
Ananet Bast's page

97 posts. Alias of Violant.


Female Catfolk Gunchemist 1 / Cleric of Bastet 1 | hp 16/16 | Init +6; Perc +9 | AC14 (T12 FF12) | CMD -2 CMB +0 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +4 (can reroll reflex, +1 v. divine magic)


| Bullets + Blackpowder: 87, Alchemical Cartridges: 55, Ordnances: 3/4, Channel: 6/6, Grit: 1/2, Copy Cat: 5/5, Dazing Touch: 5/5

About Ananet Bast


Ananet Bast
Female Catfolk Gunchemist 1 / Cleric of Bastet 1
Chaotic Neutral, Medium, humanoid (catfolk)
Init: +5; Senses: Low-light vision, Perception +9

AC: 14, T: 12, FF: 12 (+2 Dex, +2 Armor)
HP: 16 (2d8+2+1[fcb])
Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +4

Speed: 30ft 20ft
... Mwk Pistol +4 (1d8 BP)
... Mwk Ordnance & Pistol +4 (1d8 BP + [1d6+1] fire)
... Tekko-Kagi -2 (1d3-2 P)
Specials: Copy Cat (5/day), Dazing Touch (5/day), Channel Energy (6/day)

STR 7 + 0 = 7
DEX 14 + 2 = 16
CON 12 + 0 = 12
INT 12 + 0 = 12
WIS 16 - 2 = 14
CHA 14 + 2 = 16

BAB: +0, CMB: -2, CMD: 11
Feats: Amateur Gunslinger (Quick Reload)
Traits: Devotee of the Old Gods, Reactionary
SQ: Grit (2), Ordnance (4/day)

Alchemist Extracts Known
... 1st (2/day): Targeted Admixture, CLW, Ant Haul, True Strike
Alchemist Extracts Prepared
... 1st: CLW, 1 empty.
Cleric Spells Prepared
... 0th: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Light
... 1st: CLW, Magic Weapon, Charm Person (D)
Languages: Common, Catfolk, Osiriani, Ancient Osiriani, Kelish

... Acrobatics +0
... Appraise +1
... Bluff +3
... Climb -5
... Craft (Alchemy) +5
... Diplomacy +3
... Disable Device +0
... Disguise +3
... Escape Artist +0
... Fly +3
... Handle Animal +3
... Heal +2
... Intimidate +3
... Knowledge (Arcana) +6
... Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +1
... Knowledge (Engineering) +1
... Knowledge (Geography) +1
... Knowledge (History) +2
... Knowledge (Local) +1
... Knowledge (Nature) +1
... Knowledge (Nobility) +1
... Knowledge (Planes) +1
... Knowledge (Religion) +7
... Linguistics +6
... Perception +9
... Perform (Percussion) +4
... Profession +0
... Ride +0
... Sense Motive +2
... Sleight of Hand +0
... Spellcraft +6
... Stealth +2
... Survival +4
... Swim -5
... UMD +3

Other Gear: Alchemist's Kit w/ Masterwork Backpack (88gp, 26lbs), Gunsmith's Kit (15gp, 2lbs), Mwk Pistol (300gp to mwk, 4lbs), Haramaki (3gp, 1lb), Golden Holy Symbol of Bastet (100gp, 1lb), 90 doses of Black Powder (~4.5lbs, 90gp), 90 Powder horns (27gp, 9lbs), Firearm Bullet x90 (9gp, 1.5lbs), 60 Alchemical Cartridges (0lbs. 360gp), Tekko-Kagi (2gp, 0lbs), Musical Instrument [Sistrum] (3lbs, 5gp), Spell Component Pouch (5gp, 2lbs), 9gp + [453 gp, 3 sp, and 2cp from first venture]

[52lbs, Medium Encumbrance]


Growing up, Ananet had always heard stories about the gods her ancestors worshipped (some still do!), and one in particular always stood out to her: Bastet. A god of cats, secrets, and pleasure, the former two of which Ananet had always been interested in or connected to, regardless of what her parents said of. For her, learning secrets she never was supposed to know had always felt euphoric to the extreme, no matter the importance and age of them.

First, she lie in wait around her original homeland, Alkenstar city, mastering the craft of Gunsmithing while under the noses of those who are far better at the craft than she is. The alchemy involved, the metallurgy, the forging... she eagerly soaked all of it up while trying her best to remain as hidden as possible. Granted, no one probably brought up her presence, even if they did see her, for she always had a way with words and with convincing and tricking people.

Later, she set her eyes on the past as opposed to the future, and the Goddess who had always been seeming to call her name. Osirion wasn't too far from Alkenstar, and she could move there to feel closer to her goddess as time went on. So, move there she did, with her stockpiled ammunition, both mundane and alchemical, in tow, she trudged along north to the land of her ancestors, trudging her away along through the wizard-king's land, and then onwards towards Katapesh afterwards, before finally settling down into Wati.

She had been meaning to look for a chance to look into the gods of Ancient Osirion, as well as their secrets, when the chance struck her in the face like a bullet: the exploration of ancient structures had just opened up! There was bound to be numerous and plentiful secrets hidden inside! Thus, she signed up for the lottery.


Ananet Bast bears a striking resemblance to certain depictions of Bastet, but it is not all natural resemblance. Granted, she had resembled the goddess enough to earn the nickname "Ananet Bast," or what can loosely translate to "Ana of Bast(et)" in Ancient Osiriani. Instead of the human body that her goddess has, however, hers is covered in fur, as is typical for an Amurrun.

Granted, she puts on some additional clothing and the like to make herself appear more like Bastet when the occassion calls for it, however, as she feels her connection to her goddess isn't strong enough given her focus on merely two aspects of the god's portfolio as opposed to all three.

She is always seen with the holy symbol of Bastet displayed proudly around her neck as a necklace, along with her pistol in her main hand, and tekko-kagi in the other to act defensively (i.e. as a buckler), but when not engaged in some kind of combat, she can occassionally be seen singing and dancing with a sistrum in hand whenever things are more light-hearted, still dedicated to mirroring her deity whenever possible to make up for what she precieves as fault.


Ananet's personality can be likened to a Gishvit, except only limited to secrets, as opposed to all information in general: she is ravenous and devout in her search for hidden secrets and knowledge, and she considers such acts to be considered devoted to Bastet, given her Goddess's domain over secrets as well. Outside of her never-ending quests for secrets, her personality is what the situation often calls for, if the situation calls for levity, such as drinking with friends, she drinks like a Caydenite. If the situation calls for being serious in all manners, then she is focused on the task at hand and serious.

Build Plans:

The build plan for this character is primarily a healer, getting early access to more healing than is typical at lvl 2, at the cost of future level access. Between extracts for personal usage, channel energy, and cure spells, that is where the primary focus of her build is.

Damage-wise should spells run out? The pistol is there for a reason, as well as the copious amounts of ammunition!