Spizz the Mighty |

Spizz squawks comically and makes a big show from running away from the tongs for a little while before his laughter gets the better of him and he collapses on the floor. After a little bit longer he stands again, wiping his eyes, and brushing any dust off his meticulously cleaned golden scales. "Much more fun here than in Spizz old home. Big spider gave Spizz a shock, but Spizz feel much better now. Thank you newfriend Quince."

rando1000 |

Moving on, assuming the PCs stick to the plan and stop here.
Pre-sleep rest period:1d6 ⇒ 3
1st Watch:1d6 ⇒ 1
2nd Watch:1d6 ⇒ 6
3rd Watch:1d6 ⇒ 4
Not long into the 1st watch (no benefits gained from resting), you awaken when you hear a loud pounding on the northern door.
"Who the 'ell locked this door!"; a loud shout in a low voice.
Finally, with more insistent pounding, the door flies inward, and a large Ogre steps through, dimly seen in the light of a small fire you set in the forge.
"Oi! Who the 'ell're youse?" the creature demands menacingly.

Kevin Boyer 646 |

Rocko isn't quite as subtle. He groggily takes a nearby chunk of firewood for the forge and tosses it at the ogre's nose.
"Pipe down, bub. Trying to sleep here."
sorry if that ruins the bluff
improvised range weapon attack while prone: 1d20 ⇒ 1
I'll assume Rocko wasn't currently on watch and was half-awake at the moment

rando1000 |

The ogre eyes the group of you suspiciously, taking Rocko's "attack" in stride; he'd probably have done the same if someone woke him, he reasoned.
He closes one eye, trying to comprehend the ramifications of Quince's words, but is clearly confused.
"I Yorg. You...who sended you to look for Yorg?"

Yoltzin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry, it's been a rough few days as you saw at the tail end of Sunday Rando
She had reactions and interactiosn the previous day regarding the strange antics of the group, but those are left behind in the face of a new apparent threat. Her eyes, half-glazed in meditation, snap to attention as the hulking ogre known as Yorg made his appearance. The human Quince seemed intent on fulling the dull beast, to what ends she hadn't yet uncovered. Keeping silent, she raised herself from her lotus position and watched carefully.

Elias Quince |

Sorry for the delay folks
"Yorg, don't play stupid. He said you were the smartest Ogre in these parts he wasn't wrong, was he? He needs you to go and see him personally, said he had a job that needed brains and muscle, you're the only... man for the job. Seemed like he was in a hurry too, I wouldn't keep him waiting."

Yoltzin |

What a time to crit...
The elf turns slightly to hide her exasperated expression. This didn't seem to be going very well, and she didn't understand why they wouldn't just attack the monster.

Spizz the Mighty |

"Yorg have many friends?" Spizz asks innocently, peeking from around Elias's leg. "Spizz likes having new friends. Maybe Yorg also be friends with Spizz?" The inkling of an idea comes to the kobold. "Spizz small, but Spizz can shoot fire from his hands! And Yorg very big. Spizz could ride on Yorg shoulder and shoot fire at bad guys with stick throwers or nasty birds, while Yorg protect Spizz from metal sticks and stones! Smash and burn together!" He makes some crashing and fwooshing noises to really sell his point. "Best friends!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

rando1000 |

Quince provides Yorg with a seemingly suitable answer that will lead the ogre out of the populated area, and the creature turns to return to its room and gather its things.
As he prepares to leave the dungeon, Yorg looks back at Spizz.
"Maybe when Yorg come back, little dragon-man. Right now Yorg have big task to do!" And with that, the ogre stomps off.

rando1000 |

The rest of the evening passes uneventfully. Everyone regains 2 HP, and your spells and class features refresh.
You awaken on the cold stone floor of the forge room in the Stronghold of the 4th Legion, still sore from the battles of the day before but refreshed enough to continue. Djack in particular feels worlds better. It seems his body has shaken off the worst of the spider toxins.

Djack Nymball |

Looking over at Quince, What are you talking about, Rocko nearly beheaded him... A wry smile makes its way across the youth's face.
He didn't seem that bad. So, are we keeping this place or what? And, uhhh... he's gonna want to come back. I think he lives here.

Yoltzin |

Channel: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
Durring their earlier routines getting themselves together, the elf tries to perform a prayer of healing to help everyone recover just a little bit more. It seems though, that Xenxolotl was not feeling particularly favorable at this time.
"I still do not understand why we let the beast leave so easily, or why any of you have been so lenient. Are these not common cutthroats, monsters to be slain for the safety of your peasantry?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

Djack Nymball |

Answering Yoltzin, I think it was more a consideration of our un-ready-ness... we wanted to rest up and were interrupted before that was complete.
He was a rather large threat. We weren't prepared. I suspect Quince chose self-preservation. A good call, by the way. But, maybe these common riffraff could be rehabilitated. It's easy to see the wide eyed positivity in the youth.

Yoltzin |

Please mark the 3 HP I got you guys back, you two. Anyone else if they lost HP as well. 5 total back with the rest.
"Being unprepared, I can agree with this. But what is it to be.. rehah bill latated?" She asks, brows furrowed as she tries to pronounce the strange word.

Djack Nymball |

Oh, there was a fancy wizard I heard speak of it... teach folks new ways and see them change their actions.
Offer the orge and catfolk food and a place to live, respect... if they protected the village instead of raiding it, that sort of thing. It's fancy, but I liked the idea of it.
Give them something to be proud of.
He rotates his shoulder, stretching. Thanks for the healing, Yoltzin. I needed that, truly.

Yoltzin |

"It is only by Xenxolotl's mercy that your wounds find their mend. He does not offer much, as it seems he wishes us to prove ourselves by our own merit today." She explains and, in her own ways, apologizes for not fully recovering the group. Yoltizin takes a moment more to consider the human's other words before responding again, "For one to repent and another to forgive, then. This I can understand. Though I do not know if these... 'people', would truly change. I do not think I would risk the lives of other innocents to potentially redeem the soul of a sinner."

Djack Nymball |

Djack looks at Yoltzin, slowly blinking as his eyes take her in. It's not clear what he thinks of her.
Hmm... Good points all around. As to proving myself to earn healing, I suppose I have no choice either way.
I don't know if I'm... wise enough to figure that last part. I can only hope that my presence does not make matters worse.
With that he stands, shoulders his pack and is ready to... continue. Or prove myself, whatever the hellz that Xenxolotlfella wants.

Elias Quince |

As a pause slips itself into the conversation between Djack and Yoltzin, Elias adds his piece
"There is a difference. There's attacking something because its bigger than you and doesn't talk proper, and there's ridding the world of child-eaters."
He absently sharpens his knives.
"To take a life is a big deal. Not to be taken lightly. But not to be afraid of. We can't shrink from what is right."
I guess we'll see what Caprone has to say

rando1000 |

There are four exits to the forge room. It's pretty obvious where two of them go. Which door will it be? Map North (where the Ogre came from the night before), Map East (probably back into the hallway) or Map West? First three to post make the call unless it's a 3-way tie.

rando1000 |

It's a bit tricky, but Djack manages to pop the lock and has no trouble opening the door after.
Dungeon Map has been updated
The room has several storage chests and cases of various sorts. The storage room exudes a sense of organized chaos, but a narrow walkway snakes through the various stacks and piles that stand as a silent witnesses to the storied past of the fortress.

rando1000 |

It appears to be mostly long expired dry goods (such as flour so old even the worms feasting on it are long since desiccated) and documentation of troop movements, field promotions and the like within the ranks of the 4th Legion. A bound volume detailing the early history of the Legion, along with notes for an addendum related to their actions within Caldova, might be of interest to collectors.
Toward the back, though, sequestered away from the rest, Quince finds a lone chest filled with large numbers of Ricoan and Espan coinage, and a rather large Amethyst among them.

Yoltzin |

"It does, in fact, seem to be worth the venture." Comments the elf, having long packed away the arcane arrows to help sort through the junk and debris.
[Ooc]Jog my memory, are these coins old or new? I was tyling a bit of added flavor text but was suddenly unsure.[/ooc

rando1000 |

Jog my memory, are these coins old or new? I was tyling a bit of added flavor text but was suddenly unsure.
The coins are quite old, varying in age from 200 years ago during the Deadly Drought and the following migration to over 300 years, during the height of the Gnoll Warlords period.
Assuming you're divvying up the coins, I'll add them and the amethyst to the treasure running total at the top.

Djack Nymball |

Nice find, there... Djack helps pack things as needed.
When the room investigations seems exhausted, Where next? What about this door here in the corner.
door for traps, trapfinding, uncanny: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 1 + 4 = 24

rando1000 |

Ah, the old "axe in the ceiling" trick, Djack reflects, as he looks upward from the doorframe. Well enough hidden, except that he knew what to look for. Your choices are two: disable the trap, or somehow open the door without standing in front of it to cause the trap to spring. Standing in front of the door when the trap swings would be quite painful.

rando1000 |

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
The large, wide-bladed axe swings down as expected. Djack's dodge was enough to minimize the damage, but he did take a nice gash to the shoulder (4 HP damage). The trap is now useless and can easily be walked past safely.