Audria |

I was hoping to because there's some other things that Audria wanted to talk to him about. My plan was to bring Bartholomew to Pink and see if he could make a better judgement of the man than Audria could.
But with how I'm picturing Bartholomew's arrival now, it'd be better for that conversation to happen later. Wouldn't make since for them to be working through Audria's emotions and what she's been through the past few days with a mob bearing down on the Sanctuary.
It's all good. You now have the option of having a recurring baddie. I mean, it's not like Pink couldn't escape, after all. >:3

Audria |

So, I've been stewing an idea I have for The Bear narration, and I'm a little apprehensive about going forward with it. First off, I know that I can be overbearing as a player and being given some creative slack is feeding into that, or at least that's how I feel. I really don't want this game to just be about Audria, which is why I'm trying to make an effort to engage with other players, something that I don't feel like I've succeeded in all that well, and I feel like I have been the one that's been in the driver's seat the most. Second, well, what I have in mind might just be a bit overboard and self-indulgent. (Okay, a lot overboard and self-indulgent.)
I was thinking about working in a character I came up with while looking for the kids, the one she bombed the roll on. That lady is ticked about what happened and manages to rile up the mob of ne'r-do-wells that's attacking the Sanctuary. Meanwhile, Bartholomew (one of the background NPCs I came up with) comes in, gathering up anyone who can fight to help man the barricades after getting word about the mob from contacts in the guard and the Sable Company Marines. Audria's one of the ones that mans the line. An explosion happens, breaching the barricades and throwing defenders hither and yon, and this is where I'd be doing the combat rolls for Audria and seeing where things went from there.
I guess part of my problem is that I feel like I'm trying to be that guy that's going, "Look at me and all of the NPCs I made for my character! Aren't I so clever?" At least, I'm worried that's how I'll come off, or worse, that is what I'm doing without realizing it. I'm sure I can write an interesting story and I'll have fun doing it, but I'm also worried that I'm going to hog the spotlight and put everyone off.
So, to everyone, am I being that stage hog? Do I need to tone it down? Does anyone have other ideas about this?

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

Hokay, so.
My understanding is that these are more narrative exercises meant to let us expand a bit on the world and carry some of the worldbuilding load for our illustrious GM.
I don't personally see an issue with bring that woman NPC in. Though I do want to ask if she would need to be fully fleshed out? Perhaps it's a simple as Audria recognizing her and putting 2 and 2 together? That alone, I think, would work just as well as adding some color to the world.
Now, I have a question for GM: For the three rounds of combat, for something that would require a saving throw on the target's end, would you prefer if we made that as one of the rolls for convenience or would you rather handle that?

Audria |

Fleshing her out some more isn't really an issue. I was thinking of having her and Audria fight, so she'll definitely be close enough for Audria to recognize her.
Besides, I don't think I'd have to worry that much about fleshing her out. She has a motivation and a connection to Audria, so that should be enough for the moment.
I guess what I was really getting at is my fear that I am just crowding others out or just not being a good player in the sense that I'm hogging the spotlight, or the limelight if you prefer that version of the phrase. I like letting my imagination run wild and writing up scenes and stories, but there are times I think I'm being self-indulgent and it's not really adding much to the game.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

@Audria: While I hadn't specifically anticipated you'd want to include NPC enemies with personal high stakes in the matter, there's certainly no reason you couldn't. The only thing I would caution against is describing something which would affect the battlefield at large given this forces the other players to respond to it. An explosion creating a large and dangerous break in the wall would probably require a more team effort and would be better as an official fight adjudicated by myself, so I think I'd like to veto that part. Especially since this could change the dynamic of the entire situation such as having to fight off any invaders who make it inside of the Sanctuary itself and possibly creating a very dangerous hostage situation which would not be resolved in 3 rounds. Since it is a makeshift barrier of sorts, perhaps the woman with the beef and a crony managed to find a place to slip through or force an opening with a crowbar or something.
@Dalmano: Yes, you are rolling for both sides as necessary for the 3 rounds. This is just to help inform your roleplay a bit but doesn't need to be the exact result. Since this is a "larger" scale battle there will be others involved whose actions can supplement your own.
Did the target save against your sleep hex? As she looks at you after almost succumbing to the power with rage in her eyes ready to lunge with her makeshift spell, a cobbler on the wall next you clocks her good with a heavy frying pan he's been seen toting around while patrolling the barrier since he arrived.
Asking for rolls was just to add a little tension to it, and we didn't have 6 total Mary Sue narratives where everything your characters did went absolutely perfect. :P
Overall, I trust you will all keep it interesting, and if you wish to build off someone's The Bear post who wrote prior to yours or intentionally collaborate, that's certainly in keeping with the spirit of things.

Audria |

@GM: I mean, someone had to get them riled enough to attack the Sanctuary. :P
@GM and Abella: I kinda guessed this might be too much, which is why I came here and brought up my concerns about doing that instead of going full steam ahead and saying "Damn the torpedoes!" like I've done in the past.
Hey, I'm in my mid-thirties and learning! That's gotta be a good thing. :D
It's all good, and GM, thanks for the suggestion, because it makes what I was going for work better I think.
Oh, and I don't think you'll have to worry about Mary-Sue narratives with this crew. I was planning on things going badly for Audria at some point in the night when you asked for this, and I don't think any of the rest of us are of that type of player.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

Did the target save against your sleep hex? As she looks at you after almost succumbing to the power with rage in her eyes ready to lunge with her makeshift spell, a cobbler on the wall next you clocks her good with a heavy frying pan he's been seen toting around while patrolling the barrier since he arrived.
Asking for rolls was just to add a little tension to it, and we didn't have 6 total Mary Sue narratives where everything your characters did went absolutely perfect. :P
Perfect. I was 75/25 sure that's what the idea was.

Audria |

*Reads GM's post to Dal*
I need to go make popcorn!

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

@Everyone: While I only made a quick glance, I didn't see if GM Elfriede mentioned what Harrow cards everyone received to start all this. I know Abella indicated The Eclipse in her post, but if the two cards I'm giving to Dal and Gregor duplicate anyone else's, it wasn't my intention to ruin continuity, and I apologize!
No worries, there's no overlap. Audria got The Survivor as she said, and Shrike got The Twin. Garrett was The Rabbit Prince, Lina got The Unicorn, and Nicolai The Vision.
Sorry I've not been around. I was following along appreciatively with the RP while waiting for the next day, since I had declared Shrike going home. I saw the note about a possible slight retcon so Shrike could participate in the Sanctuary conversation over food late Wednesday, but was not able to that evening or on Thursday due to prepping for a big yearly event. I should be able to do a short post tonight for that and Shrike's post for The Bear tomorrow.

Audria |

Well I guess I need to go get my eyes checked again.
Sorry about that GM, I was dead wrong.

Audria |

Well, I certainly hope that part 2 is fun to read. I went way overboard and should have just done as the GM asked instead of running a solo encounter, but I had fun doing it anyway.
Without spoiling anything, I didn't expect it to go the way it did.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Thank you, Audria, for the fun story. It was a good read.
I do have to contradict a couple of things in your posts however. We'll think of it as the "fog of war" where people don't really know what's going on so hyperbole just becomes a natural instinct.
Only people who had physically been there and seen the animal would ever know about it. Considering the whole premise of this adventure start is little to nothing is known of Gaedran Lamm's whereabouts and habits, no one would know he had a crocodile. Even the Lambs didn't "know" since any of them who saw it were being fed to it. They only knew the threat of it.
Tremendously overstated. These are riot mobs and the K-Guard and Sable Co. are in riot gear with non-lethal weapons. While both are dangerous, neither the rioters nor law enforcement is attempting full-scale destruction or killing. Some looting and intentional property defacement/destruction will likely occur, but pillage is war-time level while looting can be similar but is typically a much smaller and less destructive scale.
The goal of most riots/demonstrations is not to kill people. As discussed many weeks ago, this is not an insurrection (possibly borderline) but the goal again isn't to murder or kill. If it was, the K-Guard and Sable Co. would be a lot less reticent in their fight.
No, the mob approaches the barricade for the first time, 3 rounds of combat occur, then a Hellknight division shows up and ends the fight just as described in the Harrowing: The Bear spoiler. This is not a long drawn out battle, so please do not imagine this as the Siege of Helm's Deep from the Two Towers.
That's not precisely accurate, but I'm sure from a certain point of view, an onlooker would certainly think this is what the Hellknights are doing, so I will let that description stand despite not being truth.

Audria |

I'm glad you liked it. As far as the corrections/admonishments, it's all good. I probably should have gotten some clarification on those points before writing/posting that.
Something that I had in my head that didn't make into into what I wrote was Kaitlyn helped gather and rile up the mob and got the worst people she could find to join it. That was in the back of my head while writing it, so that's why we probably didn't see eye to eye on that one. Explaining the differences as fog of war works, though I am sorry that I created potential headaches for you. Sometimes I get a wild hare and I have to chase it down. This was one of those times.
On the other hand, you have a shiny, new recurring villain to throw at us. ;P
(Or not, It's up to you since you're the GM.)

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Just checking in again to say that the weekend was even busier than I thought and I couldn't do a long post yet. But I have an idea and the post will come soon. Thanks for being patient.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

Geez. I'm sorry for my delay, everyone.
My mom got hurt this weekend and yesterday my wife found out from her boss that their company is circling the drain.
Gimme just a little bit and I'll get something posted.

Audria |

Oh man. I hope you mom is okay and makes a full recovery. Sorry to hear about both of those. Hope you're wife finds a new job soon.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

She broke her left foot twice in the past. And then on Saturday, she tripped over her dog and hurt it. Nothing broke but it's bruised.
My wife spent yesterday panicking and today she's already managed to get a couple of interviews scheduled. She is a menace.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

She broke her left foot twice in the past. And then on Saturday, she tripped over her dog and hurt it. Nothing broke but it's bruised.
That's unfortunate, but better than it could have been by the sound of it.
My wife spent yesterday panicking and today she's already managed to get a couple of interviews scheduled. She is a menace.
That's a rough thing to hear. Hope she finds something quickly.

Audria |

Sounds like she's someone that people want. That's good!

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

I’m honestly a little confused as to what the timeline is at the moment? When exactly is Breaking Bread happening vs The Bear?
That's my fault.
I knew we'd be moving on but it felt like there was still some rp to be wrapped up so, I created that little pocket dimension.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

I spent so much time on that The Bear post that in the end I just wanted it to be done and posted, but looking at it with clear eyes, I'm unsatisfied with it. I needed to roll a lot more dice. Actual initiatives, the remaining rioters should have gotten in a round of club attempts before she made an Intimidate check, etc. Maybe I'll roll them later, but it's probably not worth it.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

I spent so much time on that The Bear post that in the end I just wanted it to be done and posted, but looking at it with clear eyes, I'm unsatisfied with it. I needed to roll a lot more dice. Actual initiatives, the remaining rioters should have gotten in a round of club attempts before she made an Intimidate check, etc. Maybe I'll roll them later, but it's probably not worth it.
I personally think it was pretty good, but if you want to amend things as needed, certainly feel free.

Audria |

@Abella: Just a heads up that the spoiler in my last post has something that you may or may not want to respond to. I figured Abella would be staying in Audria's and Eliana's room for the moment. If that isn't the case, let me know and we'll just pretend the parts mentioning Abella didn't happen.

Audria |

GM, I've updated the NPC section with some descriptions. Hope this helps in the future. :)

Audria |

Sorry Abella, I'm trying to buy time because there's a conversation between Audria and Bartholomew that I wanted to play out that's supposed to happen before this, but the GM and I haven't done it yet. Basically, Audria's not the only one trying to buy time.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

@Audria: If you need to engage with an NPC, then make a post approaching that NPC, so I know to respond as that NPC.
@Pippip: For whom does Pippip work? (noble family)
@Shrike: How recently did Lania become Shrike? Prior to the start of the story has she been actively engaged in her theater work, or is she currently not involved with any productions?
@Dalmano: Do you want to determine the reason you were unable to meet up at Zellara's (the person who sent the card) house and end the spoiler RP, or would you like to continue and I will provide a reason Dal was unable to make it?

Audria |

@GM: I did. It's under the spoiler in that post.

Audria |

No worries. I figured that was probably the case when I saw your post. We're good.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

@GM: She would have become Shrike about five months ago. Her brother was kidnapped just over six months ago, so in early Neth of 4707. It became clear to her after a couple of weeks that the Guard could not or would not actually find him, so she started investigating and asking questions on her own without thinking to the use the mask at first, then within a month realized that there was a gang or person no one wanted to talk to her about that made investigating under her own identity like that foolish. It could easily lead to her mother and Junie being killed as well as herself. That was when she started using the mask/elf disguise and waiting for or following low-level criminals around at night, hoping they would lead her back to the right boss.
As far as her professional life as Merula, I'll say that directly before the start of the story, she was involved with one production and had six dancing-instruction clients that she met with once a week each, in late morning. I can make up names and identities for these families and girls if you like: five were merchants or rich professionals, one was of the minor nobility.
The dance production would have been... let's say, a balletic adaptation of Hommel and Brekka, the tragic forbidden love story between a Shoanti warrior and a Chelish conqueror. It was still in rehearsals most afternoons through early evenings and had not opened yet but was just about to. Merula played the Shoanti 'witch-princess' Tsomah, a summoner who was the previously intended of Hommel, and was also the understudy for Brekka, the graceful and polished Chelish warrior Hommel fell for instead. Because Korvosans are generally prejudiced against the Shoanti ('horsers'), there had been bets placed amongst the cast about whether the performance would be an abject commercial failure, or a surprise hit due to interest in its unexpectedly sympathetic portrayal of the Shoanti tribesmen that nevertheless conveyed the clear superiority of Chelish military and cultural might.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

@Shrike: You may create the names of any or all as you see fit. For my purposes, I only need the names of any who are so entitled that city-wide riots aren't a reason for which their dance lessons should be inconvenienced (assuming any are so entitled). More importantly, however, let's work to create a general idea of the theater company with which Merula would be involved. Do you imagine Merula to be working with a smaller company/neighborhood-type theater or are we going for something more renown throughout even the noble/aristocratic circles?

Audria |

All I have to say is I'm getting some popcorn ready. GM, this is getting good.

Pippip Ooray |

Pip did work for a noble family outside of the city in a private estate. He has returned his charge and will be concentrating on stabilizing the city.
As a former Bellflower agent that had shirked his duty, he will not be shirking his duty helping the citizens of Korvosa.

Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |

@Dalmano: Do you want to determine the reason you were unable to meet up at Zellara's (the person who sent the card) house and end the spoiler RP, or would you like to continue and I will provide a reason Dal was unable to make it?
I'm perfectly leaving it there with Dal was late and missed out. Honestly, I'm good if we leave it there with the end of the scene being Trinia gesturing to the window lol.

Spirit of Pinvendor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pip did work for a noble family outside of the city in a private estate. He has returned his charge and will be concentrating on stabilizing the city.
As a former Bellflower agent that had shirked his duty, he will not be shirking his duty helping the citizens of Korvosa.
So Pip has quit his former job, and no longer has current employment or a home. Got it.
MurderHobo title unlocked.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

@Shrike: You may create the names of any or all as you see fit. For my purposes, I only need the names of any who are so entitled that city-wide riots aren't a reason for which their dance lessons should be inconvenienced (assuming any are so entitled). More importantly, however, let's work to create a general idea of the theater company with which Merula would be involved. Do you imagine Merula to be working with a smaller company/neighborhood-type theater or are we going for something more renown throughout even the noble/aristocratic circles?
I've updated the NPCs section of Shrike's profile with the names and identities of six students, six theater colleagues and four former colleagues. None of the actual students would be that way about a lesson being unexpectedly canceled. They're lessons, after all, and not treats! But one of the parents might be. Druvalia Tuttle is demanding enough. If there's any reason from the adventure that one of the people/families I've chosen is unsuitable, let me know and I'll change them.
I was thinking that the theater company she is currently with is a step up for her from smaller/lesser-known dance troupes and revues. It's maybe not quite Marbledome level famous, but perhaps the next step down from that? Regularly performing at Kendall Amphitheater in the Heights, or an as-yet unnamed theater in North Point maybe. The director is a woman called Saratha Florescu, and the troupe is Florescu's Farrago.

Spirit of Pinvendor |

Talomyr has informed due to some changes in life's responsibilities he feels he will not be up to matching the frequency of posting he's seeing in the rest of you. He's withdrawn which will drop us down to five.
I will try to get us moving along here shortly now that I've gotten some of the feedback I needed. Thank you all for your patience.

Audria |

Sad to hear that Talomyr's dropping, but I'm looking forward to getting things rolling.
@Lania: There's a scene I want to do with you, but I don't know when we could do it. It's something that I just want to be between Audria and Shrike/Merula.

Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |

Sorry to hear that about Talomyr. I'm still following along daily, and ready to hop in when it seems appropriate.
@Audria: Sure, sounds good. End of this in-game day, maybe, if they don't have a moment before?