DM Fang Dragon's: War for the Crown

Game Master FangDragon

Drammatis Personnae | Maps | Map of the Palace of Birdsong

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7


Barbarian lvl 2
BAB +1
Fort +1
Uncanny Dodge
Rage Power: Fiend Totem (Lesser) - gain a Gore primary natural attack
+2 Rage rnds/day
HP: 1d12 ⇒ 11
FCB: +1 extract formula (lvl 1): Enlarge Person
Skills: +4 Disable Device, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Perception
Background: +1 K History, +1 K Geography

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

Ok, armor, ring, amulet and Mask for me then! :D

(I feel bad, Cyrene has nabbed a lot of loot thus far. On the other hand I'm almost fully kitted now so I won't need much more for a while!)

Linked: does anyone want a +1 chain shirt? +5 ac and +4 dex mod. It's going spare now I'm wearing lighter stuff.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

I'm very happy to also take a set of armor, ring, and amulet from the loot. Triphylla would enjoy another shopping trip to Cassomir. In addition to standard stock-ups, these are the next things on her list:

Barbarian Chew
Dragon Rose
Fairy Cap (orange)
Seeing Slime
Weapon Blanch
Cloud Puff

She now has up to 4 primary natural attacks at full BAB (mutagen + rage), so an Amulet of Mighty Fists is on the wish list for down the road.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Cleanup... FCB is the skill point instead of the extract.

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Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

Post incoming later, last few days have been pretty hectic for me.

Female Human Wizard 7 | HP 38; AC 11 | CMD 10 | TAC 11 | FAC 10; F +5|R +5|W +8; Init +1; Perc +13

Level up:

Wizard 6
+6 Hp (4 + 1fcb)
BAB +1
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Skills: +1 Bluff, +1 Diplomacy, +1 K Arcane, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spellcraft
Background Skills: + 1 K History, +1 Perform(Oratory)
Spells Known: Dispel Magic, Wall of Nausea
Spell Slots: +1 2nd, +1 3rd

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

This encounter could go in various ways. If it ends up as verbal duel, I want to make sure there's something for Cyrene and Triphylla to contribute. Going to have a think about that.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

No worries if it does end up verbal - I'm happy to sit out and just watch. a. I've done this before and b. if that's how the story plays out then so be it. No need to force something just so I can roll dice. :D

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Oh well, I fear the conversation will not end good once we tell the Count this is all about he leaving the Palace for the Princess to take hold of the place :D

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

I'll post tomorrow, got late.

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Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

Sorry short update tonight, I'll write up something more in depth tomorrow. Well have to see if Triphylla's disappeared was noticed.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

I don't expect you needed a stealth check from me but I added one just in case.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 3/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 2/5 | Additional Effects: staggered
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

I will be gone June 18th through the 23rd for Origins Game Fair in Ohio and then again on July 34 through Aug 4th for Gencon in Indiana and will be unable/exceptionally slow to post during those time frames.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps


Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Traveling on vacation for a couple weeks but will post regularly, albeit with more errors than usual.

Before I forget, Triphylla intends to plunder Bartleby's alchemy lab before the group departs Birdsong for the last time.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

Will post tomorrow.

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Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

FYI, previous description of the tower starts here.

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -
DM Fang Dragon wrote:
Lope could you please confirm if you cast those spells before or after setting off the trap? @All assume there isn't time to do anything beyond a free action.

The ablative barrier he probably cast before even meeting with the count. Let's say the shield was not yet cast before entering the room and seeing the portrait and everything else.

EDIT: Looking at the ablative barrier spell it looks like it would apply to the electrical damage reducing it by 5, but I am not sure if that is the intention of the spell.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Besides the trap, is there an encounter in this room?

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Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

I think Ablative Barrier was written with weapon damage in mind, but the way its written seems to work with any lethal damage.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

I'll get a post up tomorrow, was waiting for Valeria.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Cyrene and Valeria, I took the liberty of advancing you on the map. Hope you don't mind.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

By all means. :)

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 3/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 2/5 | Additional Effects: staggered
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

That's perfectly fine, I wasn't even sure which map we were on.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

I'll get a post up in the morning, meant to post tonight but it got late.

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 3/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 2/5 | Additional Effects: staggered
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Yeah, I never could find the description of the artwork in the room.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

It was a collection of portraits of past Grand Princes.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

This would be the perfect moment for Cyrene to end this with one strike!

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Yep, looking forward for that epic final blow :D

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:
DM Fang Dragon wrote:
This would be the perfect moment for Cyrene to end this with one strike!

It'll be a natural one and we all know it...

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps


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HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Well, looking at this optimistically, you doubled your guess.

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Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

That's true! :D

Female Human Oracle 7 | HP 52/52 AC 16 T 14 FF 12 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +5 R +8 W +6 | init +2 | Per +10; darkvision 60 | Spells 1st 3/8, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 2/5 | Additional Effects: staggered
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +12 Diplo +16 (-4 l/g) Intimidate +6 Kn: Local +8 Kn: Planes +11 Kn: Rel +11 Sense motive +7; BG Kn:Nobility +11 Artistry: Charcoal Drawings +11, Perform (dance) +7

Sorry, as previously stated I am off at Gencon and posting is almost non-existant until Monday.

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

No worries! Hope you are having a good time!

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Covid is kicking my tail. posts will be sparse

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

@DM, I see in the buffs spoiler that Triphylla does not have her mutagen anymore and should I also assume she didn't have time to use her boro bead for Shield? I'm good with whatever, just want to know for my turn.

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Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

Oh I forgot to enter your buffs into the spreadsheet I use to format combat posts. You do have them.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Do you guys usually pick low or high on your coin flips?

Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

High is good is my usual rule of thumb.

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HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

If the game says it is a probability for something to happen, I just assume if you roll lower or equal than that number, whatever event is being discussed happens. So, if it is a miss 20% chance, and you roll 18, I assume it is a miss.

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Mmmm... I do not think energy attunement gives touch to the blackblade, at least nothing is stated about it in the description.

Thanks a lot for that healing Valeria, without it Lope would be kissing the ground. Silently :D

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Trying to make sense of the Fear effect rules: Fear

Do multiple failed Will saves for Shaken lead to Staggered, or do we simply add rounds to the Shaken condition? Staggered would suck for Triphylla.

Female Tiefling Vigilante | HP: 45/45| AC: 20 | CMB: 5 CMD: 20 | F: +3, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Ling +4, KnEn +5, KnNo +9, Per +12, Blf +13[17], Dip +13, Dsg +15 [35+], Sth +17, SM +13[17] |Koriana's Blade +11, d?+5+3d4/8 |Active conditions:

I believe it depends on the effect in question - sometimes they stack sometimes they don't... been a while since I checked though.

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Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

I assume this type of fear does not stack.

Energy Attunement (Su):
At 5th level, as a free action, a magus can spend a point of his black blade’s arcane pool to have it deal one of the following types of damage instead of weapon damage: cold, electricity, or fire. He can spend 2 points from the black blade’s arcane pool to deal sonic or force damage instead of weapon damage. This effect lasts until the start of the magus’s next turn.

Yeah the touch attack thing was a mistake. I was tired and thinking of brilliant energy. I'll sort that out later.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

In that case, once we have failed the Will save, we're trading Shaken for Concealment, correct? Might as well look at it and take the -2.

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Just realized I never updated here Lope's new level. Here's the fix!

Level 6

HP +8
Class feature Magus Arcana: Empowered Magic
Spells Aldori alacrity
frigid touch
K. planes
K. nature
Use Magic Device
Background skills
Linguistics (Hallit)
Perform Oratory

HP 59/59 AC 23 TAC 21 FF 14 | CMD 25 | F +6 R +6 W +5 | P 6/7 L1 3+1/5+2 L2 2/3 L3 0/1 | Blackblade 1/2 | Init +9 Senses +2 |
Acrobatics+7,Bluff+10/+12,Climb+3,DisableDevice+5,Fly+9,Intimidate+4,K.Arca na+12,K.dungeon+9,K.planes+12,K.local/geo/history/nature+6,K.nobility/relig ion+7,Linguistics+10/+14,Perf.Oratory+14,Spellcraft+14,SenseM+7,UMD+10
Human Magus (Kensai/Bladebound) 7 | -

Wow, thanks for that anticipation and preparation, Triphylla, that balm really saved the day here :)

And yes, Lope was not averting his eyes.

Good work everyone! It seems we are closing up this book soon!!! :D

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Palace of Birdsong| War for the crown maps

Yes it's basically over now. We're averaging 1 book per year so far which in my opinion is pretty good progress! Hope you're all enjoying it so far.

Resources CN Halfling Alchemist 5 (Vivisectionist) / Barbarian 2 (Elemental Kin / Urban Barbarian) | HP 52 AC21 T16 FF18 | CMB 7 CMD 18 | F10 R9 W3 +4 vs Poison, +3 vs Charm & Compulsion | Init +5 | Rage: 6 rds/day | Dex Mutagen+Dex Rage+Power Attack+Cat's Grace: 1d20+15, 1d6/1d4+5, AC +6 | Re-roll CHA 1/day | Spd 20/15
Acro 3/8, Appraise 6, Bluff 10, Cr Alchemy 12, Diplomacy 10, DD 13/15, KArc 6, KEng 3, KGeo 3, KHis 5, KLoc 7, KNat 6, KNob 5, KPla 3, KRel 3, Perc 11, P Oratory 10, SM 9, SoH 7/9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 8/10, Surv 4, UMD 7

Very much so! This is often a highlight of my day. Thanks for all your work, DM!

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