Slipp |
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Slipp watches the lion with a great deal of interest. "And of course..." they add...
"If you are not as big and tough as Jinglemane, then you might want to keep your distance. Pathfinders learn lots of interesting ways to interact with challenges from far away - all the better for not getting hurt."
She grabs a couple of buckets, fills them with water and then backs off.
"Watch how I can bring a bit of the storm currently raging in the first world over here..."
spell attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Yes, I know electric arc doesn't normally use a spell attack roll, but...
"Ouch...." cries out the little gnome as they get bit by feeback.
"And the lesson there is ... that you shouldn't mess with the first world unless it is important."
Jinglemane |
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Jinglemane bounds up to Slip. "Really? Am I bigger than you?" The poppet stands on his tippy-toes, trying to get bigger than the gnome. Then he fluffs up his mane. "Oh, yeah, with my mane I am totally tall!"
Kaz, Kobold Summoner |
"Certainly!" agrees Kaz, as he and Zak proceed into the courtyard.
"Zak and I are mentally connected, and if we both try to focus on attacking at the same time it can be, um--"
"Yes! So not as effective as one might think." He draws his sling and adds, "But part of our connection means Zak can draw power from my magic weapons, so I still have this even though I rarely use it. I try to support him with magic instead.
"If we have some warning, I can do this." He points at Zak, who seems to grow somehow sleeker. Smiling for once, he dashes around the courtyard to show off his increased speed.
"And then in a fight, we can do this." Kaz focuses on empowering Zak, who twirls to strike with his wings then finishes the spin with a punch.
Evolution surge for a speed boost.
Then boost eidolon, Act Together to protect companion and wing strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 for slashing damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8, and fist strike: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 for bludgeoning damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Might as well Hero Point that second one: fist strike reroll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
GM Zoomba |
"Oh my!" Armeline says as Eddie quickly grows a zombie right in the lodge's courtyard and the rest of you swiftly begin whaling on it. The students - all of them, not just your new best friends - watch you with rapt attention even as several of the lodge staff wince at the blows and magics being thrown about.
As you all conclude your demonstration, Armeline clears her throat and says "Well, that definitely is a show of many of the varied abilities Pathfinders can have children. And perhaps you all can too one day! But for now, maybe that is enough excitement for now."
Holding up the dead creature’s tail, Kit asks “Will this be of any use? If not, perhaps contact a taxidermist and make it into a trophy.”
The tail actually retreated back to another 'phase', and then it and the creature vanished when the ritual completed. To speak to that mystery however:
While the students return to packing, Professor Krelsun motions for you five and the Venture Captain to step a bit aside. Once you're in a more secluded room, the gnome teacher wrings his hat sheepishly.
I am afraid Pathfinders that I must apologize profusely for the trying circumstances of this day. While none of it was any of my intentions, I fear that I may be to blame. you know that some time ago our school was suffering from an infestation from a protean invader, which your organization helped drive off. Well, the incident appears to not have been the only one of its sort; shortly thereafter I came across another of their ilk - a pelagaster. The being seemed curious and offered to mingle its experience and skills with myself, and I, well Krelsun looks down I had been experiencing trouble reaching to my students as of late. Partially bonding with the being helped my make my lectures and tutelage more engaging and exciting, and the livened up teaching seemed to be assisting the students themselves in learning their lessons.
Unfortunately, it appears that the pelagaster may have been more interested in spreading chaos to our plane than merely observing it. When we approached this lodge it somehow twisted your hedges' extraplanar magic to fracture reality around it. The resulting magic kept me completely overwhelmed - the next thing I remembered I was waking up on the bed surrounded by all of you just a few minutes ago.
Krelsun shakes his head. [b]I will of course report all of this back to J and the headmaster upon my return. Please do not hold this against them or the school: I can pledge that they knew nothing of this.
Jinglemane |
"Pelagasters are dangerous... but not as dangerous as not telling the truth to your students." Jinglemane bounds over to the professor. "You need to talk to all of them, and make a clean breast of things before it is too late."
Qitarah al-Tabib of Sedeq |
“Also I would suggest taking Alec off your list of trusted students, at least for now.”
“We saw that he acts quite differently when he doesn’t think anyone important is around. Had we not prevented it, he would have broken into the restricted section of the library.”
“He is bright, so it is possible he will change. He needs to learn the value of cooperation with his fellow students.”
Kaz, Kobold Summoner |
"He was... less helpful," Kaz agrees with a vigorous nod, "compared to the others on your list."
Jinglemane |
Jinglemane pauses. "A lot of great kids are troublemakers. Alec came back and watched over the littles after we got through to him." Jinglemane side-eyes Kit. "I know that we got into a lot of mischief when we were younger! So. Don't let him bamboozle you, but do give him a chance for reform. The time to catch him is now."
GM Zoomba |
"I can vouch for that." Armeline adds to Krelsun as the gnome looks surprised.
I see. Well, that is discouraging to hear. Today it seems I am learning my poor judgement of character on many fronts.
Slipp |
Slipp sighs. "Never mind . Live, learn and really, check out the colours."
They quicky look up to see if the sky is still the outrageous shade it was when they entered the lodge.
Eddie 'Bo' Leetus |
"Ooo." Is about all Eddie can add to the discussion, bobbing their head in agreement with the assessment of Alec.
Eddie claps their hand on Krelsun's back "Its ok, we fixed it.. and it was really fun for the kids!" Eddie spends any last bit of time they have here refocusing himself out in the gardens, along the north side. Toady comes out and plants themself into a moist pile of mulch.
GM Zoomba |
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Oh, I suppose I should do that too. Krelsun says as Jinglemane reminds him the students too may deserve a mea culpa. I think I should speak to the administrators first but you’re right: the children have been through enough that they should be treated with respect as well.
The dwarf *amazingly, I just noticed I have been misreading this the entire time. Krelsun’s a dwarf, not a gnome: whoops! I think the bright purple on the clothes in the picture threw me off. professor goes to collect the students as Venture Captain Armeline politely but firmly starts directing you out and towards the maze. ”This is the third major drama that Maze has had in as many ears. I’m running out of things to try to make the damn thing not be more trouble than its worth”
Luckily for you all the hedge pathways seem stable enough for now and your return trip is relatively brief and uneventful. Less luckily for Slipp, the sky has returned to a boring blue now that the funky reality stuff is no longer an ongoing concern. Back at the Grand Lodge you see J waiting near the entrance. When you arrive he waves at you and approaches. ”Well, good to see you all back! A bit earlier than I expected. Does that mean the students were that quick at finishing ll their assignments?”
After the combat session is over, Jinglemane pulls out his notebook, and asks all five of the student leaders if they would be willing to be interviewed. "I publish The Mane Event, a journal that covers Pathfinder tips for lairs, dares and hair care! As you all represent the next generation of Pathfinders, I'd love to do a youth issue focusing on all of you. Can you share your style tips and what you learned today on our joint mission? I think this could be our best issue yet!"
On the journey back through the maze, Jinglemane is able to get some juicy pull quotes from his interview subjects.
Tels – Hmm, I guess the most important thing we saw is that coordination is key. Being able to work with your partners with the right timing and cooperation can be really big, so having someone managing or leading can be good if the rest of your group isn’t that used to working with each other. And because I guess this showed you have to be prepared for anything…comfortable clothes? Like a good set of pants? Is that the sort of fashion you’re asking about?
Grelta – oh, I don’t know much about fashion. dark colors maybe? and thick material for your familiars and animal friends. which can be as big as an owlbear and not just a bird, we learned that!
Vim – Ooo, that ghosts aren’t always ghosts! No – that the power was inside us all along, with the right magics behind it. Or maybe that teleportation magic and plane stuff is dangerous and you need to be really careful how you use it because even experts like Pathfinders can still have accidents occur around them. Wait, do you mean what we learned like a quiz instead? Well then the pie ingredient is all the way from Minata! I’m not sure if that’s a metaphor for the value of multiculturalism or how exploration and expanding your horizons can get you to see new things that can mix with the old standards to let you get something new and fresh that’s better than both alone, or maybe its just a cooking coincidence because I’m an okay cook but not the best like I don’t really understand what ‘umami’ is but I do know what tastes beter…
Hari – Well clearly documentation is extremely important. Even if you specific adventurers are in the dark, a solution can be found because other specialists kept detailed notes. So I suppose clothing with plenty of pockets are best.
Alec - ”A proper jacket and fine shirt stay in style. Material Changes’ gets a lot of buzz but Solago’s has the best cuts in the city for their price. And make sure its always neatly pressed: you never know who’s watching.”
Kaz, Kobold Summoner |
Kaz giggles at J's question. "Lacking in detail, but... well, not wrong. They did, didn't they?"
Eddie 'Bo' Leetus |
"Yes!" Eddie nods in agreement to J's question, and Kaz's response "Very good students. Very clever yes." Eddie will differ most of the details to the Professor at first, but will help with the reporting later. Eddie's reporting is not their strong suit...
Qitarah al-Tabib of Sedeq |
“The trip would have made a wonderful gnomish vacation!” Kit says. She starts mentally counting to see how long before J realizes exactly what she said. No danger of a gnome bleaching on that trip!
Jinglemane |
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"If you ever need chaperones or assistant teachers, we would love to help!" Jinglemane tells the professor and J. Then Jinglemane turns to the students. "Thank you for these tips on Pathfinding and Style! I'll be writing up a whole article on your heroism and initiative! I can't wait for the day when we'll be adventuring side-by-side!"
Then he turns to Kit. "They didn't get injured, but did they earn lollipops?"
GM Zoomba |
"Well," J says, happy at first to hear your comments, then concerned when Professor Krelsun elaborates on the details, then finally mostly happy once more. "I suppose I more than anyone should have expected a day with Pathfinders rarely turns out to be simple. But I'm glad to hear the students did well. We'll be sure to have a party day at the Academy soon. And you are all invited as guests of honor of course!"
Qitarah al-Tabib of Sedeq |
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Then he turns to Kit. "They didn't get injured, but did they earn lollipops?"
Kit thinks a moment, shrugs and says “Sure.”
She gives Jinglemane his lollipop and then offers one to Professor Kreisun, J, each of the students (even Alec), and her fellow Pathfinders.
She saves the lime one for herself.
Zak, Fey Eidolon |
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Zak immediately perks up. "Candy? The greatest wonder of the Second World."
Slipp |
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Slipp smiles at Qitarah al-Tabib. "This was the perfect Gnomish Vacation! they agree.
"Beautiful skies, interesting puzzles. Not too sure about that odd mind-creature at the end. Maybe a bit too exciting. But this was certainly one that any self-respecting gnome would enjoy!"