T1 PFS2E Q1-13 Falcon's Descent with DM Deevor (Inactive)

Game Master Deevor

T1 Falcon's Descent Slides

Challenge Points: 19

Sovereign Court

See post in Cottonseed Lodge

Looking for 3-5 more players, 1 spot reserved.

Hope to start Saturday

Would players please complete:

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle):
Character Name:
Org Play and Character Number:
Ancestry, Class and Levels:


Downtime Activity and roll(s)

I will update the campaign, so that you can update the slides with your tokens.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd be willing to join with a playtest class (whichever Watery Soup doesn't want) at level 1 or 3 depending on which the group skews towards.

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@Deevor I would gladly play Q13 with my swashbuckler. But he is in the middle of Q4 which will probably end mid next week. But I would so much put my dwarven swashbuckler vs duergars. If you end up struggling to find a team before Saturday, keep me in mind.

Grand Archive

I'd like to join with Argoni, my Investigator/Alchemist.

Horizon Hunters

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle): AceBentleyCanDoEverything
Character Name: Frayley Vanirdra
Org Play and Character Number: 2395085-2002
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Ancestry, Class and Levels: Elf (Ancient) Monk 1

Perception(Initiative): +6
Stealth(Initiative): +7

Downtime Activity and roll(s): This is Frayley's first adventure, so no downtime yet.

So I'm kinda very new to PFS. Is that a problem?


I'll take gunslinger. Truth be told, my kids have a weird (to me) fascination with the gunslinger class, which is the main reason I wanted to playtest. I told them about the Glass Cannon Podcast and their main takeaway was that guns are the best.

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle): Watery Soup
Character Name: (Gunslinger Iconic)
Org Play and Character Number: 2358909-2006
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Ancestry, Class and Levels: Gunslinger 3 (The credit will go to a Level 2 character so I think I need to play a L3 iconic? If that doesn't work, I'll do Gunslinger 1 and apply to a different character.)

Perception(Initiative): TBD
Stealth(Initiative): TBD

Downtime Activity and roll(s)

Horizon Hunters


I would like to join with my half-elven rogue. I've just finished my second PFS scenario with the character and need to update the profile, but the session has been reported already.

Player name: Martin Gaudier
Character name: Elanna Elthiel
PFS number: 16625-2001
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Half-elven (Cavern Elf)Scout Rogue (Thief) 1

Perception(Initiative): +7, low light vision, darkvision
Stealth(Initiative): +7

Day Job: Lore (Scouting): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Grand Archive

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle): Enchanter Tim
Character Name: Argoni Slate
Org Play and Character Number: 1142-2002
Faction: Grand Archive
Ancestry, Class and Levels: Twilight Halfling Investigator 2

Perception(Initiative): +8 (low-light)
Stealth(Initiative): +6

Downtime Activity and roll(s): Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Vigilant Seal

Signing up.

Vigilant Seal

Interwebs ate my edit:

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle): Arrowhawk on Mythweavers
Character Name: Anjo Aroh
Org Play and Character Number: 43870-2001
Faction: VS
Ancestry, Class and Levels:Human, Ranger, 2

Perception(Initiative): +8

Downtime Activity and roll(s): Lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Sovereign Court

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@WaterySoup Those glasscannon boys have a lot to answer for!!!!

I hope your kids have been watching/listening to the Side Sesh games, playing the best 3 Adventures from Pathfinder 1e. They need to listen to those ....

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll look at making up an Inventor then (also preferably level 3, given that I'd also like to apply this to a level 2)

Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle):Sedoriku
Character Name: Ogren Bound
Org Play and Character Number: 108507-2003
Faction: Vigilant Seal
Ancestry, Class and Levels: Inventor 3?

Perception(Initiative): TBD
Stealth(Initiative): TBD

Downtime Activity and roll(s): As a pregen I don't think he earns downtime... I could be wrong though.

I'll start getting a character sheet together as soon as I can.

Sovereign Court

OK, if I have this correct we currently have 7 characters, so hoping to get another L2, 3 or 4 so we can have 2 tables.

So we have:

Team 1
Sedoriku L3 Playtest inventor
Watery Soup L3 Playtest gunslinger

Argoni L2 Investigator
+ another

Team 2
Anjo L2 Ranger

Elani L1 Rogue
Frayley L1 Monk - being new to PFS isn't a problem, we are all here to help.
Makai L1 Swashbuckler

If we don't get another signup of L2/3/4, then I am afraid I will ask either Anjo or Makai(Farol) to step down and the other 6 will make the party.

Envoy's Alliance

I have this L3 ranger that has just freed up but I really want to play as a new class... any space for two inventors? Or can I at least temporarily replace my ranger's bow with a gun?

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Inventors can be pretty different depending on how you build them I believe! I was looking at the weapon base but I can do armor as well.

Envoy's Alliance

I wanted to go construct base for my inventor, let's see what I can come up with for L3

How about this inventor with an U.N.D.E.A.D companion?
Still need to sort out exact gear but mostly done I think.

Envoy's Alliance

Ms. Bloodrive, here!

Not sure if I'm in time and/or at acceptable level (1!) but I just finished this half orc Inventor and her construct companion.

If needed I could try to Level her up to 3 but I'm likely to get a little confused x.x

Sovereign Court

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Apologies had connection issues and lost my post.

So if Roumatha would like to join table 1 with a L3 Inventor construct and Sedoriku bring a different L3 inventor to the table we'll have table 1 complete.

I was closing the recruitment there, but will put Cybermephit and Erika as reserves.

Team 1
Sedoriku L3 Playtest inventor (not a construct!)
Watery Soup L3 Playtest gunslinger
Roumatha Esthor L3 Playtest inventor (construct)
Argoni L2 Investigator

When you have your characters please dot in this gameplay thread.

Team 2
Anjo L2 Ranger
Elani L1 Rogue
Frayley L1 Monk - being new to PFS isn't a problem, we are all here to help.
Makai L1 Swashbuckler

Please dot in your characters to this gameplay thread

Will start these games this weekend if all is well. Planning for Saturday to start, but if I don't then Sunday. :-)

Envoy's Alliance

Good luck everyone!

As for me I'm in no rush, I will apply with Erika when another game starts, I don't want to miss this playtesting n.n

No gameplay has been connected to this campaign yet, but that wascally wabbit can't hide forewer!

Thanks DM Deevor! Roumatha is Cybermephit's other alias so all good for me, someone else can be in reserve for the high tier table.

Sovereign Court

Table 1 gameplay thread now available.

Grand Archive

Hello everybody!

Name: James Martin
Character: Phineas Hatt
Org Play Number: 1904-2003
Faction: Grand Archive
ABCs: Gnome (fey-touched) Sorcerer (air elemental) 3 Barkeep
Day Job Performance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

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