GM Valen's Starfinder Society Bounty #2 - Test Flight (December 2022) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle

Start Date: We've started!

Test Flight

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

This is a place for out-of-character discussion. It is the perfect place to discuss and agree upon starship combat roles.

Manifold Host

Agender SRO Robotocist Mechanic 1 | SP 7, HP 8, RP 4 | EAC 13, KAC 14 | Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 0 | Perception 4; darkvision | Init 2 | Speed 30 ft. | 1/1 Campaign Coin BUDI Medium Combat Drone | HP 10 | EAC 11, KAC 14 | Fort 2, Ref 1, Will 0 | Perception 4 | Speed 30 ft.

Lego is a mechanic so good at Computers and Engineering. They can also Pilot, but not as well.


M Urog Daredevil Operative 1: Spd:20, Init:3, EAC:13, KAC:14, SP:7/7, HP:13/13, RP:3/3, Resist Electric:5, F:1, R:4, W:2, Perc:6, Lowlight, Darkvision, Electrolocation

Jax is an operative and Urogs get 1 extra skill point per level, not to mention I get 2 free skill points in whatever exploit I choose. That is effectively 11+int skills. Jax could fit almost any role. And even do other checks that normally you wouldn't do in Starship combat/precombat. Not diplomacy though. Gunnery is a 3.
He works best at chiefmate, but can fill in the more important roles if need be.


I’m new to the game. Morela could fill in as Pilot or Gunner, but Diplomacy is one of her best skills, so Captain?

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

I wish to make this table as new player friendly as possible, so please feel free to ask any questions.

This bounty does pretty well at easing PCs into starship combat, so I hope you find this adventure to be instructive as well as fun!

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Also, I have now adjusted the links to the Slides so that they should be accessible by all players.

If anyone has an issue accessing the Slides, please let me know.


LN Medium Female Human Icon Envoy 1 | SP 6/6, HP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 13, KAC 14, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 | Init +2, Perc +0, Senses --- | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions ---

Apologies for the late notice. I am so caught up in my holiday vacation and I am not able to update the games I play and run because I don’t have access to my laptop and I only have my phone right now. I will post when I finally get home either later or tomorrow.

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Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Game has been reported for Gameday and should appear within the next few days for ACP.

Chronicles may be found here.

Please let me know of any corrections or revisions.

No Day Jobs or Reputation for Starfinder Bounties per the Organized Play Guide.

I will keep this campaign active until I have confirmation of receipt of chronicles by all players or one week, whichever comes first.

If you are interested in a table of Starfinder Bounty #3: A Green Place, starting on or after January 3, 2023, please fill in the sign-up sheet here.

Thanks again all for playing! I had a lot of fun and look forward to sharing tables with each of you in the future!

Happy New Year to you all and Happy Gaming!


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LN Medium Female Human Icon Envoy 1 | SP 6/6, HP 10/10, RP 4/5 | EAC 13, KAC 14, Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 | Init +2, Perc +0, Senses --- | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions ---

Thanks for taking the mic, Morela. It is nice also that the skill check was a crit.

Chronicle looks good and thank you for running the game! I would like to join the Bounty #3 and I will sign up accordingly.


Good game everyone! And thanks for running, Valen.

Oh, and I got the chronicle.


Female Brenneri Nanocyte 1 | SP 9, HP 10, RP 4 | EAC 14, KAC 14 | Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 0 | Perception 4; darkvision | Init 2 | Speed 30, Swim 20

Thank you for running! The chronicle looks good.

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