GM Valen's Starfinder Society Bounty #3 - A Green Place (January 2023)(Table 1)
Game Master
Start Date: We've finished!
Campaign to Marked Inactive: February 13, 2023
Slides & Map
M Urog Daredevil Operative 1: Spd:20, Init:3, EAC:13, KAC:14, SP:7/7, HP:13/13, RP:3/3, Resist Electric:5, F:1, R:4, W:2, Perc:6, Lowlight, Darkvision, Electrolocation
SRO Mechanic/1 EAC 11 KAC 12 SP 8 HP 8 RP 4 FORT +3 REF +2 WILL +0 PERC +4 INIT +0
Valen, thank you so much for running two tables! Looking forward to this game.
Female CG shirren nanocyte 2 | SP 20/20 HP 18/18 | RP 5/5 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 ALP battery: 20/20 | Speed 30ft | Nanite Surge: 7/7 | Active conditions: none
SRO Mechanic/1 EAC 11 KAC 12 SP 8 HP 8 RP 4 FORT +3 REF +2 WILL +0 PERC +4 INIT +0
My first two rolls are 20's!
Don't worry GM Valen, it can't possibly last.
”Chip” Male NG Halfling Spacefarer Mechanic 3 | SP 21/21 HP 20/20 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +2; +2 saves vs fear | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, S | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Checker Combat Drone 3 | HP 30/30 | EAC 15; KAC 18 | DR 1/-
Is that a railing separating the outer ring from the middle? Is she below us?
Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Kaleb "Chip" Leafgleam wrote: Is that a railing separating the outer ring from the middle? Is she below us? She was. She has since left Station Green. Beyond the nonfunctioning reactor and some plants, there is nothing of interest left in this room.
Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Game has been reported for Gameday and should appear within the next few days for ACP.
Chronicles may be found here.
Please let me know of any corrections or revisions.
No Day Jobs or Reputation for Starfinder Bounties per the Organized Play Guide.
I plan to keep this campaign active for one week or until I have confirmation from all of the players of receipt of chronicle sheets, whichever comes first.
There is a possibility that I may keep the campaign active slightly longer if I decide to offer another bounty in the near future. I am considering a possible run of one or two tables of Bounty #1 and/or Bounty #2 before Outpost VI begins. If I decide to do so, I will post any sign-up information in this thread.
Thanks again all for playing! I had a lot of fun and look forward to sharing tables with each of you in the future!
SRO Mechanic/1 EAC 11 KAC 12 SP 8 HP 8 RP 4 FORT +3 REF +2 WILL +0 PERC +4 INIT +0
Valen, thank you for an excellent game. I love that all of us together kept it moving. I want to use this character in a week or so for an in-person game in my area!
| [SP] 11/11 [HP]15/15 | Resolve: 5/5 | Entropy Pool: Formian Vanguard (Exergy) 1st| INIT + 1, Senses Perception +4 Darkvision 60', Blindsense (Scent) 30' | EAC 14 KAC 17 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0
Chronicle looks good and it was a fun game.
Thanks for running, Valen and thanks to all the other players for your entertaining characters and play.
M Urog Daredevil Operative 1: Spd:20, Init:3, EAC:13, KAC:14, SP:7/7, HP:13/13, RP:3/3, Resist Electric:5, F:1, R:4, W:2, Perc:6, Lowlight, Darkvision, Electrolocation
You have my other character on this for the chronicle instead of Jax.
Edit, nevermind, I see it, you have 12 chronicle sheets on the link, so it is below.
[GDXIII S06-99] LG Medium Female Human Priest (of Sarenrae) (Healer) Mystic 2 | SP 12/12, HP 16/16, RP 5/5 | EAC 13, KAC 14, Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +7 | Init +2, Perc +9, Senses --- | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions Infrared Sensors, darkvision (60 ft range)
Chronicle looks good. Thank you som much for running the game!
”Chip” Male NG Halfling Spacefarer Mechanic 3 | SP 21/21 HP 20/20 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +2; +2 saves vs fear | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, S | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | Checker Combat Drone 3 | HP 30/30 | EAC 15; KAC 18 | DR 1/-
Female CG shirren nanocyte 2 | SP 20/20 HP 18/18 | RP 5/5 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +7; Ref +2; Will +1 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 ALP battery: 20/20 | Speed 30ft | Nanite Surge: 7/7 | Active conditions: none
My Chronicle looks good. Thanks for running this, GM Valen. It was fun playing with all of you.
Anock has already played Bounties 1 & 2, so unfortunately I won't be able to join either of those tables. I'll be looking for another bounty during Outpost to even her out to 1 full XP.
Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon
Sorry, for keeping this active longer than planned. I have decided to run the two bounties, both at the same time to complete them before Outpost VI.
If interested, please check out the links below:
Recruitment thread for Bounty #1: The Cantina Job is here.
Recruitment thread for Bounty #2: Test Flight is here.
Feel free to sign up for one, both, or neither.
As I am getting this info up a little late, I will mark this campaign inactive on Monday.
Thanks again all for a very fun game and I look forward to again soon.
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