TarkXT |

So a few years back I ran a relatively successful council of thieves pbp that actually made it to the third book before attrition of players eventually killed it.
It's been a hot minute since I've run a pbp game here and I want to get back to it with the same energy that pushed that particular book set to a respectable length. To that end rather than pick one AP and ask players to fit the mold I present I will be presenting two ap's asking for submissions for one or the other.
Essentially i'll be asking for people to vote which AP to run based on the quality (and in part quantity given i cant run if one gets like no players) of submissions given and if i would like to run with the chosen batch of characters/players. On the slim chance that I might just run both if I like what I see.
For the moment I'm looking at Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance. In part because i like cheliax as a place for underdog adventurers and in part because the motivations of the BBEG in those paths are unique to most ap's.
So this thread is an interest check and a place for people to air out their desires for 3pp, alternate rules sets, or different AP options entirely before I crush their hopes and dreams in the recruitment thread proper. I dont need any submissions or characters yet asim not even 100% on what I'm going to run.
Depending on the response I’ll likely open up recruitment within the week.

KingHotTrash |

I would love to do up some Hell's Rebels goodness myself, seeing as I'm already been lucky enough to get into an evil game.
As for 3rd Party goodness, I really do adore the EitR feat tax ruling and think it does wonders for the melee classes in general. If I was going to go for anything else, I also like the Spheres of Power & Spheres of Might that are out there. Path of War is fun but I think it has a tendency of being a bit easy to make it overwhelming.

Cam James |

I would be interested in this, although I don’t have much experience with either AP so I would be willing to play either.
As for 3pp, I would like to ask about the SoP ruleset. Specifically I am pretty partial towards the Whitesmith archetype for the Armorist and it’s ability to make it’s Enhancements on his worn/carried items semi-permanent. Things like Enchanting himself an Uber weapon, Animated Objects or maybe multiclass into an Incanter and create an equipment-focused caster?
But before I go too deep down that rabbit hole, your thoughts on using SoP? :)
Just did some rereading up on the Whitesmith and Enhancement Sphere and man… They sure hit my idea hard with the Nerf Bat… -__- I think it could still be doable but it would have a lot more limitations on it than what it used to have and I couldn’t be nearly as Overgeared as before… I can now only have 1 personal Enhancement effect remain continuously instead of the previous unlimited # so I can no longer have an entire set of Enhanced/Animated armor and weaponry :,(

Phillip Gastone |

So a few years back I ran a relatively successful council of thieves pbp that actually made it to the third book before attrition of players eventually killed it.
It's been a hot minute since I've run a pbp game here and I want to get back to it with the same energy that pushed that particular book set to a respectable length. To that end rather than pick one AP and ask players to fit the mold I present I will be presenting two ap's asking for submissions for one or the other.
Essentially i'll be asking for people to vote which AP to run based on the quality (and in part quantity given i cant run if one gets like no players) of submissions given and if i would like to run with the chosen batch of characters/players. On the slim chance that I might just run both if I like what I see.
For the moment I'm looking at Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance. In part because i like cheliax as a place for underdog adventurers and in part because the motivations of the BBEG in those paths are unique to most ap's.
So this thread is an interest check and a place for people to air out their desires for 3pp, alternate rules sets, or different AP options entirely before I crush their hopes and dreams in the recruitment thread proper. I dont need any submissions or characters yet asim not even 100% on what I'm going to run.
Depending on the response I’ll likely open up recruitment within the week.
We need to get Tal and Pollux back here. As well as the rat.

Robert Henry |

Hey Tark, good to see you running a game again. Jumping on the band wagon here, Hells Rebels would be my choice. And I agree with Archae, I'm exceptionally fond of background skills and the automatic bonus progression. I understand why folks like the 'elephant in the room' feat tax and am comfortable playing with it, though I like the ABP more.
I would inquire more about your desires with the crunch and fluff: beginning point buy or Rolls? what races and classes allowed and how much backstory, ties into traits, personal goals etc.
Also what kind of posting rate and style would you be looking for?

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I would love to do up some Hell's Rebels goodness myself, seeing as I'm already been lucky enough to get into an evil game.
As for 3rd Party goodness, I really do adore the EitR feat tax ruling and think it does wonders for the melee classes in general. If I was going to go for anything else, I also like the Spheres of Power & Spheres of Might that are out there. Path of War is fun but I think it has a tendency of being a bit easy to make it overwhelming.
I agree on EitR, or the Automatic Bonus Progression, and the melee classes need all the help they can get.

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I'd be interested in Hell's Rebels for sure. From what I've heard of it, the AP checks a lot of my favorite boxes; urban, good mix of combat and RP, very well done baddie.
As for rules, I like Background Skills a lot, EitR is nice, but not required, haven't play tested any others.
Would Vigilante be a class option? It seems like it would work really well for this AP.

TarkXT |

We need to get Tal and Pollux back here. As well as the rat.
Not even sure theyre around anymore.
Im not sure I want to mess with AbP for an AP. You generally get provided with the necessary stuff organically.
SoP is a good 3pp product but meshes badly next to the normal magic system. I briefly tried running a game with that an path of war as the main systems. And it seemed to do okay sadly it didnt last long enough to make a more solid judgment.

Jerax Hellfire |

"Well, $h|t! Looks like everyone want s to play Hell's Rebels. I'm Jerax Hellfire, devil-spawn tiefling antipaladin who's now on his FOURTH failed Hell's Vengeance campaign! Despite my fiendish looks, I'm romanced both PCs and Cimri alike. If you need an evil badass for your HV Campaign, I'm your man! And my backstory has been Perfected over those four failed attempts to complete Hell's Vengeance!"
"If I could throw my halfling opinion on cool 3PP material to allow, I'd gladly give up the antipaladin to be a mighty godling from Rogue Genius Games. Imagine Asmodeus's half-divine son walking Golarion!" [Cue evil laughter]