The Grand Hunt (Inactive)

Game Master Brolof

Will this be a short adventure about a single island? Or will it grow to something larger? I don't know, let's find out!

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the Will save was for disbelief, in case it was not clear

Should we be rolling init?

CucumberTree wrote:
Should we be rolling init?

It hasn't attacked you yet, so init starts when fighting starts.

Really sorry for taking so long to get a post out, an issue with my college's financial aid came up, my classes may wind up getting canceled, the whole thing's taken up a lot of attention from me.

Oh, jeez. Good luck.

Male Gnome Death Mage 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +5| Low-light | Initiative +7

Sorry to hear that. Real life comes first and do what you have to. No need to pile on the stress over concerns for a pbp.

Female Tiefling UMonk (Windstep Master) 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 20, Touch 19, Flat-Footed 12 | CMD 20 (22 vs Bull Rush, Drag, Overrun, Sunder, Grapple) | Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4 | Perception +9, Sense Motive +10 | Darkvision 60' | Initiative +4

Ah, that sounds like a real mess, I'm sorry.

I've got some busy-making developments of my own: My wife and I's out of state move got, for various reasons, moved from end of December to end of September so we suddenly have an awful lot to take care of. Everything is ultimately for the better, we're just quite under the gun now.

I'll do my best to get posts in whenever possible, and double that effort if we are in combat. That said, if you need to bot me for an attack roll or something at some point I will not take offense.

Just so I understand clearly, the party's now heading into the cave after he chooses to not verbally respond?

lets try a battle...if it's foreword than forward

Elf Female Deductionist/L.Magus LVL 10 INACTIVE

I as a player would shoot Dropi in the face, but while highly suspicious and likely a mass murderer, Scarlet has seen so much needless death in her profession (mortician) that she is actively trying to preserve life. Dropi has shown her no direct reason to kill him despite surface appearances, which to her could be cultural misunderstandings. Thus why she was trying to investigate and get to the bottom of it. If he weren't an intelligent race capable of speech, she probably would have shot long ago. Coupled with the fact they can't see him anymore, she would head into the cave and part ways as suspicious acquaintances. It seems most others are heading into the cave as well.

Male Gnome Death Mage 3 | HP 27/27 | AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14 | CMD 13 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +5| Low-light | Initiative +7

Just to give a heads up, my access to a reliable computer will be spotty this weekend. Please feel free to bot Glim as needed.

Elf Female Deductionist/L.Magus LVL 10 INACTIVE

Hello? What are people doing?? Is this game dead? It's been half a month...

I've been busy with college and a few, and waiting to see if anyone was actually wanting to continue. Seemed kinda pointless to continue if only two people were wanting to do anything, you know?

Elf Female Deductionist/L.Magus LVL 10 INACTIVE

If that's the case, I understand, but I'll just find a new game with this alias. No hard feelings. It was fun, and I actually really liked using the charm hex. I've never taken it on a witch before because it didn't seem particularly useful, but it really was! Even on the pig! :)

Scarlet Grey wrote:
If that's the case, I understand, but I'll just find a new game with this alias. No hard feelings. It was fun, and I actually really liked using the charm hex. I've never taken it on a witch before because it didn't seem particularly useful, but it really was! Even on the pig! :)

Yeah, I don't blame you. I'm not the best GM in a regular setting, in a play by post, I can see how I'd be even worse. Glad you enjoyed what bit we managed!

Elf Female Deductionist/L.Magus LVL 10 INACTIVE

I didn't think you were a bad GM at all. I think people's lives just gets busy. With so many students and parents on here, it's pretty common to have people phase-out.

Brolof, I thought you were a fine GM. Please don't feel discouraged to run a game again some time.

I don't think that all of the PCs gelled in the beginning, but that could have made for some good roleplay. But it also might have contributed to people tapping out, whether intentionally or not.

Thanks for the game, all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scarlet Grey wrote:
I didn't think you were a bad GM at all. I think people's lives just gets busy. With so many students and parents on here, it's pretty common to have people phase-out.

I can see things I did wrong. You never got into any combat, things were slow, I should have provided better descriptions to help keep things moving, and I should have poked people more often. I'm glad you didn't think I was a bad one at least.

Elf Female Deductionist/L.Magus LVL 10 INACTIVE
Brolof wrote:
I'm glad you didn't think I was a bad one at least.

Of course not. :) Alright, well I'm going to mark this character as inactive. I hope to see you guys on the boards!

Female Tiefling UMonk (Windstep Master) 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 20, Touch 19, Flat-Footed 12 | CMD 20 (22 vs Bull Rush, Drag, Overrun, Sunder, Grapple) | Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4 | Perception +9, Sense Motive +10 | Darkvision 60' | Initiative +4

Ah heck, sorry everyone.

The chaos of my move out of state just completely shut me out of anything else I had going on for longer than I expected.

I finally got to a point of having something resembling free time in the evening. Very sad to see this game died out and that I contributed to that.

@Brolof: I think you did really well with some stuff in this! I particularly liked your scene-setting and the way you wrote the NPCs.

I hope you and the others are still around for the Emerald Spire game I was running. Will be checking in on that one shortly.

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