About AnockSFS Information:
SFS # 289224-703 Experience 4.75 Slotted Faction Wayfinders Reputation 13 Global Reputation
EAC 13, KAC14 SP 20 HP 18 RP 5 Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1 Offense:
Speed 30 ft. Melee [dice=Survival knife (S)]1d20 + 4; 1d4[/dice] thrown (20’), analog [dice=Tactical baton (B)]1d20 + 4; 1d4[/dice] thrown (20’), analog Ranged [dice=Azimuth laser pistol (F)]1d20 + 4; 1d4[/dice] range: 80’; crit: burn 1d4 Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks none Skills:
Bold is trained; normal is untrained Acrobatics +7 Athletics +0 Bluff -1 Computers n/a Culture n/a Diplomacy -1 Disguise -1 Engineering n/a Intimidate -1 Life Science +5 Medicine +7 Mysticism n/a Perception +8 Physical Science +6 (-5 DC on checks to recall knowledge about strange new worlds or features of space) Piloting +7 Profession n/a Sense Motive +1 Sleight of Hand n/a Stealth +7 Survival +1 Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Skill Synergy: Medicine, Perception (level 1) Class Details:
Class: Nanocyte Faculty: Regeneration Faculty Techniques: Reactive Repair: Use nanite surge as swift action to give ally or self Fast Healing 1 for one minute. (heals SP, not HP; gain 1 temp HP per SP healed) Arrays: Sheath: +1 enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws and a +1 insight bonus to checks with two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth, selected when you form this array. Cloud: Up to 1+CON contiguous, stationary squares; can use nanite surge to gain 10% concealment Gear: Can have gear automatically absorb battery or ammo upon creation —--Major forms: subzero hail pistol, pulsecaster pistol —--Minor forms: beacon, chemalyzer, basic medkit Defensive Dispersal: level 2; use nanite surge to reduce damage Knacks 2nd: Abundant Nanocytes Gear & Wealth:
Combat Gear: ALP Battery, mk 1 serum of healing (2), medpatch (2) Scenario Gear: tier 2 sedative, purple nanite hypopen, dermal stapler Other Gear: second skin armor, tactical baton, survival knife, azimuth laser pistol, industrial backpack, standard battery (20), rope (50’), professional clothing (medic), field ration (5 days), hygiene kit (shirren), radiation badge Bulk: 1/12
Credits: 3591
Special Abilities:
Blindsense: 30’ Communalism: Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet, a shirren can roll a single attack roll or skill check twice and take the higher result Limited Telepathy: 30’ Boons Slotted this Adventure:
Ally: Faction: Wayfinders Champion Personal: Promotional: Social: Starship: Automated Defenses Slotless: Ghibrani Linguist All My Boons:
Automated Defenses (Starship Boon); Chronicle 4: You defeated one of the orbital defense platforms orbiting the planet Elytrio. The platform contained several unique, albeit technologically outdated, innovations in starship design. The most promising adaptation of the technology is its ability to deter oncoming missiles using miniature automated drones. When you slot this starship boon, once per starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed of a single tracking weapon fired at your starship by 50% for 1 round. Declare the use of this ability when the enemy weapon is fired but before its gunnery check is attempted. A science officer can spend a Resolve Point to activate this boon again in any subsequent round or encounter. A starship can only be improved by a single copy of this boon. Friend of the Ghibrani (Social Boon); Chronicle 4: During your time on Elytrio, you had the opportunity to interact with the two subspecies of the resident ghibrani race: the husks and the membranes. Depending on your interactions, you befriended one or more of these subspecies. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told of prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the entry for any subspecies you failed to befriend during this scenario. Husk Ghibranis Membrane Ghibranis [Edit: Both were befriended.] Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon); Chronicle 4: So long as you possess this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Ghibran language and can select it any time they would learn a new language.
Bot Me!:
Anock’s best options for starship combat are Pilot (+6), Chief Mate (+6), and Gunner (+3). She prefers being the Chief Mate; pilot is second choice. She feels awful being a gunner because that usually means hurting people. See Offense spoiler for attack dice rolls. When in doubt, she’ll use her azimuth laser pistol. Anock really wants to be a good medic, and make everyone’s life and health better. To this end, she thinks she knows better than most and comes across as bossy. In social situations, she lets the smooth talkers go first. If they’re not successful, she’ll butt in and try to fix it…probably imperiously. When skill checks are required, she’s not a big fan of trying things she’s not good at. It’s hard to back up your overbearing behavior if you stink at what you’re trying to do. She tries very hard to avoid fights, since people usually get hurt in them. When they do break out, her top priority is keeping her allies safe, followed by preventing as much bloodshed as possible if they’re fighting people. She uses Harrying Fire often in these situations. She has no qualms with attacking non-person foes (soulless machines, animals, slimes, etc.). They don’t really count, you know?
1: B-01 The Cantina Job:
On behalf of Trazhi, owner of the Electric Prism cantina, you tracked a scam artist to a solar casino and apprehended them, fighting Reputation: .25 Credits: 200 Downtime: n/a 2: B-02 Test Flight:
Reputation: .25 Credits: 200 Downtime: n/a 3: B-03 A Green Place:
On behalf of Thamal’s city council, you investigated the unexplained shutdown of the Station Green power plant, determining the shutdowns were caused by a hesper’s efforts to reclaim the plant as green space. You dealt with the hesper by □ convincing her to leave in return for concessions by the city council, Reputation: .25 Credits: 200 Downtime: n/a 4: 1-03 Yesteryear's Truth:
Gain access to the following boons (see All My Boons spoiler for details): Automated Defenses (Starship Boon), Friend of the Ghibrani (Social Boon), and Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon). Reputation: 2 Credits: 741 Downtime: n/a 5: 6-06 Tomorrow's Seekers:
Reputation: 2 Wayfinders, 1 SS EH, 4 SS ?? Credits: 720 Downtime: n/a 6: 6-11 Gifts Ungiven:
After a gag gift exploded in the Lorespire Complex you were tasked by Radaszam to track down and stop the pranksters responsible. The trail led you into the maintenance tunnels below the complex, then to locations around the Starfinder's base on Absalom Station as you attempted to stop the prank campaign. Finally, you discovered that the pranksters were goblins living in the tunnels who wanted to befriend the Starfinder Society. You chose to [X] invite the goblins to join the Starfinders, Reputation: 2 Wayfinders Credits: 720 Downtime: n/a 7: 3-17 Clone Batch Catastrophe:
You entered a vault within Salvation’s End and found a community of clones, mostly of the same human named Joro. Upon exploring the society and interacting with some of its frustrated non-Joro denizens, you uncovered a sinister plot to abduct any divergent individuals and reprocess their biomass into new Joros. After fending off multiple attacks, you discovered First Joro’s hideout inside the clone production complex and shut down their machinations. You chose to [x] reveal the truth or Reputation: 2 Wayfinders Credits: 1090 Downtime: n/a |