Gnomezrule |

Oooooo a new 5e game!!!
For those who are looking at what characters are already floating around.
Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain:Knowledge
Interested and mentioned a possible class submission
Herkymr the Silly Warlock or Rogue
T'zadkiel Fighter or Ranger
Mishima Wizard
JonGarrett Warlock/Sorcerer or Human Barbarian
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Tareth some sort of Phantom Rogue
Well with so many folks tossing out characters that cover so many roles I its unlikely that I wouldn't overlap with someone somewhere.
1- My thoughts are a character who has been cursed and is stuck in the "humiliated" form of a Harengon (Rabbit Person). Seeing that is Phlan and the Cult of the Dragon is afoot I would be happy to make pretty much any class with that as the basic backstory. Though I am thinking Bladesinger, Eldritch Knight, or Barbarian Path of Wild Magic.

Tareth |

So something is starting to come together.
Phantom Rogue, with the Haunted One background.
Right now, I'm thinking human, but that could still change as I shift through the various possibilities.
Some key Background points:
* He is the only survivor of a terrible flash flood that destroyed his village. Whether natural event or caused by a nefarious villain he doesn't know. And doesn't much care for now. Instead, he blames the patron goddess/spirit of the village for not saving the hamlet. The goddess who used the last of her power to escape her shrine and 'leap' her spirit into a simple wooden raven pendant. The same pendent he wears because it is the last gift given him by his wife. To throw it away, would be to throw away the last connection with his family, home, and love. So the patron spirit now haunts him in an attempt to get him to become her priest and build a new congregation and following. So far he adamantly refuses.
* In addition, he's haunted by the spirits of his village. The spirits may be real or may all be in his mind. Either way they all manifest as his friends and kin killed in the flood. Sometimes they help (RP reasons for the manifestation of his Phantom features at 3rd level or doing sneak damage) sometimes they hinder (fumbles or other RP opportunities.)
* He's in the city as a refugee and scraping by working odd jobs or stealing if need be to put food in his belly. Although he won't steal from other poor folk and in fact will go out of his way to help those who have less than he does. Especially orphans or others who've lost their family.
* Eventually he wants to figure out a way to banish the spirit from his wife's gift and be free of the harassing patron spirit for good.
I can flesh this out more and get it into a narrative piece if you decide to go forward with it.

mishima |

Ooh, super stoked about this. I love Phlan with its monster district right there in the city.
I'm going to recycle an old character I miss playing, a rock gnome conjurer named Reuleaux (after the Reuleaux triangle). I'll redo the crunch for level 1 and get a few bullet points on character (In general I don't like a lot of pre-made backstory and prefer using things that happen in game to shape my characters).
...or I can roll for your starting money
I'll take that gamble, please.
1. Can we start play already being members of a certain faction? (Zhentarim, Lord's Alliance, etc)
2. By no custom Backgrounds, do you mean no custom Background Features? The free swapping of skills/tools/languages is kind of nice and not at all overpowered, imo (and it isn't a variant rule). But on the other hand I totally understand if you want a non-tarnished view of the backgrounds for your first foray into 5e.

Gnomezrule |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ooh, super stoked about this. I love Phlan with its monster district right there in the city.
I'm going to recycle an old character I miss playing, a rock gnome conjurer named Reuleaux (after the Reuleaux triangle). I'll redo the crunch for level 1 and get a few bullet points on character (In general I don't like a lot of pre-made backstory and prefer using things that happen in game to shape my characters).
I've met him. LOL.

Reuleaux |
With Reu ("Ray") I want to refluff his spells as unique arcane/technological creations. No rules changes, just fluff changes to make it fun/creative to write about. For example, Grease could become a magic syringe filled with brontosaurus fat, or Levitation a big bottle rocket with spider legs that clings to its target...
Important Character Points:
★ Because of a freak submarine mishap, his right hand is actually semi-sentient with its own emotional attachments and memories. It currently suffers from agoraphobia.
★ Known Aliases: Snaps McKracken, Buck Lancaster (these tend to activate in heroic circumstances)
★ Claims to possess a beholder eyeball which is currently the focus of his intense peer-reviewed academic research (Reu specializes in optical amplifiers), but to others it resembles a soggy chicken dumpling.
★ "Eccentric" is much too mild of a word for this Lantanese export, especially when his sack of Underdark weed is full.
Personality/Voice Snippet: Inquiries of the Bird:
He blinks and kerfuffles his eyebrows as if that was a stupid question "Oh certainly. I am adept at both Type I and Type II fixed beam alignments using resonating acousto-optic modulators, and indeed no stranger to the so called "Delinger" method for non-linear media such as benzoates. You can hang your hat on that information when its crunch time, its that reliable." he nods to himself. "Oh, there's also this...zippy dippy dooo!"
Suddenly a polished iron bird seemingly moving on its own jumps out of Reu's shirt collar, squawking a strange metallic *cacaw!! cacaw!! caacaw!* and strutting its stuff around irritatingly. It finally trips on a small pebble and tips over on its side, but its little feet and wing movements continue like nothing happened.
Somewhat disappointed Reu states "Meh...that one is more just a hobby."
Teh Phlan Connexion:
Reu attempts to maintain the position of trusted consultant with both the Jeweler's and Glassblower's Guilds by building a standing with the Lord's Alliance (this would ensure he always has access to important optical research supplies). The noble mercantile family House Jannarsk is currently providing him modest residency at the Laughing Goblin Inn where he can be summoned for his expertise (finding cheap ways to produce lenses, innovating existing telescopes/microscopes, creating novel 'market fads' that make the family money). On his off time he's rumored to frequent Nat Wyler's Bell, the cheapest slum dive tavern in town, for some unknown reason.Crunch nearly complete, just waiting on confirmation about Background proficiencies and rolled gold.

Garrett Goodbarrel |

Here is my submission. Garrett Goodbarrel. A Noble Warlock. I made him to be good at talking.

Petyr "Books" Oerson |

Variant human Wizards apprentice turned mercenary... a book loving fighter. If game gets to level 3? Eldritch Knight.
Primary Motivator: Pursuit of knowledge
Secondary Motivator: Loyalty
Emotional Disposition: Sober
Moodiness: Stable
Outlook: Optimistic
Integrity: Trustworthy
Impulsiveness: Level headed
Boldness: Cautious
Agreeableness: Agreeable but misunderstood
Interactivity: Engaging and curious
Conformity: Somewhat conformist
Sense of Humour: Both crude and high brow but prefers intellectual humour.
Favorite Topics of Conversation: History, the arcane, philosophy or any other intellectual topic.
Quirks, Habits, and Oddities: Avoids engaging with Elves but seeks to eavesdrop on their conversations, a night owl whenever duties allow, talks to self, especially so when engaged in an intellectual activity. Has two 'modes', soldier and scholar.
Hobbies and Enjoyments: Chess, reading, discussion.
Favourite Quotes: "That would be less than prudent", "I think taking a few moments to think about the situation would be a good idea", "If we're going to do this, let's do it properly" "That's very interesting! Let's discuss that further..."

GM - Obermind |

Thank you for the submissions so far everyone ;)
Answering some of the questions, and offering some comments of my own:
@Atlas 2112: I read up a bit on Ghostwise Halflings, and it seems since most of them 'are clannish and mistrustful of outsiders, ghostwise halfling adventurers are rare'. Do you plan on playing this angle, or will Johnny Boy simply be a 'different' halfling? How do you see him interacting with others outside his clan and kin? What about with the group?
@Critzible: Just out of curiosity, I have dug around some about Selûne, and even though there seems to be no formal place of worship in Phlan, there are definitely multiple references to her around the Moonsea region. Let me know if you are aware of any specific resource which has more info on this?
@Tareth: No need for further fleshing out the 'fluff' (unless you wish to do so for yourself). Will wait for your 'crunch' and see if I have questions/comments about it.
@Gnomezrule: Regarding the Harengon: I will be completely honest - did a Google search and among the 10 first hits, 7 or 8 were about the class being overpowered. Do I have reason for concern? ;)
1. Nope. (That can be part of the game in the future, who knows?)
2. I would like to go with the 'not tarnished' view please.
Starting Wealth: 4d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 4) = 10 x10 = 100gold
Seems like you envision Reuleaux as already well established in Phlan - why would he be a frequent patron, or be staying at Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle?
@Malinor: The entity with which Garrett struck 'the deal', is it the same as the one with which he has 'The Warlock Pact'?
@Helaman: No comments or questions :D
@All: To sate my personal curiosity (and secret agenda MUAHAHAHAHAH!) - for those who have not done it yet, would you be able to elaborate (shortly) on what your character's role would be in a group? Do you see them taking the lead in a social situation? Staying silent? Very vocal on his/her opinions? What about in combat - will you be mostly attacking from a distance, or close up? Striking from the shadows? Supporting your companions with arcane or divine magic? Along these lines.

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@GM-Obermind: Selunes presence in the Moonsea stems from two factors I have read. First is rhe various sailors, fisherfolk ect. Highly regarded her as thier goddess due to being associated with navigation and what not, but also her connection to the Moonsea it self. Superstition and all that.
Second rhe Region of Thar was hit with a comet that was struck by a meteorite. This meteorite was taken to Zentil Keep, were it was learned it is a powerful artifact called the Teardrop of Selune.
As for role in the party, primarily Support and healing. With Back up as Face. Later she'll be a bit more capable in combat but that is down the road

mishima |

Seems like you envision Reuleaux as already well established in Phlan - why would he be a frequent patron, or be staying at Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle?
Well, my intent was just that he has a job and is not homeless or randomly swinging through town. He's been in Phlan already for a few months. How much House Jannarsk actually uses his consulting services could vary from 'not at all' to 'a little bit' so he's not loaded with wealth or anything. Of course he would nonetheless consider himself indispensable and a very important person. ;) Perhaps Jannarsk is getting tired of hosting him and sends him this new job at the Kettle to get him out of their hair.
elaborate (shortly) on what your character's role would be in a group
Role in a group: utility wizard, Batman, problem solver. His strength will be casting spells outside of combat. In combat, he will be using ranged arcane magic (if he can help it). On a meta-level, I hope I can bring some funny post writing and creative problem solving to the table.

Gnomezrule |

Thank you for the submissions so far everyone ;)
@Gnomezrule: Regarding the Harengon: I will be completely honest - did a Google search and among the 10 first hits, 7 or 8 were about the class being overpowered. Do I have reason for concern? ;)
Well I have never played one or DM'd for one so I don't know from any personal preference. My intension was to rp a character that once was terribly proud but cursed. I figured being a bunny would fit that well. It was largely an RP choice. I was thinking something not unlike Thor turned into Frog Thor. I will read more up on discussion I had not encountered the OP discussions though I know that more recent races are viewed more powerful than core races.
I can say that I have played at both with and for Mishima, and Tareth perhaps others I haven't looked at all the aliases. But they could speak to if I would be trying to abuse things.
I certainly would consider a different character if you thought the Harengon a deal breaker. Orym Rednose my Firbolg ranger could easily be reworked to be from deep within the Quivering Forest. My college of swords bard Bhoors Thistledown was friends with Reuleaux in a Dragon Heist game. Any excuse to play Bhoors again is fun.
I will give some things thought.

Reuleaux |
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Indeed, having both DMed and played with Gnomezrule I can vouch for the fact that he isn't that kind of guy. :) Stellar roleplayer and great for parties.
Crunch complete:
CG M rock gnome wizard (conjurer)
hp: 8 (1d6+2)
ac: 12
slots: 2
pp/pi: 10/15 (darkvision 60 ft)
move: 25 ft
height/weight: 3 ft / 40 lbs
race: tinker's tools
class: Int, Wis, Investigation, Medicine
bground(Sage): Arcana, History
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Draconic, Elvish
race: Gnome Cunning, Artificer's Lore, Tinker
class: Arcane Recovery
bground(Sage): Feature(Researcher)
Spellbook: save: 13 atk: +5
C: true strike, acid splash, light
1: comp lang (R), unseen servant (R), find familiar (R), floating disk (R), alarm (R), illusory script (R)
Prepped: (5)
1: comp lang, unseen servant, floating disk, alarm, illusory script
Item Gold Weight
spellbook - 3
light crossbow 25 5
bolts(20) 1 1.5
arcane focus (crystal) 10 1
tinker's tools 50 10
trinket (beholder eye) - -
(total spent 86) (20.5 total weight)
remaining: 14 gold on hand

GM - Obermind |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks Critzible, I will do some digging of my own.
@Mishima: Got it.
@Gnomezrule: No worries at all, and the race is not a dealbreaker. My question was simply a straightforward one, so you could tell me if I should be on the lookout for some particularity of the Harengon. And we have also played together more than once ;)
@T'zadkiel: No worries, I doubt I will make a decision before New Year’s Eve, so you have time to finish up your character.

Gnomezrule |

@Gnomezrule: No worries at all, and the race is not a dealbreaker. My question was simply a straightforward one, so you could tell me if I should be on the lookout for some particularity of the Harengon. And we have also played together more than once ;)
Ed . . .
Zak . . .
Well you have seen me play a Kender. If I wasn't gonna wreck a game with Kender.
I will get a bunny ready.

Gnomezrule |

Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Herkymr the Silly Warlock or Rogue
JonGarrett Warlock/Sorcerer or Human Barbarian
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Tareth some sort of Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule Harengon Gish

infomatic |
Are the Welcomers still active in Phlan at this point? Thinking of a low-level enforcer (monk, likely, or someone else fond of punching) who's on the outs after roughing up a relative of one of the guild's higher-ups. ("He didn't look like a local!" was the excuse.) Needs to find a new crew to hang with, and fast.

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@DM-Obermind Your Welcome. I read that some worshippers defending the Goddess in fights have had weapons alight with Moonfire. As well as visions of her in the Night sky on and near The Moonsea itself.
Also depending on time period depends on these occurances. Also Thentia the City has a Temple devoted to her there. Which is only a few cities away.
I'll try and find a few things. But I hope to make an Avatar in a few days. This Nun like Librarian Priestess will hopefully be a fun and interesting character to play!
Also with alot of Intelligence based people could make an interesting group!

Tareth |

Here's some further crunch for my Rogue, Oskar Aglund
Race: Variant Human (Damaran)
Class: Rogue
Background: Haunted One
Level: 1
Feat: Fey Touched (+1 WIS, Misty Step & Dissonant Whispers)
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 10 +0
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA: 12 +1
HP: 8
Prof Bonus: +2
Prof Skills: Stealth (+7), Acrobatics (+5), Perception (+7), Investigation (+3), Survival (+5), Sleight of Hand (+5).
Prof Saving Throws: DEX, INT
Weapons: Shortsword, Shortbow, Dagger
Armor: Leather
Equip: Burglar's Pack, Thieves Tools
Background Feature: Heart of Darkness. Those who look into your eyes can see that you have faced unimaginable horror and that you are no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear you, commoners will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost to help you. Unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an enemy alone.

Gnomezrule |

Here is my submission- Razz
Basically a swashbuckling duelist. Totally channeling Repicheep from Chronicles of Narnia. I went back and forth if I wanted to do a Bladesinger Wizard, a Bard, or a Swashbuckler Rogue (the hop just seems made for sneak attack). If the party composition needs filling a roll or make room for someone else I would be happy to shift into another class. Assuming fighter he will move toward Battlemaster.
Race: Harengon
Class: Fighter
Background: Far Traveller
Level: 1
Fighting Style: Dueling
Second Wind
STR: 10 +0
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 16 +3
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 8 -1
CHA: 14 +2
HP: 13
Prof Bonus: +2
Prof Skills: Acrobatics (Class), Athletics (Class), Insight (Background), Perception (Race), Performance (Background)
Prof Saving Throws: STR, CON
Weapons: Rapier, Hand Crossbow
AC 15: Armor: Studded Leather
Equip: Explorer's Pack, Lute
Background Feature:
Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.
You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people.

The Lobster |

I'm building a TN Criminal Mountain Dwarf Barbarian, will build into Bard from second or third level on (eventually planning College of Eloquence from Tasha's/Theros, likely no Barbarian subclass). A young street tough and member of the Welcomers, raised on the streets of Phlan with little ambition but a lot of talent.

Herkymr the Silly |

crunch to come
Basics of the story is
a 1/2 orc =fighter
He was once a slave gladiator that eventually earned his freedom. He started to fight with his chains as a symbol of his freedom. He is looking for the slavers that originally took him from the orc tribe where he was born. He wants to stop their "rampage" of slaving before others are subjected to what he was.
Following a rumor he came to the city tracking down an orc bandit named Grisn. Grisn is supposed to be the head of a slavers crew that was seen selling orc and half orc slaves. He came from the south which is the direction that this half orc remembers as his home area.
Very rough still.

Sister Selene Marsk |

Have some of the crunch fleshed out but here is Selene. She will have two sets of vestments and common clothes.
I figured she would have an Elaborate set of Vestments for formal functions and rites, a set of working vestments for when she needs to conduct temple business while also having to work hard, and finally a set of common clothes that she wears to relax. Mostly she wears her blue and white habit with her veil.
Also Two symbols. One is a simple steel one with Selunes symbol. While the other is more artistic and made of silver, with a small set of silver rings on the leather cord it also hangs on.[ Her husband made it for her and the rings are his and hers, she wears this on her neck under her clothes.

GM - Obermind |

Are the Welcomers still active in Phlan at this point? Thinking of a low-level enforcer (monk, likely, or someone else fond of punching) who's on the outs after roughing up a relative of one of the guild's higher-ups. ("He didn't look like a local!" was the excuse.) Needs to find a new crew to hang with, and fast.
Indeed they are Infomatic - you sure you want to cut off your ear though? :D
I like what I am seeing so far, and I can already see I will have trouble with my selection...
If you haven't already, please make sure to give me an idea of what role you see your character playing in the group (in and out of combat).
Also, let us talk a bit about posting habits and availability.
I am currently working mostly from home due to Covid restrictions, so of course my time in front of the PC is increased. Things will surely change in the future, though I expect to be able to maintain a good balance between being at the office and at home.
When I am at home, I am usually able to check the threads more than once a day. Days in which I am going to the office, I am planning on checking the thread twice (RL can happen at any moment though) - when getting back home, and hopefully before hitting the sack.
During weekends my posting rate can vary dramatically - weekends are usually dedicated to family time, but we also all have our own individual activities, so I can usually make time for a post or three. So no set rules.
What about you all?

Herkymr the Silly |

I intend to go chainmaster at level three. THis will give me some battle field control and increase reach and damage. I see this guy as a striker mostly with battlefield control as a secondary. He should hit fast and hard and trip and disarm/sunder as he progresses. He can do alright in social situations but prefers to leave it to those whom can do it better. He is aware of a very sarcastic tongue which usually gets him into trouble so he prefers to keep it to himself or his party when possible. That way it doesn't screw up the negotiation. He does use intimidate when necessary but that is infrequent.
Basic stats
str 17
dex 10
con 16
int 10
wis 15
cha 10
**Use to playing pathfinder so it may take me a bit to code it in to profile. I'll try that soon though.

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Great, I'll cook up something soonish.
From your description, the setting is going to be quite bleak. Are the characters supposed to good-natures heroes, or could they be shady, unsavory types?
And did I understand correctly, that options outside PHB could be allowed, but needs GM's permission first?

"Razz" Atanerazz |

Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Tareth- Oskar Aglund Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule- Razz
Herkymr the Silly- Khagra "viper" tongued- Warlock
Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Herkymr the Silly Warlock or Rogue
JonGarrett Warlock/Sorcerer or Human Barbarian
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Infomatic Monk

"Razz" Atanerazz |

Herkymr the Silly- Khagra "viper" tongued- fighter
I opted for a fighter but will probably dip into warlock next level and go from there. we will see what the party needs or is useful and fun or all three.
Oh sorry I saw mention of a chain and thought "Pact of the"
Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Tareth- Oskar Aglund Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule- Razz
Herkymr the Silly- Khagra "viper" tongued- Fighter
Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Herkymr the Silly Warlock or Rogue
JonGarrett Warlock/Sorcerer or Human Barbarian
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Infomatic Monk

GM - Obermind |

Obermind---would you roll for gold please?
Khagra Starting Wealth: 5d4 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 1, 1) = 9 x10 = 90 gold pieces
Great, I'll cook up something soonish.
From your description, the setting is going to be quite bleak. Are the characters supposed to good-natures heroes, or could they be shady, unsavory types?
And did I understand correctly, that options outside PHB could be allowed, but needs GM's permission first?
They are supposed to be ‘Good’ Karma. It doesn’t mean they can’t be shady though :P
On the options - not so much my permission, but please point me to where they can be found, so I can take a look.@Razz: Thank you for the list of submissions!

Tareth |

GM: I envision Oskar's role to be pretty standard rogue early on. Find and notice traps or ambushes, try and disarm a trap or two, sneak about, stab or shoot from the shadows, get into various kinds of trouble. ;) I didn't go a face route since it looked like we might have bards and others who were interested in taking on that role, but I still might switch a skill or two to at least get prof in Deception or Persuasion.
Despite being haunted by the ghosts of his village and a down and out goddess, he's not actually looking to be a loner. In fact, he's looking for friends and companions who won't run away at the first sight of that faraway look in his eyes or the odd images, feelings, etc. that seem to happen when he's around. Spirits of the dead can be handy when you're fleeing a pack of goblins, but less so if you just want to play cards and share an ale next to the fire.
As for posting rate, I usually do once a day. Weekends can be a bit sketchier, but I do the best I can depending on circumstances. I'm also at the computer and working from home most days so barring a really busy work day, I can occasionally post a bit more often should the situation require it.

Reuleaux |
When working (6-5 CST, Tues-Fri) I usually just read posts, and start rough drafting responses on notepad++ in spare moments. Rarely do I actually post from work other than a short clarification or question.
After work though, and on my 3 day weekends (yes, I have 3 day weekends every week :D), I refresh the boards like some addicted psycho every 10 minutes and can keep posting as long as I hear voices talking back.
So yeah, once a day at bare minimum is no problem. As long as I'm getting new information or dialogue responses back, can post more.

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@Atlas 2112: I read up a bit on Ghostwise Halflings, and it seems since most of them 'are clannish and mistrustful of outsiders, ghostwise halfling adventurers are rare'. Do you plan on playing this angle, or will Johnny Boy simply be a 'different' halfling? How do you see him interacting with others outside his clan and kin? What about with the group?
"An Irishman is not truly drunk so long as he can hold on to a single blade of grass and not fall off the face of the Earth."
Johnny Boy is a marriage of opposites. As lusty in his passions in joy as well as in conflict, he seems to be in a hurry to be described as 'no better friend, no worse an enemy.' Expect a lot of "Razz me boy, I can't say I'm rightly pillowed meeting a rabbit bigger'n me but yer a right good sod all the same, sir!"
"May you live a hundred years with one extra year to repent."
Yes, he is different in that he has a greater wanderlust than most of his kind (an aspect unto which he was given little choice as the underground forces that held a grudge against his friends forced him to explore more deeply) but too though he mistrusts outsiders less, he makes up for it by mistrusting everyone more. "I know this is a trap, ya daft boot."
"Lord may those who love us love us, and for those that don't love us please turn their hearts. And if their hearts can not be turned then turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping."
Coin and strong drink seem to flow from his fingers as water from the falls. Betimes it seems like he takes personal offense if too much of either hangs about his person overlong. If any were to ask him how it is that he always seems to have a wee drop o' th' creature to share with his friends, he just winks and whispers, "It's leprechaun magic, laddie."
And if any ask him about his pot of gold, he just laughs and says, "Aye, I'm looking for it meself! If ya happen to spy it do give me a holler."
"May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live."
Having always been looked down upon by folks bigger than him, he's developed the keen halfling bravery to a fine edge. Unfortunately the same can be said for his tongue, and sometimes he'd rather get in a losing fight than back down.
"May the roof above us never fall in.
And may the friends gathered below it never fall out."
Just as eclectic is his personality, so too are his abilities. He's always quick to whip out his vast shillelagh and begin thrusting it about with great abandon. Such a sight of skill and deftness has been known to cause many to stammer and swoon, not knowing that any man could wield his shillelagh to such massive effect.
Once he gets Wild Shape obviously that can come into play. But the great thing is that those are two great options right there, but then he's still got a whole full caster to dedicate to utility rolls. Goodberry is very useful for out-of-combat healing, and I specifically took Faerie Fire because of its many uses. ("Of course I know Faerie Fire. 'Twere taught to me by a faerie.")
"May you be at the gates of heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead!"*
*Many of these are magnets that sit on my mom's fridge right now. =}

JonGarrett |

Female Variant Human Brass Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 1
Chaotic Good
Initiative; +3 Passive Perception 13
AC 16
hp 8
Saving Throws
Strength -1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +4, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +5.
Speed 30 ft.
Spell Saving Throw - 13
Spell Attack Modifier - +5
Firebolt - Inflict 1d10 points of fire damage. At higher levels add additional damage.
Prestidigitation - Create a number of small magical effects.
Mending (Ritual) - Spend a minute to make repair in any material less than one foot.
Mage Hand - Move or hold items at a distance.
Spells - 2 Per Slots Per Long Rest - 1st Level Spells
Shield - As a reaction, add +5 AC until the start of your next turn.
Witch Bolt - Fire a 1d12 bolt of lightning each round.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16,
Proficiency Bonus +2
Racial Traits
Feat - Gain a Feat (War Caster).
Skill - Gain 1 skill proficiencies (Perception)
Tool Proficiency - Poker
Proficient Skills Arcana +2, Deception +5, Persuasion +5, Perception +3, History+2,
Languages Common, Dragonic, Celestial
Combat Gear Quarterstaff, 2xDaggers, Book Shield, Component Pouch
Gear Signet Ring, Poker Set, Fine Clothing, Scroll of Pedigree, Explorer’s Pack
Cash 25gp
Special Abilities
Background - Noble - Good breeding breeds confidence.
- Position of Privilege - Nobles and high society are more likely to help, while commoners are more likely to leave you be.
Draconic Resistance - AC becomes 13 + Dexterity and gain +1 HP at each level.
War Caster - Gain advantage to concentrate on spells when damage is taken, use a shield and weapon while casting spells, and use spells on targets when attacks of opportunity present themselves.
Her hair is long and dark, tied neatly in a braid or at least tied back for the most part, and with streak of reddy-blonde in it when the sun hits it right.
Azariah tends to wear clothes that show off her scales, as she is quite proud of them, and doesn’t bother with armour - her skin is tougher than most of the ones she’s strong enough to bother with anyway. The scales on her feet make shoes both uncomfortable and unnecessary, so she tends not to bother unless social niceties make it a must.
Although her magic allows her to stay clean and keep her clothing in good condition Azariah likes baths, and often smells of soap or perfume. Her voice is a light contralto with a distinct accent from her sheltered upbringing and high class tutors.
Azariah is selfish, not out of any real desire but from simple ignorance. She doesn’t really get that other people’s needs and wants aren’t automatically met when needed. In reality, she’d like to help people for the most part, and she usually gets on well with people, most people finding her needs relatively easy to achieve. She loves to talk, something she understands is a part of her heritage with the brass dragons, and she can often talk people out of violence.
The most precious thing to her, which is something she will never part with, is the book of Seriah her aunt gave her. It’s been in the family for an age and she uses it as her spellcasting focus, and to defend herself when needed. Although there are a lot of strange things in it she doesn’t really understand…
It wasn’t until the blacksheep of her family, her Aunt Azana, came to visit the young girl that she learned the truth. In an exasperated tone the older woman explained that the scales weren’t eczema or the like, but the sign of the family blood - the blood of dragons. If anything, she was tougher and healthier than a normal human, her brass skin not nearly as easy to cut as normal flesh.
Azana left her the Book of Serah, a brass-bound book that her family had used for generations as they experimented with their bloodline, its powers and gifts, and returned to her wanderings.
Azana continued to grow, and continued to master the power of her bloodline, much to her parents disapproval. While it was almost certainly the blood of brass dragons that had gotten them their position, long ago, having such…uncouth…happenings now just wasn’t proper. It really didn’t do to have even a younger daughter running around, throwing fire and grabbing things off high places with magic. It just wasn’t done. What would there friends think?
After Azana’s older brother became ill it got worse. The possibility that she might become the head of the family horrified everyone, especially Azana herself who knew she was extremely unsuited to lead. So she did what was best for everyone.
She ran away from home.
So far, no one her parents has sent to bring her back for a proper lady-like education and to learn her correct manners. So far.
And she’s having fun as an adventurer, learning things she really shouldn’t and helping people.

The Lobster |

I work evenings so in a fast paced game I am often available throughout the day and will participate fully. There have been days where I have posted upwards of ten times in a single Gameplay thread.
However, I'd like to echo this post by Jesse Heinig for further thoughts on daily posting.
How long will recruitment last?

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Here's my submission:
Aldun Brigg
Race: Human (are variant humans and feats accepted?)
Class: Fighter (with crossbow expert feat)
Backgroud: City watch
But of late, the situation has been getting worse. The amount of corruption in the watch makes even the likes of Aldun wince. Nowadays, there’s even a tax on the bribes you get, and all the coins is now falling to superiors’ pockets. What was once an easy life, has turned into some wicked power play. Enough is enough, and Aldun started to look for employment elsewhere.
There was rumours of those adventurers flocking into town, so sergeant Brigg decided to mingle among that lot. The job description sounds easy enough - go somewhere, kill some peeps, loot their valuables. He’s had plenty of training on that, after all.
Ok, not exactly a "Good" character, but the moral compass could yet be fixed :)
Role in combat: Prefer ranged attacks, but can switch to melee when required.
Out of combat: Aldun is a loudmouth, and could even take charge in social situations unless someone stops him. The only problem is that he is not exactly very good in the finer point of diplomacy. Also offering a standard set of physical expertise (athletics/acrobatics) to the party, as well as an insider to the city watch.
Regarding the posting rate, once per day is good for me. Even on the days when I could post more, living in the Eastern European TZ means I would mainly be taking to myself in the thread.
Full crunch coming up later.