Leylia Lucresh |

I mean, a stiff breeze would probably knock me over so I'm not sure I should XD

Rheagar Stonewarden |

Weapons on the ground, lass. I accept your surrender as a voice of the Inheritor, and no harm shall come to you as long as you support your peace. When we leave, we'll return your weapons and free you. the dwarf says formally, binding her hands with her sword belt. Have a seat there, and we'll be along our way.

Aurie de Valois |

Aurie moves to the dead girl and closes her eyes with a surprising degree of gentleness.
Oh, le dard savoureux, emmenez-la dans vos couloirs au lieu de la vengeance.
She says some religious sounding phrase in Galtese.

Leylia Lucresh |

Been so busy writing other stuff I've been forgetting to check this one before bed XD
Leylia spares a glance and a thought for the dead as she catches up. Hope you're luckier in your next life, stranger...

Molasbar |

Molasbar opens his pouch and let's Wisp out. When the little bird flutters up to his shoulder, he tells him "Keep an eye on her." Then he goes about searching the room physically, assuming his detect magic didn't turn anything up.

Ironperenti |

A physical search turns up nothing of interest, it appears to have been picked over. The south west corridor is the only peculiarity as it seems as if it should lead to somewhere. It takes a bit but Molasbar finally uncovers a catch that releases the section of wall at the end of the corridor.
Any prep before you push it open?
Molasbar: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Rheagar Stonewarden |

Ah no surprise, this place is riddled with hidey holes, and other things. Lass, is this door trapped? Or what's behind it? he'll ask the prisoner, stepping forward and crouching below his shield rim to cover himself, Maybe Shathee can check to see if there are traps? he asks before looking over at Aurie, You okay Aurie? Everything fine with you? the dwarf inquires, genuine concern on his face.

Shathee |

"Happy to check for traps, Shathee said as he moved towards the secret door. He quickly scanned the area around the door looking for any small holes that projectiles may come from, pieces of thread, or other indications that something foul may occur when the door opens.
Perception(Trapfinding): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 = 17

Leylia Lucresh |

"Well, if we're expecting violence, I need to know who's kicking in the door so you can go with a little luck. Can't exactly declare our intentions with an arrow sticking out of your throat."
Whoever decides they're going in first gets a protective luck hexed on them. I REALLY should've taken healing as my first hex...

Aurie de Valois |

First to la Battaile, first to le feast and last to leave either Aurie relates some Galtese swashbuckling code and indicates that she intends to go first.

Ironperenti |

Aurie moves into the first room. The murals in the room are scratched and faded. Several portions of the wall and floor show signs of past chipping. An empty plinth where a statue once stood rests by a small alcove. To the east a ledge festooned with old bird nests looks out over a shaft dropping nearly two hundred feet to sea level below where your boat is tied. A large coil of rope sits on the ground near the shaft, one end anchored to a large piton driven into a crack near the wall. Opposite the shaft is another ledge with a window looking out over Magnimar’s harbor. The ceiling is a mere ten feet above, and crisscrossed by a complex tangle of stone arches that support the roof. Between the two ledges, a five-foot-square wooden platform hangs from four thick ropes that hang from the stone arches. The platform is further anchored by two thick ropes to spikes hammered into the walls near the edge of the western ledge, while another pair of ropes hang from the ceiling above, anchored to a hook driven into the wall near the same ledge. You can see a trapdoor in the ceiling above the wooden platform has been wedged open. A boat hook, tied to a rope, lies on the wooden platform.
You can use one of the anchored ropes to swing over to the platform with a DC 5 acrobatics check. It is a 180' drop to the water and boats below.

Rheagar Stonewarden |

Rheagar ties a bit of rope around himself, handing the other end to Aurie, Mind holding this? I'm not great at the swinging through the air bit. We dwarves are meant to stand on solid ground.... he looks at the drop and a sickened look crosses his face, Iomedae grant me luck here... cast guidance
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 1 - 4 = 13
And somehow the armored dwarf makes it across, taking up a defensive posture on the other side. Okay, I'll hold the rope here, who's next?

Shathee |

Shathee steps up to the platform and grabs one of the ropes. "I'll go next," he says as he wraps the rope around his wrist and his lithe body quickly swings across. His eyes immediately turn upwards to the trap door above, to see if they are being watched and to make sure no one was looking to interfere with their passage across.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Aurie de Valois |

acrobatics faels on a 1 only: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Aurie easily makes it across, and then seeks to listen for any sound from above
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Ironperenti |

The trapdoor is just out of reach so Aurie grabs the boathook and reaches up to grab the door. As she pulls it down the door itself falls within reach with a couple of built in handholds. She climbs up and enters into a crawlspace that extends beyond the light leaking in from the open trapdoor.
(the crawlspace follows the white dashed lines on the map. I have corrected everyone's positions on the map.)

Molasbar |

Molasbar looks away from the murals when he hears the creaking from across the way. When there does seem to be immediate danger, he goes back to studying the murals to see if there is anything helpful depicted.

Rheagar Stonewarden |

Rheagar follows, hearing Aurie making noise into the crawlspace. This whole place is mazes and ropes, and funny little passages. Who built this? Not a dwarf I say - we build things which don't require crawling about to get somewhere.... he grumbles.

Aurie de Valois |

I dont know exactly, but I believe they were called Thassilonians? From what I can see a people with more style then sense, and style wasnt all that practical.
Aurie gives up on stealth.

Shathee |

Shathee climbs up the trapdoor next, grabbing the handholds and pulling himself up. Hearing Aurie's voice, he's pretty sure it's safe, but he goes quietly just to be safe. "All clear?" he asks in a whisper.
Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Ironperenti |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So, Sylph, Dimdweller human, and dwarf all have 60' darkvision. Molasbar, anything beyond lowlight vision for you?
Aurie's eyes adjust shifting into darkness mode and the crawlspace becomes visible ahead showing an exit about 15' ahead. Peering out the opening she can see down a hall fully the length of her vision with several alcoves to the sides. Some bones lie in the hall in a jumbled mess and the dust on the floor has been recently disturbed.

Leylia Lucresh |

aaand here I go forgetting my campaign again like a jerk...that little bug I caught must've hit my headspace harder than I thought. this REALLY isn't like me.
Leylia spares a look at the murals as well, puzzling out the depiction.
history: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Well at least someone took care of the hard part and tied the ropes for us... Leylia steps up to take her turn swinging.
acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Promise I'll get back into the rhythm; it's been a rough week.

Ironperenti |

After looking at the murals, Leylia and Molasbar make it across to the platform and follow the others into the small crawlspace. At this point Aurie and Rheagar have stepped out of the crawlspace into the dusty hall. Far down the hall, the two dark sighted individuals believe they can see a faint light coming around the corner.

Shathee |

Shathee continues to quietly move down the hall, his footsteps quiet as he looks carefully looks and listens for any signs of movement. He whispers, "Do you see the light up ahead? Let's make sure we don't get ambushed on the way." He readies his sword and begins moving ahead.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Aurie de Valois |

linguistics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
I have no idea what language this is at all
She whisper as she moves up behind Shathee
stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Doing a much better job at it then before.

Ironperenti |

Shathee and Aurie move forward getting closer to the source of the light. It is definitely around the bend in another hall. They pass through the passage noticing it bears murals showing strangely dressed Thassilonian priests placing bodies into crypts. Several niches in the walls may have once been burial crypts themselves, but today, the hall is strewn with bones and the niches lay empty. They can see what appears to be an empty room up ahead. Meanwhile, Leylia and Molasbar catch up with Rheagar.
Per: 1d20 + 5 - 3 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 3 = 4

Aurie de Valois |

Lets go ahead Shathee, but not more then 30 feet from the rest
Aurie would wait for the group to catch up (she tries to keep the distance at 30 feet) before sneaking further.