Brightberry |

Keep up the good work Sigvald!
In all the SRD, there is no listing for a plant creature to act as a pack animal? Can you believe that? Riding dog, goat, pig, pony, but no plant. Well, let me tell you, I intend to fix that!
Looking through the bestiaries, there doesn't seem to be a very good equivalent for plants. Tsallgrend is close,though.
@GM tribute, there is also not a spell similar to Call Animal. Would it be possible for me to use that spell to also call plants?

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

@Tibold I read "personally" in such an ominous tone lol

Tibold Crenshaw |

@GM Tribute: I didn't see anything like this in the available weapons lists. How do you feel about brass knuckles with a folding knife? Hoping that link works.
I figured it wouldn't need any fancy rules, just declare if it's unfolded and being used as either a dagger or brass knuckles at the time of the attack.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

@Brightberry, here's an "item" creation feat you might be interested in.

Brightberry |

@Brightberry, here's an "item" creation feat you might be interested in.
Oh yeah, he's definitely planning on that. As well as growing leshies. Both of those things do not occur at least until fifth level however. I would just like for him to have some sort of plant dog for the moment, lol. There's also the train plant feat, but that is not until fifth level either.

Tibold Crenshaw |

Someone homebrewed a trench knife here
Definitely the concept, but I was thinking something even a Simple Weapons user could use. That example would require Martial and has benefits aside from just being a brass knuckles/dagger combo.
Not a big deal if Tibold can't get it, but thought it might be fun to help preserve poisoning attempts with an option to punch and not waste the poison depending on the circumstances.

Sigvald Urfheddr |

Out of character, Gorrum who is CN and occassionally CE, genuinely treats prisoners nicer then LG Torag.
It is also just professional. Prisoners you can ransom, especially if they are also mercs, or exchange, even if just for favors owned, or you make them an offer to join you. He did get captured, once and was basically "exchanged" although he thinks he was "released" (its how he technically worships Nocticula, pledged to respect her, and not willingly and knowingly act against her interests as condition to be released.).
There were cases in the 30 year war where individual Landsknechte switched sides, after being captured, more then a dozen times. Occassionally involving pro forma conversion to and from Catholicism.
I would imagine that a half Kellid half Orc like Sigvald (whose native home had been in an even worse war for a century) would have a 30 year war mindset on steroids.

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

Does he really treat them better? The only interesting thing I know about Gorum (not a deity I've really looked into) is that many half-orcs believe that he is one as well. That he uses his armor to hide his appearance from humans who might not be able to handle it.

Sigvald Urfheddr |

Gorrum anathema according to pf wiki:
Kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or indirect magic
Torags anathema
Tell lies or cheat someone, intentionally create inferior works, show mercy to the enemies of your people
Yeap, Paladins of Torag are basically walking warcrimes.
A made up Nocticulan heresy about Gorrum:
Why he always wears armor? Look, in reality, he is mindblowingly hot and has a seductive aura equal to that of our Lady in Shadows, but he also likes fighting, and if he wouldnt wear his armor people would just surrender to him, because yes he is that hot, and thus he wouldnt get to fight! Which is why he wears armor designed to look ugly and non seductive at all times! Also, only the Lady in Shadows knows how he looks like, for he challenged her once to a trial by combat, she picked nacked mud wrestling and it was a draw.

Sigvald Urfheddr |

His allegiance to that part of Gorrumite dogma is very very flexible.
Rules as written, it says "Battle". As in, major engagement between hundreds of sentient creatures on each side. It says nothing about skirmishes, duels, dungeon raids, hunts, retreats, prison breaks etc.
You can at some point ask him in character about that, though ideally not in the presence of an actually fervent gorrumite.

Tibold Crenshaw |

Lol, I was just messing around. Tibold is 100% a fan of underhanded tactics and indirect magic. Any fight he can without fighting is the perfect fight. And with Charisma like his, it certainly won't be done with negotiations.

Brightberry |

Love it so far! Everyone has a proper part to play. I'm hoping to portray the inner thoughts of the leshy while giving only a wooden stare. This may grow into something else in time, we'll just have to wait and see.

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

Love it so far! Everyone has a proper part to play. I'm hoping to portray the inner thoughts of the leshy while giving only a wooden stare. This may grow into something else in time, we'll just have to wait and see.
Kek "grow"

Brightberry |

Just saying, three bags of gold would give us a wand of cure light wounds. That would give us a lot of bang for the buck, and free up spells like entangle instead of heals.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Can I just say, Tibold's inner monologue is creepy AF.

Sigvald Urfheddr |

For some reason, I always turn out like, the most internally wholesome guy in evil parties.
I am happy to chip into the wand of clw fund. More likely to save my arse then a breastplate, which is just +1 AC (and which we may well loot of some totally not Pitaxian fighters), and once I rage realistically speaking my AC craters.
I would like to keep some of the money for a masterwork backpack to up my carrying capacity (I can probably lug our leshy around in it if neede), and a bunch of throwing weapons.
I could still contribute 150ish.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

1st level wand is 750 so 125 a piece would cover it.

Sigvald Urfheddr |

Shopping list Sigvald:
Mwk backpack 52
Bunch of throwing implements 50ish.
Note, Sigvald is a relativel glass cannon, but from what I get most of you are ranged, Sigvald plans to do reach weapon while trowing things (free action, switch bardiche to one handed, move action, draw pila in free hand while also moving, stanard action throw pila, free action take bardiche in 2 hands), while standing in front of the party so anything that once to close in eats an AoO from the Bardiche.

Brightberry |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Brightberry wrote:Love it so far! Everyone has a proper part to play. I'm hoping to portray the inner thoughts of the leshy while giving only a wooden stare. This may grow into something else in time, we'll just have to wait and see.Kek "grow"
I try to leaf comments like that here and there.

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

Wowee! I go to bed and when I log in there's 10 posts lol

Elfriede Vass |

One day, the Skull and Shackles game I was in hit 22 in the time I was at work, haha.

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

I had a game years ago that I had to bow out of because of something similar.
There were 8 or 9 of us to begin with plus the GM. And I think I just had an opposite schedule than everyone else. I would post before work, then when I checked in on my lunch break there would be 30+.
I just couldn't keep up and it wasn't fair to everyone else.

Brightberry |

I'm usually involved in 3 to 5 games at any given time, and that's how my mornings usually go as well. I will have at least three or four posts in each game when I first wake up. I think that's a pretty good way to start the day.

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

See, I'm okay with that.
But that one game I had, the GM would update the scene 2-3 times overnight (for me) because that's when everyone else was on.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Shopping list:
Wand contribution 125gp
Light Crossbow 70gp
Adventurer’s sash 20gp
Total 215gp

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Actually, forgot about needing a horse.
Revised Shopping list:
Wand contribution 100gp
Light Crossbow 35gp
Adventurer’s sash 20gp
light horse 75 gp
Total 230gp

Brightberry |

Shopping list
Riding dog 150
Military saddle 20
Leather barding 20
Wand 100
Redleaf will need to ride in the wagon if we both can't fit in the doggo.
Wand 750
-100 Saoirse
-125 Elfride
-150 Sigvald
-100 Brightberry
-? Remus
-? Tibald
-? Fancy elf? If any. No response yet

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

Shopping List
Riding Saddle 10gp
Wand Contribution 200 GP

Remismun "Remis" Mandruleanu |

Super appreciated btw. Weekends are difficult for me to post. Also, Late for the Sky and The Pretender are amazing albums.

Brightberry |

You will find Jasper is with the merchants, so he will not be contributing. We will see if Tibald adds to the 675gp.
I assumed Jasper was with the merchants, but I wanted Brightberry to bumble through that realization.

Tibold Crenshaw |

Remaining gold from chargen: 56g
First installment payment: 250g
Wands for Everyone's Benefit and Good Health Fund: -125g
Total: 181g
Total: 177.5
181g - 177g 5s = 3g 5s
Lol, Tibold's now pretty broke. He's banking on the 750g at the end.
Also, regarding the mention of the "covered wagon." That's where the medium tent comes in. I'm picturing Tibold basically erecting the tent either attached to the wagon, or even just in the wagon bed and tying it to the frame. I couldn't find any pricing for an actual covered wagon or even a listing for a tarp, so I figured that would work mechanically. Right now the front and back flaps would be open to allow a straight view from the seat to whatever's directly behind the wagon as well.
@Everyone: I would expect some of you may wish to either load up some stuff or even ride on the wagon at times. Just let me know what might be on the wagon at any given time, and I'll keep track for you.
I traded in Tibold's rank in Heal for Profession (Driver) since this is likely not the first time he's driven a cart or wagon growing up in a frontier village. I'll get a point in Heal next level.