Darkness Gathers (Inactive)

Game Master Edeldhur

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Khagra "viper" tongued wrote:
think I have a sheet ready to go. Never done a nonPF1e on PBP so would appreciate feedback on the profile if any one has any.

Profile looks clear enough ;)

JonGarrett wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

The link to Brass Draconic Bloodline seems not to be working for me?

Question regarding Background:

Since you have a Noble background from the Dalelands, how do you see it interacting with Phlan and the surrounding regions? Would you also be recognized here, and how? Just wanted to hear your thoughts on it.

The Lobster wrote:

However, I'd like to echo this post by Jesse Heinig for further thoughts on daily posting.

How long will recruitment last?

I agree 'partially' with Jesse Heinig's post.

Good question about the duration of the recruitment - I do not want to drag it too long. So, INTEREST AND POSSIBLE SUBMISSIONS NEED TO BE EXPRESSED BY THE 2nd OF JANUARY 2022. Then we'll allow one or two more days for those who wish to complete their characters (might not be necessary, depending on how many unfinished characters we have by then). My decision should follow shortly after.

Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Tareth- Oskar Aglund Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule- Razz Fighter
Herkymr the Silly- Khagra "viper" tongued- Half- Orc Fighter
Karma- Aldun Brigg Human Fighter
JonGarrett- Lady Azariah Seriah Human Brass Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer

Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Infomatic Monk
The Lobster

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Glad to see this much interest in a 5e game, they've been pretty rare on Recruitment the last few months.

Put more details I to her Background before coming to the city. Now working on the Equipment and Discription.

Jubal Breakbottle's submission:

Race Human (Variant)
Class Cleric of War
Background Faction Agent

This poor Damaran fighter wears rusting chainmail over broad-shoulders and lean muscles with wraps on his feet, instead of boots. His nose has been broken many times, and he may not have ever had a bath. On his weapons' belt hangs a warhammer and handaxe. He shoulders a pack with everything he owns and a shield.

Buri was an orphan taken in by Ivor, a priest of Bane, at the Zhentil Keep, who plays the part of Fagin to Buri's Oliver Twist. Ivor fed and lodged Buri but at the cost of obedience, work, and punishment. Buri was effectively raised in a Bane-worshipping fight club serving Ivor who has steadily ascended the ranks of the Zhentarim and Church of Bane.

When Phlan became an interest, Ivor sent Buri to scout. Buri says the holy symbol of Bane is a gift of his father and is surprised at his ability to perform divine magic.

Role & Goals:
As a role, Buri is a front-liner, healer, and secondary Face. Surely, there would be a Face better than him.

This is the first time away from the controlling orbit of Ivor, so he will follow the consensus of the team becoming more good/moral over time.

He can/will be used by the Zhentarim and Ivor who like the mob, you never really quit. Eventually, this would setup a showdown between Ivor and Buri, if you want the plotline to grow that way.

I'm a fairly daily poster.

mishima wrote:
Glad to see this much interest in a 5e game, they've been pretty rare on Recruitment the last few months.

Agreed. As prep work for DMing, I had been trying for a long time to find a 5e game in the forums (and not only the Paizo ones), to participate in as a player. Didn't have much luck though.

For Herkymr, as requested: 4d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 2) = 10 x10 = 100 gold pieces

GM - Obermind wrote:

Agreed. As prep work for DMing, I had been trying for a long time to find a 5e game in the forums (and not only the Paizo ones), to participate in as a player. Didn't have much luck though.

I moved over to Myth Weavers last year to supplement my PBP craving when working from home became a big thing. I estimate MW has 3-5x the number of 5e PBP games than Paizo. Unfortunately, most of them have much slower posting rates than Paizo, i.e. daily post games are rare, rather than the norm. The pool of 5e GMs and players is probably much bigger on MW, but much less fanatical (daily posting) about PBP on average.

FWIW I've continued to tinker and elaborate my candidate (Buri)'s backstory on his profile. You've most of the 5e fanatics applying to your game here, so buckle up, because they can drive/write much of the fantasy from their side of the table. And their stories are amazing!


I'm going to withdraw Kharga viper tongued. And submit Davorox (OX) Pythnilgar copper dragon born warlock.
Background and all crunch is in the profile.
Still working on spending rest of cash for the gear.

I see him as a slow to anger ranged combatant. He focuses on reducing enemies hp totals not just current xp. This is accomplished through his eldritch pact benefit.

Non-combat I see him as a gatherer of information and a link to many sources of lore that may help the party sometime. He has access to many informants and thus connections throughout the city of Phlan in which he may find assistance. If needed he can and will act as temporary face but dislikes doing so when it can be avoided.

Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Tareth- Oskar Aglund Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule- Razz Fighter
Herkymr the Silly- Davorox Pythnilgar Copper Dragonborn Warlock
Karma- Aldun Brigg Human Fighter
JonGarrett- Lady Azariah Seriah Human Brass Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Jubal Breakbottle- Buri Human Cleric of War

Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Infomatic Monk
The Lobster

Thanks razz for list and update

Its always nice to see what folks are doing.

Full alias completed (I think now) gear bought and recorded.

Her clothing description is up. But a lavender tiefling that is 6 feet in height, has goat hooves, ale brown bovine eyes, Corkscrew horns, and a long spear tip tail that is moderately dressed in all facets of her life.

Trying to give off the Nerdy Nun Mother hen vibes!

She'll make sure all her companions are healthy, hearty, and well-fed!

Sister Selene Marsk wrote:

Her clothing description is up. But a lavender tiefling that is 6 feet in height, has goat hooves, ale brown bovine eyes, Corkscrew horns, and a long spear tip tail that is moderately dressed in all facets of her life.

Trying to give off the Nerdy Nun Mother hen vibes!

She'll make sure all her companions are healthy, hearty, and well-fed!

Sounds like a riot to play and pull off doesn't sound to terribly hard either.

Grand Lodge

May I present for your consideration, Corrin Tealeaf.

Race: Stout Halfling
Class: Monk
Background: Folk Hero

Growing up in the pastoral outskirts of Phlan, Corrin leaned more towards animal husbandry and hunting than the farming typical of his clan, but he was nonetheless sought out when produce was ready to be delivered to town, as his skill with beasts of burden was well-respected. Spending most of his days in the fields with the livestock or in the woods hunting small game, Corrin made a nice living for himself by providing meat and expertly skinning, tanning, and crafting leather products for sale in town.

That is, until the night the starving grizzly bear wandered down from the Dragonspine Mountains and tried to eat Stablemaster Miles' prize draft horse. Unbeknownst to his family, Corrin had been practicing with a Hornblade, sacred to Yondalla and purchased during one of his rare trips to town, and he rushed to the defense of his charges. Managing to slay the weakened bear (with no small help from the sturdy hooves of the panicked draft horses), the young halfling became the toast of the town for months! Trading on his popularity, Corrin found his wares in high demand and started making more trips into town.

Finding himself quite at home at Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle, the young halfling discovered the pleasures of sweet intoxication and quickly frittered away his coin on new and different beverages and rich food available in the "big city". When the opportunity for easy coins from a simple job, he jumped at the chance.

Role in combat: Can do simple ranged attacks, but prefers to leap into the action and attack with his favored blade.

Out of combat: Corrin has skills with Leatherworking, Land Vehicles, Cooking, and Animal Handling. He has good survival skills and is often found hunting for food, fixing the meal, and using the skins for his leatherworking projects. He is less of a talker, but has reasonable perception and insight, so he observes and listens in most social situations.

Posting Rate: Usually 1-2 times a day.

I also see Selene taking Chef as a feat at 4th level to get a boost to her Wisdom and get the ability take snacks that revitalize her 'children' aka companions

Liberty's Edge

Here's the crunch for Aldun Briggs.

Aldun Briggs - the numbers:

Male Human Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid
Background: City Watch
Init +3; Senses; Perception +2
Passive senses: Perception 12, Insight 12, Investigation 10

AC 16 (16 armor +0 DEX )
hp 12 (1d10+2)

Speed 30 ft.
. Rapier +5 (1d8+3)

. Hand crossbow +7 (1d6+3)
. Light crossbow +7 (1d8+3)

STR 13 (+1), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 10 (0), WIS 10 (0), CHA 12(+1)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Feats Crossbow expert
Acrobatics +5
Animal Handling +0
Arcana +0
Athletics +3
Deception +1
History +0
Insight +2
Intimidation +3
Investigation +0
Medicine +0
Nature +0
Perception +2
Performance +1
Persuasion +1
Religion +0
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +3
Survival +0

Languages Common, Elvish, Draconic, Orc
Other Gear
Hand crossbow, Rapier, Light crossbow
Bolts x20
Chain mail
Horn, Manacles
Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Torch x10, Rations x10, Waterskin, Hempen Rope


Special Abilities
Second Wind once per short rest you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+1HP
Crossbow Expert Attack When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding.

Copied from earlier post:

In it’s current state, Phlan’s City Watch has no shortage of some bad apples in it’s ranks. And there was no finer example of this unscrupulous type, than sergeant Aldun Brigg. He was more than willing to look the other way, if enough coins appeared in his pockets. Likewise, the shopkeeps noticed there was much more guards watching their streets, if a small donation was made on the Guard's recreation fund.
But of late, the situation has been getting worse. The amount of corruption in the watch makes even the likes of Aldun wince. Nowadays, there’s even a tax on the bribes you get, and all the coins is now falling to superiors’ pockets. What was once an easy life, has turned into some wicked power play. Enough is enough, and Aldun started to look for employment elsewhere.

Combat role:
Prefer ranged attacks, but can switch to melee when required.

Out of combat:
Aldun is a loudmouth, and could even take charge in social situations unless someone stops him. The only problem is that he is not exactly very good in the finer point of diplomacy. Also offering a standard set of physical expertise (athletics/acrobatics) to the party, as well as an insider to the city watch.

Jubal Breakbottle wrote:
You've most of the 5e fanatics applying to your game here, so buckle up, because they can drive/write much of the fantasy from their side of the table. And their stories are amazing!

I will do my best to stay on par ;)

In general, I think the 'quality' of the submissions has been impressive so far - interesting characters and backgrounds make it harder to stick to the intention of 'starting really small and simple', like I stated in the OP, but I must prevail!

Not to mention having to leave good submissions out of the selection. Not looking forward to that.

Also I don't think I have posted this info before, but I am aiming at selecting five or six players - not fully decided yet.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brother_Guiness wrote:

May I present for your consideration, Corrin Tealeaf.

Race: Stout Halfling
Class: Monk
Background: Folk Hero

Ha! Go Team Halfling! *high five*

We kept it simple its fine. I love alot of these submissions and can see a lot of fun interactions between my characters and almost all the others.

Grand Lodge

Good luck all

Hi everyone, and Happy New Year!

As a reminder, the deadline for the submissions is today - 2nd of January 2022 - I am in Europe, but let us set the time limit for midnight Pacific Time (PT).

(If you haven't done it yet), make sure to include what role you see your character playing in the group (both in and out of combat).

Ispen's submission is in the profile.
His role in a party, beyond being a bit crabby and stubborn all the time, would be to serve as a tank, pure and simple. He is more of a protector type than a raging warrior. Steadfast and dependable, no matter what he says.

Atlas 2112- Johnny Boy, Halfling (Leprechun;)) Circle of the Moon Druid
Critzible- Selene Marsk, Tiefling Cleric of Selune Domain: Knowledge
Mishima- Reuleaux- Gnome Wizard
Malinor- Garrett Goodbarrel- Halfling Warlock
GM Helman- Petyr "Books" Oerson- Human Eldritch Knight
T'zadkiel- Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter
Tareth- Oskar Aglund Phantom Rogue
Gnomezrule- Razz Harengon Fighter
Herkymr the Silly- Davorox Pythnilgar Copper Dragonborn Warlock
Karma- Aldun Brigg Human Fighter
JonGarrett- Lady Azariah Seriah Human Brass Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Jubal Breakbottle- Buri Human Cleric of War
Brother_Guiness corrin Tealeaf Halfling Monk
Ispen Ironborn Dwarf Fighter

Interested and mentioned a possible submission
Thejeff down on their luck bard
Infomatic Monk
The Lobster

Recruitment is now officially CLOSED!

I believe all submissions are complete (let me know otherwise).

I will be mulling over the final selection, and provide an update within the next 48 hours (perhaps sooner if I can make up my mind faster - hasn't been easy so far :P).

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to quote a famous donkey " ooh! pick me pick me"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Davorox Pythnilgar wrote:
to quote a famous donkey " ooh! pick me pick me"

"That'll do Donkey that'll do."

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait."? Parfaits are delicious!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"...And in the morning? I'm makin' WAFFLES!"

This comes to mind: especially "the tick tock of the clock is logical

Dark Archive

Talking about Shrek and parfaits (mmmmm, parfaits....) makes you think of the one-hit-wonder Eve6?

I admit, this is too hifalutin for me.

If you're just challenging people to post their favorite crazy-but-entertaining youtube videos, then I see your popular-and-moderately successful song and raise you these twerking stormtroopers.

loved it.

Ok everyone, this was no picnic. I have been on the other side of the table many times, so I know how frustrating it can be not to be picked. Never really experienced it from this end though - it's no joke.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day I simply could not make room for everyone (taking 6 might already be a stretch for a noob 5e DM).

Without dragging this along, the selected are:

Atlas 2112 - Johnny Boy
Critzible - Selene Marsk
Mishima - Reuleaux
Mr Nevets - Ispen Ironborn
Tareth - Oskar Aglund
Herkymr the Silly - Davorox Pythnilgar

Please head on to the Discussion thread as we get ready to get moving.

To all the others, thank you for taking the time to put your characters forward. I wish I had time to DM further games, but damned RL keeps getting in the way. When/If I do however, I will be coming here first.

Enjoy the game everyone!

Have a great game guys.

Grand Lodge

Enjoy everyone! Congratulations!

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