
Khagra "viper" tongued's page

7 posts. Alias of Herkymr the Silly.

Strength 17
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 10

About Khagra "viper" tongued

Half Orc fighter (future level 3 chain master)
Gladiator background (variant entertainer)
HD 1 (d10)
prof +2



Skill Proficiencies:

acrobatics +2
athletics +7
intimidation +2
perception +4
Performance +2

Proficiencies / languages:

Disguise kit
Common, orc

hp= 13/13
ac= 11 (leather armor)

action surge 1/long
second wind 1/long
greater weapon fighting style

Dagger: +5(or + 2) d4 finesse thrown light 20/60

spiked chain: +5 d8 finesse heavy reach special 2handed

Trident: +5 or +2 = d6 20/60 thrown versatile d8

Leather Armor (11+dex ac)


1k ball bearings
traveler's clothes
mess kit
steel mirror
2 days rations
50ft hemp rope
2 sacks


9 gold
5 silver
5 copper


• Slave turned to gladiator
• Earned his freedom using a trident as his weapon
• Once free began to use chains as his weapon to help him remember his hate for slavery and his time in chains
• Hunting down Grisn a half orc bandit rumored to be selling orc/half-orc slaves from the south.
• Remembers that he came from the south so guesses that Grisn would be a first link to finding who his family is and possibly reconnecting.
• Looking for the original slavers of him to pay back and stop their rampage of slavery

Unknown to him
2. it was his full orc brother that sold him to slavery out of jealousy
3. His mother is the shaman of the Kquillic {Kay- quill-EYE- ka} tribe who revere the great serpents, the medusa.
4. His brother has learned of his BUY of freedom and has sent out several friends to make sure he doesn’t survive his recent found freedom or return “home”
5. The original slavers was a band called the gypsie’s pride made up of orcs, humans, and of all things a small contingent of gnomes
6. The medusa witch Mishrale has a interest in him and has been tracking him since he was sold. No one knows this but her and a few, very few, close associates.

Known to him.
 He comes from a clan in the south and has several siblings
 He was sold by someone close to him or his family

Personality traits/Quirks
 Will attempt to intimidate those looking to fight before actually engaging in combat
 Fond of magpies and feeds them and is kind to them when ever he gets a chance
 Hates hot drinks as it reminds him of what they used to drug him during transports between owners
 Wears a “do rag” to hide his braid and keep it out of the way of his spinning chains.
 Usually has something to say but usually only said under his breath and sarcastic
 Licks his large canines before drawing his weapon as a means to breathe and think before acting.
 Methodical in his approach to life and combat. Take on the hardest first then move on.