Edoom |

I'm certainly willing to press onward but am confused by your last post. Is Tertuccio telling us to come with him? He states he will take her to safety then suggests we come with him and that the guards will send more help. Just trying to figure out what's actually happening before acting. If left to his own devices Edoom would continue to look for the lady.
Sorry to be so dense here :-)
Also, unless I miss something Edoom's consumption of the first goodberry should have returned him to full so the second 10-minutes could be spent to recover and remove the wounded condition?

Tibold Crenshaw |

Tibold's Con modifier is +2. I had the wrong score showing 12 instead of 14, but the right modifier showing +2 in my profile. I corrected the base ability scores to display accurately now and match their corresponding modifier.
Also, based on the rules in AoN, it looks like I can't make even make Medicine rolls to treat wounds unless I have a healer's kit, so unless someone has one, no rolls for Tibold after all.

GM Tribute |

We will be finishing Chaper 1 for sure — this is the boss fight.
Play resumed.
We will decide after the Chaper 1 conclusion.
Brightberry opened the door and moved inside and started next to the door now. I have BB throwing at exactly 40' for one range increment. I moved Edoom out of the bottom of the dueling pit and have him and BB next to each other so no cover for the target.

GM Tribute |

For one action you can attempt a secret check (society in this case) to possibly learn stuff about your opponent when you have line of sight to them.
Many find this hard to do in combat as actions can be precious. Others think finding possible creature weaknesses is important. Some classes give incentives to using this skill.

Lyra Featherstep |

Be advised, I will be OOO starting tomorrow morning through Sunday evening. Will likely not be able to post during this stretch, so feel free to bot Lyra as you see fit.
Should be back to regular schedule Sunday night or Monday.

Brightberry |

I've been reading some interesting message boards about what a familiar does when you master goes unconscious. Most seem to agree that the familiar continues to act on its own instincts, which are typically to defend itself and defend its master. Redleaf would know that Bright Berry has a racial berry, a bright one owing to host name sake, on his person. I would hope that once it we're safe to do so he would administer the berry to his master. GM tribute, just let me know what you're ruling on this is, please. I hope that I won't go unconscious many more times but hey, but you never know.

GM Tribute |

Minion trait requires a single action from the master.
Some familiars have the independent trait, which may remove this restriction. I have not found any support to having a minion act independently.
Independent (Advanced Player's Guide pg. 146 2.0): In an encounter, if you don't Command your familiar, it still gains 1 action each round. Typically, you still decide how it spends that action, but, the GM might determine that your familiar chooses its own tactics rather than performing your preferred action. This doesn't work with valet or similar abilities that require a command, if you're capable of riding your familiar, or similar situations.
Moving forward we can respec the familiar to include the independent trait.

GM Tribute |

From these forums someone asked in frustration:
My group is struggling to find a way to prebuff before a fight. There are a couple spells we would like to pop before battle and not during battle (Blur, Stoneskin). However, we are finding we just encounter enemies and initiative begins immediately. What are some safe ways to scout, we have a stealthy character and a Wild druid in the party, those are the two best potential scouting options. But how would you recommend we do safe reconnaissance so we have time to prebuff?
There was an intent in PF2E to reduce the prebuffs before fights and the value of summoning animals. In this case there was a fight in the other room going on that was time critical.
It is reasonable to cast a bless spell when sound cannot reach the enemy or drink a potion when you are aware of the enemy and the enemy is unaware of you. I do not want to devalue the alchemist in your group by requiring you to spend a round to get a +1 benefit, but with three actions quaffing a potion in hand during combat is a solid option.
There are no surprise rounds anymore. Some DMs allow surprise shots (one character attacks and then initiative) but most roll initiative when an attack is announced.
I am told it is all about balance, fights now assume no prebuffing. I see no enemies that will be prebuffed in any 2E material I have read. That said, I will allow the potion or buff spell in exploration mode when it makes sense and does not make a combat too easy.

Jade Pearls |

In general, pre-buffing in 2E is less useful as a lot of buffs have very short durations. This works both ways, as you noted, as enemies will often not be buffed before combat either. This often works to the party's benefit, as enemies may have to spend actions for basic buffs just like the party does.
Now, what about buffing right outside a door? The way I run it is that we go to initiative right then. Spells, in PF2E, need to be spoken in a loud voice, which gives the monsters a chance to make Perception checks to notice the casting - and either start to buff or /open the door/ themselves and initiate the physical fight.
Like a lot of things in PF2E, there's usually a choice involved. Do I drop a fireball on round one or do I blur the champion? I like that a lot, as I enjoy decision points like that.
Alchemists can also get fast draw which lets them free action draw bombs, and you can carry a potion in a hand just like a fighter can carry a weapon in exploration mode. Also, remember that a potion can be fed to another party member with an interact action.
So, if I had a healing potion in hand and wanted to heal Lyra, it would not have to be: I use an action to move, and then one to hand it to her, and then she spends one to drink it. Rather, I spend one to get to her, and then one to feed it to her, which can be very helpful for getting potions to your sword and board character.

Brightberry |

So, if I had a healing potion in hand and wanted to heal Lyra, it would not have to be: I use an action to move, and then one to hand it to her, and then she spends one to drink it. Rather, I spend one to get to her, and then one to feed it to her, which can be very helpful for getting potions to your sword and board character.
Would that work for feeding good berries to am alley as well?

GM Tribute |

We are at the end of chapter 1.
It is a good time to discuss the future. This was almost a complete implementation of Pathfinder 2E rules as written. We did have a defection early due to a dislike with Second Edition Rules or my implementation of them. Pathfinder 2E may not be for everyone.
Some players had expressed some dissatisfaction with their character. Now is a good time to discuss possible replacements. The intent will be to proceed with five and adjust encounters by an increase in 25%. This final boss fight was not enhanced, but seemed appropriately dramatic and deadly as is.
I would think berries could be fed to an adjacent ally as a single interact actions.

Lyra Featherstep |

Welcome Jade, and thanks for the healing. Sorry, I was tied up last night and couldn't respond timely.
1) can we assume we are fully healed when we start again?
2) we would give (or at least offer) back the chest full of 800gp. Was there anything else on the Loot Tracker that we need to return?
3) Did the last group of Black Tears have anything of value we could take advantage of?
So far, I think its going well. I am perfectly happy with Lyra's build, but I need to find her voice a little better, which might come more in non-combat situations.
Thanks for piloting us this far!

Lyra Featherstep |

As far as pre-buffing goes, I think my rule would be what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and if we decide to allow it, then the bad guys will use the same tactics when they can. I would tend to lean against it, especially given the 'extra action" economy available vs PF1 etc.
In Age of Ashes, the bad guy of book one is pre-buffed in the stat block with Mage Armor, FalseLife etc already in place before the heroes arrive. But that was first AP, and authors may have moved away from it over time.

GM Tribute |

Lyra has been good at keeping the spreadsheet.
You are given an "all you can carry" offer on the equipment. The manor can obviously use the equipment too.
You can liquidate any equipment after the "all you can carry" offer in town before leaving, but you feel she may be the one then buying it back. Assassin stuff is probably no problem, guard stuff more so.
So, decide how much you want to push this dilemma (sell stuff for money and possibly offend a benefactor).
Characters can carry over their encumbrance, but Lady Jumandi would obviously see you are "loaded down" when she sees you off after a large breakfast.

Jade Pearls |

Mage Armor and False Life both last until your next daily prep. IE, 24 hours, so that's a normal pre-buff.
I'd suggest that we leave some of the gear behind and sell the rest, and use it for things like food, trade supplies, or things of that nature. Or maybe some of the level 1, 4 gp, healing potions.
I've also been starting to read the massive Players Guide for the AP. Are we picking our charter type? Do we do that now or after we gain the kingdom?

GM Tribute |

The commander had a suit of chainmail and a great axe in addition to the three potions mentioned too. Her minions had two hand crossbows, two daggers and two suits of studded leather armor. The massive pile of bodies with equipment that were in this room when you arrived was claimed by the Lady Jumandi.

Edoom |