DM-Salsa |

@Stormraven: Don't know if it changes anything for you but I'm going to sit this one out, so no apps with an Alchemist as far as I know. I have enough going on already.
Sorry to see you go. Maybe next time? :)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
In Progress
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
---- Missing: Background appears to be for a different campaign, No Drawbacks for extra traits
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire
- Steinolf Stone Male Human(Ulfen) Ranger - RelicBlackOUT
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire, Ranger Rebuild
- Plastic Dragon (Bard)
- Grimdog73
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- CucumberTree
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

Bijouterie |

Ridge here with my second offering to pick from. Full disclosure, I've never played a Summoner before but as they say there's no time like the present to learn. Isidiani is of the Vargidan family, but ultimately, ended up with Ring as a tutor.
The crunch for her, and her Eidolon is in the character profile. But a quick recap of her history, plus is presented here.
To be a member of the family Vargidan is to be... special. Almost every one of us has a different mother, each a wife of the mighty Moltus, Patriarch of our clan. Father seems to pick his wives for their magical gifts, or their potential gifts anyway.
And it is often the case that the blood runs true. Sorcery runs in our family like green eyes or a high forehead runs in some others. It's made us each a touch odd. My half siblings have one advantage over me. Their mothers are alive.
Mine? She died in child birth. She was an elf, you know? So I was raised by father, when he wasn't reclusive (Which was often) and one or two step mothers (I called them Aunts) who were ...very kind given I was not their child. But I had little guidance, and more annoyingly, no obvious sorcerer gift.
Others all about me were discovering this arcane talent or that mystic knack, but for me? Nothing came despite studies and effort alike. I had hoped to stand out in the throng, but it was apparently not to be.
Once, I managed to get father alone, and I asked him what he thought might be my magic, if anything? How could I find my magic? Had mother left me any magic of hers?
He looked at me, and then says six words: "You were meant to be twins."
It was rather stunning to find one had a sibling who did not survive birth. I dwelled on it for a time. Dreams of a twin , a sister, plagued me. It was as if father's six words had taken grasp of my imagination. I began to see an odd face in reflections, one much like mine, but an almost diamond like sheen to her skin. Then again, both Isidiani, and Isidana are variations of an old word for 'gemstone' or 'Diamond'. Perhaps my mind had latched onto that?
I thought it a morbid fancy, until the day one of my favorite half siblings ended up hit by a large tree, and pinned. One branch of it had actually caught the neck and my kin was choking right before me. I pulled and I called for help, but no one seemed to hear and then...
she was there. Isidiana looked much like me, but her flesh was crafted of gemstone like material, and she was taller.. and so very much stronger! Where I struggled, she managed to haul and... we freed my step sibling. Help arrived, and I passed out as if I had been without sleep for days.
When I awoke I was surprised to find not family, but one Ring Ibbleting. She explained that her father had contacted her for her expertise. I was , or could be if I wished to study, a Summoner. It would appear I have magic after all.
To this day I'm not sure if my Eidolon is the ghost of my unborn sister given form, some outerplanar being who saw the image in my mind and stepped into it, or some silent hidden part of myself projected.
I asked the universe for a gift; and it has answered. I hope I can use it, and Isidiana, wisely.
As folks can probably tell if they read the spoiled stuff (which they are welcome to do) I did not name which half sibling of the Vargidan family Isidiani went to the rescue of in the story, nor do I name any others. That's in case someone makes a sorcerer or other member of the clan. I figure they (AND the GM) would have their own views on who is who in the Vargidans and I'm good with adjusting the back story if it helps someone.
Her Eidolon is a blunt force biped instrument reflection of herself, and at this point I'm assuming WHY the Eidolon bears that form is up to the GM, and perhaps Ring isn't telling. I figured a simplistic 'Eidolon smash' approach would be a good first time way to learn and extra muscle would go a long way.
Lastly, currently I've got Isidiani's alignment listed as Lawful good but as mentioned in behavior, that is subject to possible change as she faces real challenges and growth.

Two-Hands |

I'm making pretty good progress on my barbarian (and by that I mean that I've decided on a name, which is by far the hardest part of character creation for me). I should be fully done in the next day or so I'd say.
@Salsa, you're 100% right about the 4s. One of the words for 4 is that same as the word for death in the Japanese language, so it's considered pretty unlucky. Doesn't bode well for me so far haha! :)

DM-Salsa |

- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
In Progress
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
---- Missing: Background appears to be for a different campaign, No Drawbacks for extra traits
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire
- Steinolf Stone Male Human(Ulfen) Ranger - RelicBlackOUT
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire, Ranger Rebuild
- Plastic Dragon (Bard)
- Grimdog73
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- CucumberTree
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)
- Jacob Trier

Jacob Trier RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Alright, I'm a bit torn on what to submit.
On the one hand, I really want to give Maidie Henrod another chance to prove herself in the Crypt of the Everflame. She is ready to go with very minor adjustments and has a complete background and mentor.
However, as a young female wizard, she is in direct competition with Betzolte, a very well done character (who should be moved to completed section, btw - full background and questionaire are in her bio).
On the other hand, there's still plenty of time to come up with a fresh character concept, which could be molded to fill one of the roles not yet represented.
For now, consider Maidie my official submission, but with the caveat that I may resubmit something entirely different before the deadline. Thoughts and ideas are very welcome.
But Maidie never really understood why her parents seemed to take such pride in their other children as well. They were all so boring and ordinary. Her oldest brother Jaden, a lumberjack like their father, could swing his axe all day, but so could most of the men in Kassen. And her brother Garth could swing his sword for just as long, and had been part of the Nirmanthi Irregulars during the war. And Elly...All Elly could do was smile, and sing and look pretty. The life in the family's woodland home was so mundane and boring, Maidie was certain she would lose her mind. All she could do was roll her eyes and thank the gods that she hadn't been born a gnome, since she would surely have succumbed to the bleaching long ago.
When the wizard Holgast took notice of her intellect and agreed to take her as an apprentice and teach her magic, she figured her life would finally become somewhat interesting. And for a while it was. Holgast taught her the fundamentals of magic, and helped her form a bond with Tanglefoot, the hedgehog she had found under her family home and adopted. But Holgast's lessons came with a price. She had to endure his mumbling, erratic teaching style, and spend countless hours doing mundane chores in the wizard's crooked tower before she was allowed freedom to explore the books in the overstuffed library.
It wasn't long before Maidie could extract no further learning from her sessions with Holgast. Instead, she turned to his books, and devoured one dusty volume after another. She quickly learned to master simple cleaning cantrips and how to summon unseen servants to do her chores for her, so she had plenty of time to lose herself to the pages with Tanglefoot nestled happily in the folds of her robe.
Maidie is grateful for her hedgehog companion, since she never really got along with people. Lately, she has focused her studies on the arts of conjuration and teleportation, perhaps from a subconscious desire to either summon some interesting company or simply whisk herself away from Kassen, never to return.
Now, as she nears her nineteenth birthday, the prospect of completing the quest of the Everflame serves as a welcome distraction, and perhaps as an opportunity to finally prove to herself and her family that she has outgrown Kassen and is ready to seek out the wonders of Golarion on her own.
Player Questionaire
1. What time zone are you in?
Central European Time (Aarhus, Denmark)
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs?
My TTRPG journey began with Sword & Sorcery books and the AD&D 2nd ed Players Handbook back in the late 80's. Since then, I've played both tabletop and play-by-post, with several inactive periods. I've played and GM'ed multiple games here on the Paizo Forums, and had a brief stint as a PFS VL a handful of years ago.
3. What’s your favorite part about playing TTRPGs?
Getting to be a hero among other heroes, in many different shapes and sizes. I've played everything from a female dancer turned paladin to a burly half-orc dragon disciple and a helpful halfling bard. My favorite and most memorable moments have always been those all-or-nothing fights where only solid teamwork and a few lucky dice-rolls pull the party back from the brink of a TPK.
4. What do you expect from this game?
Some good, classic roleplaying and dungeon crawling. I like the rich backgound, with all the mentors available, and the fact that limited character options will probably mean a more balanced game and additional focus on roleplay and character interaction.
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
Communicate, contribute, have fun. I'm a big fan of giving every character opportunities to shine and of inter-party engagement. A good RPG is like a game of volleyball, with the ball constantly bouncing back and forthe between the different players and the GM. If the ball is not moving, the game is not fun. It is not good either if just a few of the players are doing all the work.
6. What do you expect out of me?
Set the scene for us to tell a glorious story together. As the GM, a lot rests on you to keep the game flowing, so don't let perfect stand in the way of good. I'd rather have two sentences that let the players move the ball forward than wait 14 days for a magnificent description that feels like a page out of a fantasy novel. On that note, delegate as much as you can and bot frequently if needed.
7. What are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game?
Personally, virtually nothing. I'm am, however, extremly concious that everyone (including potential lurkers) should have a good time and shock value gets old real fast. The Paizo baseline works well, I think.

DM-Salsa |

@Jacob Trier: Thanks for letting me know about Betzolte. I didn't think to go check in case someone updated without posting about it, which considering recent events is rather dumb of me. As for choosing a character, keep in mind I am allowing multiple submissions, but to keep it fair, or at least as fair as I can, I've decided that I'm only going to be looking at you as a player and then deciding which character gets picked if I think you'd be a good fit. I figure that this would be the best way to limit the issue allowing multiple submissions causes in that those that do have more chances to get in than those that don't.
And you still have 9 days to submit another character or switch your submission if you want, so plenty of time. :)
@Archpaladin Zousha: My humblest apologies for missing the update to your submission. I'll fix that as soon as I can after work.
@Everyone: If you see that I missed a change or an update to your submission, please let me know. Said recent events not withstanding, I tend to be pretty easygoing.

Jacob Trier RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

@Jacob Trier: Thanks for letting me know about Betzolte. I didn't think to go check in case someone updated without posting about it, which considering recent events is rather dumb of me. As for choosing a character, keep in mind I am allowing multiple submissions, but to keep it fair, or at least as fair as I can, I've decided that I'm only going to be looking at you as a player and then deciding which character gets picked if I think you'd be a good fit. I figure that this would be the best way to limit the issue allowing multiple submissions causes in that those that do have more chances to get in than those that don't.
And you still have 9 days to submit another character or switch your submission if you want, so plenty of time. :)
You're welcome. And now you mention that incident, I can add to the questionaire: Always give others the benefit of the doubt and don't assume negative intent. This is especially relevant in a written asyncronious medium like PbP.
I like your approach of looking at players first and character submissions second. As stated, I'm more than willing to adjust my character to fit the overall group rather than have two similar character concepts fight over the same spotlight. Then again, having Maidie and Betzolte be mage apprentice partners in crime (or bitter rivals) could be its own kind of fun :-)
I am not not liking the thought of 2 Clerics, 2 Druids and 2 Wizards...lol!
Oh ye of little faith. Built and played right, that could make an extrem ly capable party.

DM-Salsa |

You're welcome. And now you mention that incident, I can add to the questionaire: Always give others the benefit of the doubt and don't assume negative intent. This is especially relevant in a written asyncronious medium like PbP.
Agreed, and if you're referring to what I think you're referring to, there was some previous history there that did color that interaction.

Jacob Trier RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Jacob Trier wrote:You're welcome. And now you mention that incident, I can add to the questionaire: Always give others the benefit of the doubt and don't assume negative intent. This is especially relevant in a written asyncronious medium like PbP.Agreed, and if you're referring to what I think you're referring to, there was some previous history there that did color that interaction.
Yeah, I went back and checked the recruitment thread mentioned. Regardless of history, one of you came off as levelheaded and helpful and one gave off a strong drama vibe. I’m still applying to your game, so take from that what you will :-)

DM-Salsa |

Yeah, I went back and checked the recruitment thread mentioned. Regardless of history, one of you came off as levelheaded and helpful and one gave off a strong drama vibe. I’m still applying to your game, so take from that what you will :-)
Thanks. I really do appreciate it.
Oh, my meaning is that I absolutely love the idea of having 2 Clerics, 2 Wizard's and 2 Druids.
Oh! There were two nots in that sentence. Yeah, my brain just edited one of those out.

DM-Salsa |

The updated list, as promised. :)
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Steinolf Stone Male Human(Ulfen) Ranger - RelicBlackOUT
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire, Ranger Rebuild
- Plastic Dragon (Bard)
- Grimdog73
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- CucumberTree
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)
Edit: Sorry Jacob, I almost forgot to put Maidie in there. That's fixed now.

Maidie Henrod |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

”You forgot me?” Maidie huffs in an icy tone.
”Well…I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Apparantly I’m rather forgetable. My siblings and the other kids used to forget about me all the time when we were younger. And once, Holgast forgot about me for an entire week. Not that I minded much, since it gave me the opportunity to read all six volumes of Pentrofious’ Guide to Commanding Conjured Creatures. If he hadn’t spotted me going to the kitchen to get some fresh treats for Tanglefoot, I could probably still be sitting in the library window, surrounded by books…” she adds with a wistful sigh.

Maidie Henrod |

@Maidie: My sincerest apologies, but in my defense, I only almost forgot you. :P
”Apology accepted, I suppose. After all, there are an awful lot of people to keep track of with this whole crypt-quest-tomfoolery. I mean, the way everyone carries on about it, you’d think they have never seen an everburning torch before. Still, silly as it is, it’s probably the best chance I’ll get to test my arcane skills in practice. After all, a girl can only learn so much from books and rambling old wizards.”

DM-Salsa |

Messages have been sent out to everyone who hasn't completed a submission. I figured that those that have are still interested and have begun to feel the anxiety gnaw at their bellies as worms gnaw on carrion. >:D
I did notice a a number of y'all have either been lurking or are new to the forums. Don't let that discourage you. For one, I'm more than happy to take on new players whether it is to play-by-post specifically or rpgs in general. For another, we all start somewhere, and if you never try you can never succeed. Sometimes even those of us who should know this have to be reminded of that. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have and willing to help out where I can.
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Steinolf Stone Male Human(Ulfen) Ranger - RelicBlackOUT
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire, Ranger Rebuild
- Plastic Dragon (Bard)
- Grimdog73
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- CucumberTree
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)
As always, if I have missed something, please let me know. :)

Betzolte Ironhame |

Betzolte is largely finished in both Background and Questionnaire. There are two things that I'd like advice on: Using the Ten-Minute Background model, I always struggle to figure out a secret that the character doesn't know that the GM can use. I feel like I kind of wrote myself into a corner with Betzolte's rocky, but ultimately loving, relationship with her dad, so the fact that he's secretly proud of her can't really be a secret, and that's the most obvious route.
Secondly, Betzolte's Bonded Object is a ring because the GM running the game I originally wrote her for did not allow Masterwork weapons at first level. With permission, I'd like to adjust Betzolte's Arcane Object to be her dagger, depicting it as a dwarven clan dagger. It's not going to impact things too much I think considering Betzolte won't really be using it in actual combat beyond its magical properties, and by the time she starts doing more gish-related stuff she'll probably have gotten her hands on a weapon with a bit more "oomph!", but I thought it'd be polite to ask if that's okay first or if I should leave her sheet as-is?

DM-Salsa |

Betzolte is largely finished in both Background and Questionnaire. There are two things that I'd like advice on: Using the Ten-Minute Background model, I always struggle to figure out a secret that the character doesn't know that the GM can use. I feel like I kind of wrote myself into a corner with Betzolte's rocky, but ultimately loving, relationship with her dad, so the fact that he's secretly proud of her can't really be a secret, and that's the most obvious route.
Oh, don't worry. I've got that covered. I don't want to give anything away, though. (It was a change I thought of that just happens to be perfect for this character as a secret she wouldn't know. Rather serendipitous and all that. :D) She would notice that her father disappears for a few days after the last day of Rova, or Torawsh as he insists on calling it (December to those of us here on Earth) every year.
Secondly, Betzolte's Bonded Object is a ring because the GM running the game I originally wrote her for did not allow Masterwork weapons at first level. With permission, I'd like to adjust Betzolte's Arcane Object to be her dagger, depicting it as a dwarven clan dagger. It's not going to impact things too much I think considering Betzolte won't really be using it in actual combat beyond its magical properties, and by the time she starts doing more gish-related stuff she'll probably have gotten her hands on a weapon with a bit more "oomph!", but I thought it'd be polite to ask if that's okay first or if I should leave her sheet as-is?
I'm fine with using a masterwork weapon as an arcane focus, but would you be okay with starting off with the ring if selected? Again, plans that I don't want to spoil.

DM-Salsa |

Duly noted. :)
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Steinolf Stone Male Human(Ulfen) Ranger - RelicBlackOUT
---- Missing: Background, Questionnaire, Ranger Rebuild
- Plastic Dragon (Rogue)
- Grimdog73
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- CucumberTree
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

DM-Salsa |

I've heard back from a few people. Here's the updated list.
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Plastic Dragon (Rogue)
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

stormraven |

Salsa, are you OK with the Rich Parents trait? I know it is 'technically' within the build parameters, but it's a trait that some DMs despise and if you'd rather not see it in your game... I'd like to know.
FWIW. I am going with a Ranger build as an alternate in case you don't want to choose between clerics.

Moon Akechi |

Grand! If you rethink that, I can easily redo her with lesser gear.
For your consideration is Moon Akechi, a half-elf with Tian-Min ancestry. Her parents live apart but have shared custody of her. She lives in Kassen with her human father half of the year. He is not wealthy. All her good gear comes from her mother who lives in an Elven community weeks away.
I'm still working on her backstory and cleaning up her character sheet, but otherwise she is done.

DM-Salsa |

- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
-Moon Akechi Female Half-Elf Ranger - stormraven
-- Missing: Background
- Plastic Dragon (Rogue)
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

DM-Salsa |

- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
-Moon Akechi Female Half-Elf Ranger - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Plastic Dragon (Rogue)
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

Betzolte Ironhame |

Betzolte Ironhame wrote:Betzolte is largely finished in both Background and Questionnaire. There are two things that I'd like advice on: Using the Ten-Minute Background model, I always struggle to figure out a secret that the character doesn't know that the GM can use. I feel like I kind of wrote myself into a corner with Betzolte's rocky, but ultimately loving, relationship with her dad, so the fact that he's secretly proud of her can't really be a secret, and that's the most obvious route.Oh, don't worry. I've got that covered. I don't want to give anything away, though. (It was a change I thought of that just happens to be perfect for this character as a secret she wouldn't know. Rather serendipitous and all that. :D) She would notice that her father disappears for a few days after the last day of Rova, or Torawsh as he insists on calling it (December to those of us here on Earth) every year.
Oooh, how convenient! And thank you very much for the idea! :)
Betzolte Ironhame wrote:Secondly, Betzolte's Bonded Object is a ring because the GM running the game I originally wrote her for did not allow Masterwork weapons at first level. With permission, I'd like to adjust Betzolte's Arcane Object to be her dagger, depicting it as a dwarven clan dagger. It's not going to impact things too much I think considering Betzolte won't really be using it in actual combat beyond its magical properties, and by the time she starts doing more gish-related stuff she'll probably have gotten her hands on a weapon with a bit more "oomph!", but I thought it'd be polite to ask if that's okay first or if I should leave her sheet as-is?I'm fine with using a masterwork weapon as an arcane focus, but would you be okay with starting off with the ring if selected? Again, plans that I don't want to spoil.
Sure! As the Leonardo DiCaprio meme once said, "You had my curiosity...but NOW you have my attention!" :P

DM-Salsa |

Hey, far be it for me to get between a husband and quality time with his wife. Have fun. :)
- Bimbur Longstrike Male Dwarf Monk (Zen Archer) - Chainmail (Reserved)
- Udaya Udas Female Human(Varisian) Cleric of Shelyn (Planned Multiclass into Monk) - stormraven
-Moon Akechi Female Half-Elf Ranger - stormraven
- Grobradon Ventar Male Half-Orc Druid - Ridge
- Isidiani Vargidan Female Half-Elf Summoner - Ridge
- Loges the Wise Male Human Cleric of Erastil - Dorian 'Grey'
- Keth Longstrider Male Half-Orc Druid - Dread
- Casina Brochus Female Human Paladin of Dammerich - Chapel Ty'El
- Betzolte Ironhame Female Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) - Archpaladin Zousha
- Maidie Henrod Female Human Wizard (Conjurer) - Jacob Trier
In Progress
- Culver Cobbletoss Male Halfling Rogue - Plastic Dragon
-- Missing: Background, Character Sheet, Questionnaire
- Critzible (Halfling Planned Rogue/Fighter Multiclass)
- DjinnBob
- Violant
- rainbow33
- Dragoncat
- SqueezeMeNow (Kooky Nature Oracle)
- Two-Hands (Human Barbarian)

DM-Salsa |

Question: Do weapons and armor fitted for halflings and gnomes weigh less? I saw something on reddit that said it was halved, which seems about right, but I figured I'd double check.
Just confirming what stromraven said. The rules for small characters and encumbrance are kinda scattered all over the place, but here's the basics.
- Small characters can carry 3/4s of what a medium character at the same strength can.- Gear made for small characters is 1/2 the weight. So armor, weapons, clothing, backpacks, and the like are 1/2 weight. Rope, caltrops, coins, and the like are full weight.
- Containers made for small characters hold 1/4 as much.
But to be honest, I've never been big on tracking encumbrance. As along as a STR 10 character isn't trying to haul around 300 lbs. of stuff, I'm probably not going to worry about it. As far as I'm concerned it's extra paperwork that really only adds something in certain playstyles. Mine's not one of them.