About Sister Selene MarskSister Selene Marsk Keeper of the Records and Books, Mistress of the Order of the Owl
Mace +2 1d6[Bludgeoning] Spear +2 1d6(Piercing) Range Thrown 20/60, Versatile 1d8 Ranged: Sacred Flame Save Dex12 1d8 Radiant 60ft Skills::
Acrobatics:-1 Animal Handling:+2 Arcana:+6[Blessing] Athletics+0 Deception+2 History+4[Class) Insight+4(Acolyte) Intimidate+2 Investigate+2 Medicine+2 Nature+4(Blessing skill) Perception+2 Performance+2 Persuasion +4(class) Religion+6(Acolyte) Sleight of Hand -1 Stealth -1(Disadvantage) Survival+2 Tiefling::
+1Intelligence,+2Charisma Medium Speed:30ft Darkvision Hellish Resistance: Fire Resistance Infernal Legacy:Thaumaturgy,3rd:Hellish Rebuke, 5th:Darkness Languages:Common,Infernal Class:
Cleric Armor: Light,Medium and Shields Weapons:Simple Languages:Celestial,Abyssal Spellcasting: Prays for spells. May select up to Cleric Level plus your Wisdom Bonus in spells, not including those granted by your Domain. Cantrips: Minor spells you always know, currently three Domain: Knowledge Spells: 1st-Command, Identify 3rd-Augury,Suggestion 5th-Nondetection,Speak with Dead 7th-Arcane Eye,Confusion 9th-Legend Lore,Springfield Blessing of Knowledge: You know 2 Languages:Draconic,Primordial
Acolyte Skills:Insight,Religion Langauges:Celestial,Abyssal Feature:
You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple. Personality:
Personality Traits: #1: I quote Scripture and proverbs in almost every situation #2: I've spent too any years in the temple and have little practice experience dealing with people Ideal: I seek to prove myself worthy of Selunes favor by matching my activities against my goddesses teaching Bond:I owe my life to the priests that took me in and raised me when my parents didn't Flaw: I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple Hierarchy. Spells:
DC:12 Spell Attack:+4 0:Light,Spare The Dying, Sacred Flame 1st: Command*,Identify*, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt Background Details:
Selene grew up in a Temple to Selune, known for its library and schooling opportunities. The tiefling was raised in the church with a few other orphans, however, her reason was not due to the loss of one or both parents,but her parents couldn't handle the fact she was a Tiefling. Due to this Selene was named by the priestess who saved her. This woman was Sister Vera Stedd a plump matronly half-elf woman in her middle year. She was studious and knows much about Selune. She wasn't the best teacher, but Selene and the other sisters at the time helped elevate her into one of the wisest teachers in the Order of the Owl. During her upbringing in the school, Selene was usually seen by herself. The other children and a few of the sisters themselves left her alone due to her Infernal heritage and its "gifts". Her looks didn't help either. Her lavender-colored skin, ale gold bovine eyes, corkscrewing horns, spear-pointed tail and got like feet, often made a few question her honesty and sincerity. It was during this time she found her love of the books and the information within. With a passion, she dove headfirst into them mastering the difficult languages and treatises on a variety of topics. Her youth wasn't entirely booked she made friends with a few other children one of which was a charismatic young half-elf girl named Drusilla Eveningdew who happened to be the Daughter of an Elven Wizard and his Human Maid. Dru and Selene would talk and play enjoying the temple that was their home. Eventually, Selene and Dru would be concentrated into the faith. Selene would stay behind to keep the records and books, while Drusilla became a battle priestess, Devoting her blade arm to protect those who worship She WHo Guides. During these years Drusilla went out in the Moonsea region and beyond to do worms for the church and spread Selunes name. When the woman returned she spent time with Selene, forcing her out from the piles of ledgers and Books. It was during this time that the woman met the young newly minted journey man Bors Marsk. It took two years of courtship for the modest and stern Selene to warm up too and change for the passionate and kind Bors. The two wed and lived in a small room in the Thentia Guild hall room for 5 years. During this time both worked and saved to move to a bigger city and make a life for them selves as well as a family. Born had family in Phlan and near the end of those 5 years went there to look for a storefront and become a burgeoning silversmith. Selene was excited she would manage the money and Books for the shop. Her religious rights would remain, and even more important she would build hopefully a small shrine for worshippers to come too. Eventually they would have children and she would raise them and teach them all she had learned from her years of reading and devotion to The Moonmaiden. However those days never came. For on the eve of thier 5th year of marriage, Bors family sent a messenger, with a note. It held his ring and a letter informing her of his death. It was that day Selenes heart broke and her months of mourning began. The Tiefling secluded herself at the temple. Fasting and remaining in deep meditation for days. Eventually many thought her mad, until she came out one day with a determined look. Selene informed Vera she would head to Phlan. She would take Selunes protective light to Phlan and uncover who killed Bors and get closure. This prompted the temple to make sure she was prepared for such a journey. With Vera giving her the Tears of Selune, A Boom of Poetry and Proverbs, armor, weapons, a shield and a pair of fancier vestments, should she need to impress. With support of Drusilla she made her way to the city. Drusilla lead the Priestess to a trusted tavern, she herself had used a few times. Before they parted Drusilla gave Selene a book of etiquette and manners with a hand plucked clover within its pages. The Half Elf Paladin knew Selene wasn't accustomed to dealing with people outside the temple and hoped the book would help her natural Charisma shine through. Selene now rests at the Tavern, ready to embark 9n a journey to not only test her faith and spread The Moon maiden holy word and worship, but heal the city by helping stop the violence and especially hope that her husband's killer will be found and brought to justice Eguipment:
Holy Symbol #1,Prayerbook[Tears of the Moon,Poetic Prayers of Selune],5 sticks of Incense, Vestments [daily work],Common Clothes[ wool skirt, tunic],Holy Symbol#2, Priests Pack: Vestments[formal],backpack,blanket,10 candles, tinderbox,alms box,2 blocks of incense, center, 2 days rations, and a waterskin Trinket: Book to Etiquette and Manners with a four leaf clover pressed in between pages Physical Description:
Selene tends to wear her simple vestments. The 6-foot tall tiefling with lavender skin and deep violet hair dresses in a simple abada robe with two tones of blue and silver button toggles. With it, she has a white folded coin with blue and silver Moon and stars embroidery. She tends to wear wraps on her feet due to her having goat hooves instead of regular feet. The robe also accommodates her long tail which ends in a sharp spear like tip. Selenes' long dark violet hair is often wrapped in a bun, that is then covered over by a white and blue cloth coif. To further cover herself she has a midnight blue scarf that she often hides her chest and neck. Sometimes the scarf acts as a cover for her mouth when windy or foul odors are in the air. As side form her typical vestments she has a similar one for more formal ceremonies and occasions. This one has more elaborate silver embroidery that are shaped into stars. Selenes' coif for this one is a deep rich blue dotted with stars and the symbol of Selune rests in silver on both the cloth ends. Last is her common clothes. The priestess keeps the coif from her day to day vestments over her hair, as well as her scarf. The outfit changes with a simple off white peasants' tunic in a male cut. She adds a periwinkle blue bodice and a deep blue wool skirt. To round all of these off is an almost black Habit like CLoak to keep off the rain and help shield from other elements of the weather. As for her physical self, she is a tall, standing 6 feet in height, her hair is long when un furled hitting right to the middle.of her back. Selene is slightly plump, her body more accustomed to sitting down at desks and filing away ledgers, still she has average strength but is not very graceful. She has got like hooves and a long slender tail with a broad Spear point tip. Selene has sharp pointed teeth, with two large eyes that are an amber brown color that look similar to a cows. She has very angular features along with two long poi Ted ears and a set of curly horns that seem to line up with her jaw line. As for her skin tone it's a soft lavender color, that when exposed to sun tans a deeper richer purple. Selenes hair is a deep violet that she keeps up and covered. |