GM Tribute |

We are building brand new 2e characters, I linked a helpful sheet of 2e actions, but 2e is quite easy to learn.
Three actions per round and one reaction while it is not your turn. I linked common actions in the campaign tab. I highly recommend downloading and possibly printing as it is highly useful.
Archives on Nethys has great material about 2e.
Link to 2e great stuff
Previous characters can let me build their character in 2e if needed.

Edoom |

I have the hardcover of the main book, so I can read up a bit. Please feel free to build Edoom as you're much more familiar with the options than I am. I can then review and make any changes I like. I do think the Issian Patriot makes me easier to integrate into the game, and gives me a little more personality guidance.

GM Tribute |

Everyone should know me a bit.
There is some constructive feedback I am going to try and implement this go around. It will make the daily posting requirement easier to satisfy.
I will try to incorporate everyone's actions and posts as much as possible into the narrative. I will try to make these inputs not feel "wasted". I will try and resume my daily posting rhythm, but I may have summer vacations and possible business trips on my calendar. I will give notice of any suspensions with a definite return date.
If you will be unavailable for an extended period, give notice and I will try to find a way for you to "drop out" for a while and rebalance encounters to the remaining characters.
Finally, Dr Evil's Pathfinder 2e style is what I would like to copy. If you want to see how pathfinder 2e should be run, this is the thread.
But, I want to force block initiative as much as possible!!! I hate when the monsters dont all go in a row!!!

GM Tribute |

Amid the constant threat of civil war, the inhabitants of Brevoy have more pressing concerns than their neighbors’ ancestries, and few judge anyone by that alone. Brevans value custom and loyalty; thus, anyone who adheres to local traditions enjoys a high degree of tolerance and acceptance. As such, the region boasts a diverse population.
Characters don’t have to be from Brevoy to play the Kingmaker Adventure Path, but since the campaign begins as the party receives a charter from the swordlords of Restov, and the initial approach into the Stolen Lands is from Brevoy, players should consider how members of their character’s ancestry and class function in this northern kingdom.
The common ancestries from the Core Rulebook all work seamlessly with Kingmaker. If a player is considering a rare or uncommon ancestry from another source, the GM should consider challenges and opportunities the story and setting may present for that character, as highlighted below.
Thematic Ancestries
Groups of antagonistic kobolds and lizardfolk reside in the Stolen Lands, so players who make characters with these ancestries may have to make difficult choices. Alternately, the presence of such a PC can, at the GM’s discretion, make alliances with these groups more likely.
With Kingmaker’s thematic ties to the First World, a leshy character could be a fun player option. Likewise, a sprite character might find themselves faced with unexpected advantages or disadvantages in portions of this adventure where the First World has a stronger role. It’s best for a sprite PC to have no knowledge of the Adventure Path’s key villains and very limited knowledge of the First World; a sprite who has lived their whole life on the Material Plane works better in Kingmaker than one who is more familiar with the First World’s strangeness.
The proximity of Numeria to the Stolen Lands also makes it likely that some androids and ratfolk have drifted east into the region.
Unaffiliated Ancestries
Hobgoblins, along with many of the versatile heritages such as those touched by the planes or beastkin, aren’t that common in the region, but neither are they unknown or as unexpected as something like catfolk or tengu. And unlike lizardfolk or kobolds, most in the Stolen Lands don’t hold a bias against these ancestries, and they make relatively safe, low-impact options for PCs in Kingmaker. (For a PC with a versatile heritage such as changeling, dhampir, or one of the planar scions, their primary ancestry will also impact how well they fit in Kingmaker.) While azarketi would also fit this category, the lack of opportunities to excel in underwater or aquatic environments makes them a particularly poor choice for this campaign.
Unusual Ancestries
Catfolk, fetchlings, fleshwarps, kitsune, strix, and tengu are not well-known in the Stolen Lands; if players choose from these options, they may often be regarded as unusual or curious visitors by denizens in the River Kingdoms. GMs might want to play up some NPCs’ reactions to characters of unexpected ancestries, or consider altering some NPC ancestries to match those characters—if only to help explain why some people in the Stolen Lands know that a catfolk isn’t a werecreature!

Edoom |

I updated Edoom's profile... but until I get a chance to read up on 2E a bit more it's not final.
A quick question... Did you include the Issian Patriot background for Edoom, and if so are it's benefits included in the profile?

scranford |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Edoom wrote:So who else is planning on joining the game?Absolutely nobody, errr, at least no one of consequence.... well, at least that I know of....
Iradyiel will be a half elf champion (liberator) of probably Desna.
But hopefully we will get others who are of consequence joining us soon.
Well at least half of you is of some consequence…

GM Tribute |

Trying to get Iradyial's crunch done, Are we strong enough martially or would it be beneficial if he archetyped Fighter. I plan on starting with a reach weapon, and a one-handed weapon/shield. I don't know if he will specialize one way or the other, but I'm leaning sword and board.
My feeling is the added healing of the champion with Lay on hands is incredibly valuable, adding more champion feats would be stronger than archetyping fighter. Even snagging another focus spell lets you lay on hands twice.

Tibold Crenshaw |

Are we using the Free Archetype rule by any chance?

DM DoctorEvil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks for the invitation to play. I will get a character (probably a ranger) up soon, certainly over the weekend. Is there any role lacking in the group you need filled particularly? Seems pretty balanced w/o me, so thought Ranger might provide a little martial, a little outdoors/survival, and maybe enough skill stuff to get by.
Looking forward to it!

GM Tribute |

No variant rules like Free Archetype. Uncommon and rare stuff with approval. We will be using hero points starting with 1 out of 3.
Soft start planned for Monday, at least hoping to get character reviews started. I have some business trips coming up, but I will give notice.
My plan is to post five times per weekday at ABOUT the same time of the day which is 8AM central time US and I will call this the DAILY UPDATE. The expectation is each player will make five posts per weekday between DAILY UPDATES so that if you check regularly during the weekday at the same time, you can keep current. If I happen to get on in the day and make a post without DAILY UPDATE it will be to clarify things or update combat.
So I am hoping you can avoid having two DAILY UPDATES happen without getting a post in. As mentioned, I will try to incorporate everyone's actions and posts as much as possible into the narrative. I will try to make these inputs not feel "wasted". I will give notice of any suspensions of the game with a definite return date.

Iradyiel Madras |
My plan is to post five times per weekday at ABOUT the same time of the day which is 8AM central time US and I will call this the DAILY UPDATE.
So I am hoping you can avoid having two DAILY UPDATES happen without getting a post in.
I'm just asking because the terminology is confusing me. First you said Five time per weekday and then talk about a 'daily update' then you said you want to avoid a second 'Daily Update' without letting us get a post in. How many times a day do you want to post? I'm assuming we're going to try and post as often as you do.
My assumption was 5 times through the week, but if it's 5 times a weekday/25 times a week, I'm down as long as everyone else is. Seriously, I was in a Reign of Winter AP that finished in eleven months with 7,155 posts that was 19.75 posts a day between four and five players. So game on....

GM Tribute |

Five daily updates on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday with the expectation you can post at a minimum of once a day Monday through Friday.
Sorry for the confusion. I will try to make daily updates at around 8AM central USA time regularly so if you check the boards once a day, you can make a post without worrying about my timing. I let you know my schedule as many think it is relevant, I like to drink my morning coffee and open up the Paizo boards to start the day.
I will be checking characters out Monday and putting up a stage setting intro as you will be outside a manor waiting to attend a banquet. Characters will have one hour of game time to talk and meet themselves the first time when you get the official CAMPAIGN INTRODUCTION. I will probably let a week of roleplay among the characters occur as you are all meeting for the first time. When you see the first DAILY UPDATE scheduled for next Monday, we will be off. Looking forward to this first PbP of 2E for me--I am liking how 2E flows at the table after being a skeptic at first.
I thought and still think D&D 3.5 was the pinnacle of D&D and liked how Pathfinder made it better. I am turning into a slow convert to 2E.

Iradyiel Madras |
Cool, I tend to check the boards, make some notes and then actually post after I've had a couple cups of coffee. In between those two events I normally cook breakfast and get my wife to work.
When I was posting in the game I listed above, I was working third shift. Now I'm semi-retired My wife calls me a kept man :) and I take care of my mom who has dementia. I post mostly while my wife's at work (8-5 EST) but will check games again a couple of times in the evening.
An hour of game time to meet, that's cool, then the actual Game in a week or so. That will give us some time to work out any quirks. This will be my second PF2 game, as you can tell by my questions I'm still not very familiar.
I played AD&D back in college, and picked up PF here on the boards to help me stay awake at night at work. I wasn't sure if I'd convert to PF2, but I'm willing to give it a go.

GM Tribute |

So Pathfinder 1E is more complex than Pathfinder 2E and consequently lets you do a lot more than Pathfinder 2E. Does the significant added complexity warrant the added options and bells and whistles? Having already learned 1E I am torn, but if I had to learn a game system from start I would get hours of time back that the 1E learning curve imposes over 2E.
With 2E being the future and what will be most supported, that is the tiebreaker for me. My kids love 2E as they don't need me to explain as many rules as it is much easier to grasp and more new player friendly.
Now I will make a controversial statement: The core rulebook for Pathfinder was amazing!! I saw a stranger with it while on a business trip in a Panera, and we struck up a conversation and I immediately became a 1E fan and was back into RPGs. His copy at the time had the words 3.5D&D + on the cover. You can get 80-90% functionality out of 1E with it, but Paizo needed to make more money than could be made selling one book. Core Rulebook only Pathfinder 1E needs more love than it gets, being played by seeming fringe PFS players.

Brightberry |

I'm here, I'm here. Looks like a nice solid group! My 2e conversion is done, I just need to finish purchasing items I think. BB travels rather light. Just so you, as players, know, BB should be pretty decent with the heals. He has goodberry as a focus spell, high medicine skill, and heal spells. Brightberry is very excited to be here.

Iradyiel Madras |
Hey Brightberry! A leshy druid, nice! I'm looking forward to seeing how he works (mechanically that is). Good to hear about the healing part, that's always a concern. It looks like Iradyiel will be able to help a little, but I see him mostly as a front liner.
The other game PF2 I'm in I'm playing a Sprite witch who's mounted on his Corgi familiar. I generally don't play Casters, but I figured if I had to learn a new system why not do something unusual.

Edoom |

I was considering goint "Seer" elf instead of "Woodlands". My thoughts were he was the son of a militant mother, and an arcanely influenced father, so kind of got pulled both ways.
Either way is good... Also, might reconsider some of the spell choices.

Iradyiel Madras |
LOL, nija'd by Edoom, that's what I get for trying to type and talk on the phone at the same time :)
I'm the exact opposite, I generally play full BAB or Rogues, I tell everyone that I'd read to much Robert E. Howard when I was a kid to play 'casters' The bad guys were always sorcerers. But really, I just like to play the fighter types. We'll see how that goes here in PF2 :)

Iradyiel Madras |
Nice! I loved the Savage Sword of Conan, a black-and-white magazine-format comic book series published beginning in 1974. (I graduated high school in '80) so right in my wheelhouse. I'd read/owned most of Howards short stories around that time. Later I found several Conan books/novellas written by Robert Jordan (before he did Wheel of Time) that were pretty good as well.

Iradyiel Madras |
hmmmm, Conan, Solomon Cane, Kull, El Borak, Bran Mak Morn, even Red Sonya, dug all those characters. Howard was the second author I tried to read everything I could find, the first was Edgar Rice Burroughs, the third was Michael Moorcock. These days I read a lot of S. M. Stirling, Joe Abercrombie, Brandon Sanderson and Jim Butcher. Not that I won't read whatever I can get on line from my library.

Brightberry |

I really really liked S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire story-line. I actually created my own rpg, drawing inspiration from this story arc. I just couldn't continue reading the series. It began to seem that he was telling a story just so that he can teach us about Wicca. Not that I have anything against it, it just beat me to death with it. And how one group was so scottish, it became cumbersome. Just my opinion.
If you like Butcher's Dresden series, you should try the Alex Verus series. The newest novel has just been released.

Iradyiel Madras |
I really like Dresden's snark, I jumped over to my online library and checked out "Fated" I'll give it a go :)
I loved the 'Dies the Fire' storyline, read all fifteen. The first three books were about the first generation, which I really enjoyed. The next seven, were about their kids. Liked them too. The last five were about the third generation. It felt like the last book was cut off early, so It may be that everyone was starting to get tired of it. I don't like Stirling's other 'alt-earth' stuff but I'd at least check out something new.
Created you own RPG? Do tell...

Brightberry |

It's not something I've ever done anything with, other than play with my friends. In short, it's current day earth, but something has caused all technology, save steam power, to cease working. That includes black powder and gasoline. The laws of physics has changed and magic moves in a few months after this happens. That is explained in the game's backstory. Along with magic, gates begin to open and both demonic and angelic flood onto earth. Holy wars fought for earth last a few years until celestial and demonic planes are formed for earth and they ascend. Or descend. More gates open allowing fantasy races and creatures to move onto earth. Their world is changing from magical to technological, gaining what we lost. They leave their humans behind.
The game mechanics is a d100 percentile skills based system. Each time you use your skills, they have a chance of increasing, with 'feats' you can earn at milestones. Magic is something that you have to learn. It's not guaranteed you would ever succeed at learning it, though. Magic is held in 'words', kinda like in Patrick Rothfuss The Name of the Wind. You might learn how to use fire magic, earth magic, life/death magic. Most wizards only learn one type in their life. The more 'Names' you have, the more powerful you are. Magic is used by a point, or mana, system. You spend points to make the spell bigger, longer range, or more damage. You can also combine words you know. Make a fireball that could raise the dead of those it slays. Whatever you can come up with.
Combat is also different. After someone attacks, the defender can chose to dodge, parry, or take the hit in order to hit them back. All weapons have a reach number, giving weapons with longer reach first strike in the first round of combat. Armor give damage reduction rather than an armor class. Armor class doesn't exist here.
I guess that wasn't really short, but that's as condensed as I could tell it, lol.

GM Tribute |

Edoom, feel free to tweak YOUR character as you would like. Almost all your character choices were just how I would build him. You can even change magus disciplines if you want.
I was hoping you would keep elf magus as an outline and modify to your hearts content. Different elf types in PF2e are fun to mess with too.
I am a big Jim Butcher fan, and when he wrote one of the best steampunk novels I ever read, I am now amazed at his range. I even watched the Dresden files TV show and liked it despite the miscast of the police Lt.
Now for magic users-- I am a big fan of Master of the Five Magics and for fighters Lawrence Watt-Evans Misenchanted Sword series and the Lords of Dus series.

Tibold Crenshaw |

No variant rules like Free Archetype. Uncommon and rare stuff with approval.
Ah, too bad. I was totally liking the Unexpected Sharpshooter for Tibold. Distracted and constantly in his own head working out formulas while "accidentally," dodging that attack and getting a surprise critical when he jostles his crossbow trying to equip it. Lol!

Iradyiel Madras |
Trying to nail down equipment, I know Iadyiel will carry a starknife, but I'm trying to determine how much use it will get. Champion gets
"Deific Weapon"
You zealously bear your deity’s favored weapon. If it’s uncommon, you gain access to it. If it’s an unarmed attack with a d4 damage die or a simple weapon, increase the damage die by one step (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12).
It is neither an unarmed attack with a d4 damage die or a simple weapon, so its dice stays d4 correct?

Brightberry |

Brightberry, your setting sounds a lot like one from Wizards of the Coasts 'D20 Modern' setting.
If you happen to remember which setting that was, I would love to read it.

DM DoctorEvil |

Here is a draft stat block for the half-elf ranger I intend to bring. LMK if it works at a high level, and I will get an alias made.
Lyra Featherstep
Half-elf ranger 1 (Advanced Player's Guide)
LG, Medium, Elf, Human, Humanoid
Heritage half-elf
Background local brigand
Perception +7 (+9 to Seek hunted prey); low-light vision
Languages Common, Elven
Skills Athletics +5, Banditry Lore +3, Crafting +3, Intimidation +3, Nature +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5 (+7 to Track hunted prey), Thievery +6
Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
Items studded leather armor, dagger, longbow, longsword, arrows (40), backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, rations (1 week) (2), rope (foot) (50), soap, torch (5), waterskin, purse (2 gp, 9 sp)
AC 18; Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +5
HP 20
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +6 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+2 P
Melee [1] longsword +5 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+2 S
Ranged [1] dagger +6 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+2 P
Ranged [1] longbow +6 (deadly d10, volley 30, range increment 100 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d8 P
Focus Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 15; 1st Gravity Weapon
Precision (+1D8) You have trained to aim for your prey’s weak points. The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage. (Precision damage increases the damage you already deal, using the same type, but is ineffective against creatures that lack vital organs or weak points.) At 11th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8 precision damage, and at 19th level, the extra damage increases to 3d8 precision damage.
Ancestry Feats Natural Ambition
Class Feats Gravity Weapon[APG], Hunted Shot
Skill Feats Group Coercion
Other Abilities hunt prey, hunter's edge, warden spells

Brightberry |

Brightberry is ready. His only question is if nature crafting (grow) is allowed. If he can use nature to grow/craft, then he will switch craft out. If not, he is ready.