Ruins of Azlant: the wonderful journey!

Game Master bigrig107

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Map of the Colony
Map of the island
Aquatic combat rules
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"The Bountiful Venture Company wants you!"

That's what the advertisement said, asking for experienced adventurers to take the six-week long journey deep into the Arcadian Ocean to the island colony of Talmandor’s Bounty. Six months before your ship is scheduled to arrive at the colony, the Liberty's Herald took the initial wave of colonists out. You, along with your fellows, will make up the second wave and resupply the colony.

Welcome to the Ruins of Azlant! I intend on taking 4 PCs, and hopefully having a lot of fun exploring some island ruins and building a successful colony!

Level: 1
Ability Scores: 20 point buy, nothing below an 8 after racial adjustments.
Alignment: any, but I don't want a CE party wrecker character. If you're evil at all, have a good explanation for it.
Classes: any Paizo, minus Antipaladin.
Races: any and all Paizo are accepted, as the company isn't picky. More on races later.
Traits: two normal, and one Campaign, which must be from the Ruins of Azlant Player's Guide.
Wealth: maximum starting for your class, you have been well equipped for the journey!
Skills: we will be using the extra Background Skills rule.

Background Questions:
These questions are just meant to help me and you flesh out your character. You can answer any or all of them, but the more you have the better it is for me.
1. What is your character’s name?
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
9. What is your character’s alignment?
10. What is your character’s moral code?
11. Does your character have goals?
12. Is your character religious?
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
18. How does your character get along with others?
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
20. Is there anything that your character fears?

A slight warning/expansion on some of the advice from the Player's Guide. This is not Skull and Shackles, and while there will be some boat action, most of the adventuring involves being underwater. I have read the adventure and some advice for running it/making characters for it, and most of the deeper actual underwater parts do come later in the book. So, you should make sure to sort of future-proof your character for underwater combat and exploration. I know the temptation is strong to just make an aquatic waterbreathing race so as to eliminate that issue, but I won't accept you being an undine 'just because'. So be sure to emphasize character background and flavor over mechanical benefits.

Feel free to ask any questions for things I missed, I look forward to meeting all of our new colonists!

I had this fellow who got through the first combat of the campaign before it fell apart. I'll obviously need to adjust his stats, but he'd love a chance to go on the Quest for Deep!

I'll ping back in once he's appropriately adjusted,

I'm interested in playing an Aerokineticist. I'll figure out more options tomorrow.

This would be an awesome opportunity to play an Eldritch Raider!

should be fun. I assume PF1 and Ruins of Azlant Players Guide(with the 12 traits)

Did forget to mention: we will be using Roll20 for the campaign and maps, so you’ll have to know or learn how to use it.

And yes, 1st edition. That is also the correct players guide, but they have it on site free to download, I believe.

Dotting for interest! How much time do we have to post an application?

I knew I forgot something else! I’ll give it about two weeks, and choose my four colonists on Sunday May 1st.

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Oh, and one more thing. The Player’s Handbook has a list of other notable colonists joining you, and I’d like you to take a look through it and give me two of the NPCs that your character would particularly like or dislike, or would want to interact with even if negatively. Each of you has gone through the same colonist interview process (minus the employees of the company), and you got a chance to at least interact with them a little bit before leaving.

I plan on having some opening roleplay for the six week long journey to the island, and having some info on who you’d like/dislike would be useful.

Oh hey sweet, gonna dot this for interest. Seems like the perfect opportunity to use some of those less used archetypes.


I've been waiting for a Ruins of Azlant PBP for AGES to try out a water based druid with an aquatic companion! I'll start working on one this week.

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Here is Gillian, he is a local Andoran boy from the village of Claes just north of Almas where the expedition set out from. A big boy, that uses a Ransuer to help fight and spear local wildlife for fishing.

Born to a local couple, his father is a fisherman, his mother a fish monger. Gillain enjoys the ocean, surfing and being in the Sun.

He joined the expedition as a chance to the see the world, get out of his local small village, and surf some new waves on the other side of the world.

He is a good swimmer, his rage power at level 2 would be "Bestial Swimmer" which gives him a swim speed while raging. I was trying to avoid going the easy route and just grabbing a race with a swim speed, though he originally started as a Gillman, changed him to Human.

Gillian Albrigt wrote:

Here is Gillian, he is a local Andoran boy from the village of Claes just north of Almas where the expedition set out from. A big boy, that uses a Ransuer to help fight and spear local wildlife for fishing.

Born to a local couple, his father is a fisherman, his mother a fish monger. Gillain enjoys the ocean, surfing and being in the Sun.

He joined the expedition as a chance to the see the world, get out of his local small village, and surf some new waves on the other side of the world.

Which two other colonists would you say your character would be interested in talking to?

I do appreciate this approach to the water part, I like the ‘not making it too easy’ idea.

Reading through their small briefs, I think he'd be drawn toward Eamon Caranth, for being a relaxed and friendly fellow. Gillian isn't overly religious, and leans more toward Gozreh for prayers than Erastil, but he enjoys being around good natured people and this cleric seems like the good natured type.

He might try to tell Carver Hastings about some of his experiences back home, with the Azlanti Ruins in his small fishing village. Ideally to learn more about his home town and maybe offer it as a way to spark conversation with the Bard.

Torela Pastedos, Half-Elf Archaeologist Bard. Orphan born and raised in Almas, fell in love with the First Pathfinder Chronicle and decided to become an adventurer. May or may not have lied during the interview to get herself in.

This is Berrybunch, BTW.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Amusingly enough, I don't believe I have ever worked up a character for Ruins of Azlant. Will see about rectifying that.

Dotting. The Ruins of Azlant game I was in died right at the start, and I was so looking forward to playing a faithful of Aroden in a journey of self-discovery.

I'll have to think about what I want to submit.


I was thinking maybe grippli of some sort since I have a soft spot for them, but I forgot they were based off of tree frogs and not more aquatic frogs. Still might submit something if the inspiration strikes.

Here is Friendly Sauce's Submission:

I went with a Shark Shaman druid so swimming and underwater shouldn't be too hard with my spells and shark shaman abilities, but also in the spirit of not making it too easy, took a Shark as my AC so I'll be without that anytime we are not in the water.

He's a surfer bro Dwarven Druid who has some "conspiracy" theories about underwater sky citadels and aquatic dwarves growing from coral instead of stone.

Background Questions:

1. What is your character’s name?

Thaddeus Argentum

2. How old is your character?

young and spry at 63

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?

Thadd is sporting a braided blond beard, that's ends are perpetually salt fried and tangled from being in the sea, his skin is tanned reddish brown betraying years spent in the sun, He is usually wearing his swimming Kilt and goes shirtless and on the few occasions he does wear a shirt it is a shirt of Hardened seal driftwood for protection. He is generally very Jovial and has an almost unnaturally wide and tooth grin when he smiles.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?

He has a typical dwarf accent that is combined with his seafarer and swimmer slang and speach and always carries around a piece of Coral rock on his person whether in the water or out. (I'm thinking if Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont high, were a dwarf)

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?

I was born in Highhelm but ma and pa took off Port Freedom Down in Sargava, they thought they could ply their traders skills and make a fortune; Not that they were wrong hehe.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?

Aye they're both alive and kickin' down in Sargava. Da' is Mortimer, second son of Clan Argentum. Silver miners and trinket makers. Ma's called Rena, she was an orphan and never knew her clan. She's been Argentum since her and Da got hitched.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?

After the move to Sargava I 'spose Ma and Pa figured they didnt have time for another kid so no other family I've met, though there's a whole clan of em in Highhelm still I'd wager. My best friend for a while now, would be Chordata, a wee shark I met on mah board one day. He's got a funny marking on his belly, looks like Grundinnar's warhammer. I suppose thats how I figured he wasn't gonna eat me hehehe.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?

I'm Married to the sea I suppose, Never met a lass or lad that cold make me leave my lady.

9. What is your character’s alignment?

Neutral Good

10. What is your character’s moral code?

does his best to follow Grundinar's edicts, but he blindly ignores the widening gap between him and his parents, and them and their clan. This expedition is the latest in a line of actions that would seperate him from his family even further, but he does not realize that yet. Otherwise he tries to be as friendly as anyone could want but is an aloof introvert at heart, far more comfortable floating around the sea on his surfing/paddle board than anything else. He is loyal to those he feels are useful members of a given community or group but has little patience for laggards and leaches and hopes to help Talmandor’s Bounty become a new hub of civilization and cooperation.

11. Does your character have goals?

Yes, something he, up til now, has always felt was something that was too important to ignore like his parents told him, is that the existance of Coral, a living rock, is somehow related to the dwarven species. Coral reefs have always fascinated them and he's spent much of his time swiming around them and studying them. He has a theory that he hopes to find evidence of, that an unacounted sky citadel might have reached the surface of the ocean, and believes coral is somehow related to solving this mystery he has created.

12. Is your character religious?

The worship of the dwarven pantheon was prevalent in his household but he has always personally gravitated towards Grundinar.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
Life for all things starts at the sea.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?

a bit arrogant and aloof when dealing with other people

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?

He adventures because he's searching for proof for a theory he has about coral and underwater sky citadels he's trying to substanciate

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?

He's a strong swimmer, and a decent fighter as well as a prepared caster, he knows his value is neither always in the front, or the back, but knowing WHEN to be WHERE.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?

just sun fried skin and hair, and a perpetual slight smell of seawater

18. How does your character get along with others?

Well enough for a dwarf, but he is also characteriscally blunt and gruff appearing to some other races.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?

anything or anyone who is polluting the sea or waterways

20. Is there anything that your character fears?

Deserts, dehydration, water polution. shark fin soup.

For the two other colonists Thadd would most like to interact with most, would be Alba, his fellow dwarf, and Perrell, for her knowledge of history and ancient things.

I'll definitely make up a submission soon. I was thinking I might make an aquachymist alchemist, as the archetype seems to fit your requirements well - the character will be able to easily deal with underwater matters, but won't be able to simply bypass them.

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It’s not so much a requirement, and more of a guideline. If you can present a well-reasoned fully aquatic character, that’s great!

Just think it would be boring if the entire party can just breeze through the underwater challenge parts of the AP, is all.

Edit: really liking the submissions so far, they fit quite nicely into what I’d call “prepared just enough”!


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Gillian Albrigt wrote:

Here is Gillian, he is a local Andoran boy from the village of Claes just north of Almas where the expedition set out from. A big boy, that uses a Ransuer to help fight and spear local wildlife for fishing.

Born to a local couple, his father is a fisherman, his mother a fish monger. Gillain enjoys the ocean, surfing and being in the Sun.

He joined the expedition as a chance to the see the world, get out of his local small village, and surf some new waves on the other side of the world.

He is a good swimmer, his rage power at level 2 would be "Bestial Swimmer" which gives him a swim speed while raging. I was trying to avoid going the easy route and just grabbing a race with a swim speed, though he originally started as a Gillman, changed him to Human.

Looks like we both went the surfer bro rout haha, if we get in we'll have to grab a set.

Here's Mokmurian's submission - Doctor Phillip Ramada, a middle-aged alchemist. I took the aquachymist route, simply because there's no other way for an alchemist to remain relevant underwater, but this will only mitigate the challenges of underwater puzzles, not remove them entirely.

As for his personal details, he is a relatively accomplished naturalist from a seaside town in Varisia. He joined the expedition primarily to prove some obscure theory of his about island-based parasites, but he also relishes the chance to explore a new land. He has worked extensively with archaeologists before, and while he doesn't speak any ancient languages, he has a decent grounding in history and the principles of linguistics.

During the journey, he developed friendships with Lyra Heatherly, with whom he shares many interests, and Alba Divenvaar, who he often shares tales of travel with.

I tried to answer several of the background questions, which I have placed under the various subheadings of his profile.

So I have an idea brewing, but I want to double check some race and class approval before I start number crunching and the like.

I was thinking a Deep One Hybrid Warpriest of Cthulhu with the Cult Leader Archetype. There's definitely some weird stuff (Cthulhu worship and weird races) that I wanted you to sign off on.

I have two different character ideas, and both of them are going "pick me! Pick meeee!"

Just to make sure, can we use the Variant Tiefling Heritages for racial abilities?

I'm bringing in a character I had from a previous recruitment page. Lily Le, female human sorcerer of the psychic bloodline who becomes the cheery therapist for the group.

Lily Le

CG female (Tian-Shu) human sorcerer (psychic bloodline) 1
Init +2
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp:7 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Quarterstaff +0 (1d6x2)
Ranged: Light crossbow +2 (1d8/19x20)
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 11
INT 10
WIS 13
CHA 18
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 12
Sorcerer Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)

0th- Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, guidance, light
1st—magic missle, color spray (4/day)

Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Sense Motive +5, Knowledge (arcana) +7 Knowledge (history) +1, Spellcraft +4
Traits: Set Mind, Deft Dodger, Focused Mind

Feats: Dodge, Skill Focus (Diplomacy)

Languages: Common

Items:: Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (5), chalk (5 pieces), flint and steel, ink, inkpen, ioun torch, journal, magnifying glass, mess kit, scroll box, silk rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, 3 gp.

Psychic Strike (Su)

At 1st level, you can overwhelm the minds of those nearby. You can target one creature within 30 feet that you can see; that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) or it takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every 2 sorcerer levels you possess and becomes shaken for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

I'll have the questions done at a later time.

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Ythiel wrote:

I have two different character ideas, and both of them are going "pick me! Pick meeee!"

Just to make sure, can we use the Variant Tiefling Heritages for racial abilities?

Absolutely! Love me some variant tieflings.

Submitted for your consideration ...

Vasia Catarina Miklosovici, a human spiritualist. Accompanied by the spirit of her great-great-great-great grandmother, Jenica - an adventurer of some renown.

Background Fluff which answers a number of questions ...:

Vasia is a young Varisian woman of about twenty summers. She stands a slender 5' 5" tall. She has feminine curves, but they're quite understated. Her midnight-colored hair is typically cut short, but loose, leaving it to fly about at its leisure. Her honey-gold eyes are always watching; Though whether they're seeing things in this world or the next is hard to determine. She normally wears a plain dark dress that does nothing to accentuate her slight curves. The only nod to her Varisian heritage is a necklace of turquoise and gold that belonged to her mother.

Vasia was raised as a 'Child of the Family' in the Gilca clan. That meant that she was an orphan. The Varisian clan would never give up on one of their own, though. So when her parents died of a fever that swept through the clan, her life didn't change tremendously. Where she slept varied from night to night and who was responsible for her meals changed weekly, but she was still around those that cared about her.

That changed, though, when puberty hit and her 'Abilities' began to manifest. It was announced by the clan 'Wise Woman' that Vasia was plagued by a dark spirit that resisted all efforts by their magic to dismiss it. So when the clan left the small, nameless village outside of Magnimar, they left the twelve-year-old girl behind. Vasia was devastated. Everything that she'd come to depend on had been pulled from under her feet. She was taken in by 'Mama' Merula, the ancient woman that taught all the village children to read and write. She sensed within the girl a sharper than normal intellect and didn't wish to see it go to waste delivering drinks or satisfying men's carnal urges, which would have been her fate. Mama Merula taught her to read and write as the other children and then the girl began to read in earnest; everything she could get her hands on.

As Vasia grew and her head filled with knowledge, her understanding of the spirit that plagued her grew as well. Eventually, she learned to communicate with it. To her surprise, the essence that continually hovered about her was the last earthly essence of her great-great-great-great-grandmother, Jenica Miklosovici. Somehow she had left a portion of her soul on the material plane to watch over her descendants. Sadly enough, Vasia was the last. With that revelation, Jenica had begun attempting to make herself more and more known to her sole descendant and at the very least encourage her to continue the family line. Vasia had no interest. To Jenica, a woman that had lived life to its fullest and never refused a desire, this was unthinkable.

Ignoring her ancestor's pressure to at least bed a handsome man and give her a great-great-great-great-great grandchild, Vasia took up Mama Merula's studies of ancient Azlantian lore. This has led her to various places in the world to study and catalog some of the things left behind by the ancient culture. So when she was contacted by the Bountiful Venture Company, there was no hesitation before accepting the offer.

While quite knowledgable about many things, relationships between people - romance in particular - have always seem obscure to the thoughtful girl. And no amount of prodding from her ancestral shadow has managed to spark an interest in investigating that aspect of human interaction.

In an attempt to prod her progeny along, Jenica has pointed out how handsome and friendly Eamon Caranth has been during the voyage and has encouraged her at every opportunity to engage the man in conversation. While the talks have been pleasant, there's been nothing about the man that has really interested young Vasia. On the other hand, the expected leader of the new colony, Ramona Avandth, has attracted the spiritualist's eye. Towards the end of the voyage, Vasia has also noticed that the stern looking woman, Morgana something-or-another, has been watching her and she's not sure how she feels about that.

(Vasia has begun the Ruins of Azlant AP previously along with Nikolaus de'Shade's character, Morgana of House Deverin, and managed to make it to 2nd level before the campaign ended. I would really enjoying bringing her to life again and seeing the conclusion of their story.)

Vasia Catarina Miklosovici wrote:

Question for 'GM of the Ruins':

Looking over the creation rules ... have you considered using Background Skills? If not, then I can respec Vasia without them.

Yep, we're using Background Skills! Last line of the character creation section.

And as foretold, here is Morgana - ready for action!

There is a full story background in her profile so I'll leave that there and just do answers for the background questions here. I think a fair number are covered in the background so this will just be the rest.

Background Questions:
2. How old is your character? Early 20's, although right now she looks older thanks to the lingering effects of her illness.
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Human, female, tall, black hair, pale skin. She is completely covered below the neck, long sleeves and gloves even in warmer weather.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? She speaks very well, obviously the product of an expensive education.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? Three older brothers and one sister. Arthur, Guinevere, Gawain and Merlin.
9. What is your character’s alignment? NG. She was a paladin but has rather lost her faith thanks to her 'illness'.
10. What is your character’s moral code? Having only just recovered Morgana hasn't given much thought to things like morals or long term plans. Her life has changed drastically and that's going to have an impact but its too early to say how exactly.
11. Does your character have goals? Short term: get better. Long term: See 10.
12. Is your character religious? See 9.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? Complicated and confused - see 9.
18. How does your character get along with others? Formerly Morgana was the life and soul of any group. Now she's much more withdrawn.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? There's a lot of trauma left over from the 'illness' which could manifest in any number of ways.

Eamon Caranth is someone Morgana likes already. She needs his cheerful and friendly disposition in her life right now.
Carver Hastings meanwhile raises Morgana's hackles somewhat. His aloof and serious nature makes her feel like she's constantly being judged and she's already self-conscious enough.

@GM: do drawbacks have any mechanical effect since you're already allowing 3 traits? I took one last time to get the third trait and I'll probably keep it regardless since its very fitting to her appearance, but thought I should check with you first.

Ah, it looks like Mokmurian already submitted an aquacyhmist before I had a chance to fix Dolgrin up.

I like the background listed in his profile, but I don't want to replicate another complete submission. Consider Dolgrin the alchemist withdrawn until I can come up with another mechanical way to fit with his background.

Morgana of House Deverin wrote:

And as foretold, here is Morgana - ready for action!

There is a full story background in her profile so I'll leave that there and just do answers for the background questions here. I think a fair number are covered in the background so this will just be the rest.

** spoiler omitted **

Eamon Caranth is someone Morgana likes already. She needs his cheerful and friendly...

I don’t see any reason to penalize you for a character personality trait. I’m not allowing drawbacks for a third trait, so no, they don’t have any mechanical effects.

Dolgrin Briskalberd wrote:

Ah, it looks like Mokmurian already submitted an aquacyhmist before I had a chance to fix Dolgrin up.

I like the background listed in his profile, but I don't want to replicate another complete submission. Consider Dolgrin the alchemist withdrawn until I can come up with another mechanical way to fit with his background.

Apologies, I hadn't realized your character was an aquachymist. I can withdraw my submission, if you'd like.

Not at all. Bylines don't show in recruitment pages like they do in gameplay or discussion and I hadn't made it explicit in anyway. Enjoy Dr. Ramada! The aquachymist seems like a fun class.

I'm tooling around with a drowned channeler spiritualist build now--still an academic focused on his Quest for Deep, but likely for different initial motivations. I'll see what I can come up with.

Idea: Leif "elswhere" Leifson
CN (trending NG) Skinwalker (Scaleheart) Bloodrager.


1. What is your character’s name? Leif "Elsewhere" Leifson
2. How old is your character? 26
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Tall blond Ulfen warrior, extremely white teeth.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Speaks quite intelligently, partly with a taldane accent

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Born as a 4th son by a very minor Ulfen chieftain, inherite the sky so to speak, joined a longboat, got to Taldane. Was raised by his father and trained by the villages warriors and his elder siblings.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Both parents are alive, father is a Barbarian, Mother an Oracle, both are "minor nobility" although it doesnt quite work like that in the Ulfen lands

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
3 elder siblings, all stronger then him. One "Uncle" who is a bit of a father figure

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Single, no kids

9. What is your character’s alignment?
Chaotic Neutral trending true neutral. More on the good side, but certainly selfish in terms of glory and rewards.

10. What is your character’s moral code?
"My warbands triumphs are my own, my own triumphs are my warbands"
"I protect the lives, liberties, possessions and honors of my warbands as I protect my own"
"My word, given freely, is as good as my steel, woe to those who abuse it."

11. Does your character have goals?
Become rich, powerfull and famous

12. Is your character religious?
Worships Gorrum, tolerates nearly everything.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
See 10. He also belief that quality of triumph is more important then quantity of triumphs.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Optimistic, energetic, reckless

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
He was too green for the Ulfen Guard, and also a part "were-crocodile" and the Ulfen guard is supposed to be human. Andoran however saw his aquatic prowress as an unique selling point.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
First to the battle, last out of it, first to the feast.
He is quite socially capable, and an able fighter, while he has some skills in some specific aspects of lore, he isnt worth much as a scout or in a library.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Several scars, tatoo of a greatsword cleaving an inverted horned goatskull on his back.

18. How does your character get along with others?
He is a teamplayer, he may clash with very cautious characters.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
Disease, mind control, having to bite attack disgusting things

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Disease, mind control.

Campaign trait: Eagle Knight Recruit Hired axe
Not wishing to have a formal Eagle knight on board (both for political reasons and to keep leadership within their own ranks), but very much wishing to have someone skilled in violence, the eagle knights and the company came to an excellent agreement. The Eagleknights would offer/recommend a skilled mercenary, in this case Leif, and the company would take him on retainer. The Mercenary will occassionally write home to the company about miltiary matters, and understands that there reports should be polite.
Mechanically, it is exactly like eagle knight recruit.

He would get along great with Lyra Heatherly, due to their shared fondness of danger and risk.
He feels a need to impress Anya Sandstrider, but so far has not managed to do that. Lyra may or may not egging him on on that. Anya may well think he is a overgrown idiot who is however usefull in a fight and can swim incredibly well.

Other traits:
Extremely fashionable

Mightypions work in progress build here.

Alteration: I dont really think that being a crocodile in the land of the linnorm kings is fun (coldblooded and temperatures), so well, were-shark here we go!

Leif is an Abyssal Bloodrager, although he thinks its totally just a "yeah I get to be an even STRONKER wereshark!" thing. His archetype is a bloody knuckled rowdy, if the GM allows some retraining at level 6, he can probably have the full Blood Frenzy syle available at level 7 which is fun.

Is it ok to leave some skill choices and item open? Due to Eagle knight recruit trait, I have effectively 480 gold (200 breastplate +100 extra gold + full starting wealth) and I would love to pack some healers kits etc. provided we get someone who can use them!

here's a PC Diviner 1 at 120gp.

Órama tou Méllontos:

Órama tou Méllontos greek–vision of the future
Class: Wizard Diviner 1
NN Medium Humanoid (f) Samsaran (often perceived as Undine) CR 2 XP -
Init +3; Senses: low-light vision; Perception +3

AC 20|16|13, tch 16|16|12, flt-ftd 18|14|11 (shld & mag armr|mag armr|+2 Dex +1 armr)
HP 5 (1d6) NL HP: _____
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4 +2[dth, neg enrg, stblz]

Speed 30ft, Space:Med, Rch:5ft
Mle: obsd dagger(smpl lgt) +0 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P thrwn
Mle: tonfa(mrtl lgt) -4 (1d6 c20 *2)B block(+1 shld w Fgt DEF), monk {not prof}
Mle: qtrstaff(smpl 2hnd) +0 or -4,-8 (1d6 c20 *2)B
Rng: obsd dagger(smpl lgt) {+3 ≤30ft} +2 (1d4 {+1} c19+ *2)S|P rng:10ft
Rng: hvy crssbow(smpl rng) {+3 ≤30ft} +2 (1d10{Lrg:2d8} {+1} c19+ *2)P rng:120ft, ci bolt[20]

(Sp)SLA CstrLvl (Lvl), Conc +5
1/day - comp lang:1, dthwatch:1, stablz:0

Prepared Spells [0:3, 1:2+1, (1)] CstrLvl 1, Conc +5
0 (3): Acd Splsh Rng Tch {+3 ≤30ft} +2 (1d3 {+1})[acid], Danc Lgt rng:110ft +1 LgtLvl 30ft rad 1min, Mssg whisper CL crtrs LoS 110ft 10min.
{Splbk(29): Rst:A0, Acd Splsh:C0, Drench:C0, Det Fiend:D0, Det Mag:D0, Det Poi:D0, Grasp:D0, Rd Mag:D0, Brz:K0, Danc Lgt:K0, Flare:K0, Lgt:K0, R Frost:K0, Scoop:K0, Spark:K0, Ghst Sound:I0, H Fey Aspct:I0, O Anon:I0, Vac Vssl:I0, Chmln Scl:T0, Jolt:T0, Mag Hnd:T0, Mend:T0, Mssg:T0, Open/Cls:T0, Root:T0, Scrv Chant:T0, Arcn Mark:U0, Prstdg:U0.}
1 (3): Mag Armr +4 armr[frc] 1hr, Grav Bow, Tru Strk.
{SplBk(9): Shield:A1, Infrnl Heal:C1, Mag Armr:C1, Hgtn Aware:D1, TrueStrk:D1, EarPrc Scrm:K1, Mag Mssl:K1, Shk Grsp:K1, Grav Bow:T1, XXX-out of cash-[Air Bubl:C1, Arcn Pkt:C1, Mount:C1, Obs Mist:C1, Ident:D1, Snoball:K1, Clr Spry:I1, Ill Calm:I1, Vnsh:I1, Brk:T1, Coin Shot:T1, Crft Frtn:T1, Exp Rtrt:T1, Rdc Per:T1, Tch Sea:T1; ProtEvil:A1]XXX}.

Str 10, Dex 14(+2), Con 10 Int 18(+4), Wis 14(+2), Cha 11 20pt:[10,14,12,16,12,11]
Base Atk 0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Race(samsaran): -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, Lifebound: +2 racial save[death efcts, neg energy efcts, Fort rmv neg lvl, Con chk stabilize], Samsaran Magic: Cha≥11 gain 1/day - comp lang:1, dthwatch:1, stablz:0 at Lvl. Alt Racial: Mythic Past Lives(Su) for Shards of the Past: Add 5 Witch spells [CureLgtWnd:C1, Bstspk:T2, CureModWnd:C2, Divntn:D4, Sph Warding:A5] to spell list.
Class: Wiz Dvnr (prohib: Ench, Necro) BO:Amulet(holy symbol Densa), Spellbook: 0:all less prohib, 1:7. Forwrnd(Su) act in supr, +(⌊Wiz/2⌋, min 1) Init, Dvnr Frtn(Sp) std actn tch +(⌊Wiz/2⌋, min 1) insgt [atk, skil, abil, save] 1r [7]/d, Scry Adpt @8(Su) det scry & 1 step closer w Scry.
Traits: Magical Lineage(Mag) Scorching Ray {-1 MetaMag}, Wayang Spellhunter(Rgn) Ear-Piercing Scream {-1 spl slot MetaMag, Minata(Tian)}, Pathfinder Recruit(Cmpgn) wayfinder & +1 trait INIT -OR- Resourceful(Cmpgn) MIC at $1500/8hr & Pot|Scrl ≤$375 in 2hr.
Feats: F1 Point-Blank Shot, W1 Scribe Scroll.
Skills(6+2): Acro, Appr*, Craft*(Alchemy) +8(1), Disg, Esc Art, Fly*, Heal, Know*(Arcn +8(1), Dngn, Engr +8(1), Geo, Hist, Locl +8(1), Natr +8(1), Nobl, Plns, Rlgn), Lang* +8(1), Prcp +3(1), Prof*, Sns Mtv, Splcrft* +8(1), Stlth, UMD. *class skill.
Languages: Common(Tien & Taldan), Samsaran, then Aquan, Draconic, Kellid, Terran, Azlanti.
Profc: club, dagger, hvy & lgt crossbow, quarterstaff.

Equip($58): (2) obsidian daggers $2, hvy crossbow $50, (10) cold iron bolts $2, tonfa $1, haramaki $3.

Gear($61.6): adventurer outfit, spellbook, bandolier- 8 items mov actn to rcvr $0.5, (2) spring-loaded wrist sheath $10, wtch kit [(backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, spell comp pouch, flint & steel, (10) candles, (10) chalk, ink & ink pen, iron pot, mess kit, soap, (10) torch, trail ration [5]d, waterskin] $21, wandermeal [10]d $0.1, (2) 1st spells $308^(.

Money: $0.4

Background: Órama was born to elemental casters whom were helping the local wayang in Atus Pulu Minata in southeastern Tian Xia. Ratfolk are also common in the area and not to be trusted without retaining something they want. Órama gained insight into fire spells from her parents and her wayang mentor showed her how to use sonics against the rats. Once she was 16 and an adult she started traveling and was told the lands Qadira were civilized so it was her first stop. After a year and a half in the employ of the sun worshipers she found the Society in Absalom, the city at the center of the World. She applied in the local desert lodge but for some reason they advised she come here. She’s been working in the area and keeping here adventures and options open. She’d like to open a small establishment to sell her small magics or spoils from adventuring. She still wants some fine things from Minata but that will cost real gold, like a beautiful silk robe, aesthetic training with monks in their temple, or an antique divining implement with an authoritative provenance. She’s only seen the harrow deck used by old varisian gypsies but acknowledges that sometimes they exude a twisting power.

Wizard 4 Zeroth, 6 First level spells but can cast Cure Lgt Wnds and a few others. A lot of very handy options not taken yet due to lack of cash or feats...
+3 (2d8+1)P with her hvy crossbow.
I left a choice of 2 campaign traits as Resourceful can be handy.
Lang: Azlanti as well as others.

Presenting Ankha Brushbender, a cheery human alchemist raised by halflings. With the Internal Alchemist archetype she should be safe from drowning, and eventually she’ll learn appropriate extracts to temporarily help with swimming. All the necessary info is in her profile. Please let me know if you have any questions or need me to expand on anything. Looking forward to a wonderful journey!

Presenting Tiar Jain, sailor extraordinairre and follower of Gozreh.

Background Questions:
1. What is your character’s name? Tiar Jain
2. How old is your character? 24
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Tall and lean with blond hair and green eyes; light on his feet wearing very finely crafted studded leather armor, carrying a axe with a spike on the back of it's head, a kukri on his belt and a crossbow on his back;
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? [/i]
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? [i] Born in Magnimar, he was raised by his father's sister on the island of Mordant Spire.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? Both of his parents are dead, his mother (who had direct Azlanti ancestry) died giving birth to him, and his father killed by pirates. His Aunt, an elf from the Mordant Spire raised him and taught him the ways of the sea as well as the wilderness.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? He has a couple of elven cousins who dislike him for his half-breed nature, as well as a couple of human cousins he has never met.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Single, no kids.
9. What is your character’s alignment? Neutral Good
10. What is your character’s moral code? TBD
11. Does your character have goals? Someday he would like to command his own merchant ship.
12. Is your character religious? Strong believer in and follower of Gozreh.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? [/i]
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? [i] Withdrawn and quiet among those he doesn't know, joyful and boisterous among friends and companions.

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job? He's been a sailor several years, and familiar with the sea for all his life. He's more than willing to help any in need, and the thought of visiting a land that features so greatly in his personal history has him intrigued. He sees it as an opportunity to earn his own ship.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Help those in need, and enjoy the freedom of going here and there
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? faded scar running from above his left eye to the corner of his mouth. It's a reminder of when he failed to keep focused on his job on board ship
18. How does your character get along with others? [i] After a while, initially he's a bit quiet and aloof.

19. Is there anything that your character hates? Bullys, Slavers
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Being trapped where he can't experience the open sky or the ocean.

Tiar Jain,Ranger (Trapper):
Tiar Jain
Male half-elf (Spireborn) ranger (trapper) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 65)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee boarding axe +2 (1d6+1/×3) or
. . kukri +2 (1d4+1/18-20)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks favored enemy (monstrous humanoids +2)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Graceful Athlete
Traits healthy, strong swimmer, wharf rat
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +0 (+2 to pass as full drow, elf, or human), Climb +10, Disable Device +9, Disguise +0 (+2 to pass as full drow, elf, or human), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +5, Profession (sailor) +5, Survival +5, Swim +10 (+11 vs. nonlethal damage after swimming for more than an hour)
Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Sakvroth (Drow Sign-Language)
SQ crossbow training, dusksight, elf blood, hidden half-breed, track +1, trapfinding +1, wild empathy +1
Combat Gear vermin repellent[UE]; Other Gear mwk studded leather, boarding axe, crossbow bolts (20), kukri, light crossbow, bandolier[UE], bedroll, belt pouch, fishhook (5), hammock[UE], mess kit[UE], sack, 6 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Crossbow Training Reload proficient crossbows 1 step faster.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dusksight Ranged attacks vs. foes with concealment, roll miss chance twice (choose best).
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoids +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. monstrous humanoids foes.
Hidden Half-Breed +2 to bluff and disguise to pass as full drow, elf, or human.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

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No formal mechanical or background updates yet, but I wanted to test something out to see what the GM thinks.

Dolgrin is going to be neither an aquachymist nor a drowned channeler, but rather a dwarven scholar! This feels like it maintains the most of who he is as a character (an inquisitive scholar with a hefty dose of wanderlust) without stepping too much on anyone else's toes. Being able to lend out combat feats will also be handy, and I'm thinking about dipping into brawler to pick up martial flexibility for shenanigans.

"Ooh, we're in this type of situation. I remember reading about the Great Taargick who encountered the same thing in Nar-Voth ten thousand years ago. I think he dealt with it like this."

Move action martial flexibility, standard action war chant bardic performance, aaaand everyone now has the feat that they need.

I would flavor the brawler dip less as "and now I punch things" and more as bits of fighting lore gained from studying thousands of years of dwarven history. Depending on the need, I could take the exemplar archetype and potentially take up to a three-level dip to get inspire courage anyway. It would never scale above a +1 in this case, but sometimes a +1 makes all the difference.

I would also be interested in picking up the stonesinger archetype, but I'm curious how you would interpret the rules regarding the subsonic vibrations and "unobstructed path of solid earth" bits on sand or in water.

Real-world hydroacoustics are messy. The speed of sound in different mediums is relevant to a certain degree, but probably doesn't matter quite as much as absorption/attenuation. However, sound waves typically travel fastest through solids and slowest through gases. So liquids are a decent medium as far as speed is concerned.

Much more relevant is how far a wave can travel in a given medium, given the properties of that medium. In liquids, the absorption of sound is most reliant on the frequency (~pitch) of the sound source, the temperature of the water, the depth of the water (and therefore pressure and density), salinity, pH, and viscosity. Like I said, it's messy and gets complicated very quickly.

What I would argue and advocate for is that someone who has learned to produce sounds below the typical threshhold of human hearing (as they put it, "subsonic", or more likely infrasound) has learned how to account for different media properties in sound transmission. So I would hope that this would enable bardic performances to work underwater.

Oh, and wet sand transmits acoustic waves more effectively than dry sand.

Once I get some feedback on this concept, I'll get to work on the mechanics and fleshing out the background to be in line with what you asked in the original post.

Dolgrin Briskalberd wrote:

No formal mechanical or background updates yet, but I wanted to test something out to see what the GM thinks.

Dolgrin is going to be neither an aquachymist nor a drowned channeler, but rather a dwarven scholar! This feels like it maintains the most of who he is as a character (an inquisitive scholar with a hefty dose of wanderlust) without stepping too much on anyone else's toes. Being able to lend out combat feats will also be handy, and I'm thinking about dipping into brawler to pick up martial flexibility for shenanigans.

** spoiler omitted **

I would also be interested in picking up the stonesinger archetype, but I'm curious how you would interpret the rules regarding the subsonic vibrations and "unobstructed path of solid earth" bits on sand or in water.

** spoiler omitted **...

For your question, do you mean the Stone Song ability?

Stone Song wrote:
A stonesinger’s bardic performance is a subsonic vibration that resonates from his body and travels through solid rock.

It says solid stone, so water and sand wouldn’t count as solid rock.

That's why I explained a bit about acoustics to show that, from a theoretical real-world POV, the same mechanics ought to work underwater more or less as on land. I don't expect that Paizo's authors are experts in acoustics, so I was hoping to open a conversation about whether it would work mechanically. But I don't want to needlessly hamper my prospective PC to be useless in half of the situations of the game.

I like the stonesinger archetype more for the dwarven flavor than any of the specific abilities, but if you'd rule that it means that his bardic performance would only work on solid ground, then it's a no-go.

Would regular bardic performance work underwater, then? Or would performances with different audible/visual components be affected differently?

Alright, let me read what you wrote and some rules and such, and I’ll get back to you by tonight.

I don’t want to hamper potentially fun builds that might work too much!

Thanks for the consideration ^_^

Question: Eagle Knight recruit starts me with a free breastplate, and an extra 100 gold, and a free martial weapon. Can I use my remaining funds to alter (for example make the weapon cold Iron, or masterwork the breastplate?)?

My submission - a Child of Acavna and Amaznen. An Azlanti-inspired fighter archetype that trades out possibly too much to get 4th-level casting... but I think it is workable.


Saminarus (“Sam”) is from an old Andoran family, based in Augustana, that traces its origins to Taldan aristocracy. Family history tells of their founding by refugees from Azlant, and some of their physical traits hint at that being true. Being naturally strong and quick, Sam was trained as a warrior, but he always had an interest in magic, and even some aptitude for it. For both his family’s lineage and his own magical interests, Saminarus has always had a fascination with Azlant, and has studied it extensively.
As to the gods, his family had long worshipped Aroden, the Last Azlanti; after Aroden’s apparent death, Saminarus came to see Nethys, rather than Iomedae, as the natural successor of Aroden. Did not Nethys ascend to godhood through the sheer power of his magical abilities, just as Aroden did?
But Nethys came after Azlant, and did not have access to all the magical secrets of that realm. What if Saminarus could be the one to uncover the ancient magical traditions of Azlant and bring them to the attention of the wizards of this age? Saminarus had long heard rumors of lost Azlanti ruins, and received word that Andoran had discovered some on the island of Ancorato. He applied to join the first wave of colonists, but was rejected. He was then selected for this wave of colonists.

Saminarus is of average height (5’11”) but very muscular, with dark brown hair, a widow’s peak, and violet eyes, showing the strong Azlanti lineage that his family is known for. He is quiet and studious in his demeanor. He wears a tabard of Andoran blue over his breastplate.

Why he was selected:
This is a competitive process supported by the Government of Andoran and the Bountiful Venture Company. With many loyal Andorans clamoring to join the voyage, it would be unusual for a large number of non-Andorans to be granted spots. Fortunately, that is not a concern here - Saminarus would be a trusted Colonist. Sam’s family, although aristocracy, had the savvy to see that the People’s Revolt would succeed. They threw their support to the rebels early, and as a result were allowed to keep their manor house. They have reacquired some of their old lands through mercantile dealings, and Sam’s older sister Jessifar serves in the People’s Council. It is possible that his sister had some influence over his selection for the second wave of colonists, although it is just as likely that his Azlanti knowledge earned him a spot.

The life aquatic:
No, he’s not aquatic. The Company is not, after all, recruiting for pearl divers, but rather colonists. He is a fairly good swimmer, and when he gets spells (starting at level 5) he will have far more options for exploring and fighting underwater. He doesn’t carry a trident or longspear, but then he doesn’t know that he will be going underwater. Once that comes to pass, he will adjust (he isn’t locked in to the longsword by any means).

The archetype:
This is an archetype that optimizers will scream all day long is terrible. Certainly it doesn’t hold up compared to the bloodrager; a Steelblood Arcane Bloodrager is going to be a lot better in most cases. So what? The bloodrager is an extremely powerful class – when I played one through all of Strange Aeons, I was holding back most of the time and the GM still had to increase the difficulty of the AP to compensate. My goal is to be good enough to take on the AP as printed while not forcing the GM to scale up the difficulty. “A bit weaker than a bloodrager” is probably fine. And no archetype is as focused on Azlant as this one. Mechanically, I will focus on what makes the Child of Acavna and Amaznen distinctive; Int-based, with good Knowledge skills and prepared casting. Sam can function as the party’s Knowledge expert, while also being a solid fighter with good AC and an eventual selection of utility spells.

Relationship with NPCs on the ship:
If the Peregrine has docked in Augustana before, then Sam might know of the crew. His family restored some of their lost noble fortune by savvy business deals, largely in shipping, so he has spent some time around the docks. He respects Alba Dinevaar’s quest for knowledge, though he is not familiar with alchemy. Sam is on very good terms with Carver Hastings, as Sam’s knowledge of and curiosity about Azlant aligns with Carver’s interest in the history of the region. Perrell Beys is also a historian and Sam is quite fond of her. Unfortunately, Sam is rather shy and tongue-tied and is unlikely to ever make a move in that regard.
Sam dislikes Harcourt Carrolby; his family’s social circles overlap with those of the wealthy horse-breeder, and Carrolby made a rather insulting comment about Sam’s sister Jessifar after she turned him down.


Init +2; Perception +0
AC 20, touch 12, flatfooted 18 (+6 Breastplate, +2 Dex, +2 Shield)
HP 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Longsword +5 (1d8+4/19-20) or Warhammer +5 (1d8+4/x3) or Dagger +5 (1d4+4/19-20)
Ranged Javelin +3 (1d6+4/x2)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
BAB +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (18 vs Trip/Grapple)
Feats Iron Will, Skill Focus (Knowledge - Arcana)
Traits Azlanti Scholar (Knowledge-History), Sea-Souled, Indomitable Faith
Skills (6 per level)
Swim 1 +9 (-4 ACP, can always Take 10)
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 +10
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1 +7
Knowledge (Local) 1 +4
Knowledge (Religion) 1 +7
Spellcraft 1 +6

Background Skills (2 per level)
Knowledge (History) 1 +7
Knowledge (Engineering) 1 +7

FCB Fighter +1 CMD to Trip, Grapple
Languages Common, Azlanti, Draconic, Celestial
Special Focused Study, Comprehensive Education

Equipment (Starting: 300)
Explorer's Outfit
Pathfinder’s Kit (includes dagger) 12
Breastplate 200
Longsword 15
Warhammer 12
Heavy Shield 7
4 Javelins 4
Acid 10
Remaining: 40 GP

I have to remake this profile but I'm looking at an Archon Blooded Aasimar with the scion of humanity trait who is a Hunter Flood Flourisher with a wolf to go along with his Archon type (thinking hound archons).

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