FATE Space - Privateers of the Trojan Reach (Inactive)

Game Master Tareth

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Is there a way to make the newest post appear at the top of the page?

Male Human

Not that I know of.

Male Human

When I step through the hatchway, should I as a player inprov describe what's inside (lots of cables, ducts, emergency ladderway, other hatch looking out over yawning elevator shafts, etc)? Or do I wait for the GM to do that?

Camris wrote:
When I step through the hatchway, should I as a player inprov describe what's inside (lots of cables, ducts, emergency ladderway, other hatch looking out over yawning elevator shafts, etc)? Or do I wait for the GM to do that?

Interesting question. I'm definitely not running a 'read from the text box' adventure and FATE is a much more collaborative narrative system. So I think if there are ways that you, as players, wish to describe certain mundane aspects of the environment that is totally okay especially if it pushes things forward in some way.

If you decide to add something that could obviously help you or hinder foes, then that would be using the Create an Advantage action and would require a skill roll and potentially spending a FATE point.

So if you simply build off the earlier descriptions and say something like "Blood steps into the corridor. Unable to see the actual floor beneath the layer of filth, his boot squelches something that releases a sickening stench." That's fine. No Fate point cost.

If you do something like. "Blood steps into the maintenance hatch. Immediately he gags at the smell coming from the ooze covered floor. Not wanting to be followed, he closes the hatch behind him and yanks on several of the exposed wires from the control unit."

This would create a new aspect on the corridor and maintenance hatch. Something like The Way Behind Me is Blocked". You would need to a skill roll and succeed to create the actual aspect. If your initial roll fails you can of course spend a FATE point(s) to invoke other aspects to increase your roll or reroll.

I also realize now that I had you moving up the corridor further than I originally thought, so I can go ahead and add some descriptions as well.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all. I hope you all get to have a little down time and relaxation over the next few days. Here's hoping 2022 is less of a dumpster fire than the last couple of years. Cheers.

Double Crap.I assume I didn't get a +2 or better means I'm sick, so I just add that to my Chr sheet under temp aspects until it wears off?"

Don't forget that you can spend a FATE point to invoke one of your relevant aspects and get +2 to your roll after you make the roll.
If I remember correctly, you have something related to partial cybernetic systems, so it could filter out the toxins.

But yes, if you do choose to gain the aspect just add it to your sheet, then I'll be able to use it for compels at some point. Especially during combat... :)

Can't figure out how to use the dice thingy. Dave's coming over tomorrow and I'll have him show me again.

You can also use the "How to format your text" spoiler below the text box. Just click the "Show" button.

As for your other question regarding Blood, punches, and Gobbos...well that's just something you'd have to roll and RP out. ;)

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

With the gunk off, I lose the boost, right? Am I also de-sickened? And if I am still sickened, can I use a fate point to get rid of it?

Blood: The gunk comes off and you do lose the Boost. You do not lose the Sickened aspect though. You can get rid of that by getting medical treatment or by making another Toughness roll to overcome the Sickened Trait. You would need to beat a +2.

Also, you can Defend against Achooie's Attack with Toughness or Fight if you like.

Why am I not surprised our first combat experience in FATE is between party members. :P

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

The lights go out. I pass the GM a note describing how I pulled the pins on Achooie's grenade belt...

Lol. I wear the combat kit of a Command Grade Officer - A helmet, tech equivalent body armor, uniform, sidearm and saber. I'm not a grunt. I wear the same amount of grenades as McArthur, Eisenhower and McClelland.

Can i try to use notice or investigate to figure out where the way up is?

Sure thing. Either could work. You also already KNOW about the cargo lifts, but those are back in the direction that Blood seemed very unwilling to go.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Should I just assume Brackenn told me his idea?

Yes, let's just assume he told everyone.

Sorry, I had a problem with firefox, and cookies, so i could not get logged in, there for a bit.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Can we throw our Engineer at it?

Sorry, I've been really sick but I'll get caught back up.

Do we have any weapons on us??

You've all got standard laser pistol's. Short range, fairly low power affairs but legal within the station. You can also have any knives, baton, blackjacks, etc. if you want.

We'll get to a possible selection of better weapons and equipment soon.

Sorry! The move included painting the interior of the house but things have settled. I'm carrying a fancy version of the standard military issue pistol.

high powered brush grinder? like a wood chipper? or some kind of hand-held device. and are there Chemicals and fuels in this shed?

A 10HP wood chipper. More of a home model, not a trailer model. Oils, hydraulic fluids, all kinds of various fertilizers. No gas because all of the equipment appears to be powered by standard imperial battery cells. Several batteries of various sizes are currently charging in the solar charger along the far wall.

May I just say that FATE and Traveller are two flavors I didn't know I wanted to combine until I saw this game?


We've gained a fandom! anyway, is my A"Avenge my coat" aspect worth +1 to rolls? and do you know if there is way to make this email you when someone posts?

The aspect gives you 2 free Invokes. Usually you have to spend a FATE Point to Invoke and Aspect. Free Invokes don't cost a FP. When you Invoke an Aspect you can do one of the following:

* Add +2 to a roll you are making
* Reroll a roll
* Add +2 to a roll someone else is making (as long as the Aspect is relevant in some way
* Add +2 to any passive opposition as long as the Aspect is relevant

And nope, I don't think there is a way to get notified when someone posts. At least I've never found such a setting.

Blood: Since the Feint stunt applies to Creating an Advantage with the Deceive skill, it wouldn't apply. But you can certainly spend a FP to invoke the Rows of Decorative Planters aspect to gain the +2. However, your Defend is already successful, so I doubt it would be worth the FP.

Male Human

Shadrick (Achooie) is under the knife for a bypass, probably be a week at least before he can communicate again.

Hope everything with the surgery went well and that recovery is going smoothly with no complications.

Male Human
Darlene wrote:
Hi Dave. Darlene here. Dave had a triple bypass this afternoon. He's doing well. He's in the ICU rm 2012 at Rogue Regional medical center. He's on a vent. They will try to get him off the vent tomorrow. His vitals are good.


Darlene wrote:
He's off the vent and up for breakfast.

This was as of Tuesday.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Also, how does the 5 points of damage interact with the Mental and Physical Stress counters?

For Damage (physical or mental) is typically marked against the appropriate stress track in a one for one manner. Once you exceed your stress, then it flow to consequences. Stress tracks clear immediately following combat and only represent minor bruises, scrapes, or other things you can easily brush off. Consequences are more lasting. They are essentially a new aspect until dealt with in some manner. There are three levels of consequences. Level one absorbs 2 points of damage, leve two 4 points and level 3, 6 points of damage. You have a level one consequence because you had 2 remaining points of damage after all of your stress tracks were filled.

This would have been more relevant had the combat continued as one more hit could have caused level 2 or level 3 consequences which are more difficult or take longer to heal. Where a level 1 consequence might take a day in a medical bay. Level 2 might be up to a week. Level 3 might be a month or require a new limb be regrown or cybernetically connected. But since combat ended, your stress tracks clear, so the situation isn't as dire.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

"You have selected. Slow. And. Painful."

Finally back!

how many fate points does Myron have?
And, can he use his Walking library, Photographic memory, or walking library to know some " survival tourista Aslani?

Let's see. We probably should have refreshed upon landing on planet, so I think everyone would have their refresh amount, so 3 Fate Points each if I remember correctly.

And yes, you can spend a FP to have some useful words and phrases or basic cultural info.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Shadrick is having problems logging into Paizo. He might have to create a new account.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Dale's taken the first step to getting some internet service; hopefully we can get him in on this as well. God knows we need the help.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Shadrick is definately locked out of Paizo somehow. He's trying to get customer service, but might just get a new e-mail to regain access.

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

OK, I'm kinda concerned about the broken jaw.
Is that the kind of thing that's going to have me laid up six weeks in a with my jaw wired up; and so effectively out of the game?
Or is there a Niven Autodoc down the corridor that'll fix it in five minutes? I don't have a good sense for the medical tech available.

Neither. It shouldn't keep you laid up for six weeks. Nor do you have the facilities, technology, or the time to get it fixed in the next five minutes. (Remember there is a nuke ticking somewhere.)

Assuming you all aren't turned into so many atomic particles, you're about to capture an Imperial starship which is very likely to have a fully functioning med bay equipped with a reasonably high quality autodoc to run it. Given that kind of appropriate care facility, you'd be up to snuff in a couple of days or easily over the course of a single week long jump.

But you don't have the ship yet....

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

On vacation to Alaska for a couple weeks. Bot me as needed!

M Human Physical stress OOO | Mental stress OOO | Fate points OOOO | Flashbacks! | Moderate Consequence (Broken Jaw)

Holy smoke, Alaska is fantastic!

Wishing Dave the best of luck. and a speedy recovery.

Hey all. I think we'll call this finished for now. If we decide to pick things back up we can, but under the circumstances this seems like a natural point to leave it. Cheers and hope to touch base with you all soon.

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