Deathlok's Anvil of Fire and Beyond! (Inactive)

Game Master Death-Lok

The heroes delve into a subterranean dungeon complex beneath the caldera of a dormant volcano in the Mindspin Mountains, where they must infiltrate the elite military academy that trains officers for the Storm Tyrant’s giant army.

Hello all! Welcome and I will try to tell a fun and exciting collaborative story with you all. Please finalize your characters and let me know if you have any questions. Remember high level play is very complicated and I do not know every rule off the top of my head so try to make my life easier. :)

Martial characters, please break down your pluses to hit and damage for your base attack in your profiles. For example: +23 hit (+13base+6Str+2weapon..) etc. Thanks.

Dwarf Fighter 10|HP 130/130|AC 32 T 13 FF 30|CMD 27/31|F+11 R+10 W+12|Init +5|Perc +20/22| +2 vs. poison and fear/+4 vs. spells/spell-like abilities

Hi all. I was the dwarven barbarian but I PMed GM and he allowed me to change - so now Dwarven Fighter (full pic in profile). Modifiers to hit and damage added - he will always be power attacking in combat. Look forward to gaming with you all!

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Thanks for the pick! I’m really excited for this. I’ll add the details to my attacks sometime this morning. I have around 2-3k gold left and was planning on spending some of it on things like scrolls. With a cleric and a wizard we should have most of our bases covered, but are there any druid spells or ones from an opposition school that or whatever that anyone can think of that would be really helpful to have?

As far as introductions go, I’m a long time RPer with a fair bit of PbP experience. I’ve mostly played D&D and Pathfinder, but I’ve also dabbled in Palladium, GURPS, WhiteWolf/Storyteller, and a few others. I’m usually good for a couple of posts a day if a game is moving fast enough for that, but I try not to over-post if people are having trouble keeping up.

Wulfric, meanwhile, is a friendly Viking in his 30s. He’s not as boisterous as some of his kin but his love of meat and drink has been enough to help him quickly make friends with many dwarves (possibly including our barbarian?). He also has a deep love for music and poetry, and an appreciation for art in general, which I assume will be a natural connection point with our cleric. In combat, he’s fairly hard to hit or pin down and surprisingly skillful with his longsword. Outside of combat, he’s a decent diplomat and pretty good at sneaking around, and he can also reliably use wands and low level scrolls, though scrolls above 3rd level aren’t guaranteed to work (I need a 2 on the die for 4th level spells, and could actually use a 9th level spell scroll with a good roll).

Gameplay Thread is up (click Tab above) so you can dot and find game easier. So some details to work out: at the onset, do you want to be strangers/acquaintances or an established party? You all could be friends of Grymm (he is a fighter now - hehe) and he gathered you (if you read the opening post, you begin at a dwarven Sky Citadel so he could be the dot that connects all of you) or another way. Discuss and let me know your thoughts.

Linked Regional Map in Campaign Tab.

As for introductions, I have been in RPG since the 90s - D&D and PF mainly, as well as dabbled in Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Marvel, Ninjas and Superspies, and Rifts. I like cinematic action and combat - the rp-ing will be there, but the movie scenes I can picture in my head are the best part. So I will give you vivid descriptions in combat and feel free to add in yours as well.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7


Wulfric, your challenge ability does not work with your buckler, so I guess you will be dropping it when you invoke that ability.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Huh... I totally missed that Order of the Songbird only grants the dodge and sacred bonuses when you're not wielding a shield (though it looks like maybe I'd still get the normal damage bonus). Sorry, thank you for the catch! I'll have to look at how I want to adjust for that... I may just ditch the buckler entirely and increase the bonuses on my ring and/or amulet. I added the explanation of bonuses that you asked for to my profile (along with links for my traits and less common feats) and am about to work on cleaning up my equipment, so that was perfect timing.

As for our starting status, I'm cool with however everyone else wants to do it. I think it makes for an easier group dynamic if we have some shared history but that requires a bit more work because we have to come up with and agree upon that shared history. Starting as loosely connected people is quicker/easier but the trade off is that (especially at this level) people are more likely to sort of do their own thing and leave everyone else to their own devices. But, again, I'm fine with either or somewhere in between.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

I got rid of the buckler and picked up a couple wands of shield. That drops my AC to 32 normally (but bumps it to 36 when I have a chance to use a charge).

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Hey guys, I’m the cleric. I’ve got to do my item shopping this weekend, and I’ll be ready to go on Monday.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Edlin has only Necromancy as an opposed school, and staff like wand.

I also have some 25k gp left to spend.

Other than haste, fly, heroism, etc, are there any buffs that would particularly synergies with your tactics?

As for intros, being an established group with a contact through Grymm makes a lot of sense to me.

Please prepare your profiles and characters for my review tomorrow. You will be acquaintances/friends of Grymm and you all received messages from him requesting your urgent presence at the Sky Citadel of Kraggodan. The game thread will pick shortly after you arrive.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Got my spells finalized. Just gotta decide if I need lore low level wands or a lesser extend rod.

For the record, here are my purchased and scribed spells. Edlin cannot fail the Spellcraft check for any of them, including the 7th level ones.

23485gp total

7th lvl 2565gp
Mages sword
Greater Teleport

6th 2010gp
Acid fog
Wall of iron
Greater heroism

5th 1375gp
Dominate person
Cone of cold
Wall of force
Overland flight

4th 860gp
Acid pit
Dimension door
Telekinetic charge
Greater invisibility
Greater darkvision

3rd 465gp
Dispel magic
Protection from energy
Ice spears
Phantom steed

2nd 190gp
Spider Climb
Resist Energy
Acid Arrow
Hidden Presence

1st 35gp
Shocking Grasp
Ant Haul
Feather Fall
Reduce Person

Cool, Edlin. Just post that information in the character's profile as well as the rest of your character's info so it is stored in one location.

Dwarf Fighter 10|HP 130/130|AC 32 T 13 FF 30|CMD 27/31|F+11 R+10 W+12|Init +5|Perc +20/22| +2 vs. poison and fear/+4 vs. spells/spell-like abilities

My character is ready for review - going hammer and shield. Want to crack some giant kneecaps!

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

I should be ready as well. I need to edit my appearance slightly now that I've gotten rid of my buckler (which will have to wait for morning because I'm fading fast tonight), but everything else should be good, I think.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Got my gear added, GM.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Uraisa- your description says you don’t wear armor at all, but your gear says you have celestial armor... are you hiding your armor or is your fluff out of date?

Also, I think it’s amazing that out of four characters we have 2 suits of celestial armor and 1 celestial plate, lol.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Ah, my fluff is out of date. I’ve used this alias probably ten times over the years and I’ve forgotten about the description and appearance to be honest. I’ll zap some of it.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

What are some good cleric vision spells to help out the group? True seeing is too expensive to do very often.

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Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Only one I can think of is Planar Adaptation and Mass. 4th and 6th lvl, respectively. Grants energu resistance 20 to the most common type that plane deals, as well as immunity to toxins, disease, etc that come from.just being in that plane. Lasts for hours, too.

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Dwarf Fighter 10|HP 130/130|AC 32 T 13 FF 30|CMD 27/31|F+11 R+10 W+12|Init +5|Perc +20/22| +2 vs. poison and fear/+4 vs. spells/spell-like abilities

Angelic Aspect gives you DV 60' for 13 minutes as well as wings - 5th level spell. Blessing of the Mole gives you DV 30 for 13 minutes - 3rd level spell.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Spells Prepared (Caster Level 13 // Concentration +20 // Ranged Touch +9), Save DC = 17 + Spell Level
Specialist School: Divination, Prohibited Schools: Necromancy
0th: Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic
1st: Blend, Ant Haul, Grease, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Silent Image, Snowball, True Strike
2nd: Acid Arrow, Resist Energy, Web, Mirror Image, Hidden Presence, Invisibility, See Invisibility
3rd: Dispel Magic, Ice Spears, Protection from Energy, Heroism, Fly, Haste, Arcane Sight
4th: Acid Pit, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Greater Darkvision (2), Stone Shape, Arcane Eyes
5th: Overland Flight, Wall of Force, Teleport, Wall of Stone, Prying Eyes
6th: Plane Shift, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel Magic, Telepathy
7th: Mage's Sword, Magnificent Mansion, Greater Scrying

Cast at beginning of adventure day:

Mage Armor (13 hours)
Overland Flight (13 hours)

Everything else is gonna have to wait until we're already there.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Am I correct in understanding (from the knowledge check result posted in gameplay) that we won't be (or don't expect to be) just taking fire damage the whole time we're there? Because, if we do expect to be taking environmental damage right away we should remember to use resist energy before we go.

Other than that, I'm curious about Uraisa's answer to Grymm's request but otherwise ready to go.

You are correct - the 6th level of Hell is not the traditional flame pit of tortured souls from movies and religion.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Ideally, we'll have planar adaptation cast, but I can't speak for Uraisa there.

If not, I will be casting resist energy fire as my first action once we get there.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Doing some errands today.

Spell list is on my profile. I swapped a 6th and a 7th I had listed previously for Heroes’ Feast and Mass Planar Adaptation, both of which will give benefits lasting 13 hours. She will cast both of those as we get started.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

I apologize if I'm missing something obvious but I'm confused about what's going on in the last GM post.

If I can use dodging panache in this situation, I will.

My confusion comes from the whole provoking an AoO and losing my move action. My understanding has always been that if you fail that acrobatics check you still move but the movement provokes because you didn't tumble well enough. If that's the case then everything should play out as you described except that I would be next to the worm and able to attack. If failing my check means I lose the move completely than there would be nothing to provoke the AoO and I'd still be out of range to attack but without having to spend any panache or anything, wouldn't it?

You are correct - I misread moving through an enemy's square. You are moving through a threatened square not through the worm's square. My bad.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Ok, thank you!

Hey all, I watched the 4-hour JL so was unable to update the thread last night. I will do so tonight. Thanks.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

How was it?

I enjoyed it much more than the original - better fight scenes with Superman and the team - cool "ooh" and "aah" moments. Besides, I like cool visual fight scenes and moves with mooks and the big baddie.

I have been fighting the flu for the last couple of days - will update the thread tomorrow.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Take care of yourself and get well soon!

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Update: I am feeling much better and I have not forgotten this game.

I am feeling much better. I will update both of my campaigns tomorrow. I appreciate your patience.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)


Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Glad you're feeling better.

Eager to get back to wizardry and giant killing

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

I hate to be impatient (and obviously your health comes first) but any word on when we might be up and running again?

Hello all. I am still around. Been going through some stuff. If you can hold on until May 1, I should be back in full swing. Let me know.

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

I am willing to resume on or around 5/1.

I like the high level play

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Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

I predict a return to Hell is forthcoming.

And I am a Diviner, so you know...I'm probably right.

I am back and ready to go. I will update the thread tonight. Thank you all for your patience.

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Welcome back!

Perception +26, Init +13 (always act in surprise round) Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +13 HP 67/67 AC 19 T 15 FF 16 Images: 7

Happy to hear it!

Eager to get back into Hell and slay some giants

male, human, Bard 6 | HP 51/51 | AC 16 (t11, ff15) | CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6 | bardic performance 14/17 | perception +10, sense motive +14; initiative +1 | active effects: flagbearer, lucky number (3)

Hey all, I hate to be the one to do it but it's been over a month since the last GM post here in discussion, and over 2 months since the last gameplay post, so I'm going to scrub this alias and recycle it for new applications. Happy gaming all.

If the GM does check this at some point, I would appreciate being marked inactive (or having the campaign marked inactive) to clear up some room in my campaign tab. Thank you.

Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |
Wulfric Stonehelm wrote:

Hey all, I hate to be the one to do it but it's been over a month since the last GM post here in discussion, and over 2 months since the last gameplay post, so I'm going to scrub this alias and recycle it for new applications. Happy gaming all.

If the GM does check this at some point, I would appreciate being marked inactive (or having the campaign marked inactive) to clear up some room in my campaign tab. Thank you.

Same here. I’m going to check out.

Happy gaming, everyone!

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