Shalafi2412 |
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Character Creation 20 pt buy. This is going to be a elven centric campaign so keep that in mind with character race selection. I would like a background.
1. I am looking forabout 6 players who can post daily.
2. Most classes are allowed to be played, although certain classes are modified to fit the setting. The Oracle class is a replacement for the Mystic Class. As an Oracle you do not need to chose a patron deity as Mystics draw power directly from a domain (Which is easily represented by an Oracle's Mystery). Druids must define if they are servants to a god or another form of Mystic. For Sorcerers, the Arcane Bloodline is accessible to any character through study of Sorcery. Other bloodlines need to chosen before to represent that your character has some kind of magical blood in your background. The Gunslinger class is available to only Gnomes, as Firearms are not in widespread use on Krynn. As Krynn does not have an oriental region, players may not take Ninja or Samurai as classes in the game.
3. The most common races are: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome and Kender. Other available races are Half-Ogre, Half-Goblin, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Minotaur, Irda and Phaethon. Outsider races (Aasimar, Tiefling, Undine, Sylph, Ifrit, Oread) are rare in Krynn and you will need to give a compelling reason for playing one of these races. N.B. This is going to be an elven centrilcstory
Here are some differences I am incorporating into the game.
Humans: Humans get two additional racial features. First they get a regional language based on where they come from in addition common and languages from intelligence. They also get to chose 1 skill of their choice. If the skill is not a class skill, it becomes a class skill. If it is already a class skill, they gain a +1 misc bonus to using that skill.
Elves: Use the Pathfinder Elves racial traits with the following modifications:
All elves have Elfsight. This functions like Low-Light vision but also incorporates 30 FT dark-vision.
Depending on the type of elf you are you have variant bonuses & penalties.
Qualinesti Elves: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. +1 on diplomacy and sense motive checks.
Silvanesti: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. +1 on knowledge arcana and spell-craft checks
Kagonesti: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 intellgence. +1 on knowledge nature and survival checks.
Kender: http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/23083.aspx
Gnomes: http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11074.aspx
Minotaur: http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/19940.aspx
* Note: The Minotaurs and the Elves are currently on terrible terms. There WILL NOT be a Minotaur and an Elf in the same party!
4. As this game is a heroic game, PC's may not be of evil alignment. You also may not be members of an evil faction such as Knights of Nekara. Just a heads up before you think about playing the Lawful Evil Anti-Paladin type.
Characters will be built with a 25 point buy. The Dragonlance AOM campaign is a difficult setting and a pretty difficult adventure path. You may also chose 2 traits to apply to your character from any list for Pathfinder as well. Starting gold will be as normal (Although the Gold Piece is replaced by the Steel piece.)
Just a reminder that Dragonlance is a low Magical Item setting. There has been numerous magical dark-ages where magical item production stagnated. This is especially true of the past 28 years where numerous magical items where horded by wizards and "Spell Leached" for magical energy. With the Orders of High Sorcery and Holy Order of the Stars back in business there is means to enchant magical items although such items are not in mass production.

Gaelden the Lost |
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Your post says 20pt buy and 25pt buy. I assume it is the latter, as you say that it is a difficult campaign and setting?
Also, you had me at "elf-centric." I loved themed groups. Will be making a Kagonesti Wildstrider Swashbuckler with the trap finder trait. So he'll be like a rogue...only with precision instead of sneak attack.

Gaelden the Lost |
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And built up a character. Was alot of fun! A Kagonesti Inspired Blade Wildstrider Swashbuckler VMC Fighter. Comes with Stealth, Perception, Disable Device, Knowledge Nature and Survival as skills. Constant Detect Magic and Direction, with 1/day Stabilize. Planned out his build path as well, so I know where he'd go.
Overall, have someone who can end up being both a scout and front line warrior for the group. Felt that the constant detect magic was a must-have, as it would help explain why he can disable magical traps.

Shalafi2412 |
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And built up a character. Was alot of fun! A Kagonesti Inspired Blade Wildstrider Swashbuckler VMC Fighter. Comes with Stealth, Perception, Disable Device, Knowledge Nature and Survival as skills. Constant Detect Magic and Direction, with 1/day Stabilize. Planned out his build path as well, so I know where he'd go.
Overall, have someone who can end up being both a scout and front line warrior for the group. Felt that the constant detect magic was a must-have, as it would help explain why he can disable magical traps.
Background? I like the build.
The Goblin |

Elf Ranger
Elf ranger 1
NG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee elven longsword +5 (1d8+2/19-20) or
hatchet +5 (1d6+2/×3) or
hunting knife +5 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged composite longbow +5 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits armor expert, narrows survivor
Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +4, Heal +6, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +8, Ride +8, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ elven magic, track +1, wild empathy +1
Other Gear studded leather, composite longbow (+2 Str), elven longsword, hatchet, hunting knife, basic maps (major landmarks only), candle (5), elven trail rations, fishing line, fishhook (4), flint and steel, hip flask, backpack, mess kit, sack, shield sconce, utility knife (0.5 lb), waterskin (2)
Special Abilities
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans foes.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Shalafi2412 |
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So the group would be starting off in Southern Ergoth, where there are representatives of all 3 elven nations (Kagonesti, Silvanesti and Qualanesti) who came when the latter 2 elves nations fled the Dragon Armies in the War of the Lance. Some did not go back to the mainland but decided to stay in this area. Since there are also humans on the isle there is the possibilities of half elves and other humans who have made business or other contacts with the elves.
Kender are kender but other common races might need an explanation of how they are in the area.
6 Months have passed since the War of Souls. The elves are aware of what has transpired on the mainland with the other elves.
They have also recently discovered the ancient and abandonded elven city of Baelph which was left in ruin by the Cataclysm.
If you are a caster, please explain how you have either found your faith or your magic, especially now that the moons and the Constellations have returned.
Rangers if you want to be able to cast spells, you will need to be able to find a divine patron. A ranger that wishes to cast spells from the ranger list at 4th level and beyond requires a patron
deity. Rangers are elite trackers, woodsmen, guides,
and wilderness warriors, and their choice of patron
depends largely on their alignment. Habbakuk is by
far the most commonly revered ranger deity, granting
spells to good rangers and some neutral ones. Chislev
has a few rangers among her worshippers, working
in conjunction with her druids and clerics. Of the
evil gods, Sargonnas is a popular choice for rangers
that have turned to the path of the bounty hunter or
vigilante, with Zeboim claiming some seagoing rangers
as her own.
Rangers do not form part of any of the Holy Orders
per se, although they are acknowledged by clerics of
their patron deity. They do not require a medallion
of faith. Few actively pursue religious training or
leadership. Instead, they bring aid to and work closely
with the priesthoods, churches, and cults in areas
struggling with the wild.
There is also mysticism which can help provide ranger spells.
Bards will need a divine patron or the power of the heart. Either way, their magic will be divine.
Is this helpful?

Pellarin Rathenas |

I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I would like to offer Pellarin Rathenas, Silvanesti inquisitor(Ravener Hunter, Sanctified Slayer) for consideration. Full crunch can be found in the profile.
In terms of where his magic comes from, the RH archetype doesn't use a domain, but instead gets an oracle mystery (I chose wood). So I guess it would make the most sense if it was a form of mysticism, probably the animism sphere. I'd like to think that he obtained his powers through returning more to the old ways, the devotion to the forest and other living things, if that makes sense.
That's what I've got so far. Let me know if you have any questions.

Khyber Elessedil |

What kind of elf?
Khyber is built using the Kagonesti stats, he has grown up on the outskirts of Qualanesti culture. He dresses like one of their kind, uses their weapons armor and gear, but he lives and roams in the wilds and borderlands where human incursion is becoming more and more common. He trades with humans, but knows they come in all shades of good, evil, friend, foe and indifferent. Khyber does not have the tattoos and ways of the Kagonesti, but he is friendly with them and respects much of their culture.
A child of the times and living where he does, Kyhber has had a chance to learn from all of the elf races. Even the stiff and traditional Silvanesti who’s sense of history and retained knowledge of times of myth and legend fascinate him.
He knows he is sharper than the average human, but doesn’t have the education and keenness of the Silvanesti (intelligence 12). Khyber’s does however, listen well and retains information and has good practical knowledge from life experience and actively learning from the cultures around him (Wisdom 14).
He is Neutral Good, he believes in doing what is best for the elves as a race, he believes the threats posed against all of Elfdom can be overcome with the different temperament, talents and convictions held by the various elf factions, in this thinking he is definitely more like a Qualanesti than the Silvanesti.
He can appreciate the Silvanesti Buildings and art, appreciates how The Qualanesti blend Civilization with nature, but enjoys a campfire retelling of the days hunt with his Kagonesti cousins.
I would love to write more, but I am falling asleep trying to type out my thoughts on my phone.

Shalafi2412 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I would like to offer Pellarin Rathenas, Silvanesti inquisitor(Ravener Hunter, Sanctified Slayer) for consideration. Full crunch can be found in the profile.
In terms of where his magic comes from, the RH archetype doesn't use a domain, but instead gets an oracle mystery (I chose wood). So I guess it would make the most sense if it was a form of mysticism, probably the animism sphere. I'd like to think that he obtained his powers through returning more to the old ways, the devotion to the forest and other living things, if that makes sense.
** spoiler omitted **
That's what I've got so far. Let me know if you have any questions.
Maybe a member of House Woodcrafter?

Gaelden the Lost |

For a background, I’m thinking of this. Gaelden was a Wild Elf, whose tribe lived within the Fey Woods. This clan left, migrating for other lands, when the city of Baleph fell and the dragon overlord Gellidus came. Gaeldren, however, remained behind. For with the Cataclysm, a number of changes came upon the Wild Elf Hunter and Warrior. Despite not being a Wizard, he developed the ability to see magic (constant detect magic) and he lost his shadow (Umbral Unmasking). Not knowing what has caused this, and being shunned by his kinsmen who saw the development as being a mark of evil, he stayed behind when his tribe left. He has left the Woods for the first time, and seeks outsiders to travel with, in the hopes of understanding what has happened to him.
This should explain why a Wild Elf is traveling with outsiders, and has left his own people. Sound good to you?
Could also do this, if you think it would work: Switch VMC Fighter for VMC Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline. Umbral Unmasking would mean that his shadow has a Draconic look to it. This would explain his detect magic, ability to disarm magic traps, and eventual use of arcane strike.

Shalafi2412 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For a background, I’m thinking of this. Gaelden was a Wild Elf, whose tribe lived within the Fey Woods. This clan left, migrating for other lands, when the city of Baleph fell and the dragon overlord Gellidus came. Gaeldren, however, remained behind. For with the Cataclysm, a number of changes came upon the Wild Elf Hunter and Warrior. Despite not being a Wizard, he developed the ability to see magic (constant detect magic) and he lost his shadow (Umbral Unmasking). Not knowing what has caused this, and being shunned by his kinsmen who saw the development as being a mark of evil, he stayed behind when his tribe left. He has left the Woods for the first time, and seeks outsiders to travel with, in the hopes of understanding what has happened to him.
—-This should explain why a Wild Elf is traveling with outsiders, and has left his own people. Sound good to you?
Could also do this, if you think it would work: Switch VMC Fighter for VMC Sorcerer, Draconic Bloodline. Umbral Unmasking would mean that his shadow has a Draconic look to it. This would explain his detect magic, ability to disarm magic traps, and eventual use of arcane strike.
I would be more comfortable with elemental sorcerer alla Academy of Sorcery.

Gaelden the Lost |
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Perhaps the familiar could be an Emissary Archetype. From Solinari, with the power being a blessing from the God? Just an idea. The concept is that he can see and interact with magic on an instinctive level, but can’t control it like a Wizard could. It would mean that he is blessed with resisting magic, making him have a destiny of opposing magic that is used for evil.

Shalafi2412 |
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Shalafi2412 wrote:What kind of elf?Khyber is built using the Kagonesti stats, he has grown up on the outskirts of Qualanesti culture. He dresses like one of their kind, uses their weapons armor and gear, but he lives and roams in the wilds and borderlands where human incursion is becoming more and more common. He trades with humans, but knows they come in all shades of good, evil, friend, foe and indifferent. Khyber does not have the tattoos and ways of the Kagonesti, but he is friendly with them and respects much of their culture.
A child of the times and living where he does, Kyhber has had a chance to learn from all of the elf races. Even the stiff and traditional Silvanesti who’s sense of history and retained knowledge of times of myth and legend fascinate him.
He knows he is sharper than the average human, but doesn’t have the education and keenness of the Silvanesti (intelligence 12). Khyber’s does however, listen well and retains information and has good practical knowledge from life experience and actively learning from the cultures around him (Wisdom 14).
He is Neutral Good, he believes in doing what is best for the elves as a race, he believes the threats posed against all of Elfdom can be overcome with the different temperament, talents and convictions held by the various elf factions, in this thinking he is definitely more like a Qualanesti than the Silvanesti.
He can appreciate the Silvanesti Buildings and art, appreciates how The Qualanesti blend Civilization with nature, but enjoys a campfire retelling of the days hunt with his Kagonesti cousins.
I would love to write more, but I am falling asleep trying to type out my thoughts on my phone.
I like the concept./

Khyber Elessedil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

His sword is ancient, stalwart of build, a thing of beauty and a point pride for the elf. Learned elves who have looked at it for him believe it is either Silvanesti forged or early Qualanesti make.
Khyber’s Studded Leather Jerkin
Although the young ranger would love to have a beautiful suit of glittering samite or a suit of the plated mail made of the metal harder than steel yet light as silver, he wears a studded leather jerkin crafted by Kagonesti leather leatherworkers. He loves the unrestricted movement of the soft leather combined with the sword slash stopping studs, the many layers could catch and blunt the thrusts of piercing weapons. Also, the leather layers block the wind and do not transfer the chill of winter to the wearer. The simple but well crafted armor also helps him move amongst the Kagonesti and human populations without standing out garishly.
Clearly of Qualanesti Craftsmanship, Khyber’s Composite Longbow is a thing of utilitarian beauty. Over the decades, the wood has been waxed and hand polished. When coin or trade permitted, the elf has had his most valuable tool tastefully adorned. The bow is like an extension of his arm. His arrows are true and sharp, he carries a few extra nochs, fletch, and heads along with sinew and a small container of archers glue made of made of bitumen, bark pitch and animal grease for repairs and replacements in the matched quiver.

Khyber Elessedil |
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The hunting knife carried by the ranger is easily recognized as purely Kagonesti design. No other elves know the needs of the huntsman as well. This blade is just as useful for bushcraft and defense should the need arise.
If Khyber were to be left with only one item, his hatchet might be his pick. Though not as valuable as any of his other gear, if a woodman found himself stranded in an unknown wood, the lowly hatchet might well be invaluable.

Shalafi2412 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'll throw my hat in the ring.
I would like to offer Pellarin Rathenas, Silvanesti inquisitor(Ravener Hunter, Sanctified Slayer) for consideration. Full crunch can be found in the profile.
In terms of where his magic comes from, the RH archetype doesn't use a domain, but instead gets an oracle mystery (I chose wood). So I guess it would make the most sense if it was a form of mysticism, probably the animism sphere. I'd like to think that he obtained his powers through returning more to the old ways, the devotion to the forest and other living things, if that makes sense.
** spoiler omitted **
That's what I've got so far. Let me know if you have any questions.
That does make sense.