Riverlands Here We Come (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

PF2E Kingmaker Book 1 Marching order: Lyra/Edoom:BB/Tibold
Stolen Lands Hex Map
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Influence: Friends: Amiri, Jaethal Helpful:
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I will get an alias set up and be ready for Monday. Do you need anyting about backstory?

A couple of paragraphs including why you are in southern Brevoy should work.

Introduction post is up. I hope you are as excited as I am to start what is probably the most popular and groundbreaking AP.

Plan is to have a what I look like and possibly am thinking post for each player. After all characters have their appearance posted, feel free to start interacting as five strangers waiting in a common, very important situation would.

We are on to pass an hour outside waiting with no posting requirement beyond the intial what I look like until the hard start a week from Monday.

If your character is not social, I find "thought italics" to be an underused PbP resource you can use to influence our mutual narrative. I may send you PMs about your characters. The party composition and suitability for Kingmaker I would both assess as very good.

Please get your first post up ASAP as others may want to start talking, and they may be waiting on you.

Very cool, Saturdays are hit and miss with me, depending on what I'm doing with my wife. I will get pertinent information on Iradyiels page and a post up this afternoon.

Tabletop Gold

This is a link to a podcast for PF2e live action I was recommended to try out.

I find it interesting that the GM requires all weapons to be sheathed during exploration, even when exploring the Abomination Vaults. I could see someone opening a door to have a single hand free, but all weapons sheathed seems excessive.

F Half-Elf Ranger 1 AC:18| HP: 15/20 |Perception +7|Exploration Action: Scout

Lyra's opening post is up. Her stat block is in her profile. I will add a bit of backstory later on also. LMK if there is more you need from her to get the story rolling.

GM Tribute wrote:

Tabletop Gold

This is a link to a podcast for PF2e live action I was recommended to try out.

I find it interesting that the GM requires all weapons to be sheathed during exploration, even when exploring the Abomination Vaults. I could see someone opening a door to have a single hand free, but all weapons sheathed seems excessive.

Agree. I could see saying that unless you state otherwise, your hands are free, but not sure anyone would explore a creepy dungeon with their weapons up. If you really wanted to penalize the players an action, you could just say they had to take one to "ready" for combat even if weapons were drawn.

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

If I, personally, were exploring a creepy dungeon you best believe I would have a weapon in hand. Brightberry on the other hand, has no weapons.

yeah, having a weapon out only makes sense to me. If I'm playing a rogue, I'll have them pick a lock, then put their tools away, and draw one weapon before opening the door, then draw the second while moving...

Ok, I had to get more of Iradyiel's appearance and personality done before I posted. I've got bullet points listed, I'll get more of a background tomorrow or Monday. Going to work on a post now.

I still need to finish some of his crunch, but I can get that Monday as well.

"Brightberry"Coming out of his stillness, Brightberry looks to Iradyiel. [b wrote:
"We were told to come here to meet a leader person about the wilderness they call the Stolen Lands. That many peoples were trying to take it over and that it needed a protector. Is that why you are meeting 'her Ladyship'?"[/b]

I wanted to double check, how much information do we have about why were here. And how much does Iradyiel know about banditry in the stolen lands?

Bandit Lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Lol, apparently Iradyiel has lived a very sheltered life since being taken in by the Narcinals.

Nice RP so far, I like how things are going. So much so, that I think we go with 4 as the AP suggests.

All four characters look good and we have all the bases covered. Druid plus ranger lets me feel we have the outdoor classes covered.

I am trying to come up with a session equivalent for hero points. My home groups tend to get 500xp in a 4 hour session, I may use a hero point every half level. I am still working that out.

I have thought of the are weapons ready during exploration? question, which is for exploration the expectation is you would be out for hours at a time before seeing something. I did not want to come up with an absolute answer, as I feel Iradyiel would prioritize weapons more than Brightberry. Any thoughts??

Obviously thinks like tracks and dead bodies would change the equation.

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |


I'm not trying to rush, just showing my excitement.

Saw the posts here, was hoping for a little info, How much do we know about why we're here? One way or another, after supper (or at least before I head to bed) I'll get a post up in game.

Mechanically I still need to work out Iradyiel's AC.

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You are competent adventurers summoned to the Great Hall. We will assume from the gameplay post, the charters for adventurers to settle the Riverlands is the big reveal. Other than that, imagine being called to the governor's home for dinner in your home state with not many details.

Thanks! That's sort of what I was hoping for :)

Just a heads up, In the morning I'm taking a friend to the nearest 'City' (Columbus Ohio) for an out-patient procedure. So I will not be posting at my regular time. I'll be up later tomorrow than normal and should be able to get any posting done before I head to bed.

Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP
GM Tribute wrote:

Nice RP so far, I like how things are going. So much so, that I think we go with 4 as the AP suggests.

All four characters look good and we have all the bases covered. Druid plus ranger lets me feel we have the outdoor classes covered.

Oh didn't read this until now. I guess I've been edited out. Well I will get my posts deleted then. Have fun, everyone!

Edit: Managed to get them both. One was at 51 minutes, so just under the wire. My posts won't be cluttering up your space now.

Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP

I received notification I am still welcome, so I will reupload my posts!

Yep, sorry about that. I closed the airplane door too early.

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

Now we are a party of five competent adventures.

Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP
Brightberry wrote:
Seeing that the conversation has turned into meaningless humanoid personal stories, Brightberry goes back to inspecting the fauna.

If only Tibold could hear Brightberry's adjectives, lol. He would completely agree most such social exchange is a waste of time if it's not relevant to the science!

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

Lol. We're so awkward.

Plan is to work some plot hooks into your characters and give you each an individual introduction with some flavor. Then you will be escorted into the Manor. Monday is a holiday, so we will be making Tuesday the first player daily posting day as I should have five individual player montages followed by the beginning of Part 1.

Nice RP so far -- this will be much better than the game some of you have had to transition from. Hopefully that game was the caterpillar and this one is the butterfly.

Huh, so much for something easy to involve everyone :(

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Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP

Don't sweat it, my fine champion. Hopefully Edoom's 'girlfriend' from the other game will make a reappearance. Then your character will have plenty about which to tease him.

You will all be involved — just a nice DMDrEvil like beginning to start off each character.

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

That was perfect, Tibold. I just picked that fungus for flavor anyway.

Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP

They look cool!

Next update on Wednesday due to the holidays. You should have access to your tokens on the map.

You can pick a seat in the Great Hall, probably with a place setting unless you want to move a place setting from one spot to another. We will have some interaction with people you have chosen to sit with over the next few days.

NPC descriptions are 'roughly' in seating order. Something the AP material could have done better.

You will be choosing to pick one of these during an exchange with the guests over a series of rounds. I will be making secret checks to determine the success of these actions. Appropriate dialogue and actions can modify these rolls.

Concentrate Linguistic
Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 151
You attempt to make a favorable impression on an NPC to convince the NPC to support your cause. Choose an NPC, and attempt a skill check to impress that NPC. The DC, and whether success is possible, depend on the NPC’s preferences (typically found in the NPC’s influence stat block).
Critical Success You gain 2 Influence Points with the chosen NPC.
Success You gain 1 Influence Point with the chosen NPC.
Failure You gain no Influence Points with the chosen NPC.
Critical Failure You lose 1 Influence Point with the chosen NPC.

Concentrate Secret
Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 151
You watch or study an NPC to learn more about that NPC’s preferences. Choose an NPC and attempt a Perception check or an appropriate skill check determined by the GM. The DC is typically found in the NPC’s influence stat block.
Critical Success Choose two of the options detailed in Success below; you can choose the same option twice to learn two pieces of information from the same category.
Success Choose one of the following: You learn which skill that can Influence the NPC has the lowest DC (skipping any skills that you already know), one of the NPC’s personal biases, one of the NPC’s resistances, or one of the NPC’s weaknesses.
Failure You learn no information.
Critical Failure Choose a piece of information to learn about, as success, but the information is incorrect. For instance, you might think the NPC is susceptible to flattery when actually the NPC is resistant to flattery.

A quick question, just to understand PF2 better, does any of the 'communication skills' affect Influence?

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Any skill can conceivably influence including lore — so the value of the discover action.

Aid in 2e.
Typically aid is at DC20 with a crit fail -1 and success +1, crit success +2. Unskilled aid is typically going to do more harm than help.

After the head table is seated, the PCs will have a single discover or influence roll versus a single NPC in the room each influence round.

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

I'm out and about driving around town. I should be able to make a good post this evening.

Male: Fort +6 : Ref +5 : Wil +5 : Focus 1/1 Elf, Perception +3 : HP 15/15, Wounded 0 Magus 1 : AC 17 (+2), Speed 30, Hero Points 3/1

Beginnings of a background up for Edoom.

So after the head table is seated I will make the secret discover check on a single target. I will assume you are seeking what will most influence them unless otherwise stated.

PF2E has checks which are secret — made by GM secretly — discover checks are one of them. Stealth is another common one.

As mentioned before, if you are not sitting in a square with a place setting, if you don’t move one yourself the servants will move one for you.

GM Tribute wrote:

PF2E has checks which are secret — made by GM secretly — discover checks are one of them. Stealth is another common one.

So it sounds like we describe in character or OOC what we are trying to accomplish and you roll secretly?

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

Suits me. I do the fun role playing, and you do all the decision making about the rolls.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Infusions: 1/5
Bottled Lightning 2/3 | Goo Grenade 1/3 | Elixir of Life 0/2 | War Blood Mut 1/2
(Dying 2)/18 HP

I will try to get something posted later tonight. Over at family’s for BBQ.

F Half-Elf Ranger 1 AC:18| HP: 15/20 |Perception +7|Exploration Action: Scout
Iradyiel Madras wrote:
GM Tribute wrote:

PF2E has checks which are secret — made by GM secretly — discover checks are one of them. Stealth is another common one.

So it sounds like we describe in character or OOC what we are trying to accomplish and you roll secretly?

I typically ask my players to provide the modifier, so I don't miss something that would affect the die roll, but basically yes. Only a few things are Secret checks (they have the Secret trait on them). But often used: Seeking, identify magic, pick a lock etc. Ideally, things where you character doesn't know how close they were to a success.

Hope everyone enjoyed Memorial Day if celebrating.

Was still planning on giving you all day before daily update, as holidays are included in the weekend.

Discover checks are typically perception, just as initiative checks are by default perception. Mechanically you may be able to come up with another skill (using warfare lore on a warrior, using society on someone, etc.). When in exploration mode you can pick a number of activities, if you are avoiding notice, you are moving at half speed trying to stay hidden and using stealth for intitiative. If you are attacked while building a wall, craft could be used for initiative.

It feels like that may take a bit to get used to, so hopefully you will remind us :)

Are we rolling initiative or are you?

did the dark elf give a name?

When we start exploring, each character will put their exploration activity and modifier in their header, e.g. avoid notice +7, search +6. If the exploration activity does not reference a skill, you will use perception modifier.

I will roll initiative and try to keep enemies in a bunch as much as possible.

And, you now know Jaethal is not a dark elf.

GM Tribute wrote:
And, you now know Jaethal is not a dark elf.

True, but since the info was in a spoiler I didn't want to blurt it out :)

I just realized PF2 champions don't automatically come with 'detect evil' probably should have looked at the list of 'class abilities' a little closer

N/A Leshy Druid (Leshy Warden, World Walker) 1 HP BB 14/14 | RL 5/5 | AC 18 | F +4 R +2 W +5| Perception +7 |Spells: 0th: 4 1st 2/2 |

Are we now waiting on the results of our 'discover' rolls before continuing with our conversation?

I gave you a preview as you all had your actions in. “Official” update is Wednesday due to holiday.

GM Tribute wrote:

Iradyiel politely talks to the pale scythe wielder. She opens up about the diety Urgathoa, he patron. She seems very smitten by the champion.

"You seem to have a divine patron. Tell me about your religion some."

yikes, for some reason the first time I read your post I totally missed his...I think I'll retcon my post :)

GM Tribute wrote:

Iradyiel politely talks to the pale scythe wielder. She opens up about the diety Urgathoa, he patron. She seems very smitten by the champion.

"You seem to have a divine patron. Tell me about your religion some."

yikes, for some reason the first time I read your post I totally missed his...I think I'll retcon my post :)

If I want to do a knowledge check on Urgathoa would I roll that or do you have to? Doing it here just in case

knowledge(religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

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F Half-Elf Ranger 1 AC:18| HP: 15/20 |Perception +7|Exploration Action: Scout

DMs can decide, but typically Recall Knowledge is a secret check.

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