Aram Zey

Longes's page

6 posts. Alias of AlphaSteve.


I wish good game to everyone who's been invited!

Alright, charsheet written and sent to GM!

People were not meant to mingle in groups over 9!

ST Talomyr wrote:
Longes wrote:
Then for the moment I'm thinking Lasombra, and I'll start working on the character from that.
No problem, but one caution on that given as fair warning. Like I mentioned above, the Lasombra are probationary members meaning that even slight violations of the Traditions, real or imagined may be dealt with more harshly than those same infractions by a "member" clan.

Considering this is an adaptation from V5 - what's the word on Generation background?

Then for the moment I'm thinking Lasombra, and I'll start working on the character from that.

Hello! A friend recommended this game and I figured it's a good opportunity to play VtM for the first time in a while.

What would you like offered as the application to the game? Full character sheet, anything about myself, etc.?

I've read the recruitment post, but I've got a question - any limitations on the material used? Clans, bloodlines, books? What's on or off the table?