Bounty Board #3 Shadows and Scarecrows Closed (Inactive)

Game Master Eric Parker 82

Google Slides
Sign in Sheet

(◆ ◇ ↺)

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |


Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

I am excited to see what is in store for Witches come November!

For now, content to explore the personality of this fresh 1st level character...

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Looks like most folks have filled out the slides. Don't forget the Macros Spreadsheet, and please make sure to include your Exploration activity on the "Initiative" Line.

I see four of you have filled in the Sign in sheet as well.

Envoy's Alliance

Male Empty Sky Kitsune Life Oracle of Healing 2 / Medic | Field Medic | HP 30/30, AC 16 w Padded Armor (17 w Shield raised), Fortitude* +5, Reflex* +5, Will** +9, Perception* +7 (Low-light vision), Stealth +1 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Search | Active Conditions | ◆◇↺

Done with Macros, Slides, and Sign-Up Sheet. I have one glyph to share.

Radiant Oath

Male Orc Oracle 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 | F+5 R+5 W+6 | Perc +4, Darkvision | Speed 25ft | Focus [_] [_]| Hero Points 1 | Spells 1st 2/2 | Exploration: Scout | Active Conditions: None

One Glyph. And Shimmer has a Chronicle for this one already, so a new character.

Wayfinder Origins (Maps / Slides) | Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | ☘️ @ Aldonza (☑☑), Fran (☑□□), Nanoc (☑☑□), Raash (☑☑/□), Zug (☑☑□) | Contact Info | Spell Templates | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition

Three Glyphs

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

I believe that is two Hero Point each.

I don't see Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport on the sign in sheet.

Looks like Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport and Toavandil Hanustar still need to fill in the Macros sheet.

Delta and Shardul, please check boxes on the Macros sheet for skills you would like me to be able to roll for you, Secret checks and the like.

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
GM Computerpro82 wrote:

I don't see Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport on the sign in sheet.

Looks like Coenocytic Hyphae Rapport and Toavandil Hanustar still need to fill in the Macros sheet.


Also, for the next game I run, I gotta get me a copy of the master blank sheet!

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

I got it from GM Doug H. He said the latest would be here.

Horizon Hunters

LG Fungus Finadar Leshy Devourer of Decay Witch / Flexible Spellcaster 3 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search
AC 17 w/ mystic armor | Fortitude (+4), Reflex (+6), Will (+7) | Perception (+5) w/ Darkvision | Speed 25 or 30 warp
♥️ 32 | ☘️ □□ | ☀️ □ | ✋ empty | ⚕ none | Primal DC 18, Rank One (□□)

Daily Preparations:

Cantrips (□□□□□□) @ Forbidding Ward, Haunting Hymn, Phase Bolt, Read the Air, Shield, Warp Step
Rank One (□□, flexible) @ Concordant Choir, Sleep

Familiar Abilities (□□□): Ambassador, Cantrip Connection, Share Senses

Verdant Wheel

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

Hey gang!

This bounty got me thinking about divinity, as every character I have either worships directly or at least identifies roughly with one of the gods, if nothing more than a fun way to connect them to the lore.

For the last week I have been thinking of what god or pantheon or belief system would suit a Finadar Leshy who serves a dark Patron.

Any suggestions?!

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

Bounty complete. Session is reported and Chronicle sheet sent via email. If you don't see your Chronicle sheet, please check your SPAM folder. If you still can't find it, contact me and I will get it to you via some other means.

Feel free to hang out for a few days, or if the next GM wants to take over the thread, that's fine as well.


Thread for next bounty: Cat's Cradle

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