World Moved On: a Debt to Society

Game Master Aebliss

Welcome to the discussion thread. Take your shoes off; grab a chair; have a drink.

HP:18|BaB:2|AC:21 T:11 FF:20|Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:6|Init:+1

Thank you for having me! I think I'm going to go Antipaladin, considering that we do have an arcane full caster, and an archer. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but Paladin (and therefor antipaladin) are charisma based casters?

Regardless, looking forward to it! I promise that I will not be overly religious, or evil towards other party members.

Barbarian 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 20, T 13, FF 17 | Fort +4 (+1 vs Poison), Ref +1, Will +1 (+2 vs Enchantment) | CMB +2, CMD 17 | Perc +9 | Init +3 | Rage - 8 rounds | DR/1-

Heyo. Apparently Paizo ate my post in here. I have no intention of going for anything but Anger Management Failure, but it'll be nice to have someone who can also take a hit.

Oddly enough, Muraisa also has semi-decent Charisma. And we also have a sorcerer. Alas, Imp cannot join in the strut...

agender strix monk (zen archer) 2

Hey, you've got to have someone unsociable to make the rest of you seem charming by comparison, right? An essential trait in a wingman (no pun intended).

Sorry for the delay; I was sick for a couple of days.

There may be a fifth person joining the campaign; I have received an off-site application.

HP 12/12, AC 16, FFAC 10, init +5 Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Perception +5, stealth +12, spellcraft +5 Current spells - none

This game is dead?

HP:18|BaB:2|AC:21 T:11 FF:20|Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:6|Init:+1

Does seem that way. Best of luck to everyone in finding games in the future!

HP 12/12, AC 16, FFAC 10, init +5 Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Perception +5, stealth +12, spellcraft +5 Current spells - none

The same to all

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