A Song for Silver Ravens (Hell's Rebels AP) (Inactive)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: In Hell's Bright Shadow
In which a tyrant rises, argent birds take flight, and a secret history is uncovered.
Date: Moonday, the 11th of Abadius (I) 4715 AR
Time of Day: Early Morning
Season: Mid Winter
Weather: 40° F (4° C), Clear Skies

4715 Calendar

Kintargo Skyline

Geographical Maps
Ravounel, Cheliax

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It's up to you, Dorian.

And yes, I did look at the Unicorn Sorcerer - they're pretty healy.

I will stick with my current submission. I just read Unicorn Sorcerer. Nice!

Sovereign Court

Kintargo GM wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

Ah, I’ve never played WotR so I don’t know how it ends.

I was thinking of flavouring his shifting as part of his demonic heritage (so his tiger would be a hellcat, his snake would be an abyssal viper, etc). It would not affect stats or rolls in anyway, just a re-skin. Would that be cool?

No worries there, Geraint. It's just a hint, not really a spoiler, so even those who have played RotW will probably not fully grasp my ideas.

Just a gentle reminder, though, that Cheliax is much more Infernal than Abyssal - summoning what appears to be demons will make people incredibly upset. Devils, by contrast, are accepted...

Yep, that was deliberate. He is the lowest of the low.

I, too, enjoy character creation.

I haven't decided to swap submissions, but based on the discussion I've been looking at a Divine Caster to see what felt good.

A Cleric (Anglefire Apostle/Divine Paragon) of Milani, with the Healing (Restoration) full domain and the Liberation domain spells.

No real way to hide that character or the divine devotion, though. That visibility ups the challenge a bit, but makes for one heck of a group healer.

Guess we'll see if I go through the full process which I like better as a submission.

My prejudices are showing, though, because an Everbloom's Rose just FEELS like the character should be female.

Note: Rose Warden is a really good non-caster prestige class for this AP, I think. Stacks BEAUTIFULY on Rogue, though it cuts skill points per level. Should work pretty well with Vigilante, too, I think.

Hi folks. I'm definitely interested in this game. I'm working on ideas for Chao Jin, a young gnome who has apprenticed as a healer in the Pei Zin tradition.

I should probably mention that I'm pretty new to play-by-post. Kintargo GM, I know that you asked that we not write novels for the backstory... but I got into it. sigh

backstory: only a novella?:
Chao's adoptive human parents are (or were in the case of her father) immigrants from Wanshou in Tian Xia. Her mother Xue Jin, now in her late eighties, still practices enlightened alchemy. Chao and her mother work together out of their home near Redroof Market in Kintargo.

As for Chao herself, her origin is a mystery. Nearly 50 years ago, her adoptive parents had travelled some ways up river from Kintargo to gather reagents. They did this somewhat regularly. This time while camping on the side of the river, they woke before dawn to hear a crying baby.

The cries lead them to a tiny boat caught in an eddy near their camp. In the bottom of the boat they found an infant gnome, neatly swaddled. She quieted quickly and blinked at them with large, vibrantly green eyes. With pale, freckled skin and bright orange hair, she wore a necklace with an unfamiliar symbol: a single eye with a tear falling from it. No sign of other gnomes or anyone else could be found, and the boat was hardly large enough to hold anyone else besides.

Having been unable to have a child themselves, Xue and her husband were happy to adopt the baby gnome. They named her for Xue's grandmother, and raised her in a loving home.

Real talk: I have no idea who her birth parents are or exactly where she's from. The symbol isn't intended to connect her to anything in particular that I know of. That part of the story is left open, to be used or not. I'm fine with either.

Jumping forward in time--past a happy childhood and through an only-slightly-rebellious-if-protracted-by-human-standards adolescence--we arrive at more recent events in Kintargo. Chao hasn't ever been interested in politics. That is no longer the case.

Some of those absolutely absurd proclamations are causing real harm! The girls from Yolubilis Harbour need night tea, but now we can't sell it to them. And the claims about imbalanced humours! Highly exaggerated! Adverse reactions to night tea are uncommon, almost only ever happening when it's administered in a large dose. And even then, the effects can generally be corrected after careful assessment and prescription.

Chao took a deep breath.

And mint! Don't even start with me about mint! I mean... surely, he's right that the flavour is more than off-putting. It's actually quite wretched in my opinion. But that's no reason not to try it, never mind ban it outright! People must be able to try all sorts of things for themselves, whether they turn out to be pleasant or not. And gnomes especially.

Chao clenched and unclenched her hands as she walked down the street next to her friend, then took another deep breath, exhaling slowly. After a few more breaths, she began to hum.

Do you she'll be there? The man at the bakery said that he'd talked to a busker who knows a seamstress who works for the opera house, and she said that she talked to Shensen herself and that she's going to attend today.

Chao hummed another line.

I guess it's a bit of a stretch. But I need to at least go see.

As suggested above, her campaign trait is Star Struck with Shensen as the focus of her attention. She's attending the protest mainly to look for her idol. Opera has been something of an obsession of hers for the last few years.

Mechanically, she's going to be an oracle with the Pei Zin practitioner archetype. My goal is to have her function as an oradin without the paladin. I'm still working out the build beyond that. Probably focused on buffing and control. I'll get that part figured out soon.

Huh. Wanshou is a miserable place. Mind you, it was probably nice when her adoptive parents were born...

Anyways, I like what I've seen.

Alright, I finally got the backstory in my head done with now. I will put thought to paper...digital paper...tomorrow and get a character sheet done for my character.

He was a member of the 4th Mendevian Crusade and lost his faith to some degree within it. He retired to his family's estate, found that it had been lost due to some deceitful shenanigans, and had hoped to retire. The injustice he sees though has finally driven him out from his retirement and onto the streets once more. I'm thinking, as a virtuous bravo, that he taught other duelists how to swordfight as beginners to make ends meet.

Scarab Sages

Kintargo GM wrote:
She's also the only legal one you named there. :P

Ausra's only had a few months free and unsupervised to build her outlaw bonafides but she's getting there! It's true she started out timidly with just a little public drunkenness and public lewdness. Some might mention some vandalism, but she swears that was an accident as best as she remembers.

Fortunately it's getting easier and easier by the day to break the law! It's rumored Ausra is a habitual grain waster, and her mint use is really getting out of control. She positively reeks of the stuff.

How scandalous!

And Nyxra's only just started 'trafficking' in night tea--she's gotta step her game up!

Heh. So, I stared playing with the Milanite Cleric idea.

Any thoughts or feedback (from anyone) about the quick draft story? No, I haven't named her, yet, thus the use of A in the story.

A was born and raised in Kintargo, a fourth generation half-elf born of two half-elven parents. As such, her race was never the kind of issue it so frequently is for half-breeds. Instead, she is the granddaughter of Silver Ravens and was raised within the Rose of Kintargo. These provided quite enough stress and oppression as she grew up to keep her strongly grounded and to teach her to recognize social limits, even as they shaped her world view and perception of right and wrong.

She has been training for several years as a Cleric of the Everbloom. On the Night of Ashes, A was outside the Silver Star, in a pack of other fans, trying to see Shensen. They were scattered by Thrune's thugs. A managed to hide in the area long enough to see the Silver Star go up in flames. This gave her cause to consider the potential religious oppression, and she headed for home in fear to see if she could help her family and friends escape. Since she didn't see any of Thrune's thugs, she went into their home and checked, but found no sign of her family or that they had grabbed things to take with them. Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, A fled to Songbird Hall, hoping the existing influence of Shelyn's power in Kintargo would provide an opportunity for sanctuary. Thankfully it has, so far.

When A awoke the next day, into a city newly oppressed and her old support structure gone, she awoke changed. A color tattoo had expressed itself on the left side of her neck, a simple depiction of a length of road, with rivulets of red running down it, and a crimson rose rising from that street, the green stem crossing the street and the bloom rising to touch both her jaw and ear. A sought the guidance of the Shelynite priests over what the appearance of the tattoo could mean. Zachrin Vhast himself examined her. He congratulated her on being selected by The Everbloom to work against the new oppression, but warned her that when she decided to leave Songbird Hall her obvious connection to the rebellion, of which he had no knowledge, would preclude her returning for sanctuary.

She prayed and considered the situation. The longer A sat in the Songbird Hall, the less pleased with herself she became. Finally, she was told that she could meet a man in the upcoming Aria park protest who knew something about where her family could have gone. Potentially even something about the Silver Ravens still operating clandestinely somewhere in the city. A could no longer hide behind Shelyn's curtains. She needed to leave her sanctuary and try to find this man, try to find her family, and begin working the will of Milani to oppose the oppression of Thrune.

Scarab Sages

Woohoo! An inside black market contact! Can Ausra get night tea from Nyxra at a reduced co-conspirators rate?

Possibly, if you ask nicely. :)

I'm also thinking of branching out into wearing fashionable noble clothing into battle once Nyxra's levelled up enough.

Very complex heroes and stories here! My Wings here is a much simpler man. I hope you guys don’t mind me peaking the backgrounds and imagining possible connections :)

Scarab Sages

Heya hustonj, Divine Paragon? Oh man, you're choosing a hard road aren't you?

There are a couple of parts of the backstory that might possibly rub up against plot elements uncomfortably. I might be wrong since it's been a long time and my memory of details is fuzzy, but for what it's worth.

The Silver Ravens are truly a mystery at the beginning. The name is known and so forth, but there are no concrete facts known about them. It might be better if there's no connection between your character and any members of the Silver Ravens.

The Night of Ashes was a surprise middle of the night operation. The results are clear to see, and everyone more or less 'knows' Thrune was behind it. But, there's no proof that's the case. I don't think your character should be an eyewitness.

Another reason to take the above with a grain of salt is that I'm not sure how close to RAW Those two previous campaigns were being run by the GMs. But I remember both of them being the same so probably RAW.

Of course Kintargo GM can tell you one way or another for sure.

Ok, here is my submission (Oxnard Kettlebeak)-

I give you, Malina Morne, Unicorn Sorceress and escaped Halfling Slave returned to free the people of Cheliax!

The build gets Cure Light at 3rd level, and it continues to build in healing from there-- with the Arcana, every time she casts an offensive spell she heals as well, and when she casts a healing spell (once she has them) it will actually allow her to heal twice, so I think its actually not going to be far behind Cleric channeling once she gets a few levels in.

Will be taking Summon Good Monster eventually so that I can summon Unicorns when I get to 5th level spells.

rdknight, thanks for the feedback.

An expanded version of the story would include the grandparents vanishing, leaving the parent behind as a very young child. Limited knowledge available. Certainly nothing actionable.

Thing is, my reading of the player's guide (including the bit on Milani) suggests The Rose of Kintargo would be pretty tightly linked to The Silver Ravens, at least while they both exist. 70ish years ago is about 4 human generations. Half-elves it is really only 2. Elves it is only one, and some elves finishing training today would have first-person memories of that far back, as their relative human age could have been as high as 10 during those events.

As for bearing witness, it serves 2 important points. It keeps "A" from being vanished along with her family. It also helped motivate her against the oppressors, but that part can be adjusted. I definitely appreciate your thoughts on that. Apparantly, the player's guide tells us too much as fact.

Scarab Sages

No problem hustonj.

Like I said it's been a few years now and my memory is fuzzy about specifics. I could easily have the timing on things, or exactly what we knew when wrong. As well as I can remember the term 'Rose of Kintargo' had come up, but we had no idea what it meant, and didn't find out before the game folded.

As for the longer lived races and what they know about past events, it doesn't make sense if you look at it too hard but that often needs to be glossed over for the sake of story. I counted back once on a young elven wizard I was playing, 120-something years old and found they were born 3 years before Aroden died! Sure, slow development means several decades of not knowing a great deal about what's going on out in the world, but that's still a lot of stuff seen that can't come into play because it robs the story of things for characters to do.

Yeaaah, I only get CLW at 5th and Lesser Restoration at 8th lvl, so I probably don't count as a proper divine caster.

Also, Ausra kind of makes me want to offer her an unwholesome part time job - the combination of recent private school graduate, noblewoman living off the estate, dilletante humanitarian and overindulging in entertainment now that she's free just raises all the flags for a decadent noble going slumming for thrills.

Kintargo GM wrote:

Moreover, we don't have any dedicated divine magic characters planned or submitted. That's not an issue, of course, but it is worth weighing, because I will be trying to take party balance into account.

Well You have plenty of time left, so these kind of things seems to balance out. But if this really stays a problem I am perfectly willing to consider playing a hidden priest.

Definitely interested, trying to find out what is calling out to me most. A Swashbuckler full of derring-do, out to lead by example and looking at this as a grand adventure, only to come across the sober realities of an insurgency? A Paladin or Inquisitor, called by Milani to help the people of her city?

This really screams "BARD" to me but there are some good entries there already... I kinda feel like the group would need a heavy.

I'll probably get to work on a Paladin.

Ah wait, there's a warpriest, they go "smash"

This is GeraintElberion's PC's crunch.

Bran is going to be Motherless (his owners enjoyed taunting him by reminding him that his mother died giving birth t0 him) but his glimmer of hope/light is Milani. Other slaves taught him about Mother Liberator and he learnt their secret prayers.
So, I have made him a holy beast archetype and given him the 'light against darkness' ability. He knows, instinctively, about evil outsides and how to resist them. I might even take a dip in celestial bloodrager to emphasise that side of him.
He is a stablemaster by training (reflected in his skills) and just in great physical shape but without any adventure training.
Bran hid his claws, only using them once before, to defend himself from bullies who were un-related to the House that owned him, until the day he struck back at a cruel young master who had gone from torturing a horse to beating Bran when he tried to intervene.
His only kit is 'parade armour', formal uniform that he wore when helping with hunts. He has torn off the patches and insignia of the House that owned him.

GM, if you wanted to suggest a noble house then I can go with that. Otherwise it will be a rural, minor noble house which he has fled from to hide in the city.

Bran has never met a law that didn't oppress him so he sometimes equates law with cruelty (that should give him room for character growth with his allies). The class has to be neutral but if you would be willing to grant an exception then I think CG would suit him better, it's not a big deal though.

Wow, you guys were busy, weren't you? Let's see...


Divine Paragon is good taste. I have found myself fonder and fonder of the archetype - purely based on flavor, of course, because I've not yet played around with it enough to figure out all the opportunity costs and whatnot. Anyways, on to the backstory. I do think the Night of Ashes bit should probably be toned down - perhaps she saw the fire in the distance and came rushing towards it, only to find its aftermath? I don't think that Thrune's men would leave any witnesses, if they thought they had been identified.

The Rose of Kintargo is an option, I think, but I don't think any of her potential contacts would have survived Barzillai's purge of his opponents - he cast a wide net, so while she may know some things about it, she probably has no way of contacting any survivors - if indeed there are any.

With regards to the long-lived races thing, I personally enjoy figuring out how the long life and possible changes in the world might've affected the character. Most elf PCs will have been born before Aroden died, though some closer to the actual date than the others. Take, for instance, Nyrxa - she would actually have been old enough to remember the Chelish Civil War, if not very well - her parents may have tried to insulate her from it, given that she was very young during it, for an elf - only a few decades old! Anyways, I enjoy that part, but I realize it's not always easy to handle well.

The Bellflower Network pulled out of Kintargo shortly after it became clear that Barzillai was gonna be very thorough in hunting them down. Some remnants exist here or there, but she won't have much of a support network at the start - that's what a good part of the rebellion's about! If you're okay with that, then it looks good to me.

Malinda's missing a feat - Eschew Materials is free, after all.

Oh, a shifter. Neat! Your alignment's fine by me, so long as he doesn't act more chaotic than good, I think he should be fine. More or less.

I would ask that you separate the background and normal skills in some way so I can tell which is which - I don't have them memorized, but I do want to be able to count out ranks more easily. Other than that, I like it.

As for the noble house - Sarini is one I would recommend, or Tanessen

@kintargo GM, I can set up a back up plan of a cleric if needed.

Change some stats, change backstory slightly, and I got a cleric.

No need - it's not as big a deal as I made it sound, now that I'm looking at it rationally. Like GM Kulko said - there's plenty of time.

Ultimately, it's up to you. I'm more or less content to wait - at least for a few more days - before announcing something like that again.

@Kintargo GM-- Yes, that's fine: I wasn't really clear, but I'm envisioning a time dilation in my back story. . . THEN (years ago) Bellflower gets me out; NOW (years later), having finally trained in my magic enough I return to Kintargo to try to start . . .

<grin> The contact mentioned wasn't meant to be a known, safe contact. It was intended as a reference to the Reason to Protest. The hint that the unknown man with one glove could connect her to "her people" being the straw that finally got her to step outside the sanctuary she's been hiding in.

I assumed that everybody she really knows was vanished, whether by malicious action or their own flight. The only likely exceptions would be people she knew from her Shensen fandom only.

And that would probably be the adaptation to seeing the fire. Out with a group of fans after some kind of event. Even justifies being close enough for the fire to demand attention.

The Anglefire Apostle, dropping holy flames across the battlefield as part of healing your companions, is just a cool effect. As it requires not using your most powerful healing, there's an obvious drawback. But it also provides a conversion of channel energy to clear status effects, which seems like a really big deal.

But, Divine Paragon of Milani just FEELS like the right kind of approach to this. Makes it almost impossible for the character to do anything other than stand in opposition, eventually. People can delay and waffle for far longer than they should.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Malinda Marne wrote:
@Kintargo GM-- Yes, that's fine: I wasn't really clear, but I'm envisioning a time dilation in my back story. . . THEN (years ago) Bellflower gets me out; NOW (years later), having finally trained in my magic enough I return to Kintargo to try to start . . .

They were here up until a few weeks ago, but if she's just arrived in Kintargo since then, she wouldn't be able to make any contact with the ones she once knew. That's probably for the best, though.

Tavarokk wrote:
the combination of recent private school graduate, noblewoman living off the estate, dilletante humanitarian and overindulging in entertainment now that she's free just raises all the flags for a decadent noble going slumming for thrills.

Ha! Can I just quote you on my character sheet and save myself some writing?

Part-time? Sounds okay. Is it easy? Do I always have to show up?

Hi, I'm completely new to the forums, (although not to pathfinder), but Hell's Rebels is one of the APs I've really wanted to try. I just figured I'd ask if you'd consider a newbie before I did a full write-up. You've got plenty of good options already and I wouldn't blame you for wanting to stick with more established players.

If you're okay with me applying I'm thinking something simple; a human slayer whose parents disappeared during the Night of Ashes and is looking for answers. Combat role would be a frontliner focused heavily on demoralizing enemies via Intimidate. Out of combat role would probably be akin to a rogue, (stealth, traps, etc.) but could be altered based on party composition.

Newbies are most welcome, ClearSpring - especially if it's just to the forums, and not Pathfinder in general. I can't guarantee your acceptance, of course, but I can promise you a fair chance!

Note: Newbies to Pathfinder are welcome too, but I'm somewhat rusty at the mechanics, so I'm probably not the best person to learn the rules from.

Ausra Delronge wrote:
Ha! Can I just quote you on my character sheet and save myself some writing?

By all means ^_^

Ausra Delronge wrote:
Part-time? Sounds okay. Is it easy? Do I always have to show up?

Apparently, it involves putting on a fancy, mysterious opera mask and trying not to forget your etiquette and comportment lessons in order to make the right impression while partying around in various, progressing states of undress - bonus points if you can sing or dance or are a happy drunk. And I'm sure pay by the hour can be arranged.

Tavarokk wrote:

Apparently, it involves putting on a fancy, mysterious opera mask and trying not to forget your etiquette and comportment lessons in order to make the right impression while partying around in various, progressing states of undress - bonus points if you can sing or dance or are a happy drunk.

Ha! I've got +8 modifiers on both Perform (sing) and Perform (dance) checks! Maybe I'll use my bonus points to bump up my Strength some! Wait--I could instead get both my Dex and Cha up to 18 at 1st level! Neat! How many points do I get, anyways?

From the district of the Greens in northeast Kintargo, emanating from the villa of the prestigious Aulamaxa clan, the booming yet somehow shrill voice of Archbaroness Eldonna can be heard throughout the city: "You need Wisdom, child! Seriously--WISDOM!"

Hey, wait a minute.... How do you know about the expanded backstory Ausra and I have been working on when neither of us has posted it yet??!!

Strip clubs? In my Kintargo?

Honestly, I'm surprised it took them this long to set up.

If the points question is legitimate (I don't think it is), it is 25 points. :P

Kintargo has strip clubs? Of course they do; and I made a Monk!

They're probably mostly Calistrian, though. Most likely looked on in suspicion or outright illegal, 'cause, well. Thrune.

Kintargo GM wrote:

Strip clubs? In my Kintargo?

Honestly, I'm surprised it took them this long to set up.

I mean, 'dance hall' is apparently a polite euphemism for anything from a cabaret to a full on brothel, and there's a whole bunch of them around going by Three-Legged Devil's description on pathfinderwiki, so...

Jessibel L. Aulamaxa wrote:

Ha! I've got +8 modifiers on both Perform (sing) and Perform (dance) checks! Maybe I'll use my bonus points to bump up my Strength some! Wait--I could instead get both my Dex and Cha up to 18 at 1st level! Neat! How many points do I get, anyways?

From the district of the Greens in northeast Kintargo, emanating from the villa of the prestigious Aulamaxa clan, the booming yet somehow shrill voice of Archbaroness Eldonna can be heard throughout the city: "You need Wisdom, child! Seriously--WISDOM!"

Hey, wait a minute.... How do you know about the expanded backstory Ausra and I have been working on when neither of us has posted it yet??!!

You guys sound like a fun bunch, too bad we're from too different social circles to meet, unless you somehow happen on Camilla's workplace to being with.

Tavarokk wrote:
Apparently, it involves putting on a fancy, mysterious opera mask and trying not to forget your etiquette and comportment lessons in order to make the right impression while partying around in various, progressing states of undress - bonus points if you can sing or dance or are a happy drunk. And I'm sure pay by the hour can be arranged.

It all sounded pretty good until the 'progressing states of undress' part. That sounds sleazy.

I mean if something happens it happens, and it's all in good fun. There was this one time when a couple of guys talked me into flashing them. They said they'd give me a bunch of beaded necklaces in return, said it was a tradition. They didn't give me anything at all! Turns out that's not even a Kintargo thing, it's from some other city.

I got mad and punched them, but they bought me a drink and eventually we all laughed about it.

But planning it ahead of time for money? I'll have to pass thanks.

What Tavarokk said.

And yeah, the whole points thing was just Jessibel being a goofy ditz. Wisdom is indeed her lowest stat...and it occasionally shows. :)

Quite a few potential shared interests between our characters...and some interesting possibilities with other characters that have been posted as well.

Since Ausra threw out the idea of tying together character backgrounds for the purpose of taking the Tagging Along reason to protest (and since I've played with rdknight in a couple of forum games), I reached out with some ideas and we've been comparing notes and intertwining their backstories a bit.

Not a joint submission (i.e. - Take both of us or neither of us), but more of a "This is one possibility or example of how these characters might function as part of a Hell's Rebels team."

P.S. (for Ausra) - Apparently, Jessibel's sleazy, as she'd consider 'progressing states of undress' as one of the sacrifices one must make for the greater good of the Art. You might want to find a new roomie. ;)

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They both sound like the sort of person Nyxra's had to wrangle before. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You guys are making Thrune blush...lol.

Nah, if Jessibel wants to that's cool. But Ausra would be way too nervous and embarrassed.

@Tavarokk: If Camilla works at the Three-Legged Devil she'd know who Ausra and Jessibel are, it's one of their spots.

Ausra is the taller blonde one who tends to let her friend take the lead. She's usually inebriated and loves those little sticks with a Light spell the bardic school kids sell for a few coppers. Nothing more fun than waving a glowing stick around while you dance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh gods, Chelish raves...

Why must you present an argument in favor of Barzilai's reign?!

You know that they're either incredibly boring, or an absurdly dangerous proposition.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kintargo GM wrote:
You know that they're either incredibly boring, or an absurdly dangerous proposition.

Either way, you also know he's gonna ban 'em.

Kintargo GM wrote:
They're probably mostly Calistrian, though. Most likely looked on in suspicion or outright illegal, 'cause, well. Thrune.

Avatar has Houses of Negotiatable Affection.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

Oh gods, Chelish raves...

Why must you present an argument in favor of Barzilai's reign?!

You just don't know how to be fabulous.

Scarab Sages

Beorn the Divine wrote:
Kintargo GM wrote:
They're probably mostly Calistrian, though. Most likely looked on in suspicion or outright illegal, 'cause, well. Thrune.
Avatar has Houses of Negotiatable Affection.

That has got to be one of the most beautiful euphemisms I have ever heard.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
rdknight wrote:
Beorn the Divine wrote:
Kintargo GM wrote:
They're probably mostly Calistrian, though. Most likely looked on in suspicion or outright illegal, 'cause, well. Thrune.
Avatar has Houses of Negotiatable Affection.
That is one of the most beautiful euphemisms I have ever heard.

Thank Sir Terry Pratchett.

Ausra Delronge wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

Oh gods, Chelish raves...

Why must you present an argument in favor of Barzilai's reign?!

You just don't know how to be fabulous.

There is evidence in support of your claim...

Ausra Delronge wrote:

@Tavarokk: If Camilla works at the Three-Legged Devil she'd know who Ausra and Jessibel are, it's one of their spots.

Nah, that one has a named proprietor that sounds potentially relevant to the plot and of whom I couldn't find any details to see if I could fit in. So it's one of the others, I'm thinking somewhere in the area between the main port, the academy and the noble quarter gate.

Also, you might want to check where Three-Legged Devil lands on the dance hall scale (that is to say, which services it prioritizes), I've been unable to find that also.

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