Caldovan Marches 2022

Game Master rando1000

Date: Marcha 29

HQ Map

Over-land Map

Combat Map

Party Funds:27 pp, 2738 gp, 1266 sp, 1444 cp, 500 gp amethyst, 2223 gp jewels and gems

Party Magic:Ring of Swimming (swim speed 30', turqoise and silver) copper ritual bowl (allows casting without using slot, but takes 10 minutes)

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Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Yoltzin wrote:
Sense Motive11

As far as Yoltzin can tell, they are sincere. If this was a lie, it's not a very beneficial one anyway.

Djack Nymball wrote:
Where are you from and what brings you here... Do you need help adjusting?

"We are wanderers. Our people live in small clusters throughout this land. We here were outcast from our tribes for...transgressions."

"We have no wish to live among bald-skins. Just leave us alone and we will leave the area."

Djack Nymball wrote:
Have you explored the rest of this... area?

"We know the land around here, but we have not explored more of this complex than these front rooms. Often, in places like this, other...things have made a home in them, and we do not wish to disturb such things. It is you bald-skin adventurers that crave such things."

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Hmm... you don't have to live among bald-skins. Just have to come to some agreement and co-exist. Wandering can become tiresome.

There may be skills you can be paid for. Instead of being hunted, you would have allies.

Transgressions is a funny word... what did you do to be outcast... please?

Giving in to his recently mentioned bald-skin nature, Djack listens at one of the doors.

Perception, Door 1, uncanny observer: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 4 = 27

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

So you are currently in Room 3. The door on map-east of that room is the one you entered by, the door map-west is the one Quince just opened for a look down (the hallway going north on the map).

The next room over is Room 2, which you were in just before you entered the room. In that room, there are 2 "unknown" doors. One is on map-east of Room 2 (the one where the 3 new Misunka came from, and where supposedly there is more treasure.

The door on map-north of Room 2, you have no idea.

Given that, which door would you decide to listen by?

Dungeon Map

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Good though his intentions are, Djack doesn't think these creatures are going to buy what he's selling. They do seem to legitimately just want to bug out.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Yoltzin wrote:
"In my village...Your fur looks... Very flamable."

No verbal comments from the creatures, but some of their ears fall flat against their heads facing back; a sign, she takes it, that they understood her meaning and, while not openly hostile, certainly didn't appreciate the sentiment.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Seeing the Misunkas' attitude, Djack shrugs. Suit yourself. Her then stalks off to check the door from which the reinforcements must have come.

rando1000 wrote:
Given that, which door would you decide to listen by?

Door map-east of Room 2.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

She looks to Spizz, Rock and Elias. "This was not my task, I ask you to decide the fate of them. I have already made my own opinion clear."

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Djack hears no sound inside when listening at the door.

"Prairie dogs and wild boar don't wear clothes, don't play with toys" Elias still holds the brass top. "Don't cry out in the common tongue" He paces, clearly unnerved.

"Why did you have to tie them up anyway? I would have left them for dead, maybe finished the job myself, but I'm not one to gut talking fish." He takes a swig from a hipflask that appears, as if from thin air.

"I say we leave them here, explore the rest of this place, and deal with them when we leave." He turns to the catfolk "Whatever happens, know this, if you do somehow escape and I ever see you walking free in these parts... I'll cut you down where you stand."

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

I know I'm the new guy and I appreciate the zeal all around but, there's no need for that... they lost three of their own. Punishment, retribution... an eye for an eye.

Let's check out the rest of it, this place. His mood seems to lighten a bit at the thought.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Taking a peeks inside the room Djack listened at, you find it's laid out pretty much like room #3 in reverse. The remains of several old military cots lie strewn about; only three seem to have been recently used. Another small chest is visible near one of those. No more hostiles are in sight.

Dungeon Map

I'm keeping this at the top of the page in the campaign info as well.

HP:5/9|AC:13 T:13 FF:11|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:2(6 vs charm/compulsion)|Init:+2
Resources used::
2 1st

"In Spizz experiance, kobolds only get one mistake. Then they are eaten by bigger things. Or sometimes just bigger kobolds. But maybe that is what make soft-skins so special? They make many mistakes, but they forgive too, and help each other learn." Spizz begins counting on his fingers. "In Spizz cave, most kobolds die before second cold season. Those that live to be grown usually die before 15th cold season. Violently."

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

That's horrible,' She thought to herself. Humans were quick-lived as they were, yet it seemed this beastman's tribe lived in even more dire straights.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Treasure found in Room 4:

166 gp, 1029 sp, 333 cp; 238 gp worth of gems and objects; 1 suit masterwork scale mail, 1 Oil of Magic Weapon

Moving on from the Misunka, who I'll assume at this point you either let go or will leave for parts unknown once you all vacate the room...

You have several options for exploration at this point: open the northern door in Room 2, open the eastern door in Room 4, or head up the hallway on the other side of the western door in Room 3 (which Quince already opened).

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

When I go... exploring I usually like to get an idea of the "bounds" of the place... its perimeter.

If no one minds, I'd suggest checking that door to the East... perhaps another hall leading North?

He moves to listen and check it for traps.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Perception, trapfinding, uncanny observer: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 + 4 = 13

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

She tilted her head. How, exactly, did the human know which direction was north? Perhaps he had been more keenly aware of the sun's position through the trees than she expected. She herself was not so sure. "If it is wished."

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

At the last second, Djack stops himself. There is, indeed, a trap on this door. Upon opening it, a javelin, possibly several will launch from a slot in the wall (deceptively covered over in clay). It is possible to disable it.

If no one is able to disable the trap, you can position yourself so as to make it less likely to be hit, but not simply avoid the risk entirely, short of not opening the door.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Heads up... there is some javelin throwing mechanism here. Gonna try to disable it.

Djack considers the booby... and goes about trying to disarm it.

Disable Device, trapfinding incl: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Apologies, I hadn't updated my skill point allocation based upon our last discussion... -1 Sense Motive/+1 Trapfinding.

HP:5/9|AC:13 T:13 FF:11|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:2(6 vs charm/compulsion)|Init:+2
Resources used::
2 1st

Not that it matters, considering Djack's result, but was it set up in a way that it would hit a small target?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Spizz the Mighty wrote:
Not that it matters, considering Djack's result, but was it set up in a way that it would hit a small target?

Might have hit your head. Your AC is taken into account, and that's modified by your size, so you would have an advantage because of your size built in. I might roll at random to see if you got a +2 situation bonus.

But, that's unnecessary.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Djack Nymball wrote:
Heads up... there is some javelin throwing mechanism here. Gonna try to disable it.

There's a click, and at first Djack thinks he's failed, as he sees a javelin emerge from the wall. But then he realizes it wasn't fired but has simply fallen out, clacking onto the floor beside him harmlessly.

Disable successful.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Dungeon map at the top of the page updated.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

See, that wasn't so bad. Just a big... sharp... stick. He retrieves the javelin, assuring it won't be used to arm the trap any time soon.

He looks around back in the room. Bonus... no one has any undesirable holes in them.

So, we know the bounds this way... he gestures with his hands east/west.

Just have to figure out how far back thing thing goes and if it goes deep... he points northward and down, through the floor.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

"If we are to proceed more, be mindful of things left behind that skulking in the shadows. They didn't come through this way, which means the secrets within are undisturbed. Perhaps," She mused, stretching out with her divine senses. "In a place of sldearlth, those that perished still cling to our world."

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

There's that sense of adventure that binds us! Just so... shall we?

The young human seems eager to explore.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

So which direction would you like to proceed? The "west" passage or the "east"?

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

I meant to type "of such death" but evidently I didn't. Uh, obviously it's elven.

"We're already on this side, perhaps we enter through here. While keeping an open eye and ear." She suggested.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

That's reasonable. Come...

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

I'll give it until tomorrow afternoon to see if anyone else pipes in, and then move the party along up the eastern hallway, at which Djack just disabled the trap.

Elias trails after the others, happy to follow their lead. He runs his finger idly along the walls at shoulder height as they progress.

"Anyone have any idea how old this place is? How long these walls hve been here?"

Happy to go with Djack and Yoltzin's ideas.

HP:5/9|AC:13 T:13 FF:11|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:2(6 vs charm/compulsion)|Init:+2
Resources used::
2 1st

Spizz happily skips along beyond the others.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Campaign map at the top of the page updated.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
No one here knows enough about the local history to know exactly how old this structure is. Djack, from his knowledge of similar fortifications, would estimate at least 300 years.

With Djack in the lead and Yoltzin not far behind, the group heads cautiously up the western corridor. Ahead is a door to the left, and, a little further up, a large rusty iron chandelier hangs on a chain from the ceiling (e on the map).

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Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Shrugging at the others, Djack turns his attention to the door checking for traps...

door for traps, trapfinding, uncanny: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 1 + 4 = 30

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

The elf tilted her head upwards, looking st the strange spindly decoration, wondering at its purpose. It seemed almost like it was a dead tree hung from its roots. Why the humans would choose to string up metal trees like that was a curiosity. Looking to the kobold, she wondered if he held a similar confusion.

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Djack finds no traps on this door.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Opening the door...

Door seems clear. I suppose what doesn't try to kill us... let's us be curious.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Dungeon map updated

Despite its age and neglect, there is a sense of grandeur to this vast hall. The stone walls and high ceiling lend it an air of majesty, but the room is covered in vast sheets of cobwebs. As you stand there, looking around at the ancient hall, you can almost feel the weight of its military history bearing down upon you.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

She steps within, her nightsight piercing the cloying darkness outside of lights the humans might've carried with them. Strange to think that a place like this was so close to her home, yet none of the elders had ever mentioned it. Perhaps beneath their notice so long as they never intruded upon ancestral grounds.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

"Do your people know of why this structure was abandoned?" Yoltzin asks, her curiosity blinding her of the room's smaller or more pressing details.

Elias lets out a long whistle as they enter the hall. Shattering the quiet.

"Now this I like!"

Using a long piece of... something ornamental, he begins to clear some of the cobwebs to get a better look at some of the detail on the walls.

keeping his knives in his off hand

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Cobwebs mean... spiders?

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

After a few minutes moving around the area near the door, a chair suddenly moves several inches. Startled, Quince turns to see a particularly thick spider thread attached to the chair is vibrating.

Yoltzin is the first to notice it, but soon others can see something moving in the dim light at the edge of their lightsource: a 10' spider with a bulbous body is moving down several threads toward a table near you.

Spider Combat Map

Spider Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Djack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Rocko: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Yoltzin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Quince: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Spizz: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Entire party may act.

sorry for being gone so long. It's finals week this week and next. Had lots to prepare. Can we assume Rocko was helping the cat folk get out of the dungeon and out of the way while everyone else was exploring? He'll try to make sure they won't be coming back to ambush. I will show up in the second round of the fight

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Kevin Boyer 646 wrote:
Can we assume Rocko was helping the cat folk get out of the dungeon and out of the way while everyone else was exploring?...I will show up in the second round of the fight

Okay, that's fine.

Female Wild Elf Cleric 5 | HP 37/40| AC:16/T:12/F:16 | F/W/R: |+5/+3/+7 | 1st 3(1)/3(1), 2nd 3(1)/3(1), 3rd 2(1)/2(1)| C: 3d6 3/4

She startled at the sudden appearance of the arachnid, fumbling for her bow and blindly firing. By the grace of Xenxolotl, it may actually stick within it's carapace.

longbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Yoltzin's shot strikes true, though its effects seem minimal on such a massive creature.

Human Male uRogue 6 | HP 51/57 | AC19/T14/F15 | Saves F+4/R+9/W+3 | Perc +10/+14 hidden-secret | Init +4

Sometimes it SUCKS when I'm right... Quince, let's get to work.

Djack quickly advances such that Quince can flank in the other side, if he chooses to advance.

atk, flat footed: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 2 = 23
dmg, sneak: 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (6) = 10

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Djack has to swing upward to hit the beast, as it's still on it's web above the floor (sorry that wasn't obvious), but hit he does.

The creature screams as Djack's blade rakes its underside.

HP:5/9|AC:13 T:13 FF:11|Fort:1 Ref:2 Will:2(6 vs charm/compulsion)|Init:+2
Resources used::
2 1st

Spizz lets out a yipe. "Bad! Bad! Eat Kobold!" His skill with common, already tenuous seems to degrade as he shakes with fear, obviously having some memory, either ancestral or not about such a creature. He fires a blast of fire from his hands, unwilling to get closer to it.
To hit Engaged in melee Touch Selected Fire Jet: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 4 = 10
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

Spizz's attack grazes the spider, barely causing it any damage. However, perhaps more effectively, the webs it is on burn, and it drops to the ground near Djack.

Quince may act in Round 1.

Updated combat map

Skirting the wall, Elias takes up position opposite Djack and slashes at the creature.

Power Attack/Flank/Non-lethal: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Free Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Shaken for 9 Rounds (or amount of damage caused)

Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2

The creature screeches out again and recoils from Quince. Given the situation, it chooses to attack Djack instead.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

The creature bites Djack solidly in the midsection.

I need a Fort Save, DC 17.

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