
Morela's page

69 posts. Organized Play character for Mitch.

About Morela


Female Lashunta (Damaya)
Solarian 1
Theme: Priest

Str 10+2:12
Dex 10+2+1:13
Con 10-2+2:10
Int 10+2:12
Wis 10+1+1:12
Cha 10+2+2:14

SP: 7
HP: 11
RP: 4

BAB: +1
Starknife: +2, 1d4+1P, thrown 20’
Semi-auto pistol: +2, 1d6P, 30’, 9 rds
EAC: 12/13
KAC: 13/14

Skills: 5/lvl
Acrobatics (Dex) 1:5
Athletics (Str) 0:3
Culture (Int) 0:3
Diplomacy (Cha) 1:6
Intimidate (Cha)
Medicine (Int) 1:5
Mysticism (Wis) 1:6
Perception (Wis) 1:5
Physical Science (Int)
Profession: Priest (Wis) 0:3
Sense Motive (Wis)
Stealth (Dex) 0:3

Fort: +2
Ref: +1
Will: +3

Languages: Common, Lashunta/Castrovelian, Akitonian (Telepathy)
Light armor
Basic and advanced melee weapons and small arms

Lashuntas gain the following spell-like abilities:
At will: daze, psychokinetic hand
1/day: detect thoughts
See Spell-like Abilities on page 262. The caster level for these effects is equal to the lashunta's level.

Lashuntas can mentally communicate with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speaking.

Lashuntas love to learn, and they receive a +2 racial bonus to any two skills of their choice.

Choose a deity or a philosophy whose alignment is within one step (on either the good-evil axis or the law-chaos axis) of your own [Desna]. Reduce the DC of Culture and Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about religious traditions, religious symbols, and famous religious leaders by 5.
Mysticism becomes a class skill for you, though if it’s a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Mysticism checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Wisdom at character creation.

At 1st level, you gain a physical manifestation of your stellar power. The base form of your solar manifestation, when not actively in use, is a mote of stellar energy slightly smaller than your fist that hovers near your head. Beyond the solar mote, your manifestation can take one of two additional forms: armor or a weapon. You must pick one solar manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your solar manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing solar manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode (see page 102), the glow or darkness returns immediately. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.
Only you can interact with your solar manifestation, whether in mote, armor, or weapon form. No other creature or effect can affect your solar manifestation in any way, including disarming or sundering it.

Solar Armor
You can form your solar mote into a suit of armor made out of stellar energy that outlines your body. This armor appears to be made out of glowing light or solid darkness, as determined by the appearance of your solar manifestation, but it can take whatever general shape you choose, whether glowing armored plates of solidified stellar energy, a form-fitting suit of crackling energy, or an aura of stellar plasma. Your solar armor’s general design has no impact on its function and doesn’t give the armor any special abilities. Once you’ve selected the general design, you can’t change it until you gain a new solarian level.
Your solar armor grants you a +1 enhancement bonus to both your Kinetic Armor Class and your Energy Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. It is compatible with light armor, but it gives you no benefit if you’re wearing heavy armor or powered armor. At 5th level, you also gain energy resistance 5 while your solar armor is active. You can choose either cold resistance or fire resistance when you activate the armor, and can switch energy types as a move action. This energy resistance increases by 5 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
Forming or dismissing solar armor is a move action.

When in battle, you enter a state of metaphysical alignment with cosmic forces. At the start of your first turn in combat, if you are conscious, you must choose one of three stellar modes: graviton, photon, or unattuned (see below).
At the start of each subsequent turn of combat, you must choose to either stay in your current stellar mode or to become unattuned. If you choose to stay in your mode, you gain another attunement point for that mode. As long as you have 1 or 2 attunement points in a mode, you are attuned to that mode. Once you reach 3 attunement points in a mode, you become fully attuned to that mode. Some of your stellar revelations are zenith revelations, which can be used only when you’re fully attuned to one mode or the other. When you are fully attuned, you cannot gain more points in your mode, but you stay fully attuned until combat ends, your stellar mode ends, or you become unattuned. If you choose to become unattuned, you lose all attunement points you’ve accrued so far. At the start of your next turn, you can enter a new stellar mode or stay unattuned.
At the end of combat, your stellar mode ends. If you fall unconscious during an encounter, you become unattuned. If you regain consciousness while still under threat, you can enter a stellar mode on your first turn after regaining consciousness, as if it were the first round of combat; if combat ends before you regain consciousness, your stellar mode ends. If you are not in a stellar mode, for any reason, you are considered unattuned for the purposes of your stellar revelations.
When you’re not in combat, you can’t enter a stellar mode. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, when your training takes over and connects your mind to the universe. There needs to be some risk to you for your stellar mode to activate, so you must be facing a significant enemy (see page 242). If there’s any doubt about whether you’re in combat or able to access your stellar mode, the GM decides. This also means that your stellar mode might end before what was previously a dangerous battle is over, once all that remains are dregs that don’t pose a real threat to you.

Graviton Mode
When you enter graviton mode, you gain 1 graviton attunement point and become graviton-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are graviton powers and get stronger if you’re graviton-attuned. While graviton-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves. This bonus increases by 1 for every 9 solarian levels you have.

Photon Mode
When you enter photon mode, you gain 1 photon attunement point and become photon-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are photon powers and get stronger if you’re photon-attuned. While photon-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls (including damage rolls for your stellar powers). This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 solarian levels you have.

While unattuned, you gain no attunement points and you are neither photon-attuned nor graviton-attuned. You gain no benefits while unattuned.

As you gain experience, you uncover new secrets about the powers of energy, gravity, stars, and other fundamental sources of cosmic power that grant you the ability to channel these forces and manifest potent preternatural powers. At 1st level, you automatically learn the black hole and supernova stellar revelations. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you learn an additional stellar revelation. You cannot select the same stellar revelation more than once unless it says otherwise. You can choose any stellar revelations you wish, but if you have more photon revelations than graviton revelations, or vice versa, it is more difficult to become fully attuned in either mode (see Disproportionate Revelations on page 104). The list of stellar revelations begins on page 103.
Stellar revelations normally note what kind of action they require. If a stellar revelation does not note the kind of action it takes and it modifies some other action (such as an attack or skill check), it can be used as part of that action. If a stellar revelation allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your solarian level + your Charisma modifier. A revelation that says it lasts for 1 round or until you leave the associated mode lasts for whichever of these durations is longer. You can use stellar revelations both in and out of combat, but since you can’t enter a stellar mode outside of battle, any revelation that lasts for 1 round or as long as you’re in a stellar mode lasts only 1 round if you’re not in combat.

Black Hole
When you’re fully graviton-attuned, as a standard action, you can pull any number of creatures within 20 feet of you closer. You choose which creatures are affected and which ones aren’t. Each target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be pulled 10 feet toward you. The range of this revelation and the distance pulled increase by 5 feet at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Solid objects do not block this ability, but any creature that runs into a solid object ceases moving closer to you. Creatures moved by this ability do not provoke attacks of opportunity from this movement. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Black hole functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

When you’re fully photon-attuned, as a standard action, you can deal 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 additional fire damage per solarian level to all creatures within 10 feet of you. A creature that succeeds at a Reflex save takes half damage. At 9th level, you can increase the radius to 15 feet, and at 17th level, you can increase the radius to 20 feet. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Supernova functions as a zenith revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

Feat: Skill Synergy - Athletics, Culture +2

At Will

School: enchantment (compulsion, mind-affecting)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: one humanoid creature of CR 3 or lower
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell short-circuits the mind of a humanoid creature with a CR of 3 or lower so that it is dazed (unable to take actions, but taking no penalty to AC). Humanoids of CR 4 or higher are not affected. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to it for 1 minute.

School: transmutation
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: one unattended object of no more than 10 lbs. or 1 bulk
Duration: concentration
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance no
You point your finger at the target object, gaining the ability to lift it and move it at will from a distance. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell’s range. You can’t perform complex operations, such as firing a gun or using a computer, but you can shut a mechanical door or lid and work simple buttons to open or close automated doors or trigger an alarm.


School: divination (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: cone-shaped emanation
Duration: concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text; Spell Resistance no
You detect the surface thoughts of intelligent creatures around you. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or target.
1st Round: You detect the presence or absence of thoughts from conscious creatures that have Intelligence scores of at least 1 (or an Intelligence modifier of –5) or higher.
2nd Round: You detect the number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score (or modifier) of each. If the highest Intelligence score is 26 (or a modifier of +8) or higher and at least 10 points higher than your own Intelligence score (or 5 points higher than your own Intelligence modifier), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends. This spell doesn’t let you determine the location of the thinking minds if you can’t see the creatures whose thoughts you are detecting.
3rd Round: You can read the surface thoughts of any mind in the area. A target who succeeds at its Will save prevents you from reading its thoughts, and you must cast detect thoughts again to have another chance. Creatures of animal intelligence (an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 or an Intelligence modifier of –4 or lower) have simple, instinctual thoughts.
Each round, you can turn to detect thoughts in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of dirt or wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or any force field blocks it.

Equipment: 1000cr, 6B
Starknife. 110, L
Semi-auto pistol, tactical. 260, L
Rounds, small arm (30). 40, L
Second skin. 250, L
Personal comm unit. 7, L
Medkit, basic. 100, B
Flashlight, 20’ cone. 1, L
Backpack, industrial. 25, B
Clothing, everyday. 1, L
Clothing, professional (priest). 5, L
Hygiene kit. 3, L
Field rations, 1 week. 1, B
Battery x3, 180. -
Portable power hub. 10, B / 993, 4.9B