Audria |
GM, I hope that I'm not too out of line here in assuming that we have a description of Sven. If we don't, then Talli will call out to him as she flies through the alleys and streets.
Audria |
Derp. I did.
So that's a 24 to hit and 13 damage.
Audria |
Like the Rouge Angles of Satin? :P
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
Yeah, that would've been it for me.
I wasn't sure if we were maintaining an initiative order or not. Regardless, 5' step followed by standard action to cast Stabilize.
The rest could basically be flavor.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
Allow me to say this once again: I won't stop you from doing whatever you think your characters would do in the interest of roleplaying.
I strongly urge you to consider your choices carefully however with any and all conceptual clues provided to you and any allies within your vision and hearing.
Out of character questions will be fielded if you need any clarifications.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
Oh dang. Abella, I got that link to work by deleting everything after the .jpg. Here he is.
Audria |
Hey, I'm of the clock and work banker's hours. No help from me even if I could figure out what's going on. :P
And yeah, this is a surprise. Definitely an ohhhhhh nooooOO! with laughter moment. :)
Audria |
Okay, I was thinking that Audria kept running until they were well away from the alley. Are we just going to assume that the scene where she asks where Shrike and Pip are happens later in the timeline? I was under the impression that everyone was running, at least until Skrike and Pip stayed behind.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
I think we don't know yet what Dal is doing. It sounds like maybe Abella didn't intend to go that far if she's shouting back toward where Shrike and Pip are and expecting to be heard? We might figure that it takes a little bit for the others to catch up to Audria if she just ran pell-mell out of there, but Shrike at least does intend to go after her and Abella.
Audria |
Yeah, that's pretty much what the idea was. Run pell-mell out of there then take a moment to catch our breath and make introductions.
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
Apologies everyone. My sister-in-law and her brood descended on my house this weekend.
My wife said that I've solidified myself as the mean uncle.
But, in my defense, there were 3 other adults who could've stepped in when my 6 year old nephew was throwing books down the stairs. Or when he tried to smash my 4 year old son's piggy bank. Or when my 10 year old niece used my sofa to wipe the mustard off of her hands. Or when my 38 year old SiL decided to to drops scrambled eggs on my floor for their dog to eat. Note: my son has a severe egg allergy and has almost died from accidental exposure.
I'll get a post up ASAP.
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
I wanted to do more but this turned out to be a pretty terrible day at work too So that's what you're getting lol
Audria |
Audria |
I considered that, but Audria wouldn't just leave friends there in danger. She's trying to get them all out, but I have a feeling that's going to be a vain effort, even with her trying to shield pink from the Red Mantis' view.
I think the June 30th post will still work. Not so sure about the July 3rd one, so it might still be a partial retcon.
Audria |
Oh boy! I've run across this brand of crazy before. This will be fun!
Spirit of Pinvendor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Completely unrelated...
...despite Cainabeth’s repeated insistences that correcting grammar just makes you sound like an ass, Abella insists upon doing it.
I own this t-shirt.
Audria |
*Sweats nervously while trying to remember all of the grammar rules from grade school.*
In other news, I've made a new profile for Tallyfeather. I hope that it'll help me do more to flesh her out. Also, Audria is indeed trying to do the Ghostrider thing. She saved the guy because it felt wrong to leave him to die like that, but she's also not about to let him go after hearing what she has. Depending on his answers, she could find herself trying to control her temper.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
I find irony in how often I introduce throwaway NPCs to you guys, and you make them more important than I expect, and some of the possibly more intentional ones not-so-much. :P
Of course, this is your story, so you all decide what's important overall. I just guide and let you know what makes sense in this place and this time.
AdamWarnock |
Ah yes, the curse of GM's the world over. :P
It was more deciding what to do with this guy. Audria grabbed him practically on a whim. She's really having a hard time deciding what the right thing to do is, and the fact that she's almost certain he's killed people before and probably has no remorse for his actions is not helping.
Now that Shrike's taking the lead in this, she's refocusing on the original reason she sought Silver Sven out.
One thing that I will say about the PBP format, it can really make you feel like your character's a bit scatterbrained at times.
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
My post from Friday night/Saturday morning was eaten! Gosh darn it. Lemme make some quick edits on my google doc (i always type up there first) and I’ll post it.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
Ah, yes! I almost forgot to address something. Sometimes I forget not everyone is a Golarion Lorehead like me, or chooses to intentionally limit themselves to the lore presented in players guides and whatnot.
One thing which may not be obvious out of the gate is something James Jacob himself stated in a forum post from years ago: Azlant and Thassilon are like Atlantis in the real world. While the comparison is obvious between Azlant and Atlantis, Thassilon being an offshoot of Azlant, it's more or less in the same bucket of "folklore/legendary/mystical" and such. This means Azlant and Thassilon are known throughout the world or at the bare minimum the Inner Sea region. Given the lost god Aroden was called the Lost Azlant, there's very little chance knowledge of Azlant and Thassilon's existences are completely unrecognized.
I bring this up because as residents of Varisia, your characters will definitely be much more in touch with "information" and terms which relate to these places, Thassilon in particular. I like to think the residents of this area are going to know just as much about Thassilon as we do about King Arthur and Camelot. In other words, names and legends about the idea of the people and places, but the truth of it will be wildly distorted.
The term Runelord in particular would be known but its purpose has probably been heavily romanticized and barely recognizable aside from the stories, plays, etc, all including some kind of mastery over the various runes found in the ruins of Thassilon found all over Varisia.
So in short, your characters should recognize very basic things about Thassilon. Those with any levels of Perform (x) and Knowledge (history) in particular will have a lot more insight...even if there's a real possibility the knowledge is completely fabricated by the whimsy of a poet.
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
I kinda figured that if you had wanted any of us to know anything, you wouldn't have described them as so mysterious.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
I know who the Red Mantis and Achaekek are, but Lania has no Knowledge (Religion) and I figured that information being hidden behind a Religion check that can't be made untrained should mean she doesn't know it.
So, would it be fair to say that anyone who grows up in Varisia should know that a Runelord was like a wizard-ruler of a county in the ancient Thassilonian Empire? What about the stuff like each one being associated with a sin?
Spirit of Pinvendor |
I know who the Red Mantis and Achaekek are, but Lania has no Knowledge (Religion) and I figured that information being hidden behind a Religion check that can't be made untrained should mean she doesn't know it.
So, would it be fair to say that anyone who grows up in Varisia should know that a Runelord was like a wizard-ruler of a county in the ancient Thassilonian Empire? What about the stuff like each one being associated with a sin?
So Runelord is probably more mysterious than say 'Thassilon' or 'rune magic.' Assume that precise factual knowledge such as that they were actual political rulers, there were seven, related directly to virtue/sin magic, etc. will require a Kn (History) or (Local) to know. If desired, I can set some DCs. Local will have lower DCs than History, but successful History checks will be more reliable. Local checks run the risk of misinformation based on folklore and fictionalized/romanticized stories.
@Dal: If you didn't read this post, please do so!
Talomyr |
Hello all. I'm the new player mentioned above.
I don't believe I've had the pleasure of being in a game with most of you, save our illustrious DM and AdamWarnock.
The character (A human Steel Hound Investigator) is mostly together and will be completed in next day or two.
I look forward to getting to know those of you whom I haven't met yet, get reacquainted with those of you I do know, and joining the game in the near future.
Audria |
Hello Talomyr. Glad to be at the same table with you again! I think you'll enjoy this table. I've played with most everyone here before and their great players.
Also, dang! Abella there bringing the sass!
Audria |
So, is our GM a dog person? :P
For that matter, let's have some fun.
1. Dogs or cats?
2. Coca-cola or Pepsi?
3. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts?
4. Salt and Vinegar or Dill Pickle chips? (I think people across the pond call them crisps, but not sure if anyone else does.)
5. is GIF pronounced gif or jif?
Here's my answers.
1. Mo'fluff, mo'better.
2. It's all a coke where I grew up.
3. Krispy Kreme
4. Dill Pickle chips
5. it's gif with a hard "G" you don't pronounce graphics jraphics, and that's what the G stands for.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So, is our GM a dog person? :P
For that matter, let's have some fun.
1. Dogs or cats?
2. Coca-cola or Pepsi?
3. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts?
4. Salt and Vinegar or Dill Pickle chips? (I think people across the pond call them crisps, but not sure if anyone else does.)
5. is GIF pronounced gif or jif?
Here'sHere are my answers.
You've been grammar policed, Audria.
Here are my answers:
1. I like both dogs & cats, but as an owner, dogs are a more reliable personality as cats can run the gamut; with cats you can end up with a lover or an a@*@#~~, and you'll never know until they stop being kittens. I like my animals to cuddle, so I've only ever owned dogs, but I love to hear/feel the purr of my friend's kitties. Well, the ones who are actually friendly. Usually there's at least one "oh, you'll never see her" in their feline collection.
2. I prefer not to drink soda at all actually, but I'll choose Pepsi over Coca-Cola if the water is undrinkable.
3. Dunkin' all the way.
4. Salt and Vinegar, I guess? I'm not sure I've ever been exposed to Dill Pickle flavored chips, but I absolutely prefer dill pickle to sweet every day of the week.
5. I believe I may use G-if and J-if interchangeably depending on who-knows-what's-going-through-my-mind-at-the-time. I know the creator of the file type has stated "jif" to be correct, but linguistically I would agree with AdamWarnock in that the term is an acronym, so pronouncing it based on the term as spelled out makes the most sense if we're creating a hard and fast rule.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
Hello and welcome, Talomyr. Happy to have you on board.
GM, I'd like that if you have time. Shrike can roll one of those, and the more we know about the world - even or especially if it's partly folklore - the more lived-in it feels.
Abella Tribastarion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome, new blood!
Also, dang! Abella there bringing the sass!
That’s what she prefers. She gets to feel smart while not actually being responsible :D
1. Dogs or cats?
I love both but if you make me pick I will choose cats. My wife and I have two!
2. Coca-cola or Pepsi?
Coca-cola. We have a whole case of the zero sugar kind in the fridge
3. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts?
I’d rather a non-chain donut shop. There’s one we get them from that has the best crumb cake donuts
4. Salt and Vinegar or Dill Pickle chips?
Salt and vinegar
5. is GIF pronounced gif or jif?
I find the argument inconsequential and mildly annoying so to be difficult I pronounce it with the G from bacteriophage, the I from “ides,” and the F from fencing. Sounds kinda like “wife” with a zh instead of the w.
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh, are the questions for everyone? Okay then, here are my answers.
Dogs or cats? Cats. (But I like dogs too.)
Coca-cola or Pepsi? Coke. (But I like Pepsi too.)
Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts? Krispy Kreme. (But I'm sure I would like Dunkin' Donuts too.)
Salt and Vinegar or Dill Pickle chips? Dill. (But I... no, actually I don't like salt and vinegar chips.)
Is GIF pronounced gif or jif? Gif like gift. (But jif like the peanut butter is fine too.)
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Welcome, Talomyr! I'm no longer the new kid!
I'll throw mine out there too.
1. Dogs or cats? Is it an animal? That works for me. I have been known to make friends with the neighborhood pets, the ducks at the park, and the squirrels in the backyard. I'm the guy who catches spiders with my hands or brings bees to flowers.
2. Coca-cola or Pepsi? I'm not a huge soda person but coke from a fountain, pepsi from a can.
3. Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts? No preference.
4. Salt and Vinegar or Dill Pickle chips? (I think people across the pond call them crisps, but not sure if anyone else does.) Salt & Vinegar all day.
5. is GIF pronounced gif or jif? If Stephen Wilhite wanted people to pronounce it as "jif" then maybe he shouldn't have waited for an entire generation of people to grow up saying "gif" before speaking up. If Alexander Graham Bell showed up and said "Actually, it's pronounced "'tee-lee-pee-hone'" would we all just agree? Ridiculous.
Audria |
@Abella: Well, If I want some really good donuts, I go to Donut Heaven, but that's a Prattville, AL exclusive, like Fat Boy's or Rock's BBQ. Best restaurants tend to be the ones that are holes-in-the-wall.
Also, I see where Abella the character gets her sass from. :D
@Everyone else: Thank you for humoring me. I now know that I need to mail some dill pickle chips to our GM.
Dalmano "Dal" Imperiosus |
Wow, I glossed right over that question.
I just had to drop $2300 to fix my car. Could I get some salt and vinegar emailed to me?
Lania 'Shrike' Fordyce |
Wait a minute, why are we assumed to have split the party here?
Shrike would not have broken off from the rest of the group to take Pink to the warehouse. She didn't want to save him or take him anywhere in the first place, just to ask a few questions and leave him. But then Pippip promised him a safe place to go (which, to be clear, we definitely don't have) and he clammed up unless he got transferred there. When Sven said he would lead us to the children, while we were all already in motion toward the warehouse, I didn't assume that that meant right away. It seems Audria and then Dal did, but Dal at least arrived at the warehouse before going anywhere else?
Regardless, if Audria and Sven started going someplace else mid-journey, Shrike would have changed course and gone along with them, including taking Pink along if necessary. If you want her to go somewhere else without the party, there needs to be an in-character conversation about that.
Spirit of Pinvendor |
I will leave that to a group decision.
The Shrike's Hideaway spoiler will remain canon even if it happens now before resolving the location of the orphans or in the future afterwards.
If Pink is never taken to the warehouse then that spoiler will be retconned, and we'll deal with it then.
Audria |
Maybe I should have read this thread first.
Sorry, I think I messed this one up. I can have a one track mind and save the children trumped interrogate the Red Mantis wannabe. I'm not sure if having the warehouse scene before or after Sven takes us to the kids would be better. Part of me says picking up the kids on the way to the warehouse would be better, but I'm open to other suggestions.