps a nice girl or two.
Apologies for the backstory running a wee long, and thanks for reading if you made it. On that note, kudos to you, Robert Henry, for keeping these submissions collected and organized for the GM. Good on you.
I think everything should be in order in the profile, but if not, feel free to ask questions. Hope there will be room for this fish out of water/foreign opportunist (even has the trait) in the party.

AoW_GM |
Another log on the fire; here's Loukas "Luke" Caradoc. Pertinent details include: being a Slayer treasure hunter; struggling terribly with this whole Osiriani language people in Osirion insist on speaking; and wondering why I spent two feats on a frog.
I am curious how you qualify for the eldritch heritage feat, which has 3rd level as a prerequisite.

Dorian 'Grey' |

I will be writing up....
Lucky Strike Catfolk Wizard (Prophecy School) 1
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 17 Wis 8 Cha 12
He's a smoker....
I would like him to exchange for these racial traits?
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 91
Catfolk are naturally inquisitive about the world around them, though some are more curious than others. Such catfolk gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knowledge skills as class skills, they gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills instead. This racial trait replaces natural hunter.
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 91
Catfolk hunters excel at hunting prey from trees and other high vantage points. Catfolk with this racial trait possess a climb speed of 20 feet (along with the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks a climb speed affords). This racial trait replaces sprinter.
He will be the group's Lucky charm!
Thank you!
Wati Native [Campaign]
Source Mummy's Mask Player's Guide pg. 10, People of the Sands pg. 31
You were born and raised in the city of Wati, and you know its streets and secrets well. Although it’s frowned upon by the city’s authorities, you have sneaked into the necropolis on multiple occasions to wander its dusty, abandoned streets. Out of respect for the deceased, you’ve never actually entered one of the necropolis’s silent tombs, but you have no fear of what might lie inside. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against fear effects. In addition, your knowledge of the city grants you a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you.
Affable [Social]
Source Champions of Purity pg. 13
You have a genial personality and make it a point to befriend and help people wherever you go. In your travels, you stop to aid others, tell interesting stories, and often buy rounds of drinks for patrons at the local taverns. You bring good cheer to those you encounter, and for this reason, you often find yourself attending important events or fruitful gatherings, and have even become an honorary member of many families. People find you trustworthy, and they are willing to share information with you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and can do so in half the normal time. In addition, Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you.
I am seeing him as a tour guide....

Radamiel |

Aw man, you stole my face!
Here's Radamiel's description, brief background, and statblock.
Bright blue eyes scan the room as the bald, bronze-skinned man crosses the room, a book tucked under his arm. He finds a seat at a small table and immediately opens the book to a marked page and begins reading as his finger traces across the page.
A friendly smile appears on his face as he looks up at the waitress who takes his order for a modest meal and drink, his attention returning to the book as soon as she turns to leave. His head begins to nod as his finger taps the page before gently closing the book, pulling a holy symbol to his lips as he whispers a prayer.
He opens his eyes and traces the spiral on the cover of the book now confident that the path he is preparing to travel is in alignment with the will of The Lady of Graves.
Radamiel was born in Wati, the son of a baker and a retired Knight of Ozem. His father had participated in several skirmishes on the border of Geb and likely fueled Radamiel's early disdain for the undead. Hearing how the Parazmin order helped to rebuild Wati coupled with the awesome sight of the Grand Mausoleum pulled him to the service of Pharasma.
His interest in exploration is partially sheer curiosity, largely to put to rest any undead that he may discover and also to ensure the tombs are not being desecrated during exploration.
Human Cleric
Male human (Garundi) cleric of Pharasma 2
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 13 (2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +6
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . heavy mace +3 (1d8+2) or
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d3+2 nonlethal)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 6/day—disrupt undead (+wis mod to dam), rebuke death (1d4+1)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—bless, cure light wounds[D], protection from evil, sanctuary (DC 14)
. . 0 (at will)—guidance, light, stabilize, vigor
. . D Domain spell; Domains Final rest inquisition, Healing
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Extra Channel, Turn Undead
Traits corpse hunter, undead crusader
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Diplomacy +5, Heal +8, Knowledge (religion) +6, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +4
Languages Common, Osiriani
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, holy water (4); Other Gear breastplate, dagger, heavy mace, backpack, bandolier[UE], bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy symbol with compartment[UE], holy text (The Bones Land in a Spiral)[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 615 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (6/day, DC 12) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Final Rest Inquisition) Deities: Iomedae, Pharasma, Sarenrae
Granted Powers: The dead have paid their dues; there is no need, and no excuse, for them to walk. You protect their rest personally.
Cleric Domain (Healing) Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Rebuke Death (6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch heals 1d4+1 dam to negative HP target.
Turn Undead (DC 12) Stnd act, 1 channel energy, undead in 30 ft. flee as if panicked for 1 min. (Will neg).
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Violant |

I might as well post a summary of all the submissions so far!
Robert Henry
GM DavidC
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Orodhen: Dwarf Living Monolith, or Stonelord Paladin
Dotted w/ IncompleteCharacter Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys 1 / Stormborn Sorcerer 1
Dorian 'Grey': Lucky Strike Male Catfolk Prophecy School Wizard
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Let me know if I missed anyone! Deleted this twice because I forgot someone, whoops.

Dorian 'Grey' |

Violant |

Submissions so far:
Robert Henry
GM DavidC
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Orodhen: Dwarf Living Monolith, or Stonelord Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Dotted w/ Incomplete Character Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys 1 / Stormborn Sorcerer 1
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator

AoW_GM |
He is researching/purchasing spells for his spellbook. May he purchase 2nd and/or higher spells to write in there?
And, let's talk about Scribing scrolls?
Yes to the first question. As long as you stay within the 1000 gp limit, you can scribe scrolls/craft alchemical items/etc. at the reduced prices allowed by the skill or feat.

AoW_GM |
Submissions so far:
Robert Henry
GM DavidCDotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Orodhen: Dwarf Living Monolith, or Stonelord Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert DruidDotted w/ Incomplete Character Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys 1 / Stormborn Sorcerer 1Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Thank you for the summary - really helps me sort the applications. Please note that I will choose the applicants by the rp story, background, personality/visual depiction/coolness of the character concept rather than choosing one character for each of the tropes (healer/arcane/frontline/skill monkey). For example, if I like 4 rogues, that is what I will pick.

Falric Dawnstriker |

I am applying with Falric: halfling bard/alchemist. I played him for 6 levels in a Giantslayer campaign before it died off and I really liked his multifaceted utility as the group's trap disabler, tank, scout, knowledge guru on some subjects, and consistent small damage dealer. I've modified him to fit the guidelines, but I think the dervish dance, devotion to Sarenrae, and crypt breaker archetype (not optimum) fit this desert setting. I hope you like and good luck all!

Violant |

Violant wrote:Thank you for the summary - really helps me sort the applications. Please note that I will choose the applicants by the rp story, background, personality/visual depiction/coolness of the character concept rather than choosing one character for each of the tropes (healer/arcane/frontline/skill monkey). For example, if I like 4 rogues, that is what I will pick.Submissions so far:
Robert Henry
GM DavidCDotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Orodhen: Dwarf Living Monolith, or Stonelord Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert DruidDotted w/ Incomplete Character Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys 1 / Stormborn Sorcerer 1Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
No problem! I saw other people doing it so I figured I would do the same!

Dorian 'Grey' |

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:Yes to the first question. As long as you stay within the 1000 gp limit, you can scribe scrolls/craft alchemical items/etc. at the reduced prices allowed by the skill or feat.@AoW_GM
He is researching/purchasing spells for his spellbook. May he purchase 2nd and/or higher spells to write in there?
And, let's talk about Scribing scrolls?
Thank yee!
Now where is tarn nation did that ink go too....

Violant |

Here's the updated summary!
Robert Henry
Dotted w/ideas:
Critzible: Halfling Unchained Rogue.
RelicBlackOUT: Undead Scourge Paladin
Orodhen: Dwarf Living Monolith, or Stonelord Paladin
Rabscuttle: Desert Druid
Delmoth: Half Elf Fighter / Rogue
Dotted w/ Incomplete Character Sheet (No background):
Plastic Dragon / Athrehon: J'Koth Male half-elf Clercic of Nethys / Stormborn Sorcerer
Posted Characters:
Luke_Parry: Amenhotep Of Wati Male Human Empyreal Sorcerer
Mark Thomas 66: Sahba al-Xemestra Female Half-Elf Magus
Violant: Solras Pirhatya Female Catfolk Gunslinger
Aldizog: Blackspire Thundergloom Male Gnome Dirge Bard
Degwyn: Radamiel Male Human Cleric of Pharasma
Red Heat: Loukas 'Luke' Caradoc Male Human Slayer
Dorian 'Grey': Idari "Lucky Strikes" Lucien Male Catfolk Chronomancer Wizard
Phillip Gastone / Andrea1: Icabhod Tilneros Male Human Investigator
Lucendar: Falric Dawnstriker Male Halfling Crypt Breaker Alchemist / Dawnflower Dervish Bard