Professor Blackspire Thundergloom
Gnome Dirge Bard 2
LG Small Humanoid
Racial Options: Darkvision, Academician (Religion), Eternal Hope, Fell Magic, Fey Fortitude
Init +6;
Perception +5
AC 17,
touch 13,
flatfooted 15 (+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 size, +1 Shield)
HP 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +2,
Ref +5,
Will +3 (+2 racial vs. fear, despair, death; +2 trait vs fear, death; +4 class vs fear, energy drain, death effects, and necromantic effects)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +1 (1d3-1/19-20)
Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20)
Str 8,
Dex 14,
Con 14,
Int 12,
Wis 11,
Cha 16
BAB +1;
CMB -1;
CMD 11
Feats Lingering Performance
Traits Undead Crusader, Reincarnated
FCB Bard +1 Skill Points
Skills (8 per level)
Perception 2 +5
Knowledge (Religion) 1 +9 (+10 to ID undead)
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 +6
Knowledge (Local) 1 +6
Knowledge (Planes) 1 +6
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1 +6
Knowledge (Nature) 1 +6
Sense Motive 1 +5
Spellcraft 1 +5
Stealth 1 +10
Perform (Oratory) 2 +8
Perform (Percussion) 2 +8
Use Magic Device 1 +7
Background Skills
Knowledge (History) 1 +6
Knowledge (Engineering) 1 +6
Profession (Cheesemaker) 1 +5
Linguistics 1 +5
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Ancient Osiriani
MW Studded Leather (175 gp, 10 lbs)
MW Darkwood Light Crossbow (355 gp, 1 lb)
20 bolts (2 gp, 1 lb)
Cold Iron Dagger (4 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Buckler (5 gp, 2.5 lbs)
Backpack (2 gp, 0.5 lbs)
Waterskin (1 gp, 1 lb)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs)
Entertainer's Outfit
549 GP spent
Special Bardic Performance 9 rds/day (Inspire Courage +1, Fascinate, Countersong, Distraction); Bardic Knowledge +1; Bleed, Chill Touch (DC 12), Detect Poison, and Touch of Fatigue (DC 11) 1/day each; Haunted Eyes; Secrets of the Grave (Disrupt Undead)
Cantrips Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Open/Close, Mage Hand, Summon Instrument, Disrupt Undead
Spells (CL 2, Concentration +5)
1 (DC 14, 3/day): Saving Finale, CLW, Feather Fall
Current encumbrance: 18.5 (light is 19.5)