Amiri zadenar |
Yes for continuing will probably take a blessing
And a card feat blessing
Yeah favouring trumpet over Rovagugs destruction so only a blessing 1
Item 2 weapon 2 are on my wish list still
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 7-2B: A Day at the Races Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Hero Point: saved
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Item 2
Bracers of Protection -> Ring of Protection
Loot Cards for Next Scenario:
Pizazz - Rhynn |
7-2C: Unconventional Allies
HP: Skill Feat - Cha+1
Upgrade: Item 2 / Spell 1 (looking at another instrument and Fool's Gold for Diplomacy checks.)
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
7-2C: Unconventional Allies
Uliah has no interest in the loot ally.
Hero point goes into Strength
Unless both Ezren and Amiri want an Ally 2, I'll take an Ally 2. If that's the case, I'll take the Weapon 1. I'm not all that jazzed about my ally 2 and I can get the weapon 1 for free next adventure, so you two can have first dibs this scenario.
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 7-2C: Unconventional Allies Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Hero Point: Skill Feat
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Ally 2
Harrower -> Noble
Loot Cards for Next Scenario:
Amiri zadenar |
My first choice of upgrade is item 2 I believe we get two upgrades so an Ally for second is good
Could be talked out of taking wisdom as skill feat as str seems more win and con very similar
Ezren - Nickademus |
-- Ezren's Turn --
Hour: Abadar's Law - On your check to close or to guard, add 1d4.
Location: Caves - When you fail a check to defeat a bane, suffer the scourge Dazed.
Start of Turn:
Examine top of deck (Gem of Mental Acuity).
On-Turn Actions
Banish Locate Object to examine Caves (Circlet of Mental Acuity).
Banish Good Omen to add 1d6+2.
Intelligence 11: 1d12 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + (5) + 4 = 10
Circlet of Mental Acuity is banished.
Free Exploration: 1d9 ⇒ 2 Tangle of Debris
Ask Uliah to cast Find Traps.
Dexterity 5: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) = 13
Tangle of Debris is banished.
Recharge Fiery Glare to examine Caves 1d8 ⇒ 7 (Metal Cobra).
Recharge Leech to Explore: Metal Cobra
Banish Lightning Bolt to use Arcane +3d6.
Combat 12: 1d12 + 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (11) + (3, 6, 1) + 4 = 25
Metal Cobra is banished.
Ending Turn
Locate Object
Arcane 8: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Good Omen
Arcane 8: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Lightning Bolt
Arcane 10: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Reset: Drawing five cards (Gem of Mental Acuity, Codex, Spellbook, Ring of Protection, Quarterstaff of Vaulting).
Party Resources Expended: Find Traps from Uliah banished
Hand: Noble, Gem of Mental Acuity (Core), Codex (Core), Spellbook (Core), Ring of Protection (Core), Quarterstaff of Vaulting (Core),
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Acc Reroll: Available
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Magic Eye, False Life, Force Missile, Enervation, Acadamae Student (Core), Bound Imp
Recharged: Fiery Glare, Leech, Locate Object, Good Omen,
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile:
Strength d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Dexterity d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Constitution d4 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Intelligence d12 ☑ +1 ☑ +2 ☐ +3 ☐ +4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Craft: Intelligence +1
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 ☐ +1 ☐ +2 ☐ +3
Charisma d6 ☐ +1 ☐ +2
Adventure Packs: Arcane, Occult, Support
Favored Card: favored
Hand Size: 6 ☐ 7
At the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your deck; if it is a spell, you may draw it. (☐ Then you may recharge the top card of your deck.)
On your turn, you may recharge a spell to examine the top card of your location. If you do, you may discard (☑ or recharge) a card to explore.
On a local check against a Magic card, you may recharge a card to add 1d4 (☐ 1d6).
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 2D: What Lies Beneath the City Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Advance to Tier 3.
Hero Point: Power Feat
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Item 2
Spellbook -> Zellara's Harrow Deck
Loot Cards for Next Scenario:
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
Scenario 2D: What Lies Beneath the City
Uliah gets a hero point.
Deck Upgrade: Armor 2 - Magic Full Plate (Core) replaces (nonmagic) Full Plate.
For my adventure reward, I choose to keep an extra spell in my deck. For now I'll choose Divine Insight (Spell 0).
Pizazz - Rhynn |
Scenario 2D: What Lies Beneath the City
Pizazz banks the hero point.
Deck Upgrade: nothing
For adventure reward, going to go with spell.
Amiri zadenar |
Weapon 2 as upgrade
And ally for reward save hero point
This was for scenario 2D
Also continuing to add in the lost and the cricket blessings to my hand
Blessings are available especially for tier 3 loot
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
Scenario 3A
Uliah will take a power feat, going into the Covert Channeler role. Now I can reveal a card with the Mount trait to add 1d4+1 to another character's combat check (not just my own).
Uliah will add an additional Spell 3 from the vault to the deck upgrades, then claim that spell to swap out Divine Insight for Divine Fortune. As an additional deck upgrade, Uliah will take a Blessing 2 to upgrade his Blessing of Sarenrae to a Blessing of Abadar.
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 3A: The Eyes Below Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Role: Mystic Diviner
Hero Point: Power Feat
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Spell 3
Force Missile -> Clairvoyance
Item 3
Codex -> Fate-reader Lenses
Loot Cards for Next Scenario:
Amiri zadenar |
3A the eyes below rewards
Will add and take weapon 3 to add Wounding Spear axe over coldiron greatsword
Will also take item 3 to upgrade war drum to drums of panic
spend hero point on power bury a card to add fortitude to my check vs a barrier
loot cards Cricket and Lost
Amiri zadenar |
3A the eyes below rewards
Will add and take weapon 3 to add Wounding Spear axe over coldiron greatsword
Will also take item 3 to upgrade war drum to drums of panicspend hero point on power bury a card to add fortitude to my check vs a barrier
loot cards Cricket and Lost
Actually change my second loot selection to armour 3
Pizazz - Rhynn |
3A The Eyes Below
HP - Power Feat: ...if the card you recharge is an Instrument item (■ or a non-Goblin ally), additionally add your Diplomacy modifier.
Card Upgrades:
Spell 3 - Soothing Word > Restorative Touch
Ally 3 - Archer > Djinn
Rebuilding Deck (reward):
Banish Prayer (blessing 0) rebuild The Eclipse (Blessing 1)
Pizazz - Rhynn |
3B-Puzzle Pieces
Card Feat - Ally [x]5
Card Upgrade:
Think I'll take an Ally 3 for the new slot.
Amiri zadenar |
3B Puzzle pieces
HP Skill feat constitution (if Im going to use my fort vs barriers I should buff it somewhat
Upgrade ally 3
or ally 2 if everyone wants an ally 3
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
3B Puzzle Pieces
Hero Point goes into Wisdom
Upgrade Blessing of Gorum to The Healing Light
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 3B: Puzzle Pieces Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Hero Point: Card Feat (Spell)
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Spell 3
+ Chain Lightning
Loot Cards for Next Scenario:
Pizazz - Rhynn |
7-3C: Unearthing the Truth Reward
HP: Spend for skill feat - Cha [x]3
Deck Upgrades:
Blessing 2 - Orison > Norgorber's Shadow
Pass on the Wand of Restorative Touch.
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
7-3C: Unearthing the Truth
My Hero Point goes into a Card Feat for a Spell. I'll fill the spot with Divine Insight.
I'll take the Wand of Restorative Touch instead of my Sacred Candle in the next scenario.
If Amiri does not take the Weapon 3 for a deck upgrade, I have one I might take. But I can go either way on it. Amiri gets first dibs on it.
Amiri zadenar |
7-3C: Unearthing the Truth
Upgrade weapon 3 Dragonbane Greatsword (should scare off all the dragons)
Card feat is blessing (filling calistra Sting)
Uliah, Warpriest - Sam P 332 |
For a deck upgrade, Uliah will take a Cleaving Battleaxe (Weapon 2) in place of his Bastard Sword.
Ezren - Nickademus |
Scenario 7-3C: Unearthing the Truth Rewards
{ First-Time Victory }
Hero Point: Skill Feat
[u]Deck Upgrades:[/u]
Ally 3
Leech -> Acadamae Scholar
Loot Cards for Next Scenario: