Morkam Steelfist |

Morkham shakes off his laziness, and reaches into his pack to see if he can work some of his technological magic on the locks.
"Stand aside. Let me see what I can do with these locks".
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Thieves tools to unlock

Morkam Steelfist |

Sorry about the above. Don't know where that came from... Thought I was in the game thread for some reason... and this is completely not what we're doing.

Amber Brewbane |

Sorry about the short hiatus; thought my hard drive borked out on me couple nights ago; turns out it was likely just overheating. Damn Texas weather...

Ienmar Hearthfire |

Damn that’s rough. I remember how the weather was in Houston years ago when I visited it, but it must be worse these days.
Though I heard Houston itself was a little mild compared to other cities.

DM Barbarian Taco |

Yeah that is rough, its cool though. I was gonna post something asking if everyone was alright

Ienmar Hearthfire |


DM Barbarian Taco |

Apparently My post did not go through. I was wondering. Also doesnt help Ive been all over the place this vacation...okay then time to move forward.

Amber Brewbane |

Apologies for going AWOL, everyone. I have had...
Well lets just call it the week from hell. PC is out of commission, s*~%s been going all wrong and just FYI, kidney stones are the purest definition of agony i can think of.
I hate posting from my phone but life hates me right now so i guess were even.

DM Barbarian Taco |

Apologies for going AWOL, everyone. I have had...
Well lets just call it the week from hell. PC is out of commission, s#@~s been going all wrong and just FYI, kidney stones are the purest definition of agony i can think of.
I hate posting from my phone but life hates me right now so i guess were even.
Oooo that sounds awful. Just Awful. I do not envy you. Is everything better or?

Amber Brewbane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I'm on a borrowed computer at the moment; slow as hell but still more practical than a phone; I seriously cannot stand typing with thumbs. The stone(s?) passed but the effects still linger; I recognize this new sensation as severe dehydration, which makes sense considering I probably filled that bucket with the contents of my stomach (yes, it hurt THAT bad) sooo...
Better? Yeah. Not great, but...better. At least I can still go to work and now I can get back to the campaigns, so...woo!

Ienmar Hearthfire |

I vote rest as well.

Amber Brewbane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Guess I'm not the only one who had a rough week, aye? Truth be told, aside from HP and possibly fatigue, I'm good. I don't exactly burn through spells currently, which feels REALLY weird, to be honest; I'm a sorceress who charges in with a handaxe and a 20 STR score--that's like, NEW to me.

Ienmar Hearthfire |

Dwarves, am I right?

Morkam Steelfist |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Work travel till Thursday afternoon. Feel free to DMPC character to not hold things up.

DM Barbarian Taco |

Sorry all I had interent and computer issues yesterday so post is in coming but itll be a minute

Amber Brewbane |

New motherboard was SUPPOSED to be here today but "delays due to weather."
I'm just gonna take that at face value because otherwise I'm gonna be IRATE.

Amber Brewbane |

The temperature is sitting around 100F during the day. Not heat index, mind you; actual thermometers at 100. I take a shower at 3pm, get in my jeep to go to work by 4, need another shower by the time I clock in at 5.
I'm clearly not evolved for this biome...which is frustrating because I grew up here.
Though I guess it would explain the delays; if the drivers are in those sweatboxes they call trucks, I wouldn't be surprised if they had to pass out from heat exhaustion a time or two themselves.
I just hope the damn motherboard doesn't start deforming in the heat too.

Ienmar Hearthfire |

Be me, who lives in the Middle East with regular day temperatures of 127.4F
Oh, yeah. That sounds bad. xD

Amber Brewbane |

Yeah no. You wouldn't catch me DEAD on that side of the planet. I have no shame in admitting I literally wouldn't last a day. I'd be a hardboiled egg by nightfall.
Oh, also: I'm FINALLY up and running again, albeit with a failed SSD so I had to install windows on ANOTHER ONE aaaaaand we're back to scratch. time to redownload and reinstall EVERYTHING. Again. SO annoying.

DM Barbarian Taco |

My computer and internet are gone, so I am currently only on my phone. So hopefully soon ill have it rectified until then I shall post and get you further along.

Amber Brewbane |

Well I can confidently say I know your pain...very recently, in fact.

DM Barbarian Taco |

Still no conputer, so been looking back through and I believe it was 4 to t days from where the caravan was at

Amber Brewbane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As someone who so recently was computerless, I'd be quite the dick if I complained about this. Hang in there, DM.

Morkam Steelfist |

I've been called away on a family emergency. Probably out of touch till Saturday so feel free to move things along.