Workfinder: PFS2 3-12 Fury's Toll (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

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Challenge Points: 16 (3-4)

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Fury's Toll | MotD

Khayrat shows up to express his thanks for saving him, and offers you a personal gift of a fine bottle of elven wine.

Danya Ben-Abn calls the assembled to dinner, a feast which should serve as quite the pleasant reward for a job well done!

Primary objective: defealt Fasiel
Secondary: 3 of 5
- Calm the guests after the juice fountain[
- defeat the roast before it gets out
- guide at least one guest across the lava without injury
- disable the singing statue
- free Khayrat from the illusory prison without embarrassing him

And you get 2 bonus faction points for getting all the targeted guests to at least friendly

You should already have your chronicles, and it has already been reported!

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