Rise of the Dwarven Kingdom

Game Master Critzible

The Godforge Dwarves of Hammerfast Hold have finally rallied and plan to take control of the Nentir Vale. The seek to clean it up of slavers, monsters and dark denizens while bringing the vale and its inhabitants under Dwarven Rule.

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Apologies all I crashed out way earlier

Male Dwarf (Mark of Warding) Artificer 2; Profile: Morkam Steelfist

Morkham shakes off his laziness, and reaches into his pack to see if he can work some of his technological magic on the locks.

"Stand aside. Let me see what I can do with these locks".

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Thieves tools to unlock

Male Dwarf (Mark of Warding) Artificer 2; Profile: Morkam Steelfist

Sorry about the above. Don't know where that came from... Thought I was in the game thread for some reason... and this is completely not what we're doing.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Update tonight

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Sorry about the short hiatus; thought my hard drive borked out on me couple nights ago; turns out it was likely just overheating. Damn Texas weather...

Male Humanoid (Dwarf) Dwarf Warrior 2, HP 24/24, AC 18(chain + shield), Perception +1, +6 Str +6 Con save, +1 initiative Character Sheet

Damn that’s rough. I remember how the weather was in Houston years ago when I visited it, but it must be worse these days.
Though I heard Houston itself was a little mild compared to other cities.


Yeah that is rough, its cool though. I was gonna post something asking if everyone was alright

Only Morkam, Ienmar, and I have gone. Everyone else?

I've been watching the news about Texas. What a brutal summer. Sending you ice cream...

Are we still good?

Male Humanoid (Dwarf) Dwarf Warrior 2, HP 24/24, AC 18(chain + shield), Perception +1, +6 Str +6 Con save, +1 initiative Character Sheet



Apparently My post did not go through. I was wondering. Also doesnt help Ive been all over the place this vacation...okay then time to move forward.

NPF's (non-player frogs) have all taken their turns, so we heroic dwarves should all go? Krystid is not in melee?


I forgot to put round 3

and Krystid is free of melee.

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Apologies for going AWOL, everyone. I have had...

Well lets just call it the week from hell. PC is out of commission, s*~%s been going all wrong and just FYI, kidney stones are the purest definition of agony i can think of.

I hate posting from my phone but life hates me right now so i guess were even.

Amber Brewbane wrote:

Apologies for going AWOL, everyone. I have had...

Well lets just call it the week from hell. PC is out of commission, s#@~s been going all wrong and just FYI, kidney stones are the purest definition of agony i can think of.

I hate posting from my phone but life hates me right now so i guess were even.

Oooo that sounds awful. Just Awful. I do not envy you. Is everything better or?

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F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Well, I'm on a borrowed computer at the moment; slow as hell but still more practical than a phone; I seriously cannot stand typing with thumbs. The stone(s?) passed but the effects still linger; I recognize this new sensation as severe dehydration, which makes sense considering I probably filled that bucket with the contents of my stomach (yes, it hurt THAT bad) sooo...

Better? Yeah. Not great, but...better. At least I can still go to work and now I can get back to the campaigns, so...woo!

Dark Archive

Amber Brewbane wrote:

Apologies for going AWOL, everyone. I have had...

Well lets just call it the week from hell.

I also say this.

No one has posted since Monday. Can we get something going this weekend? Maybe some healing or a long rest? Maybe search the dead?


Male Humanoid (Dwarf) Dwarf Warrior 2, HP 24/24, AC 18(chain + shield), Perception +1, +6 Str +6 Con save, +1 initiative Character Sheet

I vote rest as well.

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F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Guess I'm not the only one who had a rough week, aye? Truth be told, aside from HP and possibly fatigue, I'm good. I don't exactly burn through spells currently, which feels REALLY weird, to be honest; I'm a sorceress who charges in with a handaxe and a 20 STR score--that's like, NEW to me.

Male Humanoid (Dwarf) Dwarf Warrior 2, HP 24/24, AC 18(chain + shield), Perception +1, +6 Str +6 Con save, +1 initiative Character Sheet

Dwarves, am I right?


Pretty much The truth. Ill have a post later today with some hints

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Male Dwarf (Mark of Warding) Artificer 2; Profile: Morkam Steelfist

Work travel till Thursday afternoon. Feel free to DMPC character to not hold things up.


Sorry all I had interent and computer issues yesterday so post is in coming but itll be a minute

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

New motherboard was SUPPOSED to be here today but "delays due to weather."

I'm just gonna take that at face value because otherwise I'm gonna be IRATE.

You must still be in Texas. Sorry for your suffering.

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

The temperature is sitting around 100F during the day. Not heat index, mind you; actual thermometers at 100. I take a shower at 3pm, get in my jeep to go to work by 4, need another shower by the time I clock in at 5.

I'm clearly not evolved for this biome...which is frustrating because I grew up here.

Though I guess it would explain the delays; if the drivers are in those sweatboxes they call trucks, I wouldn't be surprised if they had to pass out from heat exhaustion a time or two themselves.

I just hope the damn motherboard doesn't start deforming in the heat too.

Male Humanoid (Dwarf) Dwarf Warrior 2, HP 24/24, AC 18(chain + shield), Perception +1, +6 Str +6 Con save, +1 initiative Character Sheet

Be me, who lives in the Middle East with regular day temperatures of 127.4F

Oh, yeah. That sounds bad. xD

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Yeah no. You wouldn't catch me DEAD on that side of the planet. I have no shame in admitting I literally wouldn't last a day. I'd be a hardboiled egg by nightfall.

Oh, also: I'm FINALLY up and running again, albeit with a failed SSD so I had to install windows on ANOTHER ONE aaaaaand we're back to scratch. time to redownload and reinstall EVERYTHING. Again. SO annoying.


My computer and internet are gone, so I am currently only on my phone. So hopefully soon ill have it rectified until then I shall post and get you further along.

F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

Well I can confidently say I know your pain...very recently, in fact.


Still no conputer, so been looking back through and I believe it was 4 to t days from where the caravan was at

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F Dwarf Spore Sorceress HP 6/9 AC 12 Percep +2/12 SAVES: 5/2/5/2/2/5 init: +2 character sheet

As someone who so recently was computerless, I'd be quite the dick if I complained about this. Hang in there, DM.

So what's next for our band of brave heroes?

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Trying to remap out my possible adcenture as my computer isnt back and it has the files I had saved no google docs!

So I am fonna wing it a bit. And try to work with hard copy atuff I have. Just have ri find ir amongst my unpacking boxes.

Male Dwarf (Mark of Warding) Artificer 2; Profile: Morkam Steelfist

I've been called away on a family emergency. Probably out of touch till Saturday so feel free to move things along.

Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate.

I would love to continue this campaign.

Merry Christmas!

Checking in to see if Critzible has his computer back and maybe wants to restart the caravan.

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