GM Frost's A Level 1-5 Adventure of PFS (2E) Escapades

Game Master Frozen Frost

Current Game: S03-01 Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
Slides and Maps | Macros | Chronicles
Sign-Up Sheet for S03-01 Intro Year of Shattered Sanctuaries (PbP Gameday XIII)
Challenge Points: 18 (LOW Tier, Level 1-2)
Start Date: 9 September 2024
End Date: 17 November 2024

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GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Let's talk out-of-character stuff here.

Horizon Hunters

Half human, half amazing

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the game. Before we officially begin, I'd like to go over a few important instructions that will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all:

1. Please sign up for the game on the provided Sign-Up Sheet (linked above) and enter the essential information your GM needs for your Chronicle: Player Name, Character Name, Organized Play Number, Character Number, among others. We will use the RPG Chronicles website for this purpose.

2. Please take a moment to fill out the required information on page 2 of Slides and Maps (linked above) for character tokens and marching order. Additionally, make sure to update the Macros (linked above) on any available Sheet between Player 1 to Player 6 for your character’s basic information, core stats, and skill modifiers. This will help us start promptly.

3. To facilitate easy reference, ensure your character's stat block/header includes the following information: Hit Points (HP), Armor Class (AC), Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will), Perception bonus, and Speed.

4. If you need area templates (burst, cone, emanation, line) for your spell or aura, they can be found on pages 3 to 7 of the Slides mentioned earlier. You can copy and paste them onto the Encounter Map (linked in the initiative tracker during combat/encounter). These templates are already adjusted for the Encounter Map we will use, so no resizing is necessary. They are also available under my alias GM Frost as Area Templates.

5. Please be active in the game and make a post at least once every day, and once on weekends. As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards and Expectations, we adhere to the principle of "Explore, Report, Cooperate." Therefore, any non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is strictly prohibited. Before including fellow PCs in damaging effects, players must obtain their consent. Violating this rule may result in Infamy points and potential consequences for your character's playability. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is under the control of an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.

6. During combat, we will be using a block initiative system. PCs in the active block can post their actions, which I will usually resolve in the order they are posted. Players can choose to delay their actions until after another character has acted.

7. To make things clearer during Encounter Mode, please use the following symbols when labeling your actions: ◆ for a single action, ◆◆ for a two-action activity, ◆◆◆ for a three-action activity, ↺ for a reaction, and ◇ for a free action.

8. Above all, let's remember that the goal is to have fun and enjoy the game together! :)

Thank you, and let's embark on this exciting adventure!

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

Hello everyone!

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)

Hello Everyone!

Thank you, GM Frost, for the inclusion into this PFS adventure!

I have played all 10 Seasons PFS1e, so am familiar with being a true Pathfinder See Murderhobe, and look forward to what PFS2e has in store See hope not murderhobos .

I look forward to meeting/gaming with everyone and wish everyone enjoyable experiences.

I shall endeavor to complete requirements this weekend.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Posting here the players who will be playing and their characters:
Xyntryx - cleric
rainzax - kineticist
-Ed- - bard
Dorian 'Grey' - oracle
PaleDim - psychic
Brenael - fighter

Everyone can begin filling out the Sign-Up Sheet, Slides, and Macros linked above. We can start next week once everyone has dotted in and filled in what is needed for this game. If anyone has glyph(s), this is your chance to share them for extra hero point(s). We will begin with bounties and a scenario (at level 1) so that it can give you ample time if you wish to make changes in your character that will fit the group before everyone hits level 2.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them away and I will try my best to answer them.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

I'm making some final adjustments to this character tonight and I'll have slides and status-line filled out by tomorrow.

I'm currently choosing between The Tangible Dream (dreamy psychic!) or the Oscillating Wave (he freezes his leftovers! he microwaves them!).

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Hello everyone! Looking forward to adventuring with you all.

I am in the AEST (UTC+10) timezone, so will mostly post in the afternoon or overnight from the perspective of the US.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none
Frozen Frost wrote:
Additionally, make sure to update the Macros (linked above) on any available Sheet between Player 1 to Player 6 for your character’s basic information, core stats, and skill modifiers. This will help us start promptly.

All done, though I note that the initiative modifier automatically calculated doesn't seem to just use the skill associated with the exploration activity. It seems to set it that that +1?

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Going to express some excitement here!

Frozen Path Party
"Xyntryx" @ Cleric
Hanu, Friend of the Wood @ Kineticist (Dual Air / Wood) w/ Staff and Aerial Boomerang
Zepth. @ Bard
Ōtani Yoshitsugu. @ Oracle (Battle) w/ Katana and Shield Spell
Moist Definitely @ Psychic (Emotional Acceptance or Wandering Reverie by Tangible Dream or Oscillating Wave) w/ Imaginary Weapons or Flame / Frost
Olegaro - Fighter (Power Attack) w/ Flail and Steel Shield

So, looks like we got some kind of frontline with a sword and board fighter and an armored oracle, supported by a skirmishing midline of psychic and kineticist, and achored by a backline of bard and cleric?

Hanu's contribution is threefold, as he has active damage mitigation for his allies (Timber Sentinel), an interesting area-line effect that requires some adaptive setup (Aerial Boomerang), and solid out-of-combat healing (Fresh Produce), to supplement his melee and ranged blasting. His skills are somewhat limited at this time, having prioritized highly his physical attributes, but he looks to eventually take the Scout dedication and focus on Stealth, keeping his skill focus somewhat narrow if concentrated.

Looking forward to kicking this off!

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

I'm going to go ahead and go with tangible dream. Mostly because I think it will require some more creativity than just burning/freezing things constantly. Also, RP-wise, a cook recently haunted by his dreams seems more interesting.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

I'm pretty excited about this group too. Nothing beats a stable, consistent group of adventurers who really get to know each other (versus 6 pathfinders just interacting with the immediate goals over and over).

As for what Moist brings to the party tools-wise: You can vaguely think of him as a party "mage" with basic offense (telekinetic spells) and some battlefield control (color spray). If enemies get close to him they'll soon realize his skin gives off very active poison.

Finally, despite being something of a social misfit he is good with people (diplomacy, deception). He had to get all of those cooking jobs in Absalom somehow!

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺
Moist Definitely wrote:
All done, though I note that the initiative modifier automatically calculated doesn't seem to just use the skill associated with the exploration activity. It seems to set it that that +1?

Hanu sets his Exploration Activity to Scout, giving everyone +1 to their Initiative. If Otani uses Call to Arms, that will be +2, I believe.

Anyway, to the following, kindly fill up the info I need:
Rybar - Slides (page 2), Macros
Hanu - Slides (page 2)

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Call to Arms is a status bonus and Scout is a circumstance bonus!

GM Frost wrote:
Hanu - Slides (page 2)

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Nice! If Otani uses the reaction for initiative, everyone will have +3 then.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Three Glyph GM here - if allowed for a Bounty, then to those early-arrivers, Ōtani, Moist, and Zepth.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

I will allow them, thank you. Otani, Moist and Zepth will start with two hero points each.

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)

Much appreciated, rainzax!

I was thinking to start every combat (Refocus time permitting) with Call to Arms.

The Curse doesn't grant any relevant bonuses until into Moderate, so will attempt to get there quickly. Especially, boss combats.

Question: are we using the as is Refocusing rules (1 per 10 minutes period.) or the Remastered (may Refocus another 10 minutes to gain 2nd point).

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

We will be using the existing Refocus for now. Once the Remastered version is released and sanctioned for Organized Play, we can then use that version.

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)

May he cast Weapon Surge in Daily Preparations then Refocus, so as to theoretically begin each combat having a full complement of Focus Points?

Or is that cheese?

He would be in Minor all day and Moderate once Combat begins.

Not certain if that is...allowed?

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none
GM Frost wrote:
Hanu sets his Exploration Activity to Scout, giving everyone +1 to their Initiative. If Otani uses Call to Arms, that will be +2, I believe.

Ah nice! I didn't consider that.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺
Ōtani Yoshitsugu. wrote:

May he cast Weapon Surge in Daily Preparations then Refocus, so as to theoretically begin each combat having a full complement of Focus Points?

Or is that cheese?

He would be in Minor all day and Moderate once Combat begins.

Not certain if that is...allowed?

The focus spell has no duration but it mentions "before the start of your next turn" which is kinda weird. But anyway, I will allow all of that.

Horizon Hunters

]◆Inspire courage ◇Lingering Composition [dice=Performance]1d20+8+1[/dice] ◆Draw Weapon ◆[dice=Jezail]1d20+8+1[/dice], [dice=Damage, fatal d12]1d8+1[/d
Gutsy Halfling Virtuoso Bard 2 | HP 24, AC 19 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8 | Hero Points: 2/2 | Focus Points: 2/2 | Level 1 Spells: 3/3 | Spell Attack +8, Jezail +8 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Acrobatics +7, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +8, PFS Lore +4, Music Lore +4, Nature +6, Occultism +4, Performance +8, Religion +6, Thievery +6

I've seen inspire courage being used as an exploration activity. I just wanted to check on that. Zepth follows Rain example and encourages others through different types of dances, depending on the occasion.

Thanks for the hero point!

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺
Zepth. wrote:
I've seen inspire courage being used as an exploration activity. I just wanted to check on that. Zepth follows Rain example and encourages others through different types of dances, depending on the occasion.

You can do that with Repeat a Spell as your Exploration Activity. Just take note that "in order to prevent fatigue due to repeated casting, you’ll likely use this activity only when something out of the ordinary occurs."

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Ōtani Yoshitsugu. wrote:

May he cast Weapon Surge in Daily Preparations then Refocus, so as to theoretically begin each combat having a full complement of Focus Points?

Or is that cheese?

He would be in Minor all day and Moderate once Combat begins.

Not certain if that is...allowed?

Asked the Community!

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)

I appreciate the post, but I was only actually asking so that he can keep 2 Focus Points, but it turns out that I will want to actually use Weapon Surge (during combat) after using Call to Arms every fight too.

So, he will always only have 1 Focus Point after the Initial combat (assuming he uses Weapon Surge during it).

My mistake.

I was not asking if he can hold Weapon Surge for a combat, although I can see how one could think that from my

Thank you for your assistance.

That really makes those later Refocus abilities fantastic.

My home group was doing it incorrectly for the entire AoA AP before we realized that second line in the Refocus Activity line...oops.

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

The new rules for the Refocus will be indeed great for Oracles to take advantage of the moderate curse at lower levels. I have a life oracle which I like to be in moderate curse already but the Refocus is the limiting factor to utilize it in every encounter to the next on scenarios that happen within just a day.

Anyway, it looks like Xyntryx has not dotted in yet to the game but I already sent a message so we can continue.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Moist Definitely wrote:
Wait, don't you need a d7 for the chance to get V from roygbiv? :)


Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

I'm sorry I'm late to the game. I'm usually online everyday, but I was sick for a week and have only recently recovered. I've made my 1st post. I will add the character details (like HP, AC, saves, et al) in the morning.

Looking forward to playing with you guys.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Hope you're feeling better! It's no reason to be sorry. Nobody wants to be sick :)

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

I hope you are feeling better. Taking care of yourself is more important.

Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)

Catching up on my posts after work.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
GM Frost wrote:
rainzax wrote:
Speaking of which, I want a copy of that new Macro sheet!
Sure! I added some details and improve some of them, taken from the macros I previously used. Spent some time learning and working on the existing formulas and all but it is worth it because I also get to learn many things that are not my expertise.

When you got a minute, I'd like a fresh copy to use for my Gameday quest. PM/email me?

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|
Moist Definitely wrote:
Hope you're feeling better! It's no reason to be sorry. Nobody wants to be sick :)
GM Frost wrote:
I hope you are feeling better. Taking care of yourself is more important.

Thank you, I'm much better.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Once we get some serious gold after 2-3 bounties, this is a good guide to review: What to Expect at a PFS 2E Table

Horizon Hunters

Oh? Man, that's golden.

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

FYI: I'll be away this coming weekend starting Friday evening 9/8 through Sunday 9/10 (US/Pacific time). I will have limited access to post from my phone, so I may be able to keep up over the weekend but can't guarantee a post. As it is the weekend, I suspect this won't be very disruptive to the game.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
Rybar Gannon wrote:
GM Frost, there's a grey outcropping of rock right beside the Chupacabra. Do I have to climb it to get there? And if yes, how much time will that take?


Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Thanks for that. I'll go the other way then

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Quick Question: if the Chupacabra squeezes our fighter, is that a manipulate action? Or a strike?

I'm asking because it seems like he's drinking a potion to me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

If you mean Constrict if it has that ability, it has no Manipulate trait to take advantage for AoO.

The creature used Chupar on Olegaro while he is grabbed.

Requirements The chupacabra has a creature grabbed; Effect The chupacabra sucks blood from the grabbed creature. The chupacabra gains the quickened condition for 1 minute and can use the extra action only for Strike and Stride actions. A chupacabra can't use Chupar again while it is quickened in this way. A creature that has its blood drained by a chupacabra is drained 1 until it receives healing (of any kind or amount).

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Ah I see. Okay thank you for clarifying.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

Would Olegaro get an attack of opportunity as the beast runs away, being a fighter and all?

Noted about the potion - guess I know what item to purchase from the funds we get on this mission

GM Screen | Mentorship and PC Level Bumps | Pathfinder Provisions | Downtime | Area of Effects Templates | ◆◇↺

Yes, you can have an AoO for that Stride.

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

That +1 to hit/damage is phenomenal. Thank you for it.

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Initially I couldn't believe what I was reading... imagining our Tengu to be truly blind and aiming that heal spell at the wrong guy. But yes I get why he thought Olegaro was dying. It looks like just one block of info to me too. Lol.

Radiant Oath

male human fighter 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 19 (21 w/shield) |F +8 R +7 W +5 | Perc +7 | Stealth -1 | Hero Points 1/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Defend | Conditions: None

This is getting ridiculous - of the 8 attacks Olegaro has made in this combat, 6 have rolled less than 5! Here's where I would change dice if I was in an in person game :)

Maybe it is time to switch weapons?

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Or to start using hero points?


Grand Archive

M Tengu Oracle (Battle) 2 HP 19/24, AC 17/18, Fort(T)+5, Ref(T)+5, Will(E)+7, Perception(T)+5 Low-Light Vision, Speed 25' Hero Points 2/3 Focus Points 2/2 Conditions: Curse 1 (Weapon Trance)
Rybar Gannon wrote:
Initially I couldn't believe what I was reading... imagining our Tengu to be truly blind and aiming that heal spell at the wrong guy. But yes I get why he thought Olegaro was dying. It looks like just one block of info to me too. Lol.

Not certain of what you speak

Grand Archive

Halfelf M Thaumaturge 2 | Charlatan | HP 26/26 | AC 18 | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 | Esoteric Lore +8 |Diverse Lore | 25" | Hero 1/3 | Weapon Implement | Search |◆◆◆◇↺|

Thank you for the save! Lol

Envoy's Alliance

male poisonhide tripkee, cook, tangible dream psychic 2 | ♥️18 | ⛨17 (mystic armor) | F+4 R+6 W+7 | Perc+5; darkvision, low-light vision | stealth+6 | speed 25ft | spells 1st☐☐ | focus☑☐ | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: none

Yes, some of us have two hero points (via the glyphs, thank you rainax) and it's a bounty. Use them up!

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