Golaripalooza [1e, Rotating GMs]

Game Master dien

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Irrica manor
GM Slowdrifter wrote:
I'd rule that the particles wouldn't fall - it's magic so gravity and doesn't apply here. Obviously anybody climbing the stairs would come into contact with the cloud when they reached the top. Also note that the tight steps on the spiral staircase count as difficult terrain so movement is half speed. Climbing the grand staircase is fine so you can move as standard if you're looking for an alternate route up.

Correction: it has been pointed out to me that glitterdust is supposed to be a burst effect rather than a lingering cloud one (which is how I've always read it). Therefore you can climb the stairs fine without any effect.

Init: +8 | Per: +8 LL | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | HP: 48/48| F +7 R +8 W +6 | Active Buffs: | Conditions:

But what if I want to be shiny? :P

Female Human Paladin | Alignment: LG | AC: 21 ; FF 21, T 10 | HP 36/36 | Fort+10 Reflex+5 Will+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders' spells/etc) | Init +0 | Per +0 | Active Buffs: -| Conditions: -
Jolly Old Roger wrote:
But what if I want to be shiny? :P

Obviously our next purchase after this mission is over is to get you some shiny outfits!

Female Human Paladin | Alignment: LG | AC: 21 ; FF 21, T 10 | HP 36/36 | Fort+10 Reflex+5 Will+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders' spells/etc) | Init +0 | Per +0 | Active Buffs: -| Conditions: -

"Nicely done!" Emma calls over to Hawkren. "Now - after it! Don't let it get away!"

With that, Emma turns and begins clomping up the grand staircase, intent on chasing down the creature, while knowing that thanks to her armor, it's not likely that she's going to be able to catch up to it easily. Though the spiral staircase is closer, she knows that she lacks the maneuverability to navigate them properly.

But she still has to try.

Double move, could only move token part of the way on the map as then I'd be on the second story I believe.

Gnome Alchemist 4 | HP 34/34 | AC 18/t14/f15 | F+6 R+7 W+4 | Per +11 (-2 if sight based)

Majara realizes to her annoyance she's on the wrong side of the grease, as it were. She curses her short legs briefly as she pushes past Sirio and starts towards the broad staircase. She may be no good against the zebub down here, so she might as well go up, where she can be no good against the zebub up there.

Double move

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